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billede navn det modsatte af item tilfælde af del af underklasse til
+ - Q6265342 matematisk symbol plus and minus signs
matematisk symbol
- + Q10764194 matematisk symbol
plus and minus signs
matematisk symbol
0 0
Q204 trekanttal
ikke-positiv heltal
lige tal
ikke-negativt heltal
0 number class
automorphic number
additive identity
naturligt tal
singleton of 0
1 many Q199 naturligt tal
automorphic number
ulige tal
centered triangular number
centered cube number
centered decagonal number
centered dodecahedral number
centered heptagonal number
centered hexagonal number
centered icosahedral number
centered nonagonal number
centered octagonal number
centered octahedral number
centered pentachoric number
centered pentagonal number
centered square number
centered tetrahedral number
dodecahedral number
decagonal number
dodecagonal number
heptagonal number
heptagonal pyramidal number
hexagonal number
hexagonal pyramidal number
icosahedral number
nonagonal number
octagonal number
pentagonal number
pentagonal pyramidal number
pentatope number
square pyramidal number
square triangular number
star number
stella octangula number
tetrahedral number
power of 1000
ikke-negativt heltal
fourth power
fifth power
sixth power
seventh power
Mersenne number
multiplicative identity
coherent SI unit
dimensionless unit
eighth power
ninth power
mængdemål billionth Q16021 naturligt tal
lige tal
sammensat tal
positive power of ten
power of 1000
store tal
ninth power
15. østlige længdekreds 15. vestlige længdekreds Q2700643 meridian
16 sekstendedel Q40254 naturligt tal
sammensat tal
lige tal
centered pentagonal number
16:9 9:16 Q1383069 bredde-højdeformat
180. længdekreds prime meridian Q838283 meridian
1964 Summer Olympics opening ceremony 1964 Summer Olympics closing ceremony Q11524092 Olympic Games opening ceremony Sommer-OL 1964
1992 Summer Olympics opening ceremony 1992 Summer Olympics closing ceremony Q5762601 Olympic Games opening ceremony sommer-OL 1992
1:2 2:1 Q98946935 bredde-højdeformat
2010 Rogers Cup (women) 2010 Rogers Cup (men) Q1452529 Canadian Open (women)
kønnet tennisturnering
Rogers Cup 2010
WTA Tour 2010
WTA Premier Five
2010 Winter Paralympics opening ceremony 2010 Winter Paralympics closing ceremony Q4618870 åbningsceremoni Paralympiske vinterlege 2010
2012 Summer Olympics closing ceremony Jordan Duckitt Q1146933 Olympic Games closing ceremony sommer-OL 2012
2022 Winter Olympics Parade of Nations 2022 Winter Olympics closing ceremony flag bearers Q109229640 Wikimedia-liste
Olympics Parade of Nations‎
2022 Winter Olympics opening ceremony
2022 Winter Olympics opening ceremony 2022 Winter Olympics closing ceremony Q108939985 Olympic Games opening ceremony Vinter-OL 2022
2:1 1:2 Q4218095 bredde-højdeformat
cinema film format
3 −3
Q201 primtal
naturligt tal
ulige tal
Cantor number
Mersenne number
near-square prime
ikke-negativt heltal
power of three
primorial prime
Euclid number
3-D-film 2D film Q229390 type of cinematic work film
3:2 2:3 Q20970431 bredde-højdeformat
3D-printning maskinel forarbejdning Q229367 production process
production engineering
Additiv fremstilling
4 −4
Q202 naturligt tal
sammensat tal
Defektivt tal
lige tal
centered triangular number
tetrahedral number
strictly non-palindromic number
4:3 3:4 Q20970432 bredde-højdeformat
4:5 5:4 Q98704574 bredde-højdeformat
5:7 7:5 Q98947422 bredde-højdeformat
7:9 9:7 Q97650580 bredde-højdeformat
:( :) Q114989257 humørikon
:) :( Q114987894 humørikon
AC power socket stikprop Q24237712 vekselstrømstik electrical receptacle
ASIC bearbejdningsenhed Q217302 integreret kredsløb
AV idol male AV actor Q1079215 beskæftigelse model
Japanese idol
Abduktion adduction Q308502 muscle movement
Absolut nulpunkt absolute hot Q81182 Termodynamisk temperatur
Abstinens menneskelig aktivitet
Q210978 menneskelig adfærd valg
Ad orientem Versus populum Q345757 skik liturgi
African-American men African-American women Q106353292 ethnic gender group afroamerikaner
black men
Aftenskole dagskole Q319004 Adult School
Akromegali acromicria Q189580 sjælden sygdom
Aktionspotential hvilemembranpotentiale Q194277 biologisk proces regulation of membrane potential
bioelectric potential difference
Al-Ghaib nærvær
Q1977474 religiøst koncept
aqidah Pillars of faith in Islam
Algeria women's national goalball team Algeria men's national goalball team Q16154097 landshold
Aliasering antialiasing Q868732 resultat Artefakt
Aliyah Yerida Q597260 immigration by country mass migration
Allel nonallelic gene Q80726 genetik sequence variant
Allied prisoners of war in the Far East and Pacific Japanese prisoners of war in World War II Q97816799 krigsforbrydelse Stillehavskrigen prisoners of war in World War II
Alt-right alt-left Q23018230 politisk ideologi
social bevægelse
hvid overherredømme
white nationalism
Ambidekstral håndethed Q457332 lateralitet footedness
Amerindian gay men Amerindian lesbians Q108866835 bøsse
Amerikas oprindelige folk
Amerindian lesbians Amerindian gay men Q108866838 lesbianisme lesbisk
Amerindian men Amerindian women Q109328851 mand
Amerikas oprindelige folk
Amerindian women Amerindian men Q109108763 kvinde
Amerikas oprindelige folk
Amorf crystallinity Q103382 crystal system krystalstruktur
Ampelfrau Ampelmännchen Q271862 pedestrian signal
Ampelmännchen Ampelfrau Q170097 pedestrian signal
Anaerob respiration aerobic respiration Q181713 biologisk proces Aerob respiration
Anno Domini Ante Christum Q159791 årstal
Anslag (tekst) visual typing Q184620 typing
Antarctic Arktis Q1555938 region
beskyttet område
part of the world
Jordens polarområder
Antarctic Circle Nordlige polarcirkel Q182657 Polarkreds
Anti-German sentiment Germanophile Q2092833 sentiment
Anti-racisme racisme Q582965 politisk ideologi
social bevægelse
social retfærdighed
social action
Anticyklon Højtryk og lavtryk Q177414 pressure system
type af meteorologisk fænomen
meteorologisk fænomen
Antifascisme fascisme Q210189 politisk bevægelse politisk bevægelse
Antiintellektualisme intellectualisme Q575959 attitude
Antikatolicisme katolicisme Q1063123 fobi
politisk ideologi
religious intolerance
Antikrist Jesus Q174546 bibelsk figur
litterær person
eschatological figure
Christian eschatology
Antipodes Island Group Cherbourg Q503712 øgruppe
New Zealand Subantarctic Islands
Antireligiøs religion Q565005 verdensbillede irreligion
Aorta ascendens hulvene Q2349469 arterie
class of anatomical entity
aorta segment of thoracic aorta
particular anatomical entity
Aperitif Digestif Q192150 drik alkoholiske drikkevarer
Aphrodite Pandemos Aphrodite Urania Q4779733 græsk gud
oldgræsk religion
Apostolic Nunciature in Taipei Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan), Holy See Q12784970 apostolic nunciature
Apostolic Nunciature to Albania Embassy of Albania, Holy See Q3879488 apostolic nunciature
historisk sted
Apostolic Nunciature to Australia embassy of Australia to the Holy See Q6960346 apostolic nunciature
Apostolic Nunciature to Austria embassy of Austria to the Holy See Q2451940 apostolic nunciature
Apostolic Nunciature to Bosnia and Herzegovina embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Holy See Q4780643 apostolic nunciature
Apostolic Nunciature to Brazil embassy of Brazil to the Holy See Q3915078 apostolic nunciature
Apostolic Nunciature to Bulgaria Embassy of Bulgaria to the Holy See Q620161 apostolic nunciature
Apostolic Nunciature to Colombia Embassy of Colombia, Holy See Q4120860 apostolic nunciature
Apostolic Nunciature to East Timor embassy of East Timor to the Holy See Q19932599 apostolic nunciature
Apostolic Nunciature to France Embassy of France, Holy See Q2455958 apostolic nunciature
Apostolic Nunciature to Germany Embassy of Germany to the Holy See Q554579 apostolic nunciature
Apostolic Nunciature to Great Britain Embassy of the United Kingdom to the Holy See Q7069786 apostolic nunciature
almennyttig organisation
Apostolic Nunciature to Hungary Hungarian embassy, Holy See Q11794172 apostolic nunciature
Apostolic Nunciature to Indonesia embassy of Indonesia to the Holy See Q14664852 apostolic nunciature
Apostolic Nunciature to Iran embassy of Iran to the Holy See Q11794173 apostolic nunciature
Apostolic Nunciature to Israel embassy of Israel to the Holy See Q2946779 apostolic nunciature
Apostolic Nunciature to Japan Embassy of Japan to the Holy See Q12784968 apostolic nunciature
Apostolic Nunciature to Lithuania embassy of Lithuania to the Holy See Q19932615 apostolic nunciature
Apostolic Nunciature to Mexico embassy of Mexico to the Holy See Q620162 apostolic nunciature
Apostolic Nunciature to Poland Embassy of Poland to the Holy See Q1992500 apostolic nunciature
Apostolic Nunciature to Romania embassy of Romania to the Holy See Q16583144 apostolic nunciature
Apostolic Nunciature to Russia Embassy of Russia to the Holy See Q2388539 apostolic nunciature
Apostolic Nunciature to South Korea Embassy of South Korea to the Holy See Q12785009 apostolic nunciature
Apostolic Nunciature to Spain Embassy of Spain to the Holy See Q1993290 apostolic nunciature
Apostolic Nunciature to Switzerland embassy of Switzerland to the Holy See Q3087832 apostolic nunciature
Apostolic Nunciature to Ukraine Embassy of Ukraine, Vatican City Q617057 apostolic nunciature
Apostolic Nunciature to Uruguay embassy of Uruguay to the Holy See Q12785035 apostolic nunciature
Apostolic Nunciature to the Czech Republic embassy of Czech Republic to the Holy See Q4780653 apostolic nunciature
Apostolic Nunciature to the United States Embassy of the United States to the Holy See Q3019751 apostolic nunciature
Araber Ajam Q35323 etnisk gruppe Semit Semit
peoples of the Quran
Arbejdsdyr kæledyr Q228534 productive animal
Argentina Trade and Cultural Office Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Argentina Q25349283 de facto embassy
Arianisme Treenigheden Q83922 Religiøs tro kætteri
Arktis Antarctic Q25322 part of the world
Jordens polarområder
Armenian Embassy to Switzerland Embassy of Switzerland in Armenia Q100906222 ambassade
Armenian Embassy, Prague Embassy of Czech Republic, Yerevan Q31194240 ambassade
Armenian genocide recognition benægtelse af det armenske folkedrab Q2748640 Genocide recognition politics
Arteriole venule Q501908 class of anatomical entity blodåre microvessel
segment of arterial tree organ
particular anatomical entity
Aseksualitet allosexuality Q724351 seksuel orientering a-spec
asexual spectrum
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line symmetric digital subscriber line Q161618 teknologi Digital subscriber line
Athari filosofi Q638043 Islamic sciences
Islamic Heritage
Australian Embassy Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Canberra Q11668251 ambassade
Government body of Australia
Australian Embassy and Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Austria embassy of Austria in Australia Q23891480 ambassade
Government body of Australia
Australian House of Representatives Australian Senate Q783401 Repræsentanternes hus
folkevalgt lovgivende forsamling
Australiens parlament
Australian Senate Australian House of Representatives Q783330 Senat
folkevalgt lovgivende forsamling
Australiens parlament
Automatvåben non-automatic firearm
semi-automatic firearm
Q1663630 weapon functional class skydevåben
repeating firearm
Aviación Nacional Spanish Republican Air Force Q4828515 luftvåben armed forces of the Nationalist faction in the Spanish Civil War
Nationalist faction
B kryds Q7001368 uheld
B unit A unit Q282339 lokomotiv
B-menneske A-menneske Q3272661 menneske
BS 1363 plug BS 1363 socket Q24288744 BS 1363 stikprop
BS 1363 socket BS 1363 plug Q24288767 BS 1363 AC power socket
Backspace-tast delete key Q798515 computer key
Bak Poop Q357447 skibsdel
maritimt udtryk
Bangladesh embassy in Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Dhaka Q52213274 ambassade
Basic Multilingual Plane supplementary plane Q841177 Unicode plane
allocated plane
Bechdeltest reverse Bechdel Test Q4165246 representation test
Betydende cifre spurious digit Q1056761 tal
Bevidstløshed bevidsthed Q12829165 symptom eller tegn tilstand
neurological and physiological symptom
alteration of consciousness
Bharatiya Janata Party Indian National Congress Q10230 politisk parti
Big Tech alt-tech Q3122864 akronym
Binding skewer Q828074 teknik
chess terminology
chess tactic
chess attack
Biocønose technocenosis Q184806 biogeocenosis ecological community
Bishoujo Bishounen Q240614 human physical appearance pige
Bishounen Bishoujo Q866369 human physical appearance dreng
handsome man
Blyholdig benzin Blyfri benzin Q9255713 motor fuel benzin
Boi Caprichoso Boi Garantido Q16501931 organisation
Boomer Bubbles Q99603515 fiktiv person
fiktiv tv-person
Rowdyruff Boys
Borgerlig vielse religious marriage Q205572 kontrakt ægteskab
Borgerløn conditional basic income Q678522 policy option
politisk koncept
socialpolitik Omsætning
social ydelse
Boston Trade High for Girls Boston Trade High School for Boys Q96782641 high school
Bradykardi tachycardia Q217111 medical finding
symptom eller tegn
finding of heart rate
Brasiliens ambassade i Danmark Danmarks ambassade i Brasília Q105799999 ambassade
Breve inverted breve Q911277 Ă
IPA symbol
Brick Blossom Q99604021 fiktiv person
fiktiv tv-person
Rowdyruff Boys
British Embassy Ankara Embassy of Turkey, London Q59290353 ambassade
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
British Embassy Belgrade Embassy of Serbia, London Q59290306 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
British Embassy Helsinki Embassy of Finland, London Q25451964 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
British Embassy La Paz Embassy of Bolivia, London Q59290103 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
British Embassy Lisbon Embassy of Portugal, London Q59290288 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
British Embassy Ljubljana Embassy of Slovenia, London Q59290311 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
British Embassy Luxembourg Embassy of Luxembourg, London Q59290241 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
British Embassy Riga Embassy of Latvia, London Q59290236 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
British Embassy Sarajevo Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, London Q59290104 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
British Embassy Seoul Embassy of South Korea, London Q55734548 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
British Embassy Sofia Embassy of Bulgaria, London Q59290116 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
British Embassy, Algiers Embassy of Algeria, London Q59290081 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
British High Commission in Valletta High Commission of Malta, London Q59290249 British High Commission Foreign and Commonwealth Office
British High Commission, Dar es Salaam High Commission of Tanzania, London Q16824454 British High Commission Foreign and Commonwealth Office
British High Commission, Dhaka High Commission of Bangladesh, London Q19891093 British High Commission Foreign and Commonwealth Office
British High Commission, Wellington High Commission of New Zealand, London Q18588889 British High Commission Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Broadway-teater Off-Broadway Q235065 arts district
Broderi surface embroidery Q3275203 broderi
counted-thread embroidery
Brystformindskelse breast augmentation Q994557 medicinsk procedure
Bródy Sándor Street, 8 Hungarian Academy Rome Q851197 institut
Buddha's birthday Parinirvana Day Q5348941 offentlig helligdag
Bulgarian Cultural Institute Унгарски културен институт, София Q95396577 kulturinstitution
Bulgarian Embassy, Sarajevo embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Bulgaria Q95490501 ambassade
Bulgarian embassy in Belgium Embassy of Belgium, Sofia Q67206958 ambassade
Burkina Faso embassy in Tokyo embassy of Japan in Burkina Faso Q61877075 ambassade
Butch Buttercup Q99603780 fiktiv person
fiktiv tv-person
Rowdyruff Boys
CA 122 CA 121 Q68200291 flight number
Canada House Embassy of Germany, Ottawa Q1723504 ambassade
Canadas ambassade i Danmark Danmarks ambassade i Ottawa Q104371681 ambassade
Canadian Trade Office in Taipei Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Canada Q5030629 de facto embassy
trade office
Caribisk Nederlandene CAS countries Q27561 administrativ-territorial enhed
politisk territoriel inddeling
Dutch Caribbean
Category:Births in Ravenna Category:Deaths in Ravenna Q8069548 Wikimedia-kategori
Category:Deaths in Ravenna Category:Births in Ravenna Q9219621 Wikimedia-kategori
Category:Penile erection flaccid penis Q13281419 Wikimedia-kategori penis
Centralmagterne Ententemagterne Q152283 military alliance
Ceremonies of the Accession to the Throne Ceremony of the Abdication from the Throne Q4202178 Japanese Imperial Rituals
Ceremony of the Abdication from the Throne Ceremonies of the Accession to the Throne Q85883975 Japanese Imperial Rituals
Chasmogamy cleistogamy Q920163
Cheek teeth Dent labiale Q18534251 tand
Chile Embassy, Warsaw Embassy of Poland in Santiago, Chile Q9149472 ambassade
Chiles ambassade i Danmark Danmarks ambassade i Santiago Q105980356 ambassade
Chinese influence on Japanese culture Japanese influence on Chinese culture Q58381696 political influencing
Christchurch La Coruña Q79990 by
Christchurch and Banks Peninsula
Christian left Christian right Q1080800 politisk ideologi kristendemokrati
Christian right Christian left Q1322213 politisk ideologi
Social conservatism in the United States religiøs koservatisme
Cidade Alta Cidade Baixa Q4891553 region
human-geographic territorial entity
Cidade Baixa Cidade Alta Q4891573 bydel
human-geographic territorial entity
Collage décollage Q170593 kunstnerisk teknik billedkunst
Collegium Hungaricum Berlin Goethe-Institut Hungary Q20438765 kulturinstitution
Consulate General of South Korea in Hong Kong Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office's Consultant Office in Seoul Q25023421 generalkonsulat
Cuban embassy in Paramaribo Embassy of Suriname, Havana Q108525264 ambassade
Cultural Asset of Local Interest Cultural Asset of National Interest Q11910250 historisk bevaring Inventari del Patrimoni Arquitectònic de Catalunya local heritage site
patrimonio histórico español
Curse of God in Islam blessing in Islam Q125959073 Islamic term Tawhid the Attributes of God in Islam divine retribution
Cynofobi cynophilia Q38579 fobi animal phobia
Cypriot Embassy, Bratislava embassy of Slovakia in Cyprus Q53205376 ambassade
Cytota Ikke-cellet liv Q3322575 takson
Czech Embassy, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Prague Q2457582 bygningsværk
Czech Embassy, Bratislava Embassy of Slovakia, Prague Q53205327 ambassade
Czech Embassy, Madrid Embassy of Spain in Prague Q84611280 ambassade
Czech Embassy, Sarajevo Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Prague Q93500120 ambassade
DIN 1451 FE-Schrift Q591913 DIN-standard
typeface family
geometric typeface
Daimyo shōmyō Q61982 position
Damnatio memoriae Apoteose Q223590 censur
Danmarks ambassade i Bangkok Thailands ambassade i Danmark Q105954352 ambassade Den Danske Udenrigstjeneste
Danmarks ambassade i Beograd Serbiens ambassade i Danmark Q105947905 ambassade Den Danske Udenrigstjeneste
Danmarks ambassade i Berlin Tysklands ambassade i Danmark Q10466596 ambassade Den Danske Udenrigstjeneste
Danmarks ambassade i Budapest Ungarns ambassade i Danmark Q96245404 ambassade Den Danske Udenrigstjeneste
Danmarks ambassade i Haag Hollands ambassade i Danmark Q100575419 ambassade Den Danske Udenrigstjeneste
Danmarks ambassade i Hanoi Vietnams ambassade i Danmark Q105968704 ambassade Den Danske Udenrigstjeneste
Danmarks ambassade i Helsinki Finlands ambassade i København Q105956990 ambassade Den Danske Udenrigstjeneste
Danmarks ambassade i Kyiv Ukraines ambassade i Danmark Q1592026 ambassade Den Danske Udenrigstjeneste
Danmarks ambassade i Lissabon Portugals ambassade i Danmark Q105414511 ambassade Den Danske Udenrigstjeneste
Danmarks ambassade i London Storbritanniens ambassade i Danmark Q1270081 ambassade Den Danske Udenrigstjeneste
Danmarks ambassade i Mexico City Mexicos ambassade i Danmark Q105947505 ambassade Den Danske Udenrigstjeneste
Danmarks ambassade i Moskva Den russiske ambassade i København Q4373993 ambassade
Den Danske Udenrigstjeneste
Danmarks ambassade i Oslo Norges ambassade i Danmark Q7374094 ambassade Den Danske Udenrigstjeneste
Danmarks ambassade i Paris Frankrigs ambassade i Danmark Q2841863 ambassade Den Danske Udenrigstjeneste
Danmarks ambassade i Prag Tjekkiets ambassade i Danmark Q5369666 ambassade Den Danske Udenrigstjeneste
Danmarks ambassade i Reykjavík Islands ambassade i Danmark Q105967616 ambassade Den Danske Udenrigstjeneste
Danmarks ambassade i Riga Letlands ambassade i Danmark Q105968736 ambassade Den Danske Udenrigstjeneste
Danmarks ambassade i Rom Italiens ambassade i Danmark Q103813705 ambassade Den Danske Udenrigstjeneste
Danmarks ambassade i Seoul Sydkoreas Ambassade i København Q113613757 ambassade Den Danske Udenrigstjeneste
Danmarks ambassade i Stockholm Sveriges Ambassade i København Q2841870 ambassade Den Danske Udenrigstjeneste
Danmarks ambassade i Tallinn Estlands ambassade i Danmark Q65262573 ambassade Den Danske Udenrigstjeneste
Danmarks ambassade i Tel Aviv Israels ambassade i Danmark Q105967714 ambassade Den Danske Udenrigstjeneste
Danmarks ambassade i Tokyo Japans ambassade i Danmark Q61877440 ambassade Udenrigsministeriet
Den Danske Udenrigstjeneste
Danmarks ambassade i Vilnius Litauens ambassade i Danmark Q105968106 ambassade Den Danske Udenrigstjeneste
Danmarks ambassade i Warszawa Polens ambassade i Danmark Q9149486 ambassade Den Danske Udenrigstjeneste
Danmarks ambassade i Washington D.C. USA's Ambassade i København Q5369669 ambassade Den Danske Udenrigstjeneste
Danmarks ambassade i Wien Østrigs ambassade i Danmark Q104630248 ambassade Den Danske Udenrigstjeneste
Danmarks ambassade i Zagreb Kroatiens ambassade i Danmark Q105968568 ambassade Den Danske Udenrigstjeneste
De hvide De røde
The Red Guard of Finland
Q4115002 militær
De røde De hvide Q2006649 Paramilitær Finnish People's Delegation
Den Røde Hær
Delegation of North Korea, Paris French Cooperation Office, Pyongyang Q30754406 délégation générale
Delegation of the European Union to Canada Mission of Canada to the European Union Q5253608 Delegation of the European Union
Den russiske ambassade i København Danmarks ambassade i Moskva Q5369841 ambassade
Depression mani Q4340209 sygdomsklasse
symptom eller tegn
Plutchiks følelsesteori
mood disorder
neurological and physiological symptom
Destruent Autotrof Q842391 organisme
Determinisme Indeterminisme Q131133 verdensbillede filosofisk teori
Digital-til-analog-konverter Analog-til-digital-konverter Q210863 Elektronisk kredsløb
integreret kredsløb
digital kommunikation
mixed-signal integrated circuit
audio electronics
Digital lyd
Dog Dragon
Q755126 animal from the Chinese zodiac Chinese zodiac
Don't panic panik Q123819032 motto
Dragon Dog
Q731434 animal from the Chinese zodiac Chinese zodiac
Drengepige tøsedreng
Q845799 arketype
Dry fly fishing No/unknown value Q55610044 Fluefiskeri
Dubeolsik layout Sebeolsik layout Q12593680 Korean keyboard
Duke University East Campus Duke University West Campus Q55887490 campus
Duke University West Campus Duke University East Campus Q55887495 campus
Dutch Embassy, Bratislava embassy of Slovakia, The Hague Q53205392 ambassade
Dybe net surface web Q221989 Internet
narrative location
World Wide Web web-indhold
Dynamik Statik Q128030 delområde af fysikken mekanik mekanik
Dystopi utopi Q180774 fictional society
Dødsgardist Fønixordenen Q181291 organisation i Harry Potter-universet
gruppe af fiktive figurer
fictional terrorist organization
wizard in the Harry Potter universe
ET 452 ET 453 Q125122656 Rutefly
flight number
ET 453 ET 452 Q125122663 Rutefly
flight number
EU-udvidelse withdrawal from the European Union Q47232 Den Europæiske Unions historie territorial change
East Baltimore West Baltimore Q111904220 region
informal region
East facade of the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar of Zaragoza West facade of the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar of Zaragoza Q131340194 East facade
Eastern Conference Western Conference Q1187973 athletic conference Major League Soccer
Eastern Washington Western Washington Q3046581 region
Eastern world Vesten Q1149081 gruppe
Ectotherm endotherm Q587698 dyr
Edens have Jahannam Q19014 have
mytisk sted
bibelsk sted
bibelsk emne
Christian mythology
Jewish mythology
Islamic mythology
Efterskælv foreshock Q308442 type of earthquake jordskælv
Egyptens ambassade i Danmark Danmarks ambassade i Kairo Q105999329 ambassade
Egyptian Embassy, Sarajevo embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Egypt Q96146845 ambassade
Ejército Nacional Spanish Republican Army Q3085942 hær armed forces of the Nationalist faction in the Spanish Civil War
Nationalist faction
Ekstremofil Mesofil Q206912 ecological group of plants organisme
El Niño La Niña Q7939 type af meteorologisk fænomen El Niño sydlige oscillation meteorologisk fænomen
Elastisk stød uelastisk stød Q1044799 modeling assumption kollision
Elcano oceanic trophy Jules Verne Trophy Q124354148 sportspris
Elektrisk isolator elektrisk leder Q178150 materiale isolator
Elektrisk resistivitet specifik ledningsevne Q108193 fysisk størrelse
material property
intensiv størrelse
Elektrisk sikring Antifuse Q182221 elektrisk komponent
passive electronic component
power resistor
sacrificial part
Elektronskal atomkerne Q193793 atom struktur
Embassy of Abkhazia, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Sukhumi Q4373960 ambassade
Embassy of Afghanistan, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Kabul Q22344398 ambassade
Embassy of Afghanistan, Canberra Embassy of Australia, Kabul Q106450319 ambassade
Embassy of Afghanistan, London British Embassy Kabul Q93835633 ambassade
Embassy of Afghanistan, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Kabul Q16031520 ambassade
Embassy of Afghanistan, Ottawa Embassy of Canada, Kabul Q13634268 ambassade
Embassy of Afghanistan, Paris Embassy of France, Kabul Q1854450 ambassade
Embassy of Afghanistan, Prague embassy of the Czech republic in Afghanistan Q107104178 ambassade
Embassy of Afghanistan, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Kabul Q60969153 ambassade
Embassy of Afghanistan, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands, Kabul Q100532332 ambassade
Embassy of Afghanistan, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Kabul Q61924232 ambassade
Embassy of Albania, Beijing Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Tirana Q113259330 ambassade
Embassy of Albania, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Tirana Q73141849 ambassade
Embassy of Albania, Bern Embassy of Switzerland in Albania Q26980073 ambassade
Embassy of Albania, Bratislava Embassy of Slovakia in Albania Q113260765 ambassade
Embassy of Albania, Bucharest Embassy of Romania, Tirana Q113259531 ambassade
Embassy of Albania, Budapest Hungarian embassy, Tirana Q108710194 ambassade
Embassy of Albania, London British Embassy Tirana Q13036975 ambassade
Embassy of Albania, Moscow Russian Embassy in Tirana Q4373962 ambassade
Embassy of Albania, Paris Embassy of France, Tirana Q20669698 ambassade
Embassy of Albania, Podgorica Embassy of Montenegro, Tirana Q108886330 ambassade
Embassy of Albania, Prague Embassy of the Czech republic in Albania Q107104273 ambassade
Embassy of Albania, Sarajevo Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Albania Q123139143 ambassade
defunct diplomatic mission
Embassy of Albania, Skopje Embassy of North Macedonia in Albania Q113259051 ambassade
Embassy of Albania, Sofia Embassy of Bulgaria in Albania Q106847242 ambassade
Embassy of Albania, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Tirana Q10404284 ambassade
Embassy of Albania, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Tirana Q61877397 ambassade
Embassy of Albania, Vienna Embassy of Austria in Albania Q51711009 ambassade
Embassy of Albania, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Tirana Q9149446 ambassade
Embassy of Albania, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Tirana Q5369539 ambassade
Embassy of Albania, Zagreb Embassy of Croatia in Albania Q107400962 ambassade
Embassy of Algeria in Japan Embassy of Japan, Algiers Q30403250 ambassade
Embassy of Algeria, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Algiers Q2841578 ambassade
Embassy of Algeria, Bern embassy of Switzerland in Algeria Q26979962 ambassade
Embassy of Algeria, Bucharest Embassy of Romania, Alger Q100146802 ambassade
Embassy of Algeria, Budapest embassy of Hungary, Algiers Q100268073 ambassade
Embassy of Algeria, Cairo ambassade d’Égypte en Algérie Q72757191 ambassade
Embassy of Algeria, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Algiers Q154663 ambassade
Embassy of Algeria, Lisbon embassy of Portugal in Algeria Q100146805 ambassade
Embassy of Algeria, London British Embassy, Algiers Q16208157 ambassade
Embassy of Algeria, Moscow Embassy of Russia in Algeria Q2841581 ambassade
Embassy of Algeria, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Algiers Q17748401 ambassade
Embassy of Algeria, Ottawa Embassy of Canada, Algiers Q2841568 ambassade
Embassy of Algeria, Paris Embassy of France, Algiers Q2841572 ambassade
Embassy of Algeria, Prague embassy of the Czech republic in Algeria Q100268088 ambassade
Embassy of Algeria, Pretoria Embassy of South Africa, Algiers Q86058115 ambassade
Embassy of Algeria, Sofia embassy of Bulgaria in Algeria Q100268056 ambassade
Embassy of Algeria, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Algiers Q10405148 ambassade
Embassy of Algeria, Tunis Embassy of Tunisia, Algiers Q2841582 ambassade
Embassy of Algeria, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Algier Q9149450 ambassade
Embassy of Algeria, Washington, D.C. United States Embassy, Algiers Q1770892 ambassade
Embassy of Andorra, Madrid Embassy of Spain, Andorra la Vella Q102535542 ambassade
Embassy of Andorra, Paris Embassy of France, Andorra la Vella Q15149864 ambassade
Embassy of Angola in Switzerland embassy of Switzerland in Angola Q26979963 ambassade
Embassy of Angola, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Luanda Q542028 ambassade
Embassy of Angola, London British Embassy Luanda Q16251282 ambassade
Embassy of Angola, Madrid Embassy of Spain, Luanda Q25430840 ambassade
Embassy of Angola, Moscow embassy of Russia in Angola Q4373964 ambassade
Embassy of Angola, Paris Embassy of France, Luanda Q15118539 ambassade
Embassy of Angola, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Luanda Q10411814 ambassade
Embassy of Angola, Tel Aviv Embassy of Israel, Luanda Q106301182 ambassade
Embassy of Angola, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Luanda Q30403436 ambassade
Embassy of Angola, Vatican City Apostolic Nunciature to Angola Q56326676 ambassade
Embassy of Angola, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Luanda Q9149452 ambassade
Embassy of Angola, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Luanda Q5369542 ambassade
Embassy of Argentina in Uruguay embassy of Uruguay in Argentina Q46994839 ambassade
Embassy of Argentina, Athens embassy of Greece in Argentina Q16891012 ambassade
Embassy of Argentina, Beijing Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Buenos Aires Q5369544 ambassade
Embassy of Argentina, Brussels Embassy of Belgium, Buenos Aires Q68192668 ambassade
Embassy of Argentina, Helsinki Embassy of Finland in Argentina Q5369545 ambassade Esplanadi-Bulevardi
Embassy of Argentina, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Buenos Aires Q1661719 ambassade
Embassy of Argentina, Lima embassy of Peru in Argentina Q5638425 ambassade
Embassy of Argentina, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Buenos Aires Q16975289 ambassade
Embassy of Argentina, Moscow embassy of Russia in Argentina Q4373969 ambassade
Embassy of Argentina, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Buenos Aires Q17749141 ambassade
Embassy of Argentina, Paris Embassy of France, Buenos Aires Q5830346 ambassade
Embassy of Argentina, Santiago Embassy of Chile, Buenos Aires Q16561578 ambassade
Embassy of Argentina, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Buenos Aires Q10417566 ambassade
Embassy of Argentina, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Buenos Aires Q61877352 ambassade
Embassy of Argentina, Vienna embassy of Austria in Argentina Q15216555 ambassade
Embassy of Argentina, Warsaw Embassy of Poland in Buenos Aires Q9149456 ambassade
Embassy of Argentina, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Buenos Aires Q5369547 ambassade
Embassy of Armenia in China Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Yerevan Q119141446 ambassade
Embassy of Armenia, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Yerevan Q22344384 ambassade
Embassy of Armenia, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Yerevan Q12142657 ambassade
Embassy of Armenia, London Embassy of Great Britain, Yerevan Q16891023 ambassade
Embassy of Armenia, Minsk embassy of Belarus in Armenia Q33116785 ambassade
Embassy of Armenia, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Yerevan Q4373965 ambassade
Embassy of Armenia, Ottawa Embassy of Canada, Yerevan Q5369550 ambassade
Embassy of Armenia, Paris embassy of France, Yerevan Q2841584 ambassade
Embassy of Armenia, Sofia embassy of Bulgaria in Armenia Q31194238 ambassade
Embassy of Armenia, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Yerevan Q18287079 ambassade
Embassy of Armenia, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Yerevan Q105539155 ambassade
Embassy of Armenia, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Yerevan Q9149455 ambassade
Embassy of Armenia, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Yerevan Q5369552 ambassade
Embassy of Australia, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Canberra Q782851 ambassade
Government body of Australia
Embassy of Australia, Buenos Aires embassy of Argentina in Australia Q23891477 ambassade
Government body of Australia
Embassy of Australia, Jakarta Embassy of Indonesia, Canberra Q48734360 ambassade
Embassy of Australia, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Canberra Q20072521 ambassade
Embassy of Australia, Lima embassy of Peru in Australia Q106526358 ambassade
Embassy of Australia, Lisbon embassy of Portugal in Australia Q782854 ambassade
Government body of Australia
Embassy of Australia, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Canberra Q4373961 ambassade
Embassy of Australia, Paris embassy of France, Canberra Q2841585 ambassade
Government body of Australia
Embassy of Australia, Santiago embassy of Chile in Australia Q5575245 ambassade
Government body of Australia
Embassy of Australia, Seoul Embassy of South Korea, Canberra Q106540976 ambassade
Embassy of Australia, Stockholm Swedish embassy in Canberra Q10422819 ambassade
Government body of Australia
Embassy of Australia, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Canberra Q9149460 ambassade
Government body of Australia
Embassy of Australia, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Canberra Q5369554 ambassade
Government body of Australia
Embassy of Austria in Canada embassy of Canada in Austria Q104718351 ambassade
Embassy of Austria in Paris Embassy of France, Vienna Q15732665 ambassade
Embassy of Austria to the United Kingdom Embassy of the United Kingdom in Austria Q9149648 ambassade
Embassy of Austria, Ankara Embassy of Turkey, Vienna Q20476561 ambassade
Embassy of Austria, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Vienna Q301401 ambassade
Embassy of Austria, Bratislava embassy of Slovakia in Austria Q53205319 ambassade
Embassy of Austria, Bucharest embassy of Romania in Austria Q2606545 ambassade
Embassy of Austria, Budapest Embassy of Hungary in Austria Q66294915 ambassade
Embassy of Austria, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Vienna Q866015 ambassade
Embassy of Austria, Ljubljana embassy of Slovenia in Austria Q91726073 ambassade
Embassy of Austria, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Vienna Q4373963 bygning
Embassy of Austria, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Vienna Q17195232 ambassade
Embassy of Austria, Prague embassy of the Czech Republic in Austria Q24706394 ambassade
Embassy of Austria, Sarajevo embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Austria Q23689741 ambassade
Embassy of Austria, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Vienna Q10728089 ambassade
Embassy of Austria, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Vienna Q61786527 ambassade
Embassy of Austria, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Vienna Q9149461 ambassade
Embassy of Austria, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Vienna Q5369558 ambassade
Embassy of Azerbaijan to the Holy See Apostolic Nunciature to Azerbaijan Q124395725 ambassade
Embassy of Azerbaijan, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Baku Q724015 ambassade
Embassy of Azerbaijan, Bern embassy of Switzerland in Azerbaijan Q12836562 ambassade
Embassy of Azerbaijan, Budapest Embassy of Hungary in Baku Q20580549 ambassade
Embassy of Azerbaijan, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Baku Q5369559 ambassade
Embassy of Azerbaijan, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Baku Q16971199 ambassade
Embassy of Azerbaijan, Minsk embassy of Belarus in Azerbaijan Q12836871 ambassade
Embassy of Azerbaijan, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Baku Q2561806 ambassade
Embassy of Azerbaijan, Paris Embassy of France, Baku Q2841586 ambassade
Embassy of Azerbaijan, Prague embassy of the Czech republic in Azerbaijan Q12836907 ambassade
Embassy of Azerbaijan, Sofia Embassy of Bulgaria, Baku Q12836876 ambassade
Embassy of Azerbaijan, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Baku Q13487914 ambassade
Embassy of Azerbaijan, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Baku Q16417892 ambassade
Embassy of Azerbaijan, Vienna embassy of Austria in Azerbaijan Q12836873 ambassade
Embassy of Azerbaijan, Vilnius embassy of Lithuania in Azerbaijan Q20580338 ambassade
Embassy of Azerbaijan, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Baku Q9149463 ambassade
Embassy of Azerbaijan, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Baku Q5369561 ambassade
Embassy of Bahrain in Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Manama Q5369564 ambassade
Embassy of Bahrain, Bangkok Embassy of Thailand, Manama Q68170723 ambassade
Embassy of Bahrain, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Manama Q56338700 ambassade
Embassy of Bahrain, Moscow embassy of Russia to Bahrein Q4373967 ambassade
Embassy of Bahrain, Paris Embassy of France, Manama Q2841598 ambassade
Embassy of Bahrain, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Manama Q61925022 ambassade
Embassy of Bangladesh in France Embassy of France, Dhaka Q20669714 ambassade
Embassy of Bangladesh in Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Dhaka Q4373968 ambassade
Embassy of Bangladesh, Moscow embassy of Russia in Bangladesh Q4373971 ambassade
Embassy of Bangladesh, Rome embassy of Italy in Bangladesh Q83584138 ambassade
Embassy of Bangladesh, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Dhaka Q16498144 ambassade
Embassy of Barbados in Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Barbados Q5369565 ambassade
Embassy of Belarus in Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Minsk Q5369567 ambassade
Embassy of Belarus, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Minsk Q22250207 ambassade
Embassy of Belarus, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Minsk Q1532317 ambassade
Embassy of Belarus, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Minsk Q16971417 ambassade
Embassy of Belarus, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Minsk Q3918724 ambassade
historisk sted
Embassy of Belarus, Paris Embassy of France, Minsk Q20669701 ambassade
Embassy of Belarus, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Minsk Q18747080 ambassade
Embassy of Belarus, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Minsk Q99600347 ambassade
Embassy of Belarus, Vilnius Embassy of Lithuania, Minsk Q76870718 ambassade
Embassy of Belarus, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Minsk Q9149465 ambassade
Embassy of Belgium, Dar es Salaam embassy of Tanzania in Belgium Q104586228 ambassade
Embassy of Belgium, Belgrade embassy of Serbia in Belgium Q104586769 ambassade
Embassy of Belgium, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Brussels Q815502 ambassade
Embassy of Belgium, Bogotá embassy of Colombia in Belgium Q104530761 ambassade
Embassy of Belgium, Budapest Embassy of Hungary in Belgium, Brussel Q104551621 ambassade
Embassy of Belgium, Buenos Aires Embassy of Argentina, Brussels Q104523127 ambassade
Embassy of Belgium, Dublin embassy of Ireland in Belgium Q104583877 ambassade
Embassy of Belgium, Kuala Lumpur embassy of Malaysia in Belgium Q104586118 ambassade
Embassy of Belgium, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Brussels Q169250 ambassade
Embassy of Belgium, London British Embassy Brussels Q16891031 ambassade
Embassy of Belgium, Luxembourg embassy of Luxembourg in Belgium Q28064757 ambassade
Embassy of Belgium, Madrid Embassy of Spain in Brussels Q104518694 ambassade
Embassy of Belgium, Mexico embassy of Mexico in Belgium Q104528429 ambassade
Embassy of Belgium, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Brussels Q4373974 ambassade
Embassy of Belgium, New Delhi Embassy of India, Brussels Q15216557 ambassade
Embassy of Belgium, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Brussels Q17750083 ambassade
Embassy of Belgium, Ottawa embassy of Canada in Belgium Q5369568 ambassade
Embassy of Belgium, Paris Embassy of France, Brussels Q15149872 ambassade Hôtels des maréchaux
Embassy of Belgium, Prague embassy of the Czech Republic‎ in Belgium Q104160214 ambassade
Embassy of Belgium, Rome embassy of Italy in Belgium Q18654798 ambassade
Embassy of Belgium, Seoul Embassy of South Korea, Brussels Q104544419 ambassade
Embassy of Belgium, Singapore embassy of Singapore in Belgium Q104528649 ambassade
Embassy of Belgium, Sofia Bulgarian embassy in Belgium Q41589107 ambassade
Embassy of Belgium, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands, Brussels Q100605519 ambassade
Embassy of Belgium, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Brussels Q20664366 ambassade
Embassy of Belgium, Vienna Embassy of Austria, Brussels Q54168790 ambassade
Embassy of Belgium, Warsaw Polish embassy in Belgium Q9149462 ambassade
Embassy of Belize, Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Belize Q5369571 ambassade
Embassy of Benin in France Embassy of France, Cotonou Q16303681 ambassade
Embassy of Benin, Moscow embassy of Russia in Benin Q4373975 ambassade
Embassy of Benin, Tokyo embassy of Japan in Benin
Embassy of Japan, Cotonou
Q30403674 ambassade
Embassy of Bhutan, New Delhi Embassy of India, Thimphu Q109335968 ambassade
Embassy of Bolivia, Berlin Embassy of Germany, La Paz Q55773772 ambassade
Embassy of Bolivia, London British Embassy La Paz Q16966285 ambassade
Embassy of Bolivia, Moscow embassy of Russia in Bolivia Q4373972 ambassade
Embassy of Bolivia, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, La Paz Q16503803 ambassade
Embassy of Bolivia, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, La Paz Q61877357 ambassade
Embassy of Bolivia, Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Bolivia Q5369575 ambassade
Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Berlin Embassy of Germany, Sarajevo Q22572870 ambassade
Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Sarajevo Q5369578 ambassade
Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, London British Embassy Sarajevo Q16864364 ambassade
Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Sarajevo Q4373973 ambassade
Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Oslo Embassy of Norway in Bosnia and Herzegovina Q17750790 ambassade
Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Prague Czech Embassy, Sarajevo Q65303097 ambassade
Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Sarajevo Q10433467 ambassade
Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Sarajevo Q61877417 ambassade
Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Sarajevo Q9149466 ambassade
Embassy of Botswana, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Gaborone Q48280900 ambassade
Embassy of Botswana, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Gaborone Q5369579 ambassade
Embassy of Brazil in Albania Embassy of Albania, Brasília Q105749123 ambassade
Embassy of Brazil in London British Embassy Brasilia Q10272256 ambassade
Embassy of Brazil in Mexico City embassy of Mexico in Brazil Q10272287 ambassade
Embassy of Brazil, Beijing Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Brasília Q10272266 ambassade
Embassy of Brazil, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Brasília Q10272239 ambassade
Embassy of Brazil, Bridgetown embassy of Barbados in Brazil Q10272243 ambassade
Embassy of Brazil, Buenos Aires embassy of Argentina in Brazil Q3817562 ambassade
Embassy of Brazil, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Brasilia Q50843115 ambassade
Embassy of Brazil, Lima Embassy of Peru, Brasília Q10272254 ambassade
Embassy of Brazil, Lissabon Embassy of Portugal, Brasília Q56338849 ambassade
Embassy of Brazil, Madrid embassy of Spain in Brazil Q10272257 ambassade
Embassy of Brazil, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Brasilia Q2067612 ambassade
Embassy of Brazil, Oslo embassy of Norway in Brazil Q17750852 ambassade
Embassy of Brazil, Ottawa embassy of Canada in Brazil Q5369581 ambassade
Embassy of Brazil, Paris Embassy of France, Brasília Q10272264 ambassade
Embassy of Brazil, Prague embassy of the Czech Republic in Brazil Q10272267 ambassade
Embassy of Brazil, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Brasília Q10272249 ambassade
Embassy of Brazil, Tegucigalpa embassy of Honduras in Brazil Q10272277 ambassade
Embassy of Brazil, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Brasília Q10272279 ambassade
Embassy of Brazil, Vienna embassy of Austria in Brazil Q10272282 ambassade
Embassy of Brazil, Warsaw Embassy of Poland in Brasília Q94496103 ambassade
Embassy of Brazil, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Brasilia Q1854623 ambassade
Embassy of Brazil, Yerevan embassy of Armenia in Brazil Q10272251 ambassade
Embassy of Brunei, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Bandar Seri Begawan Q56339722 ambassade
Embassy of Brunei, Moscow embassy of Russia in Brunei Q4373977 ambassade
Embassy of Brunei, Paris Embassy of France, Bandar Seri Begawan Q2387776 ambassade
Embassy of Brunei, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Bandar Seri Begawan Q52215631 ambassade
Embassy of Brunei, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States in Bandar Seri Begawan Q5369582 ambassade
Embassy of Bulgaria in France Embassy of France, Sofia Q20127462 ambassade
Embassy of Bulgaria in Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Bulgaria Q5369586 ambassade
Embassy of Bulgaria to Hungary Embassy of Hungary, Sofia Q108716062 ambassade
Embassy of Bulgaria, Belgrade embassy of Serbia in Azerbaijan Q12291120 ambassade
Embassy of Bulgaria, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Sofia Q1003714 ambassade
Embassy of Bulgaria, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Sofia Q1532246 ambassade
Embassy of Bulgaria, London British Embassy Sofia Q16836815 ambassade
Embassy of Bulgaria, Minsk Embassy of Belarus, Sofia Q33117143 ambassade
Embassy of Bulgaria, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Sofia Q4373976 ambassade
Embassy of Bulgaria, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Sofia Q61877428 ambassade
Embassy of Bulgaria, Warsaw Polish Embassy, Sofia Q24283244 ambassade
Embassy of Burkina Faso in France Den franske ambassade i Ouagadougou Q15149889 ambassade
Embassy of Burkina Faso in Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Burkina Faso Q5369588 ambassade
Embassy of Burundi in France Embassy of France, Bujumbura Q15149890 ambassade
Embassy of Burundi, London British Embassy Liaison Office Bujumbura Q15216559 ambassade Uganda House
Embassy of Burundi, Moscow embassy of Russia in Burundi Q4373978 ambassade
Embassy of Cambodia, London British Embassy Phnom Penh Q16972141 ambassade
Embassy of Cambodia, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Phnom Penh Q5369591 ambassade
Embassy of Cambodia, Paris Embassy of France, Phnom Penh Q20051104 ambassade
Embassy of Cambodia, Tokyo embassy of Japan in Cambodia Q52175898 ambassade
Embassy of Cambodia, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Phnom Penh Q5369592 ambassade
Embassy of Cameroon, Beijing Embassy of China in Cameroon Q19840353 ambassade
Embassy of Cameroon, Bern embassy of Switzerland in Cameroon Q26995197 ambassade
Embassy of Cameroon, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Yaoundé Q4374009 ambassade
Embassy of Cameroon, Tokyo embassy of Japan in Cameroon Q106453445 ambassade
Embassy of Cameroon, Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Cameroon Q5369594 hus
Embassy of Cameroun in France Embassy of France, Yaounde Q16303685 ambassade
Embassy of Canada in Burkina Faso Embassy of Burkina Faso in Canada Q104368703 ambassade
Embassy of Canada in Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Ottawa Q12142660 ambassade
Embassy of Canada in Seoul Embassy of South Korea, Ottawa Q25376727 ambassade
Embassy of Canada in Zagreb Embassy of Croatia, Ottawa Q5369601 ambassade
Embassy of Canada to China Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Ottawa Q100278382 ambassade
Embassy of Canada, Bangkok embassy of Thailand in Canada Q104370023 ambassade
Embassy of Canada, Bern Embassy of Switzerland, Ottawa Q26979975 ambassade
Embassy of Canada, Bucharest Embassy of Romania, Ottawa Q5369595 ambassade
Embassy of Canada, Budapest Embassy of Hungary, Ottawa Q5369596 ambassade
Embassy of Canada, Mexico City Embassy of Mexico, Ottawa Q5369598 ambassade
Embassy of Canada, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Ottawa Q4374011 ambassade
Embassy of Canada, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Ottawa Q2841862 ambassade
Embassy of Canada, Paris Embassy of France, Ottawa Q137798 ambassade
Embassy of Canada, Riga Embassy of Latvia, Ottawa Q65262114 ambassade
Embassy of Canada, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Ottawa Q10543253 ambassade
Embassy of Canada, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Ottawa Q5369599 ambassade
Embassy of Canada, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Ottawa Q2841867 ambassade
Embassy of Canada, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Ottawa Q137245 ambassade
Embassy of Cape Verde in Luxembourg embassy of Luxembourg in Cape Verde Q100783458 ambassade
Embassy of Cape Verde in Portugal embassy of Portugal in Cape Verde Q104040129 ambassade
Embassy of Cape Verde, Paris Embassy of France, Praia Q2841861 ambassade
Embassy of Cape Verde, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Praia Q5369602 ambassade
Embassy of Central African Republic in Paris Embassy of France, Bangui Q16303668 ambassade
Embassy of Chad in France Embassy of France, N'Djamena Q16303714 ambassade
Embassy of Chad in Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Chad Q5369604 ambassade
Embassy of Chad, Moscow embassy of Russia in Chad Q4374081 ambassade
Embassy of Chile in Finland embassy of Finland, Santiago de Chile Q106167677 ambassade
Embassy of Chile in Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Santiago Q5369606 ambassade
Embassy of Chile, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Santiago Q21041981 ambassade
Embassy of Chile, Bern embassy of Switzerland in Chile Q26979989 ambassade
Embassy of Chile, Buenos Aires Embassy of Argentina, Santiago Q21059671 ambassade
Embassy of Chile, Lima embassy of Peru in Chile Q110402214 ambassade
Embassy of Chile, London British Embassy Santiago Q16972505 ambassade
Embassy of Chile, Moscow embassy of Russia in Chile Q4374084 ambassade
Доходное владение Г.Е. и А.Г. Бройдо — В.Я. Бурдакова (Хамовники)
Embassy of Chile, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Santiago Q19372278 ambassade
Embassy of Chile, Paris Embassy of France, Santiago Q20669715 ambassade
Embassy of Chile, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Santiago de Chile Q10449289 ambassade
Embassy of Chile, Tokyo Embassy of Japan in Chile Q56151305 ambassade
Embassy of Chile, Vatican City Apostolic Nunciature to Chile Q56326418 ambassade
Embassy of Colombia in Portugal embassy of Portugal in Colombia Q103555919 ambassade
Embassy of Colombia in Uruguay embassy of Uruguay in Colombia Q5369634 ambassade
Embassy of Colombia, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Bogotá Q5369613 ambassade
Embassy of Colombia, Budapest Embassy of Hungary, Bogotá Q102005281 ambassade
Embassy of Colombia, Buenos Aires Embassy of Argentina, Bogota Q5369617 ambassade
Embassy of Colombia, Lima embassy of Peru in Colombia Q5369628 ambassade
Embassy of Colombia, London British Embassy Bogotá Q5369630 ambassade
Embassy of Colombia, Madrid embassy of Spain in Colombia Q5369631 ambassade
Embassy of Colombia, Mexico City embassy of Mexico in Colombia Q5369633 ambassade
Embassy of Colombia, Moscow embassy of Russia in Colombia Q1661969 ambassade
Embassy of Colombia, Oslo Embassy of Norway in Colombia Q17762617 ambassade
Embassy of Colombia, Ottawa embassy of Canada in Colombia Q5369637 ambassade
Embassy of Colombia, Panama City embassy of Panama in Colombia Q5369638 ambassade
Embassy of Colombia, Paris Embassy of France, Bogotá Q5369639 ambassade
Embassy of Colombia, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Bogota Q10457172 ambassade
Embassy of Colombia, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Bogotá Q28057259 ambassade
Embassy of Colombia, Vienna embassy of Austria in Colombia Q5369655 ambassade
Embassy of Colombia, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Bogotá Q9149525 ambassade
Embassy of Colombia, Washington Embassy of the United States, Bogotá Q1156636 ambassade
Embassy of Comoros, Paris Embassy of France, Moroni Q2841844 ambassade
Embassy of Costa Rica in France Embassy of France, San José Q20127464 ambassade
Embassy of Costa Rica in Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Costa Rica Q5369658 ambassade
Embassy of Costa Rica, Bern embassy of Switzerland in Costa Rica Q24944164 ambassade
Embassy of Costa Rica, Lima embassy of Peru in Costa Rica Q110659086 ambassade
Embassy of Costa Rica, London British Embassy San Jose Q16972984 ambassade
Embassy of Costa Rica, Tokyo embassy of Japan in Costa Rica Q61911621 ambassade
Embassy of Cote d'Ivoire in Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States of America in Abidjan Q5369659 ambassade
Embassy of Croatia in Albania Embassy of Albania, Zagreb Q107356005 ambassade
Embassy of Croatia in France Embassy of France, Zagreb Q20669703 ambassade
Embassy of Croatia in the Netherlands Embassy of the Netherlands in Croatia Q98454890 ambassade
Embassy of Croatia to the Holy See Apostolic Nunciature to Croatia Q56326190 ambassade
Embassy of Croatia, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Zagreb Q20184415 ambassade
Embassy of Croatia, Budapest Embassy of Hungary, Zagreb Q65502845 ambassade
Embassy of Croatia, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Zagreb Q56716820 ambassade
Embassy of Croatia, London British Embassy Zagreb Q16891005 ambassade
Embassy of Croatia, Moscow embassy of Russia in Croatia Q4374080 ambassade
Embassy of Croatia, Oslo Embassy of Norway in Croatia Q17194813 ambassade
Embassy of Croatia, Ottawa Embassy of Canada in Zagreb Q5369660 ambassade
Embassy of Croatia, Podgorica Embassy of Montenegro, Zagreb Q80115868 ambassade
Embassy of Croatia, Sarajevo embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Croatia Q92206337 ambassade
Embassy of Croatia, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Zagreb Q10549333 ambassade
Embassy of Croatia, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Zagreb Q55190063 ambassade
Embassy of Croatia, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Zagreb Q11685561 ambassade
Embassy of Croatia, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States in Croatia Q5369661 ambassade
Embassy of Cuba, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Havana Q21042005 ambassade
Embassy of Cuba, Bern embassy of Switzerland in Cuba Q26979976 ambassade
Embassy of Cuba, France Embassy of France, Havana Q2841604 ambassade
Embassy of Cuba, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Havana Q12142662 ambassade
Embassy of Cuba, London British Embassy Havana Q16891011 ambassade
Embassy of Cuba, Minsk embassy of Belarus in Cuba Q33117298 ambassade
Embassy of Cuba, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Havana Q2841617 ambassade
Embassy of Cuba, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Havana Q17762905 ambassade
Embassy of Cuba, Ottawa Embassy of Canada in Cuba Q5369662 ambassade
Embassy of Cuba, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Havana Q10549762 ambassade
Embassy of Cuba, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Havana Q61925879 ambassade
Embassy of Cuba, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Havana Q9149528 ambassade
Embassy of Cuba, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Havana Q3774670 ambassade
Interests Section
Embassy of Cyprus in Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Nicosia Q5369663 ambassade
Embassy of Cyprus, Moscow embassy of Russia in Cyprus Q2066103 ambassade
Embassy of Cyprus, Paris Embassy of France, Nicosia Q2841602 ambassade
Embassy of Cyprus, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Nicosia Q91673990 ambassade
Embassy of Cyprus, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Nicosia Q11685562 ambassade
Embassy of Czech Republic, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Prague Q12142747 ambassade
Embassy of Czech Republic, Minsk embassy of Belarus in the Czech Republic Q33113431 ambassade
Embassy of Czech Republic, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Prague Q19393445 ambassade
Embassy of Czech Republic, Yerevan Armenian Embassy, Prague Q31194204 ambassade
Embassy of Côte d'Ivoire, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Abidjan Q61877162 ambassade
Embassy of Democratic Republic of the Congo in Paris Embassy of France, Kinshasa Q16303664 ambassade
Embassy of Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ottawa embassy of Canada in the Democratic Republic of Congo Q20651278 ambassade
Embassy of Djibouti, Paris Embassy of France, Djibouti Q2841608 ambassade
Embassy of Djibouti, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Djibouti Q55342231 ambassade
Embassy of East Timor, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Dili Q52215240 ambassade
Embassy of Ecuador in Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Ecuador Q5369671 ambassade
Embassy of Ecuador, Bern embassy of Switzerland in Ecuador Q26980000 ambassade
Embassy of Ecuador, Lima embassy of Peru in Ecuador Q110667359 ambassade
Embassy of Ecuador, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Quito Q1803773 ambassade
Embassy of Ecuador, Moscow embassy of Russia in Ecuador Q4374086 ambassade
Embassy of Ecuador, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Quito Q61877364 ambassade
Embassy of Egypt, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Cairo Q253199 ambassade
Embassy of Egypt, Bratislava embassy of Slovakia in Egypt Q53195392 ambassade
Embassy of Egypt, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Cairo Q12142648 ambassade
Embassy of Egypt, Lima embassy of Peru in Egypt Q110667440 ambassade
Embassy of Egypt, London British Embassy Cairo Q16974706 ambassade
Embassy of Egypt, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Egypt Q1770850 ambassade
Embassy of Egypt, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Cairo Q17194559 ambassade
Embassy of Egypt, Ottawa embassy of Canada in Egypt Q5369672 ambassade
Embassy of Egypt, Paris Embassy of France, Giza Q30737434 ambassade
Embassy of Egypt, Riyadh Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Cairo Q68169974 ambassade
Embassy of Egypt, Sofia embassy of Bulgaria in Egypt Q41589264 ambassade
Embassy of Egypt, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Cairo Q10480315 ambassade
Embassy of Egypt, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Cairo Q56664948 ambassade
Embassy of Egypt, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Cairo Q9149489 ambassade
Embassy of Egypt, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Cairo Q1770807 ambassade
Embassy of El Salvador in Berlin Embassy of Germany, San Salvador Q9149593 ambassade
Embassy of El Salvador in London British Embassy San Salvador Q15216562 ambassade
Embassy of El Salvador in Mexico embassy of Mexico in El Salvador Q73438295 ambassade
Embassy of El Salvador in Ottawa embassy of Canada in El Salvador Q73432193 ambassade
Embassy of El Salvador in Paris Embassy of France, San Salvador Q73428076 ambassade
Embassy of El Salvador in Tokyo embassy of Japan in El Salvador Q61911684 ambassade
Embassy of El Salvador in Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States in San Salvador Q5369674 ambassade
Embassy of El Salvador, Lima embassy of Peru in El Salvador Q73434230 ambassade
Embassy of Equador in France Embassy of France to Quito Q16020983 ambassade
Embassy of Equatorial Guinea in Paris Embassy of France, Malabo Q16303660 ambassade
Embassy of Equatorial Guinea in Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Malabo Q5369675 ambassade
Embassy of Eritrea in Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Eritrea Q5369677 ambassade
Embassy of Eritrea, London British Embassy Asmara Q16974710 ambassade
Embassy of Eritrea, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Asmara Q52097223 ambassade
Embassy of Estonia in Moscow Embassy of Russia, Tallinn Q4374095 ambassade
Embassy of Estonia, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Tallinn Q1370279 ambassade
Embassy of Estonia, Budapest Hungarian embassy, Tallinn Q42313823 ambassade
Embassy of Estonia, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Tallinn Q12142658 ambassade
Embassy of Estonia, London British Embassy Tallinn Q16974714 ambassade
Embassy of Estonia, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Tallinn Q17634303 ambassade
Embassy of Estonia, Paris Embassy of France, Tallinn Q20669699 ambassade
Embassy of Estonia, Riga Latvian Embassy in Tallinn Q65261900 ambassade
Embassy of Estonia, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Tallinn Q10489226 ambassade
Embassy of Estonia, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Tallinn Q61877445 ambassade
Embassy of Estonia, Vilnius Lithuanian Embassy, Tallinn Q65261918 ambassade
Embassy of Estonia, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Tallinn Q18913125 ambassade
Embassy of Estonia, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Tallinn Q4374093 ambassade
Embassy of Eswatini in Taipei Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan), Mbabane Q25349301 ambassade
Embassy of Eswatini in Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Eswatini Q5369871 ambassade
Embassy of Ethiopia in France Embassy of France, Addis Ababa Q16303650 ambassade
Embassy of Ethiopia, London British Embassy Addis Ababa Q16974718 ambassade
Embassy of Ethiopia, Moscow embassy of Russia in Ethiopia Q4374096 ambassade
Embassy of Ethiopia, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Addis Ababa Q11668250 ambassade
Embassy of Ethiopia, Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Ethiopia Q5369681 ambassade
Embassy of Fiji in Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Suva Q61786637 ambassade
Embassy of Finland in Argentina Embassy of Argentina, Helsinki Q106232857 ambassade
Embassy of Finland in Croatia Embassy of Croatia in Finland Q106241006 ambassade
Embassy of Finland in Mexico Embassy of Mexico in Finland Q106240474 ambassade
Embassy of Finland in Reykjavík Embassy of Iceland in Finland Q31886600 ambassade
Embassy of Finland in Spain Embassy of Spain in Helsinki Q105233106 ambassade
Embassy of Finland in Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Helsinki Q11668255 ambassade
Embassy of Finland in the Czech Republic Embassy of the Czech Republic in Finland Q106315710 ambassade
Embassy of Finland, Budapest Hungarian embassy, Helsinki Q1001543 ambassade
Embassy of Finland, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Helsinki Q2383254 ambassade
Embassy of Finland, London British Embassy Helsinki Q16891018 ambassade
Embassy of Finland, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Helsinki Q4353589 ambassade
Embassy of Finland, Oslo Embassy of Norway in Helsinki Q15733483 ambassade
Embassy of Finland, Paris Embassy of France in Helsinki Q2841610 ambassade
Embassy of Finland, Sofia Embassy of Bulgaria, Helsinki Q41589049 ambassade
Embassy of Finland, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Helsinki Q10495384 ambassade
Embassy of Finland, Tallinn Estonian Embassy in Helsinki Q5494715 ambassade
Embassy of Finland, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Helsinki Q9149494 ambassade
Embassy of Finland, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Helsinki Q5369683 ambassade
Embassy of Finland, Windhoek Embassy of Namibia in Finland Q18814997 ambassade
Embassy of France in Berlin Embassy of Germany, Paris Q554046 ambassade
Embassy of France in Helsinki Embassy of Finland, Paris Q17490969 ambassade
Embassy of France, Abuja Embassy of Nigeria in France Q2841668 ambassade
Embassy of France, Algiers Embassy of Algeria, Paris Q17490933 ambassade
Embassy of France, Asmara Embassy of Eritrea in France Q2841792 ambassade
Embassy of France, Astana Embassy of Kazakhstan in France Q2841645 ambassade
Embassy of France, Athens Embassy of Greece in France Q17490944 ambassade
Embassy of France, Baku Embassy of Azerbaijan, Paris Q2841725 ambassade
Embassy of France, Bangkok Embassy of Thailand, Paris Q13021889 ambassade
Embassy of France, Beijing Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Paris Q2841735 ambassade
Embassy of France, Bern Embassy of Switzerland, Paris Q26971244 ambassade
Embassy of France, Bogotá Embassy of Colombia, Paris Q2841736 ambassade
Embassy of France, Bratislava Embassy of Slovakia, Paris Q2841780 ambassade
Embassy of France, Brussels Embassy of Belgium, Paris Q17490956 ambassade
Embassy of France, Bucharest Embassy of Romania, Paris Q2841775 ambassade
historisk bygning
Embassy of France, Budapest Embassy of Hungary, Paris Q2841748 ambassade
Embassy of France, Buenos Aires Embassy of Argentina, Paris Q2841720 ambassade
Embassy of France, Cotonou Embassy of Benin in France Q2841624 ambassade
Embassy of France, Dar es Salaam Embassy of Tanzania, Paris Q2841784 ambassade
Embassy of France, Dublin Embassy of Ireland, Paris Q2841752 ambassade
Embassy of France, Gaborone embassy of Botswana in France Q2841614 ambassade
Embassy of France, Hanoi Embassy of Vietnam, Paris Q2841697 ambassade
Embassy of France, Holy See Apostolic Nunciature to France Q2841796 ambassade
Embassy of France, Kathmandu Embassy of Nepal in France Q2841669 ambassade
Embassy of France, Kuala Lumpur Embassy of Malaysia, Paris Q2841763 ambassade
Embassy of France, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Paris Q2841795 ambassade
Embassy of France, La Paz embassy of Bolivia in France Q2841726 ambassade
Embassy of France, Lima Embassy of Peru, Paris Q89894742 ambassade
Embassy of France, Lisbon Embassy of Portugal in France Q2841675 ambassade
Embassy of France, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Paris Q15623567 ambassade
Embassy of France, Luxembourg Embassy of Luxemburg in France Q2841659 ambassade
Embassy of France, Madrid Embassy of Spain, Paris Q1129830 ambassade
Embassy of France, Mexico City Embassy of Mexico, Paris Q610193 ambassade
Embassy of France, Minsk Embassy of Belarus, Paris Q2841734 ambassade
Embassy of France, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Paris Q16687413 ambassade
Embassy of France, Muscat Embassy of Oman in France Q2841769 ambassade
Embassy of France, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Paris Q1555163 ambassade
Embassy of France, Ottawa Embassy of Canada, Paris Q653784 ambassade
Embassy of France, Panama City Embassy of Panama in France Q2841672 ambassade
Embassy of France, Paramaribo Embassy of Suriname, Paris Q2841685 ambassade
Embassy of France, Port-au-Prince Embassy of Haiti in France Q2841747 ambassade
Embassy of France, Prague Embassy of The Czech Republic, Paris Q2841783 ambassade
Embassy of France, Praia Embassy of Cape Verde, Paris Q2841632 ambassade
Embassy of France, Rabat Embassy of Morocco, Paris Q2841661 ambassade
Embassy of France, Reykjavík Embassy of Iceland, Paris Q2841753 ambassade
Embassy of France, Riga Embassy of Latvia in France Q2841757 ambassade
Embassy of France, Santiago Embassy of Chile, Paris Q2841631 ambassade
Embassy of France, Santo Domingo Embassy of the Dominican Republic in France Q2841778 ambassade
Embassy of France, Sarajevo Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in France Q2841730 ambassade
Embassy of France, Singapore Embassy of Singapore, Paris Q2841807 ambassade
Embassy of France, Sofia Embassy of Bulgaria in France Q2841733 ambassade
Embassy of France, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Paris Q2841786 ambassade
Embassy of France, Tallinn Embassy of Estonia, Paris Q2841741 ambassade
Embassy of France, Tashkent Embassy of Uzbekistan, Paris Q2841773 ambassade
Embassy of France, Tehran Embassy of Iran, Paris Q1348843 ambassade
Embassy of France, Tel Aviv Embassy of Israel, Paris Q28065377 ambassade
Embassy of France, The Hague Embassy of The Netherlands, Paris Q2841704 ambassade
Embassy of France, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Paris Q2841652 ambassade
Embassy of France, Tunis Embassy of Tunisia, Paris Q2841790 ambassade
Embassy of France, Vienna Embassy of Austria in Paris Q572567 ambassade
Embassy of France, Vilnius Embassy of Lithuania, Paris Q2841761 ambassade
Embassy of France, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Paris Q2841777 ambassade
Embassy of France, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Paris Q2841718 ambassade
Embassy of France, Wellington embassy of New Zealand, Paris Q2841770 ambassade
Embassy of France, Windhoek Embassy of Namibia in Paris Q2841767 ambassade
Embassy of France, Zagreb Embassy of Croatia in France Q2841739 ambassade
Embassy of Gabon in France Embassy of France, Libreville Q16303688 ambassade
Embassy of Gabon, Moscow embassy of Russia in Gabon Q4373984 ambassade
Embassy of Gabon, Tokyo embassy of Japan in Gabon Q61877234 ambassade
Embassy of Gabon, Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States, Libreville Q5369689 ambassade
Embassy of Georgia in Moscow Embassy of Russia, Tbilisi Q5369881 hus
Embassy of Georgia in Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Tbilisi Q5369690 ambassade
Embassy of Georgia to the Kingdom of the Netherlands Embassy of the Netherlands, Tbilisi Q96377187 ambassade
Embassy of Georgia, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Tbilisi Q1532202 ambassade
Embassy of Georgia, London British Embassy Tbilisi Q16891022 ambassade
Embassy of Georgia, Minsk embassy of Belarus in Georgia Q33113443 ambassade
Embassy of Georgia, Oslo Embassy of Norway in Georgia Q17776070 ambassade
Embassy of Georgia, Paris Embassy of France, Tbilisi Q20127463 ambassade
Embassy of Georgia, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Tbilisi Q10504206 ambassade
Embassy of Georgia, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Tbilisi Q52388399 ambassade
Embassy of Germany in Uruguay Embassy of Uruguay, Berlin Q1202237 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Accra Embassy of Ghana, Berlin Q58613729 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Ankara Embassy of Turkey, Berlin Q1202231 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Baghdad embassy of Iraq in Germany Q58644340 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Bangkok Embassy of Thailand, Berlin Q13021892 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Bangladesh embassy of Bangladesh in Germany Q24948072 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Belgrade Embassy of Serbia, Berlin Q60149042 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Bern Embassy of Switzerland, Berlin Q26980117 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Bogotá Embassy of Colombia, Berlin Q58869927 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Brasília Embassy of Brazil, Berlin Q5369693 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Bratislava Embassy of Slovakia, Berlin Q53205257 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Bucharest Embassy of Romania, Berlin Q60165016 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Budapest Embassy of Hungary, Berlin Q5369694 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Cairo Embassy of Egypt, Berlin Q58207668 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Canberra Embassy of Australia, Berlin Q5369695 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Dar es Salaam Tanzanian Embassy, Berlin Q60035875 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Doha Embassy of Qatar, Berlin Q58754429 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Gaborone embassy of Botswana in Germany Q58490877 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Hanoi Embassy of Vietnam, Berlin Q59277899 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Helsinki embassy of Finland in Germany Q25451942 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Khartoum embassy of Sudan in Germany Q60036494 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Kuala Lumpur embassy of Malaysia in Germany Q58944931 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Berlin Q387050 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Lima Embassy of Peru, Berlin Q60168158 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Ljubljana Embassy of Slovenia, Berlin Q60044496 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Berlin Q835031 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Luxembourg Embassy of Luxembourg, Berlin Q58924865 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Madrid Embassy of Spain, Berlin Q26839065 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Maputo Embassy of Mozambique, Berlin Q20873909 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Mexico City Embassy of Mexico, Berlin Q60263931 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Minsk Embassy of Belarus, Berlin Q33113461 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Monrovia Liberian Embassy, Berlin Q1202234 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Berlin Q4373990 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Muscat embassy of Oman in Germany Q60228194 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Berlin Q19393656 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Ottawa Canada House Q5369697 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Paris Embassy of France in Berlin Q15953187 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Podgorica embassy of Montenegro in Germany Q60257621 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Prague Czech Embassy, Berlin Q834465 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Reykjavík embassy of Iceland in Germany Q58652656 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Riga Embassy of Latvia, Berlin Q1202233 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Rome Italian Embassy, Berlin Q22226879 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Santiago Embassy of Chile, Berlin Q58492288 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Sarajevo Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Berlin Q58488501 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Seoul Embassy of South Korea, Berlin Q60036416 ambassade Auswärtiges Amt
Embassy of Germany, Singapore embassy of Singapore in Germany Q60143853 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Skopje embassy of North Macedonia in Germany Q60260517 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Sofia Embassy of Bulgaria, Berlin Q58491509 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Berlin Q1202240 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Tallinn Embassy of Estonia, Berlin Q42313748 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Tehran Iranian Embassy, Berlin Q20110427 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Tel Aviv Embassy of Israel, Berlin Q5369700 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands, Berlin Q60231056 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Tirana Embassy of Albania, Berlin Q15109295 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Berlin Q16061535 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Valletta Embassy of Malta, Berlin Q60300848 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Vienna Embassy of Austria, Berlin Q1202238 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Vientiane Embassy of Laos, Berlin Q58894963 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Berlin Q9149551 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Washington Embassy of the United States, Berlin Q324833 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Wellington Embassy of New Zealand in Berlin Q5369702 ambassade
Embassy of Germany, Yerevan Embassy of Armenia, Berlin Q31193882 ambassade
Embassy of Ghana in Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Accra Q5369703 ambassade
Embassy of Ghana, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Accra Q1521377 ambassade Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration of the Republic of Ghana
Germany–Ghana relations
Embassy of Ghana, Bern embassy of Switzerland in Ghana Q26979966 ambassade
Embassy of Ghana, Moscow embassy of Russia in Ghana Q4373986 ambassade
Embassy of Ghana, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Accra Q61877237 ambassade
Embassy of Greece in Finland embassy of Finland in Greece Q106193516 ambassade
Embassy of Greece in France Embassy of France, Athens Q17346973 ambassade
Embassy of Greece in Luxembourg embassy of Luxembourg in Greece Q100784434 ambassade
Embassy of Greece in Moscow embassy of Russia in Greece Q4373994 ambassade
Embassy of Greece in Sarajevo embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Greece Q92084790 ambassade
Embassy of Greece, Budapest Hungarian embassy, Athen Q108721426 ambassade
Embassy of Greece, Canberra embassy of Australia in Greece Q55639649 ambassade
Embassy of Greece, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine in Greece Q1591995 ambassade
Embassy of Greece, London British Embassy Athens Q15379259 ambassade
Embassy of Greece, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Athens Q19374019 ambassade
Embassy of Greece, Ottawa embassy of Canada in Greece Q14875142 ambassade
Embassy of Greece, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Athens Q10508663 ambassade
Embassy of Greece, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Athens Q61911514 ambassade
Embassy of Greece, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Athens Q9149499 ambassade
Embassy of Greece, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Athens Q5369705 ambassade
Embassy of Greece, Yerevan embassy of Armenia in Greece Q31193881 ambassade
Embassy of Grenada in Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Grenada Q29025000 ambassade
Embassy of Guatemala in France Embassy of France, Guatemala City Q20669716 ambassade
Embassy of Guatemala in Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Guatemala Q5369708 ambassade
Embassy of Guatemala, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Guatemala Q24944365 ambassade
Embassy of Guatemala, London British Embassy Guatemala City Q16982846 ambassade
Embassy of Guatemala, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Guatemala City Q62042923 ambassade
Embassy of Guinea in Paris Embassy of France, Conakry Q16303658 ambassade
Embassy of Guinea in Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Guinea Q5369709 ambassade
Embassy of Guinea, London British Embassy Conakry Q16964416 ambassade
Embassy of Guinea, Moscow embassy of Russia in Guinea Q4373988 ambassade
Embassy of Guinea, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Conakry Q61877262 ambassade
Embassy of Guinea-Bissau in Portugal embassy of Portugal in Guinea-Bissau Q103831175 ambassade
Embassy of Guinea-Bissau, Moscow embassy of Russia in Guinea-Bissau Q86675428 ambassade
Embassy of Guyana in Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Guyana Q5369710 ambassade
Embassy of Haiti embassy of the United States in Haiti Q12057110 ambassade
Embassy of Haiti in France Embassy of France, Port-au-Prince Q20051092 ambassade
Embassy of Haiti, Berlin embassy of Germany, Port-au-Prince Q25409440 ambassade
Embassy of Haiti, London British Embassy Port-au-Prince Q16983076 ambassade
Embassy of Haiti, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Pétion-Ville Q61911666 ambassade
Embassy of Honduras, Paris Embassy of France, Tegucigalpa Q20127465 ambassade
Embassy of Honduras, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Tegucigalpa Q61911680 ambassade
Embassy of Hungary in Austria Embassy of Austria, Budapest Q54168997 ambassade
Embassy of Hungary in Belgium, Brussel Embassy of Belgium, Budapest Q63247384 ambassade
Embassy of Hungary, Beijing Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Budapest Q5369716 ambassade
Embassy of Hungary, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Budapest Q2493389 ambassade
Embassy of Hungary, Chișinău embassy of Moldova in Hungary Q5369717 ambassade
Embassy of Hungary, Hague Embassy of the Netherlands, Budapest Q63313728 ambassade
Embassy of Hungary, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Budapest Q1532214 ambassade
Embassy of Hungary, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Budapest Q16891034 ambassade
Embassy of Hungary, Mexico City Embassy of Mexico in Budapest, Hungary Q63644097 ambassade
Embassy of Hungary, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Budapest Q4373979 ambassade
Embassy of Hungary, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Budapest Q16547827 ambassade
Embassy of Hungary, Ottawa Embassy of Canada, Budapest Q5369719 ambassade
Embassy of Hungary, Paris Embassy of France, Budapest Q16010348 ambassade
Embassy of Hungary, Prague Embassy of the Czech Republic, Budapest Q63639169 ambassade
Embassy of Hungary, Riga Embassy of Latvia, Budapest Q63639208 ambassade
Embassy of Hungary, Sarajevo Bosnian Herzegovinian embassy in Budapest, Hungary Q63633740 ambassade
Embassy of Hungary, Sofia Embassy of Bulgaria to Hungary Q41589158 ambassade
Embassy of Hungary, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Budapest Q10709571 ambassade
Embassy of Hungary, Tokyo embassy of Japan, Budapest Q61911520 ambassade
Embassy of Hungary, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Budapest Q16494353 ambassade
Embassy of Hungary, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Budapest Q12057112 ambassade
Embassy of Iceland in Finland Embassy of Finland in Reykjavík Q106117323 ambassade
Embassy of Iceland in the United States embassy of the United States in Iceland Q106119711 ambassade
Embassy of Iceland, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Reykjavík Q15378751 ambassade
Embassy of Iceland, Moscow embassy of Russia in Iceland Q2069617 ambassade
Embassy of Iceland, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Reykjavik Q19375895 ambassade
Embassy of Iceland, Ottawa embassy of Canada in Iceland Q5369721 ambassade
Embassy of Iceland, Paris Embassy of France, Reykjavík Q15149867 ambassade
Embassy of Iceland, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Reykjavik Q10537319 ambassade
Embassy of Iceland, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Reykjavík Q11668248 ambassade
Embassy of India, Ankara Embassy of Turkey, New Delhi Q63352404 ambassade
Embassy of India, Beijing Embassy of the People's Republic of China, New Delhi Q5369722 ambassade
Embassy of India, Berlin Embassy of Germany, New Delhi Q1661513 ambassade
Embassy of India, Bratislava embassy of Slovakia in India Q53205414 ambassade
Embassy of India, Dublin embassy of Ireland in India Q73108313 ambassade
Embassy of India, Kabul Embassy of India, Kabul Q73025357 ambassade
Embassy of India, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, New Delhi Q50842986 ambassade
Embassy of India, Lima embassy of Peru in India Q109000983 ambassade
Embassy of India, Madrid Embassy of Spain, New Dehli Q105275822 ambassade
Embassy of India, Mexico City embassy of Mexico in India Q73112018 ambassade
Embassy of India, Moscow Embassy of Russia, New Delhi Q283225 ambassade
Embassy of India, Oslo Embassy of Norway, New Delhi Q19375549 ambassade
Embassy of India, Panama City embassy of Panama in India Q16976377 ambassade
Embassy of India, Paramaribo Embassy of Suriname, New Delhi Q108403020 ambassade
Embassy of India, Paris Embassy of France, New Delhi Q20669700 ambassade
Embassy of India, Prague embassy of the Czech republic in India Q73093582 ambassade
Embassy of India, Rome Embassy of Italy, New Delhi Q5369725 ambassade
Embassy of India, Santiago embassy of Chile in India Q73092191 ambassade
Embassy of India, Sofia embassy of Bulgaria in India Q73091561 ambassade
Embassy of India, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, New Delhi Q10534979 ambassade
Embassy of India, Tel Aviv embassy of Israel in India Q73108428 ambassade
Embassy of India, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands, New Delhi Q100546747 ambassade
Embassy of India, Thimphu Embassy of Bhutan, New Delhi Q73089647 ambassade
Embassy of India, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, New Delhi Q52175858 ambassade
Embassy of India, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, New Delhi Q9149504 ambassade
Embassy of India, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, New Delhi Q4374001 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia Riyadh Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Jakarta Q68170009 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia in Finland embassy of Finland in Indonesia Q106194136 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia in Moscow embassy of Russia in Indonesia Q4374002 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia in Suriname embassy of Suriname in Indonesia Q107530652 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Addis Ababa embassy of Ethiopia in Indonesia Q75070819 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Amman embassy of Jordan in Indonesia Q75201413 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Ankara Embassy of Turkey, Jakarta Q75334780 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Athens embassy of Greece in Indonesia Q75401840 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Baghdad embassy of Iraq in Indonesia Q84758425 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Bandar Seri Begawan embassy of Brunei in Indonesia Q75776673 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Bangkok embassy of Thailand in Indonesia Q23974995 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Beijing Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Jakarta Q76009888 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Jakarta Q31172970 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Bern embassy of Switzerland in Indonesia Q26979890 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Bogotá embassy of Colombia in Indonesia Q73962992 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Brasília Embassy of Brazil, Jakarta Q76380784 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Bucharest embassy of Romania in Indonesia Q76439810 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Budapest Embassy of Hungary, Jakarta Q74464631 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Buenos Aires embassy of Argentina in Indonesia Q74151151 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Cairo embassy of Egypt in Indonesia Q12490407 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Canberra Embassy of Australia, Jakarta Q48816312 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Caracas embassy of Venezuela in Indonesia Q76472706 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Colombo embassy of Sri Lanka in Indonesia Q76483098 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Doha embassy of Qatar in Indonesia Q107428794 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Kuala Lumpur embassy of Malaysia in Indonesia Q60742403 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Jakarta Q12142651 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Lisbon embassy of Portugal in Indonesia Q104649271 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Jakarta Q5369728 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Oslo Embassy of Norway in Indonesia Q19375552 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Ottawa Embassy of Canada in Indonesia Q5369729 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Paris Embassy of France, Jakarta Q2841589 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Prague embassy of the Czech republic in Indonesia Q65464931 villa
Embassy of Indonesia, Pretoria embassy of South Africa in Indonesia Q74316703 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Seoul embassy of South Korea in Indonesia Q79831435 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Jakarta Q18290928 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands, Jakarta Q100544238 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Jakarta Q45380967 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Jakarta Q11685566 ambassade
Embassy of Indonesia, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Jakarta Q5369730 hus
Embassy of Iran in Sarajevo embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Iran Q92074548 ambassade
Embassy of Iran in Switzerland Embassy of Switzerland, Tehran Q26979894 ambassade
Embassy of Iran, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Tehran Q12142652 ambassade
Embassy of Iran, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Tehran Q15378797 ambassade
Embassy of Iran, Minsk embassy of Belarus in Iran Q33116997 ambassade
Embassy of Iran, Moscow Embassy of Russia in Iran Q5369733 ambassade
Embassy of Iran, Paris Embassy of France, Tehran Q30055556 ambassade
Embassy of Iran, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Tehran Q5369732 ambassade
Embassy of Iran, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Tehran Q46994693 ambassade
Embassy of Iran, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Tehran Q11685567 ambassade
Embassy of Iran, Yerevan Embassy of Armenia, Tehran Q109561205 ambassade
Embassy of Iraq in Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Baghdad Q5369735 ambassade
Embassy of Iraq, Helsinki embassy of Finland in Iraq Q24052754 ambassade
Embassy of Iraq, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Baghdad Q16712423 ambassade
Embassy of Iraq, London British Embassy Baghdad Q16836819 ambassade
Embassy of Iraq, Moscow embassy of Russia in Iraq Q265896 ambassade
Embassy of Iraq, Paris Embassy of France, Baghdad Q2841590 ambassade
Embassy of Iraq, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Baghdad Q10536621 ambassade
Embassy of Iraq, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Baghdad Q11668249 ambassade
Embassy of Iraq, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Baghdad Q9149509 ambassade
Embassy of Ireland, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Dublin Q21041983 ambassade
Embassy of Ireland, Bern Embassy of Switzerland, Dublin Q26979593 ambassade
Embassy of Ireland, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Dublin Q15379291 ambassade
Embassy of Ireland, Moscow embassy of Russia in Ireland Q4374000 ambassade
Embassy of Ireland, Oslo Embassy of Norway in Dublin Q19375840 ambassade
Embassy of Ireland, Ottawa embassy of Canada in Ireland Q5369736 ambassade
Embassy of Ireland, Paris Embassy of France, Dublin Q18164757 ambassade
Embassy of Ireland, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Dublin Q48814432 ambassade
Embassy of Ireland, Vilnius embassy of Lithuania in Ireland Q104833618 ambassade
Embassy of Ireland, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Dublin Q11685568 ambassade
Embassy of Ireland, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Dublin Q5369737 ambassade
Embassy of Israel in Finland embassy of Finland in Israel Q106194848 ambassade
Embassy of Israel, Athens embassy of Greece in Israel Q5369738 ambassade
Embassy of Israel, Bangkok Embassy of Thailand, Tel Aviv Q111956230 ambassade
Embassy of Israel, Beijing Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Tel Aviv Q27862556 ambassade
Embassy of Israel, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Tel Aviv Q1674638 ambassade
Embassy of Israel, Brasilia Embassy of Brazil, Tel Aviv Q105705907 ambassade
Embassy of Israel, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Tel Aviv Q800049 ambassade
Embassy of Israel, Lima embassy of Peru in Israel Q110687290 ambassade
Embassy of Israel, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Tel Aviv Q5369740 ambassade
Embassy of Israel, Moscow embassy of Russia in Israel Q2894508 ambassade
Embassy of Israel, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Tel Aviv Q11977611 ambassade
Embassy of Israel, Paris Embassy of France, Tel Aviv Q2841593 ambassade
Embassy of Israel, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Tel Aviv Q10538001 ambassade
Embassy of Israel, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands in Israel Q86680932 ambassade
Embassy of Israel, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Tel Aviv Q43378645 ambassade
Embassy of Israel, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Tel Aviv Q9149512 ambassade
Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Jerusalem Q5369744 ambassade
Embassy of Italy Embassy of Albania, Rome Q15040986 ambassade
historisk sted
Embassy of Italy in Canberra embassy of Australia in Italy Q104923551 ambassade
Embassy of Italy in Caracas embassy of Venezuela to the Holy See Q63572242 ambassade
Embassy of Italy in Ireland embassy of Ireland to the Holy See Q101641665 ambassade
Embassy of Italy in Moscow Embassy of Russia to the Holy See Q4374010 ambassade
Embassy of Italy in Portugal embassy of Portugal in Italy Q105061863 ambassade
Embassy of Italy in San Marino embassy of San Marino to the Holy See Q3613755 ambassade
Embassy of Italy in Spain Embassy of Spain in Rome Q59828249 ambassade
Embassy of Italy in Switzerland embassy of Switzerland in Italy Q26980137 ambassade
Embassy of Italy to the Holy See Apostolic Nunciature to Italy Q16744674 ambassade
Embassy of Italy, Ankara Embassy of Turkey, Rome Q16525803 ambassade
Embassy of Italy, Baku Embassy of Azerbaijan, Rome Q20587002 ambassade
Embassy of Italy, Budapest Hungarian embassy in Roma Q104619459 ambassade
Embassy of Italy, Buenos Aires embassy of Argentina in Italy Q15820507 ambassade
Embassy of Italy, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Rome Q1532191 ambassade
Embassy of Italy, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Rome Q15636196 ambassade
Embassy of Italy, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Rome Q24259427 ambassade
Embassy of Italy, Prague embassy of Czech Republic to the Holy See Q5369747 ambassade
Embassy of Italy, Sarajevo embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Italy Q92204982 ambassade
Embassy of Italy, Sofia embassy of Bulgaria in Italy Q3891389 ambassade
Embassy of Italy, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Rome Q10538151 ambassade
Embassy of Italy, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Rome Q24479841 ambassade
Embassy of Italy, Vienna embassy of Austria in Italy Q3613757 ambassade
Embassy of Italy, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Rome Q2377634 ambassade
Embassy of Italy, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Rome Q5369749 ambassade
Embassy of Ivory Coast in Paris Embassy of France, Abidjan Q15639479 ambassade
Embassy of Ivory Coast, London embassy of United Kingdom in Abidjan Q16891020 ambassade
Embassy of Ivory Coast, Ottawa Embassy of Canada in Abidjan Q5369750 ambassade
Embassy of Jamaica, Tokyo embassy of Japan in Jamaica Q61925887 ambassade Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade
Embassy of Jamaica, Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Jamaica Q5369751 ambassade Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade
Embassy of Japan in Chile Embassy of Chile, Tokyo Q48343627 ambassade
Embassy of Japan in Luxembourg Embassy of Luxembourg, Tokyo Q100785802 ambassade
Embassy of Japan to the Holy See Apostolic Nunciature to Japan Q56257856 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Tokyo Q9149515 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Accra Embassy of Ghana, Tokyo Q69522944 ambassade Ghana–Japan relations
Embassy of Japan, Asmara Embassy of Eritrea, Tokyo Q110409506 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Bandar Seri Begawan Embassy of Brunei, Tokyo Q64746369 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Bangkok Embassy of Thailand, Tokyo Q11423916 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Beijing Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Tokyo Q29868931 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Tokyo Q1683268 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Bogotá Embassy of Colombia, Tokyo Q112625585 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Bratislava Embassy of Slovakia, Tokyo Q5369752 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Buenos Aires Embassy of Argentina, Tokyo Q110272118 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Canberra Australian Embassy Tokyo Q45588758 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Chișinău Embassy of Moldova, Tokyo Q100700823 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Damascus Embassy of Syria, Tokyo Q63931427 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Dublin Embassy of Ireland, Tokyo Q66316902 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Guatemala City Embassy of Guatemala, Tokyo Q64517358 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Hanoi Embassy of Vietnam, Tokyo Q79911028 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Helsinki Embassy of Finland in Tokyo Q106202085 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Jakarta Embassy of Indonesia, Tokyo Q44981967 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Koror Embassy of Palau, Tokyo Q62471446 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Kuala Lumpur Embassy of Malaysia, Tokyo Q27193735 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Tokyo Q1532207 bygning
Embassy of Japan, Lima Embassy of Peru, Tokyo Q61410038 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Ljubljana Embassy of Slovenia, Tokyo Q107345920 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Tokyo Q5369754 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Madrid Embassy of Spain, Tokyo Q44770661 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Mexico City Embassy of Mexico, Tokyo Q50323624 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Montevideo Embassy of Uruguay, Tokyo Q1683267 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Tokyo Q3936326 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Nairobi Embassy of Kenya, Tokyo Q98599198 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Tokyo Q19376100 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Ottawa Embassy of Canada, Tokyo Q5369755 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Paris Embassy of France, Tokyo Q2841871 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Prague Embassy of the Czech Republic, Tokyo Q77896244 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Rome Embassy of Italy, Tokyo Q103827726 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Sarajevo Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tokyo Q93108919 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Seoul Embassy of South Korea, Tokyo Q621455 ambassade Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
Embassy of Japan, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Tokyo Q10539627 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Tallinn Embassy of Estonia, Tokyo Q64706403 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Tbilisi Embassy of Georgia, Tokyo Q50571654 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Tel Aviv Embassy of Israel, Tokyo Q54645606 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands, Tokyo Q17386935 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Ulaanbaatar Embassy of Mongolia, Tokyo Q33309400 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Vienna Embassy of Austria, Tokyo Q104634852 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Vilnius Embassy of Lithuania, Tokyo Q64576908 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Tokyo Q1683269 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Wellington Embassy of New Zealand, Tokyo Q45755075 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Yangon Embassy of Myanmar, Tokyo Q63349704 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Yerevan Embassy of Armenia, Tokyo Q112620103 ambassade
Embassy of Japan, Zagreb Embassy of Croatia, Tokyo Q44368430 ambassade
Embassy of Jordan British Embassy Amman Q16941281 ambassade
Embassy of Jordan, Bern embassy of Switzerland in Jordan Q26979899 ambassade
Embassy of Jordan, Moscow embassy of Russia in Jordan Q4373998 ambassade
Embassy of Jordan, Ottawa embassy of Canada in Jordan Q5369757 ambassade
Embassy of Jordan, Paris Embassy of France, Amman Q2841811 ambassade
Embassy of Jordan, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Amman Q61925155 ambassade
Embassy of Jordan, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Amman Q5369758 ambassade
Embassy of Kazakhstan in France Embassy of France, Astana Q20669717 ambassade
Embassy of Kazakhstan in Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Kazakhstan Q5369760 ambassade
Embassy of Kazakhstan, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Astana Q23786646 ambassade
Embassy of Kazakhstan, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Astana Q96140144 ambassade
Embassy of Kazakhstan, London British Embassy Astana Q16867391 ambassade
Embassy of Kazakhstan, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Astana Q4374007 ambassade
Embassy of Kazakhstan, Ottawa Embassy of Canada in Kazakhstan Q5369759 ambassade
Embassy of Kazakhstan, Seoul Embassy of South Korea, Kazakhstan Q66911594 ambassade
Embassy of Kazakhstan, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Astana Q101628105 ambassade
Embassy of Kazakhstan, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Astana Q61925337 ambassade
Embassy of Kazakhstan, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Astana Q9149521 ambassade
Embassy of Kenya in France Embassy of France, Nairobi Q16303692 ambassade
Embassy of Kenya in Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Nairobi Q5369761 hus
Embassy of Kenya, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Nairobi Q1414462 ambassade
Embassy of Kenya, Moscow embassy of Russia in Kenya Q16687382 ambassade
Embassy of Kenya, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Nairobi Q18291207 ambassade
Embassy of Kenya, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Nairobi Q61877275 ambassade
Embassy of Kosovo, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Pristina Q16836824 ambassade
Embassy of Kosovo, Oslo Embassy of Norway in Kosovo Q97197144 ambassade
Embassy of Kosovo, Podgorica embassy of Montenegro in Kosovo Q108911220 ambassade
Embassy of Kosovo, Prague embassy of the Czech republic in Kosovo Q107123834 ambassade
Embassy of Kosovo, Skopje embassy of North Macedonia in Kosovo Q111539161 ambassade
Embassy of Kosovo, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Prishtina Q10548359 ambassade
Embassy of Kosovo, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Pristina Q100695987 ambassade
Embassy of Kosovo, Vienna embassy of Austria to Kosovo Q54168868 ambassade
Embassy of Kuwait, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Kuwait City Q12142663 ambassade
Embassy of Kuwait, London British Embassy Kuwait Q15216567 ambassade
Embassy of Kuwait, Paris Embassy of France, Kuwait City Q2841872 ambassade
Embassy of Kuwait, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Kuwait Q11668252 ambassade
Embassy of Kuwait, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Kuwait Q9149529 ambassade
Embassy of Kuwait, Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Kuwait Q5369764 ambassade
Embassy of Kyrgyzstan, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Bishkek Q19962078 ambassade
Embassy of Kyrgyzstan, Minsk embassy of Belarus in Kyrgyzstan Q33113706 ambassade
Embassy of Kyrgyzstan, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Bishkek Q4374014 ambassade
Embassy of Kyrgyzstan, Tokyo embassy of Japan in Kyrgyzstan Q61925498 ambassade
Embassy of Kyrgyzstan, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Bishkek Q5369765 ambassade
Embassy of Laos in France Embassy of France, Vientiane Q20127466 ambassade
Embassy of Laos in Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Laos Q5369766 ambassade
Embassy of Laos, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Vientiane Q23786683 ambassade
Embassy of Laos, Moscow embassy of Russia in Laos Q4374016 ambassade
Embassy of Laos, Tokyo embassy of Japan in Laos Q61925568 ambassade
Embassy of Latvia in Finland embassy of Finland in Latvia Q106206131 ambassade
Embassy of Latvia in Moscow Embassy of Russia, Riga Q4374018 ambassade
Embassy of Latvia in Ukraine Embassy of Ukraine, Riga Q2383217 ambassade
Embassy of Latvia, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Riga Q21041993 ambassade
Embassy of Latvia, London British Embassy Riga Q16835151 ambassade
Embassy of Latvia, Oslo Embassy of Norway in Latvia Q19379051 ambassade
Embassy of Latvia, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Riga Q10559905 ambassade
Embassy of Latvia, Tokyo embassy of Japan in Latvia Q61911532 ambassade
Embassy of Latvia, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Riga Q9149637 ambassade
Embassy of Latvia, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States in Riga Q12057117 ambassade
Embassy of Lebanon in Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States in Beirut Q5369770 ambassade
Embassy of Lebanon, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Beirut Q18023364 ambassade
Embassy of Lebanon, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Baabda Q12142665 ambassade
Embassy of Lebanon, London British Embassy Beirut Q16991723 ambassade
Embassy of Lebanon, Ottawa embassy of Canada in Lebanon Q5369769 ambassade
Embassy of Lebanon, Paris French Embassy, Beirut Q2841874 ambassade
Embassy of Lebanon, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Beirut Q18747087 ambassade
Embassy of Lebanon, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Beirut Q105540473 ambassade
Embassy of Lebanon, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Beirut Q9149530 ambassade
Embassy of Lesotho in Germany ambassade d'Allemagne au Lesotho Q16303694 ambassade
Embassy of Lesotho in Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Lesotho Q5369771 ambassade
Embassy of Liberia in France Embassy of France, Monrovia Q16303697 ambassade
Embassy of Libya in France Embassy of France, Tripoli Q15149886 ambassade
Embassy of Libya, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Tripoli Q12142667 ambassade
Embassy of Libya, Moscow embassy of Russia in Libya Q4374013 ambassade
Embassy of Libya, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Tripoli Q61925231 ambassade
Embassy of Libya, Warsaw embassy of Poland in Libya Q11685570 ambassade
Embassy of Lithuania in Finland embassy of Finland in Lithuania Q106206389 ambassade
Embassy of Lithuania, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Vilnius Q21041989 ambassade
Embassy of Lithuania, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Vilnius Q2383268 ambassade
Embassy of Lithuania, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Vilnius Q16891016 ambassade
Embassy of Lithuania, Madrid Embassy of Spain, Vilnius Q105301970 ambassade
Embassy of Lithuania, Minsk Embassy of Belarus, Vilnius Q33118789 ambassade
Embassy of Lithuania, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Vilnius Q4374015 ambassade
Embassy of Lithuania, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Vilnius Q19379974 ambassade
Embassy of Lithuania, Paris Embassy of France, Vilnius Q20669706 ambassade
Embassy of Lithuania, Prague Embassy of the Czech Republic, Vilnius Q69782235 ambassade
Embassy of Lithuania, Riga embassy of Latvia in Lithuania Q107217308 ambassade
Embassy of Lithuania, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Vilnius Q18291971 ambassade
Embassy of Lithuania, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Vilnius Q61911536 ambassade
Embassy of Lithuania, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Vilnius Q9149535 ambassade
Embassy of Lithuania, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Vilnius Q12057120 ambassade
Embassy of Luxembourg, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Luxembourg Q48756399 ambassade
Embassy of Luxembourg, Bern Embassy of Switzerland in Luxembourg Q26980145 ambassade
Embassy of Luxembourg, London British Embassy Luxembourg Q16991727 ambassade
Embassy of Luxembourg, Moscow Embassy of Russia in Luxembourg Q4374017 ambassade
Embassy of Luxembourg, Tokyo Embassy of Japan in Luxembourg Q61923107 ambassade
Embassy of Luxembourg, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Luxembourg Q9149536 ambassade
Embassy of Luxembourg, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Luxembourg Q5369776 ambassade
Embassy of Luxemburg in France Embassy of France, Luxembourg Q19843704 ambassade
Embassy of Madagascar, Falkensee Embassy of Germany, Antananarivo Q1883121 ambassade Germany–Madagascar relations
Embassy of Madagascar, Moscow embassy of Russia in Madagascar Q2841820 ambassade
Embassy of Madagascar, Paris Embassy of France, Antananarivo Q2841813 ambassade
Embassy of Madagascar, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Antananarivo Q56754458 ambassade
Embassy of Madagascar, Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Madagascar Q5369777 ambassade
Embassy of Malawi in Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Malawi Q5369778 ambassade
Embassy of Malaysia, Beijing Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Kuala Lumpur Q100279184 ambassade
Embassy of Malaysia, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Kuala Lumpur Q12142666 ambassade
Embassy of Malaysia, Paris Embassy of France, Kuala Lumpur Q20669708 ambassade
Embassy of Malaysia, Sarajevo embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Malaysia Q95630585 ambassade
Embassy of Malaysia, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Kuala Lumpur Q10575771 ambassade
Embassy of Malaysia, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Kuala Lumpur Q61925610 ambassade
Embassy of Malaysia, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Kuala Lumpur Q9149541 ambassade
Embassy of Malaysia, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Kuala Lumpur Q5369780 ambassade
Embassy of Maldives, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Malé Q55096462 ambassade
Embassy of Mali in France Embassy of France, Bamako Q16303699 ambassade
Embassy of Mali, Beijing ambassade de la république populaire de Chine au Mali Q100275852 ambassade
Embassy of Mali, Moscow embassy of Russia in Mali Q4374025 ambassade
Embassy of Mali, Tokyo embassy of Japan in Mali Q61877294 ambassade
Embassy of Mali, Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Mali Q5369781 ambassade
Embassy of Malta in Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Attard Q5369782 ambassade
Embassy of Malta, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Valletta Q31838855 ambassade
Embassy of Malta, Paris Embassy of France, Valletta Q2841814 ambassade
Embassy of Malta, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Sliema Q104491974 ambassade
Embassy of Malta, Warsaw embassy of Poland in Malta Q9149546 ambassade
Embassy of Mauritania in Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Nouakchott Q5369783 ambassade
Embassy of Mauritania, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Nouakchott Q1769743 ambassade
Embassy of Mauritania, Paris Embassy of France, Nouakchott Q2425395 ambassade
Embassy of Mauritania, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Nouakchott Q61877285 ambassade
Embassy of Mexico in Budapest, Hungary Embassy of Hungary, Mexico City Q107407013 ambassade
Embassy of Mexico, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Mexico City Q827376 bygning
Embassy of Mexico, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Mexico City Q12142670 ambassade
Embassy of Mexico, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Mexico City Q5369787 ambassade
Embassy of Mexico, Madrid Embassy of Spain in Mexico City Q65066997 ambassade
Embassy of Mexico, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Mexico City Q19381428 ambassade
Embassy of Mexico, Ottawa Embassy of Canada, Mexico City Q937730 ambassade
Embassy of Mexico, Paris Embassy of France, Mexico City Q6018519 ambassade
Embassy of Mexico, Prague embassy of the Czech republic in Mexico Q5369788 ambassade
Embassy of Mexico, Seoul Embassy of South Korea in Mexico City Q79847664 ambassade
Embassy of Mexico, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Mexico City Q18292307 ambassade
Embassy of Mexico, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Mexico City Q61877386 ambassade
Embassy of Mexico, Vienna embassy of Austria in Mexico Q24264229 ambassade
Embassy of Mexico, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Mexico City Q11685573 ambassade
Embassy of Mexico, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Mexico City Q23925187 ambassade
Embassy of Micronesia, Tokyo Embassy of Japan in the Federated States of Micronesia Q61786683 ambassade
Embassy of Moldova, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Chișinău Q5369790 ambassade
Embassy of Moldova, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Chișinău Q1532187 ambassade
Embassy of Moldova, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Chișinău Q16891025 ambassade
Embassy of Moldova, Prague Embassy of the Czech Republic, Chișinău Q2317967 ambassade
Embassy of Moldova, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Chișinău Q18292355 ambassade
Embassy of Moldova, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Chișinău Q100695295 ambassade
Embassy of Moldova, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Chișinău Q9149550 ambassade
Embassy of Moldova, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Chișinău Q5369791 hus
Embassy of Monaco, Paris Embassy of France, Monaco Q2841821 ambassade
Embassy of Mongolia in France Embassy of France, Ulaanbaatar Q2841822 ambassade
Embassy of Mongolia, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Ulaanbaatar Q18180367 ambassade Germany–Mongolia relations
Embassy of Mongolia, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Ulaanbaatar Q16991729 ambassade
Embassy of Mongolia, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Ulaanbaatar Q2841827 ambassade
Embassy of Mongolia, Ottawa Embassy of Canada, Ulaanbaatar Q5369794 ambassade
Embassy of Mongolia, Sofia embassy of Bulgaria in Mongolia Q41589319 ambassade
Embassy of Mongolia, South Korea Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Ulaanbaatar Q99619088 ambassade
Embassy of Mongolia, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Ulaanbaatar Q45875126 ambassade
Embassy of Mongolia, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Ulaanbaatar Q4374028 ambassade
Embassy of Montenegro in Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Montenegro Q5369798 ambassade
Embassy of Montenegro, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Podgorica Q30966369 ambassade
Embassy of Montenegro, Moscow embassy of Russia in Montenegro Q4374082 ambassade
Embassy of Montenegro, Paris Embassy of France, Podgorica Q16010352 ambassade
Embassy of Montenegro, Tirana Embassy of Albania, Podgorica Q5369797 ambassade
Embassy of Montenegro, Vienna embassy of Austria in Montenegro Q5369795 ambassade
Embassy of Montenegro, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Podgorica Q9149476 ambassade
Embassy of Montenegro, Zagreb Embassy of Croatia, Podgorica Q5369799 ambassade
Embassy of Morocco in Finland embassy of Finland in Morocco Q106208277 ambassade
Embassy of Morocco in Portugal embassy of Portugal in Morocco Q105455852 ambassade
Embassy of Morocco in Spain Embassy of Spain, Rabat Q105303073 ambassade
Embassy of Morocco in Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Morocco Q5369801 ambassade
Embassy of Morocco, Berlin Germany Embassy in Rabat Q20746942 ambassade
Embassy of Morocco, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Rabat Q12142669 ambassade
Embassy of Morocco, London British Embassy Rabat Q16891019 ambassade
Embassy of Morocco, Moscow embassy of Russia in Morocco Q4374023 ambassade
Embassy of Morocco, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Rabat Q19381106 ambassade
Embassy of Morocco, Paris Embassy of France, Rabat Q2841876 ambassade
Embassy of Morocco, Tokyo Embassy of Japan in Morocco Q47522641 ambassade
Embassy of Morocco, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Rabat Q9149549 ambassade
Embassy of Mozambique, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Maputo Q63623993 ambassade
Embassy of Mozambique, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Maputo Q104761713 ambassade
Embassy of Mozambique, Paris Embassy of France, Maputo Q16506785 ambassade
Embassy of Mozambique, Tokyo embassy of Japan in Mozambique Q11668257 ambassade
Embassy of Mozambique, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Maputo Q5369802 ambassade
Embassy of Myanmar in France Embassy of France, Yangon Q20669702 ambassade
Embassy of Myanmar in Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States of America, Rangoon Q5369803 ambassade
Embassy of Myanmar, Bangkok Embassy of Thailand, Yangon Q77350892 ambassade
Embassy of Myanmar, London British Embassy Rangoon Q16896627 ambassade
Embassy of Myanmar, Moscow embassy of Russia in Myanmar Q7783963 ambassade
Embassy of Myanmar, Oslo Embassy of Norway in Myanmar Q25431465 ambassade
Embassy of Myanmar, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Yangon Q61925625 ambassade
Embassy of Namibia in Paris Embassy of France, Windhoek Q16303666 ambassade
Embassy of Namibia in Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Windhoek Q5369804 ambassade
Embassy of Namibia, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Windhoek Q1964306 ambassade Germany–Namibia relations
Embassy of Namibia, Moscow embassy of Russia in Namibia Q4374026 ambassade
Embassy of Namibia, Tokyo embassy of Japan in Namibia Q100696145 ambassade
Embassy of Nepal British Embassy Kathmandu Q16991731 ambassade
Embassy of Nepal in France Embassy of France, Kathmandu Q20669720 ambassade
Embassy of Nepal in Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Kathmandu Q5369805 hus
Embassy of Nepal, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Kathmandu Q50167021 ambassade
Embassy of New Zealand in Berlin Embassy of Germany, Wellington Q67475136 ambassade
Embassy of New Zealand, Dublin embassy of Ireland in New Zealand Q75925758 ambassade
Embassy of New Zealand, Mexico City embassy of Mexico in New Zealand Q75832067 ambassade
Embassy of New Zealand, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Wellington Q61786690 ambassade
Embassy of New Zealand, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Wellington Q9149557 ambassade
Embassy of New Zealand, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Wellington Q5369806 ambassade
Embassy of Nicaragua in France Embassy of France, Managua Q20669721 ambassade
Embassy of Nicaragua in Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States in Managua Q5369807 ambassade
Embassy of Nicaragua, Berlin embassy of Germany, Managua Q9149555 ambassade
Embassy of Nicaragua, Taipei Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan), Managua Q105228888 ambassade
Embassy of Nicaragua, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Managua Q61911629 ambassade
Embassy of Niger in Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States in Niger Q5369808 ambassade
Embassy of Niger to Turkey Embassy of Turkey, Niamey Q24284154 ambassade
Embassy of Nigeria in France Embassy of France, Abuja Q16303706 ambassade
Embassy of Nigeria, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Abuja Q1989648 ambassade
Embassy of Nigeria, Bern embassy of Switzerland in Nigeria Q26979970 ambassade
Embassy of Nigeria, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Abuja Q12142672 ambassade
Embassy of Nigeria, Moscow embassy of Russia in Nigeria Q4374030 ambassade
Embassy of Nigeria, Prague embassy of the Czech republic in Nigeria Q98756105 ambassade
Embassy of Nigeria, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Abuja Q10600649 ambassade
Embassy of Nigeria, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Abuja Q42310134 ambassade
Embassy of Nigeria, Warsaw Embassy of Poland in Abuja Q11685575 ambassade
Embassy of Nigeria, Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Nigeria Q5369811 ambassade
Embassy of North Korea, Beijing Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Pyongyang Q15638048 ambassade
Embassy of North Korea, Hanoi Embassy of Vietnam in Pyongyang Q101422163 ambassade
Embassy of North Korea, London embassy of United Kingdom in Pyongyang Q15216570 ambassade
Embassy of North Korea, Moscow Embassy of Russia in North Korea Q4374004 ambassade
Embassy of North Korea, Prague embassy of Czech republic in Pyongyang Q101422291 ambassade
Embassy of North Korea, Stockholm embassy of Sweden in Pyongyang Q10602149 ambassade
Embassy of North Korea, Warsaw embassy of Poland in Pyongyang Q9149527 ambassade
Embassy of North Macedonia in Bulgaria embassy of Bulgaria in North Macedonia Q41588616 ambassade
Embassy of North Macedonia in Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in North Macedonia Q5369945 ambassade
Embassy of North Macedonia, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Skopje Q1767954 ambassade
Embassy of North Macedonia, London British Embassy Skopje Q16836829 ambassade
Embassy of North Macedonia, Moscow embassy of Russia in North Macedonia Q4374019 ambassade
Embassy of North Macedonia, Paris Embassy of France, Skopje Q20669707 ambassade
Embassy of North Macedonia, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden in Skopje Q10575548 ambassade
Embassy of North Macedonia, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Skopje Q11685572 ambassade
Embassy of Northern Cyprus, Ankara Embassy of Turkey, North Nicosia Q5369812 ambassade
Embassy of Norway in Bosnia and Herzegovina Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Oslo Q106335998 ambassade
Embassy of Norway in Helsinki Embassy of Finland, Oslo Q15233677 ambassade Eiran kaupunginosa, Huvilakadun korttelit ja Mikael Agricolan kirkko
Embassy of Norway, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Oslo Q19383554 ambassade De nordiske landes ambassader i Berlin
Embassy of Norway, Brussels Embassy of Belgium, Oslo Q19383559 ambassade
Embassy of Norway, Budapest Embassy of Hungary, Oslo Q19383561 ambassade
Embassy of Norway, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Oslo Q2511037 ambassade
Embassy of Norway, Lisbon Embassy of Portugal, Oslo Q19383581 ambassade
Embassy of Norway, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Oslo Q16891033 ambassade
Embassy of Norway, Mexico City Embassy of Mexico, Oslo Q19383587 ambassade
Embassy of Norway, Moscow Embassy of Russia in Oslo Q3433356 ambassade
Embassy of Norway, Ottawa Embassy of Canada, Oslo Q19383591 ambassade
Embassy of Norway, Paris Embassy of France, Oslo Q2841823 ambassade
Embassy of Norway, Prague Embassy of Czech Republic, Oslo Q19383592 ambassade
Embassy of Norway, Reykjavik Embassy of Iceland, Oslo Q19383596 ambassade
Embassy of Norway, Rome Embassy of Italy, Oslo Q14089919 ambassade
Embassy of Norway, Tallinn Embassy of Estonia, Oslo Q17634309 ambassade
Embassy of Norway, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Oslo Q19383603 ambassade
Embassy of Norway, Vienna Embassy of Austria, Oslo Q19383605 ambassade
Embassy of Norway, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Oslo Q11685574 ambassade
Embassy of Norway, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Oslo Q5369813 ambassade
Embassy of Oman in France Embassy of France, Muscat Q16303652 ambassade
Embassy of Oman in Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Oman Q5369814 ambassade
Embassy of Oman, London British Embassy Muscat Q16991732 ambassade
Embassy of Oman, Tokyo embassy of Japan in Oman Q15264061 ambassade
Embassy of Pakistan in Washington Embassy of the United States, Islamabad Q3695648 ambassade
Embassy of Pakistan, Beijing Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Islamabad Q100272569 ambassade
Embassy of Pakistan, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Islamabad Q50842905 ambassade
Embassy of Pakistan, Oslo Embassy of Norway in Pakistan Q19385032 ambassade
Embassy of Pakistan, Paris Embassy of France, Islamabad Q2841877 ambassade
Embassy of Pakistan, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Islamabad Q18454892 ambassade
Embassy of Pakistan, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Islamabad Q30402941 ambassade
Embassy of Pakistan, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Islamabad Q4374035 ambassade
Embassy of Palau, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Koror Q59313885 ambassade
Embassy of Panama in France Embassy of France, Panama City Q20127467 ambassade
Embassy of Panama, London British Embassy Panama City Q16891008 ambassade
Embassy of Panama, Tokyo embassy of Japan in Panama Q62025616 ambassade
Embassy of Papua New Guinea in Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Port Moresby Q29025001 ambassade
Embassy of Papua New Guinea, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Port Moresby Q61786715 ambassade
Embassy of Paraguay in Japan Embassy of Japan, Asunción Q44193958 ambassade
Embassy of Paraguay in Uruguay embassy of Uruguay in Paraguay Q110493470 ambassade
Embassy of Paraguay in Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Paraguay Q5369817 ambassade
Embassy of Paraguay, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Asunción Q11685576 ambassade
Embassy of Paraguay, London British Embassy Asunción Q15378884 ambassade
Embassy of Paraguay, Paris Embassy of France, Asunción Q20669722 ambassade
Embassy of Peru in Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Lima Q5369819 ambassade
Embassy of Peru, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Lima Q72624148 ambassade
Embassy of Peru, Holy See Apostolic Nunciature to Peru Q56326458 ambassade
Embassy of Peru, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Lima Q16891024 ambassade
Embassy of Peru, Madrid Embassy of Spain, Lima Q17333746 ambassade
Embassy of Peru, Paris Embassy of France, Lima Q5707495 ambassade
Embassy of Peru, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Lima Q61314250 ambassade
Embassy of Poland in Abuja Embassy of Nigeria, Warsaw Q30909680 ambassade
Embassy of Poland in Buenos Aires Embassy of Argentina, Warsaw Q30906437 ambassade
Embassy of Poland in Santiago, Chile Chile Embassy, Warsaw Q30906480 ambassade
Embassy of Poland to the Holy See Apostolic Nunciature to Poland Q9149570 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Athens Embassy of Greece, Warsaw Q9149569 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Baku Embassy of Azerbaijan, Warsaw Q30905895 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Beijing Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Warsaw Q5369820 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Belgrade Embassy of Serbia, Warsaw Q16485706 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Warsaw Q2102321 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Bogotá Embassy of Colombia, Warsaw Q16486853 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Bratislava Embassy of Slovakia, Warsaw Q9149575 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Bucharest Embassy of Romania, Warsaw Q30903829 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Budapest Embassy of Hungary, Warsaw Q11685577 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Canberra Embassy of Australia, Warsaw Q5369821 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Chișinău Embassy of Moldova, Warsaw Q5369823 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Doha Embassy of Qatar, Warsaw Q30908312 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Dublin Embassy of Ireland, Warsaw Q48843001 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Hanoi Embassy of Vietnam, Warsaw Q30909355 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Helsinki Embassy of Finland, Warsaw Q16528155 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Kuala Lumpur Embassy of Malaysia, Warsaw Q9149577 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Warsaw Q1397680 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Lima embassy of Peru in Poland Q30906186 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Lisbon Embassy of Portugal, Warsaw Q16528160 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Ljubljana Embassy of Slovenia, Warsaw Q48843038 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Warsaw Q5369825 ambassade 41-47, Portland Place W1
Embassy of Poland, Luxembourg Embassy of Luxembourg, Warsaw Q30906057 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Mexico City Embassy of Mexico, Warsaw Q30247062 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Minsk Embassy of Belarus, Warsaw Q9149578 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Moscow Embassy of Russia in Poland Q932748 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, New Delhi Embassy of India, Warsaw Q30908457 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Nicosia Embassy of Cyprus, Warsaw Q30906137 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Warsaw Q5369832 kulturværdi
Embassy of Poland, Ottawa Embassy of Canada, Warsaw Q30909359 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Paris Embassy of France, Warsaw Q2841831 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Podgorica Embassy of Montenegro, Warsaw Q30906054 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Prague Embassy of the Czech Republic, Warsaw Q27048052 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Pretoria Embassy of South Africa, Warsaw Q30908912 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Reykjavík embassy of Iceland in Poland Q30906950 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Riga Embassy of Latvia, Warsaw Q30904351 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Riyadh Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Warsaw Q30905904 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Rome Embassy of Italy, Warsaw Q5369826 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Sarajevo Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Warsaw Q30906138 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Seoul Embassy of South Korea, Warsaw Q16528168 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Skopje Embassy of North Macedonia, Warsaw Q30906052 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Warsaw Q5369828 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Tallinn Embassy of Estonia, Warsaw Q30904343 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Tehran Embassy of Iran, Warsaw Q30905894 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Tel Aviv Embassy of Israel, Warsaw Q30905839 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Tirana Embassy of Albania, Warsaw Q11685581 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Warsaw Q30906141 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Vienna Embassy of Austria, Warsaw Q5369829 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Vilnius Embassy of Lithuania, Warsaw Q9149586 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Warsaw Q5369830 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Wellington Embassy of New Zealand, Warsaw Q30905790 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Yerevan Embassy of Armenia, Warsaw Q30905834 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, Zagreb Embassy of Croatia, Warsaw Q16528170 ambassade
Embassy of Poland, the Hague Embassy of the Netherlands, Warsaw Q30908453 ambassade
Embassy of Portugal in France Embassy of France, Lisbon Q20051130 ambassade
Embassy of Portugal in Luxembourg embassy of Luxembourg in Portugal Q100787167 ambassade
Embassy of Portugal, Bangkok embassy of Thailand in Portugal Q49001528 ambassade
Embassy of Portugal, Berlin embassy of Germany in Portugal Q23786534 ambassade
Embassy of Portugal, Brasília Embassy of Brazil, Lissabon Q18473943 ambassade
Embassy of Portugal, Bucharest Embassy of Romania, Lisbon Q105520360 ambassade
Embassy of Portugal, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Lisbon Q12142675 ambassade
Embassy of Portugal, London British Embassy Lisbon Q16891032 ambassade
Embassy of Portugal, Maputo embassy of Mozambique, Portugal Q105517110 ambassade
Embassy of Portugal, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Lisbon Q4374036 ambassade
Embassy of Portugal, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Lisbon Q17194991 ambassade
Embassy of Portugal, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Lisbon Q10638041 ambassade
Embassy of Portugal, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Lisbon Q61923846 ambassade
Embassy of Portugal, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Lisbon Q11685579 ambassade
Embassy of Portugal, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Lisbon Q15216574 ambassade
Embassy of Qatar in Albania Embassy of Albania, Doha Q113241243 ambassade
Embassy of Qatar in Canada embassy of Canada in Qatar Q106775233 ambassade
Embassy of Qatar, Beijing ambassade de la république populaire de Chine au Qatar Q100276408 ambassade
Embassy of Qatar, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Doha Q1604972 ambassade
Embassy of Qatar, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Doha Q17010515 ambassade
Embassy of Qatar, Paris Embassy of France, Doha Q2841879 ambassade
Embassy of Qatar, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Doha Q61925280 ambassade
Embassy of Qatar, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Doha Q9149518 ambassade
Embassy of Qatar, Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Qatar Q5369836 ambassade
Embassy of Republic of the Congo in France Embassy of France, Brazzaville Q16303686 ambassade
Embassy of Romania, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Bucharest Q20686236 ambassade
Embassy of Romania, Brussels Embassy of Belgium, Bucharest Q69903498 ambassade
Embassy of Romania, Budapest Hungarian embassy, Bucharest Q89189164 ambassade
Embassy of Romania, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Bucharest Q1532198 ambassade
Embassy of Romania, Lisbon Embassy of Portugal, Bucharest Q89189227 ambassade
Embassy of Romania, London British Embassy Bucharest Q16891035 ambassade
Embassy of Romania, Minsk embassy of Belarus in Romania Q33119274 ambassade
Embassy of Romania, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Bucharest Q4374051 ambassade
Embassy of Romania, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Bucharest Q19386894 ambassade
Embassy of Romania, Ottawa Embassy of Canada, Bucharest Q5369838 ambassade
Embassy of Romania, Paris Embassy of France, Bucharest Q20051110 ambassade
Embassy of Romania, Prague embassy of the Czech Republic in Romania Q3566381 ambassade
Embassy of Romania, Sarajevo embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Romania Q89188830 ambassade
Embassy of Romania, Sofia embassy of Bulgaria in Romania Q41588466 ambassade
Embassy of Romania, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Bucharest Q10657756 ambassade
Embassy of Romania, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Bucharest Q61923869 ambassade
Embassy of Romania, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Bucharest Q9149591 ambassade
Embassy of Romania, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Bucharest Q5369839 ambassade
Embassy of Romania, Zagreb Embassy of Croatia in Romania Q89188416 ambassade
Embassy of Russia in Ashgabat Embassy of Turkmenistan, Moscow Q4374037 ambassade
Embassy of Russia in Iran Embassy of Iran, Moscow Q109932629 ambassade
Embassy of Russia in Luxembourg Embassy of Luxembourg, Moscow Q5369844 ambassade
Embassy of Russia in North Korea Embassy of North Korea, Moscow Q18408333 ambassade
Embassy of Russia in Oslo Embassy of Norway, Moscow Q5369845 kulturværdi
Embassy of Russia in Poland Embassy of Poland, Moscow Q570535 ambassade
Embassy of Russia to the Holy See Apostolic Nunciature to Russia Q16687393 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Astana Embassy of Kazakhstan, Moscow Q15845915 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Beijing Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Moscow Q4374043 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Belgrade Embassy of Serbia, Moscow Q21644366 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Moscow Q836838 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Bern Embassy of Switzerland, Moscow Q16687409 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Brussels Embassy of Belgium, Moscow Q16687387 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Bucharest Embassy of Romania, Moscow Q86665107 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Budapest Embassy of Hungary, Moscow Q72541063 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Canberra Embassy of Australia, Moscow Q16487654 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Chișinău Moldovan Embassy to Russia Q20430670 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Dar es Salaam Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania in Moscow Q16969074 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Egypt Embassy of Egypt, Moscow Q28667008 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Havana Embassy of Cuba, Moscow Q2841838 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Helsinki Embassy of Finland, Moscow Q16687407 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Moscow Q2063895 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Lisbon Embassy of Portugal, Moscow Q4374044 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Moscow Q4374047 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Minsk Embassy of Belarus, Moscow Q4374045 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, New Delhi Embassy of India, Moscow Q16687395 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Ottawa Embassy of Canada, Moscow Q5369847 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Paris Embassy of France, Moscow Q2841832 ambassade
multi-story urban building
Embassy of Russia, Prague Embassy of the Czech Republic, Moscow Q4374049 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Riga Embassy of Latvia in Moscow Q107234019 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Rome Embassy of Italy in Moscow Q4374042 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Sarajevo Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moscow Q27835115 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Seoul Embassy of South Korea, Moscow Q26691355 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Sofia Embassy of Bulgaria, Moscow Q16687389 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Moscow Q10658328 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Sukhumi Embassy of Abkhazia, Moscow Q4374039 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Tallinn Embassy of Estonia in Moscow Q12378450 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Tbilisi Embassy of Georgia in Moscow Q104368508 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Moscow Q4374046 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Ulaanbaatar Embassy of Mongolia, Moscow Q16687397 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Vienna Embassy of Austria, Moscow Q4555169 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Vilnius Embassy of Lithuania, Moscow Q30888669 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Moscow Q2841834 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, Yerevan Embassy of Armenia, Moscow Q28667078 ambassade
Embassy of Russia, the Hague Embassy of the Netherlands, Moscow Q16687401 ambassade
Embassy of Rwanda, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Kigali Q60860863 ambassade
Embassy of Rwanda, Paris Embassy of France, Kigali Q2841883 ambassade
Embassy of Rwanda, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Kigali Q18332313 ambassade
Embassy of Rwanda, Tokyo embassy of Japan in Rwanda Q61877328 ambassade
Embassy of Rwanda, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Kigali Q5369848 ambassade
Embassy of Samoa, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Apia Q61786749 ambassade
Embassy of Saudi Arabia in France embassy of France, Riyadh Q1862835 ambassade
Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Moscow embassy of Russia in Saudi Arabia Q5369850 ambassade
Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Riyadh Q5369851 ambassade
Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Riyadh Q20181181 ambassade
Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Brussels Embassy of Belgium, Riyadh Q54857091 ambassade
Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Buenos Aires Embassy of Argentina, Riyadh Q54857194 ambassade
Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Canberra Embassy of Australia, Riyadh Q54857098 ambassade
Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Riyadh Q12142678 ambassade
Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Lisbon embassy of Portugal in Saudi Arabia Q54857161 ambassade
Embassy of Saudi Arabia, London British Embassy Riyadh Q15120708 ambassade
Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Madrid Embassy of Spain, Riyadh Q54857085 ambassade
Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Oslo embassy of Norway in Saudi Arabia Q19387736 ambassade
Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Ottawa Embassy of Canada, Riyadh Q5369849 ambassade
Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Prague embassy of the Czech Republic in Saudi Arabia Q54857078 ambassade
Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Singapore embassy of Singapore in Riyadh Q54857274 ambassade
Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Riyadh Q10662101 ambassade
Embassy of Saudi Arabia, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands, Riyadh Q54857081 ambassade
Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Riyadh Q31075981 ambassade
Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Tunis Embassy of Tunisia, Riyadh Q54857218 ambassade
Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Riyadh Q9149454 ambassade
Embassy of Senegal to Canada Embassy of Canada to Senegal Q96626996 ambassade
Embassy of Senegal, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Dakar Q57831709 ambassade
Embassy of Senegal, Paris Embassy of France, Dakar Q2841885 ambassade
Embassy of Senegal, Tokyo embassy of Japan in Senegal Q61877329 ambassade
Embassy of Senegal, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Dakar Q24944854 ambassade
Embassy of Senegal, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Dakar Q5369852 ambassade
Embassy of Serbia in Sarajevo embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Serbia Q92086072 ambassade
Embassy of Serbia, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Belgrade Q5369854 ambassade
Embassy of Serbia, Bern embassy of Switzerland in Serbia Q26980156 ambassade
Embassy of Serbia, Budapest Embassy of Hungary in Belgrade, Serbia Q5369855 ambassade Babocsay-villa
Embassy of Serbia, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Belgrade Q11074089 ambassade
Embassy of Serbia, London British Embassy Belgrade Q5369856 ambassade
Embassy of Serbia, Minsk embassy of Belarus in Serbia Q33113564 ambassade
Embassy of Serbia, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Belgrade Q4374060 ambassade
Embassy of Serbia, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Belgrade Q19388242 ambassade
Embassy of Serbia, Paris embassy of France, Belgrade Q7452846 ambassade
Embassy of Serbia, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Belgrade Q10666177 ambassade
Embassy of Serbia, Tokyo embassy of Japan in Serbia Q61923962 ambassade
Embassy of Serbia, Vienna embassy of Austria in Serbia Q5369858 ambassade
Embassy of Serbia, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Belgrade Q9149596 ambassade
Embassy of Serbia, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Belgrade Q5369859 ambassade
Embassy of Seychelles in France Embassy of France, Victoria Q16303679 ambassade
Embassy of Sierra Leone in Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Sierra Leone Q5369861 ambassade
Embassy of Sierra Leone, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Freetown Q31839264 ambassade
Embassy of Singapore, Paris Embassy of France, Singapore Q2841835 ambassade
Embassy of Singapore, Seoul Embassy of South Korea, Singapore Q111552194 ambassade
Embassy of Singapore, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Singapore Q52213051 ambassade
Embassy of Singapore, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Singapore Q5369862 ambassade
Embassy of Slovakia, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Bratislava Q21036893 ambassade
Embassy of Slovakia, Hungary Hungarian Embassy in Slovakia Q66828903 ambassade
Embassy of Slovakia, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Bratislava Q1532180 ambassade
Embassy of Slovakia, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Bratislava Q16991738 ambassade
Embassy of Slovakia, Oslo Embassy of Norway in Slovakia Q19389311 ambassade
Embassy of Slovakia, Paris Embassy of France, Bratislava Q2841837 ambassade
Embassy of Slovakia, Prague Czech Embassy, Bratislava Q64138256 ambassade
Embassy of Slovakia, Sofia embassy of Bulgaria in Slovakia Q41589218 ambassade
Embassy of Slovakia, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Bratislava Q61924052 ambassade
Embassy of Slovakia, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Bratislava Q9149612 ambassade
Embassy of Slovakia, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Bratislava Q5369864 ambassade
Embassy of Slovenia in France Embassy of France, Ljubljana Q20669711 ambassade
Embassy of Slovenia to The Holy See Apostolic Nunciature to Slovenia Q12805346 ambassade
Embassy of Slovenia, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Ljubljana Q12805354 ambassade
Embassy of Slovenia, Bratislava embassy of Slovakia in Slovenia Q4178687 ambassade
Embassy of Slovenia, Budapest Embassy of Hungary, Ljubljana Q15629239 ambassade
Embassy of Slovenia, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Ljubljana Q12142679 ambassade
Embassy of Slovenia, London British Embassy Ljubljana Q16976464 ambassade
Embassy of Slovenia, Madrid Embassy of Spain, Ljubljana Q12805358 ambassade
Embassy of Slovenia, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Ljubljana Q4374057 ambassade
Embassy of Slovenia, Prague embassy of the Czech republic in Slovenia Q12805341 ambassade
Embassy of Slovenia, The Hague embassy of the Netherlands in Slovenia Q12805340 ambassade
Embassy of Slovenia, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Ljubljana Q12805327 ambassade
Embassy of Slovenia, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Ljubljana Q12805347 ambassade
Embassy of Slovenia, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Ljubljana Q12805355 ambassade
Embassy of South Africa in Moscow embassy of Russia in South Africa Q4374098 ambassade
Embassy of South Africa, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Pretoria Q12142673 ambassade
Embassy of South Africa, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Pretoria Q12004796 ambassade
Embassy of South Africa, Paris Embassy of France, Pretoria Q2391616 ambassade
Embassy of South Africa, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Pretoria Q10686713 ambassade
Embassy of South Africa, Tokyo Embassy of Japan in South Africa Q61877330 ambassade
Embassy of South Africa, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Pretoria Q9149589 ambassade
Embassy of South Africa, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Pretoria Q5369867 ambassade
Embassy of South Korea in Finland embassy of Finland in South Korea Q106215453 ambassade
Embassy of South Korea in Mexico City Embassy of Mexico, Seoul Q55734491 ambassade
Embassy of South Korea, Bangkok Embassy of Thailand, Seoul Q24042132 ambassade
Embassy of South Korea, Beijing Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Seoul Q12617300 ambassade
Embassy of South Korea, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Seoul Q894831 ambassade
Embassy of South Korea, Bogotá embassy of Colombia in South Korea Q55734539 ambassade
Embassy of South Korea, Budapest Embassy of Hungary, Seoul Q107732466 ambassade
Embassy of South Korea, Buenos Aires embassy of Argentina in South Korea Q55734507 ambassade
Embassy of South Korea, Herzliya Embassy of Israel, Seoul Q112057355 ambassade
Embassy of South Korea, Kabul Embassy of Afghanistan, Seoul Q24346589 ambassade
Embassy of South Korea, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Seoul Q12142676 ambassade
Embassy of South Korea, Lima Embassy of Peru, Seoul Q55734544 ambassade
Embassy of South Korea, London British Embassy Seoul Q16891028 ambassade
Embassy of South Korea, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Seoul Q3936012 ambassade
Embassy of South Korea, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Seoul Q12004808 ambassade
Embassy of South Korea, Paris Embassy of France, Seoul Q15695344 ambassade
Embassy of South Korea, Prague Embassy of the Czech Republic, Seoul Q55734535 ambassade
Embassy of South Korea, Riga Embassy of Latvia, Seoul Q107216784 ambassade
Embassy of South Korea, Singapore Embassy of Singapore, Seoul Q55734506 ambassade
Embassy of South Korea, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Seoul Q10686728 ambassade
Embassy of South Korea, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Seoul Q553886 ambassade Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea
Embassy of South Korea, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Seoul Q9149522 ambassade
Embassy of South Korea, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Seoul Q3916717 ambassade
Embassy of South Ossetia, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Tskhinvali Q4374094 ambassade
Embassy of South Soudan, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Juba Q55518162 ambassade
Embassy of South Sudan British Embassy Juba Q16965384 ambassade
Embassy of South Sudan in France Embassy of France, Juba Q16303708 ambassade
Embassy of South Sudan, Oslo Embassy of Norway in South Sudan Q19391677 ambassade
Embassy of South Vietnam, Taipei Embassy of the Republic of China, Saigon Q109374040 ambassade
Embassy of Spain in London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Madrid Q15379219 ambassade
Embassy of Spain in Luxembourg embassy of Luxembourg in Spain Q100783964 ambassade
Embassy of Spain in Malta embassy of Malta in Spain Q61999116 ambassade
Embassy of Spain in Mexico City Embassy of Mexico, Madrid Q93894456 ambassade
Embassy of Spain in Ottawa embassy of Canada in Spain Q61998950 ambassade
Embassy of Spain in Panama City embassy of Panama in Spain Q42884487 kulturværdi
Embassy of Spain in Prague Czech Embassy, Madrid Q61998966 ambassade
Embassy of Spain in Rome Embassy of Italy in Spain Q55101266 ambassade
Embassy of Spain in San Salvador Embassy of El Salvador in Madrid Q105105519 ambassade
Embassy of Spain in Serbia embassy of Serbia in Spain Q65173973 ambassade
Embassy of Spain in Uruguay embassy of Uruguay in Spain Q105158904 ambassade
Embassy of Spain to the Holy See Apostolic Nunciature to Spain Q56326462 ambassade
Embassy of Spain, Andorra la Vella Embassy of Andorra, Madrid Q61999043 ambassade
Embassy of Spain, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Madrid Q833853 ambassade
Embassy of Spain, Bissau embassy of Guinea-Bissau in Spain Q61998967 ambassade
Embassy of Spain, Budapest Embassy of Hungary, Madrid Q63869482 ambassade
Embassy of Spain, Canberra embassy of Australia in Spain Q61999037 ambassade
Embassy of Spain, Equatorial Guinea embassy of Equatorial Guinea in Spain Q61968010 ambassade Equatorial Guinea–Spain relations
Embassy of Spain, Jakarta embassy of Indonesia in Spain Q61998981 ambassade
Embassy of Spain, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Madrid Q1592018 ambassade Spain–Ukraine relations
Embassy of Spain, Lima Embassy of Peru, Madrid Q109312135 ambassade
Embassy of Spain, Moscow Russian Embassy, Madrid Q4374005 ambassade
Embassy of Spain, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Madrid Q19389805 ambassade
Embassy of Spain, Paris Embassy of France, Madrid Q17346971 ambassade
Embassy of Spain, Rabat Embassy of Morocco in Spain Q2841587 ambassade
Embassy of Spain, Sarajevo embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Spain Q65166030 ambassade
Embassy of Spain, Skopje embassy of North Macedonia in Spain Q61999097 ambassade
Embassy of Spain, Sofia embassy of Bulgaria in Spain Q41588977 ambassade
Embassy of Spain, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Madrid Q10674304 ambassade
Embassy of Spain, Tel Aviv embassy of Israel in Spain Q61998982 ambassade
Embassy of Spain, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands, Madrid Q100503019 ambassade
Embassy of Spain, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Madrid Q43389868 ambassade
Embassy of Spain, Vilnius Embassy of Lithuania, Madrid Q105129939 ambassade
Embassy of Spain, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Madrid Q11685565 ambassade
Embassy of Spain, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Madrid Q3817624 ambassade
Embassy of Spain, Wellington embassy of New Zealand, Madrid Q62010305 ambassade
Embassy of Sri Lanka in France Embassy of France, Colombo Q20669723 ambassade
Embassy of Sri Lanka in Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Sri Lanka Q5369869 ambassade
Embassy of Sri Lanka, Moscow embassy of Russia in Sri Lanka Q4374087 ambassade
Embassy of Sri Lanka, Stockholm ambassade de Suède au Sri Lanka Q18332807 ambassade
Embassy of Sri Lanka, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Colombo Q17003682 ambassade
Embassy of Sudan in France Embassy of France, Khartoum Q16303710 ambassade
Embassy of Sudan, London British Embassy Khartoum Q16991739 ambassade
Embassy of Sudan, Moscow embassy of Russia in Sudan Q4374056 ambassade
Embassy of Sudan, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Khartoum Q19391082 ambassade
Embassy of Sudan, Tokyo embassy of Japan in Sudan Q61877333 ambassade
Embassy of Sudan, Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Sudan Q5369870 ambassade
Embassy of Suriname in the Netherlands Embassy of the Netherlands in Suriname Q96985339 ambassade
Embassy of Suriname, Paris Embassy of France, Paramaribo Q20127468 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden in Skopje Embassy of North Macedonia, Stockholm Q17643116 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden, Ankara Embassy of Turkey, Stockholm Q18333495 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden, Bangkok Embassy of Thailand, Stockholm Q5369873 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Stockholm Q1428725 ambassade De nordiske landes ambassader i Berlin
Embassy of Sweden, Bern Embassy of Switzerland, Stockholm Q17049339 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden, Budapest Embassy of Hungary, Stockholm Q10686001 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden, Buenos Aires Embassy of Argentina, Stockholm Q10686002 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden, Guatemala City Embassy of Guatemala, Stockholm Q18333514 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden, Helsinki Embassy of Finland, Stockholm Q2841849 ambassade
Helsinki Market Square with enclosing buildings
Embassy of Sweden, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Stockholm Q1592140 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden, La Paz Embassy of Bolivia, Stockholm Q10686011 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden, Lisbon Embassy of Portugal, Stockholm Q18333524 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Stockholm Q16891010 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden, Madrid Embassy of Spain, Stockholm Q10686012 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden, Minsk Embassy of Belarus, Stockholm Q10686015 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Stockholm Q287484 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden, Oslo Norwegian embassy in Stockholm Q3434606 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden, Ottawa Embassy of Canada, Stockholm Q10686018 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden, Paris Embassy of France, Stockholm Q2841853 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden, Prague Embassy of The Czech Republic, Stockholm Q5369876 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden, Riga Embassy of Latvia, Stockholm Q17642675 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden, Rome Embassy of Italy, Stockholm Q5369877 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden, Sarajevo Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Stockholm Q10686023 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden, Tallinn Embassy of Estonia, Stockholm Q10686024 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden, Tbilisi Embassy of Georgia, Stockholm Q4374091 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden, Tirana Embassy of Albania, Stockholm Q18333543 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Stockholm Q10686028 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden, Vienna Embassy of Austria, Stockholm Q27588313 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden, Vilnius Embassy of Lithuania, Stockholm Q17642830 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Stockholm Q9149608 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Stockholm Q27588337 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden, Yerevan Embassy of Armenia, Stockholm Q18333519 ambassade
Embassy of Sweden, the Hague Embassy of The Netherlands, Stockholm Q17642365 ambassade
Embassy of Switzerland in Armenia Armenian Embassy to Switzerland Q84709727 ambassade
Embassy of Switzerland in Luxembourg Embassy of Luxembourg, Bern Q100788213 ambassade
Embassy of Switzerland in the Czech Republic Embassy of the Czech Republic in Switzerland Q84730464 ambassade
Embassy of Switzerland, Bangkok Embassy of Thailand, Bern Q101498280 ambassade
Embassy of Switzerland, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Bern Q689140 ambassade
Embassy of Switzerland, Dublin Embassy of Ireland, Bern Q98843896 ambassade
Embassy of Switzerland, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Bern Q1591985 ambassade
Embassy of Switzerland, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Bern Q5369879 ambassade
Embassy of Switzerland, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Bern Q4374085 ambassade
Embassy of Switzerland, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Bern Q19391287 ambassade
Embassy of Switzerland, Ottawa Embassy of Canada, Bern Q5369880 ambassade
Embassy of Switzerland, Paris Embassy of France, Bern Q2841836 ambassade
Embassy of Switzerland, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Bern Q10663823 ambassade
Embassy of Switzerland, Tbilisi Embassy of Georgia, Bern Q36048 ambassade
Embassy of Switzerland, Tehran Embassy of Iran in Switzerland Q5707355 ambassade
Embassy of Switzerland, Tel Aviv Embassy of Israel, Bern Q101247581 ambassade
Embassy of Switzerland, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Bern Q61924159 ambassade
Embassy of Switzerland, Vienna Embassy of Austria, Bern Q54168959 ambassade
Embassy of Switzerland, Warsaw embassy of Poland in Switzerland Q9149606 ambassade
Embassy of Switzerland, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Bern Q5369882 ambassade
Embassy of Syria, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Damascus Q5369883 ambassade
Embassy of Syria, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Damascus Q12142677 ambassade
Embassy of Syria, Moscow Embassy of Russia in Damascus Q1710068 ambassade
Embassy of Syria, Paris Embassy of France, Damascus Q98971826 ambassade
Embassy of Syria, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Damascus Q44825284 ambassade
Embassy of Syria, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Damascus Q9149604 ambassade
Embassy of São Tomé and Príncipe, Lisbon Portuguese Embassy, São Tomé Q105339594 ambassade
Embassy of Tajikistan, Berlin embassy of Germany, Dushanbe Q56338684 ambassade
Embassy of Tajikistan, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Dushanbe Q12142680 ambassade
Embassy of Tajikistan, London British Embassy Dushanbe Q16991741 ambassade
Embassy of Tajikistan, Moscow embassy of Russia in Tajikistan Q4374058 ambassade
Embassy of Tajikistan, Tokyo embassy of Japan in Tajikistan Q61925753 ambassade
Embassy of Tajikistan, Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Tajikistan Q5369886 ambassade
Embassy of Tanzania in Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Dar es Salaam Q5369887 ambassade
Embassy of Tanzania, Paris Embassy of France, Dar es Salaam Q15622116 ambassade
Embassy of Tanzania, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Dar es Salaam Q16964538 ambassade
Embassy of Thailand in Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Bangkok Q5369889 ambassade
Embassy of Thailand, Beijing Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Bangkok Q119174174 ambassade
Embassy of Thailand, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Bangkok Q23786623 ambassade
Embassy of Thailand, Bern Embassy of Switzerland, Bangkok Q26979959 ambassade
Embassy of Thailand, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Bangkok Q15378913 ambassade
Embassy of Thailand, Moscow embassy of Russia in Thailand Q4374059 ambassade
Embassy of Thailand, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Bangkok Q19392209 ambassade
Embassy of Thailand, Paris Embassy of France, Bangkok Q20669712 ambassade
Embassy of Thailand, Seoul Embassy of South Korea, Bangkok Q24033423 ambassade Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand
Embassy of Thailand, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Bangkok Q10694853 ambassade
Embassy of Thailand, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Bangkok Q26326829 ambassade
Embassy of Thailand, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Bangkok Q9149617 ambassade
Embassy of Thailand, Yangon Embassy of Myanmar, Bangkok Q111085584 ambassade
Embassy of The Czech Republic, Paris Embassy of France, Prague Q11879193 ambassade
Embassy of The Czech Republic, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Prague Q10698872 ambassade
Embassy of The Netherlands, Paris Embassy of France, The Hague Q2841848 ambassade
Embassy of The Netherlands, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, the Hague Q10595646 ambassade
Embassy of Togo in France Embassy of France, Lomé Q15149892 ambassade
Embassy of Togo in Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Togo Q5369891 ambassade
Embassy of Tonga in Japan Embassy of Japan, Nukuʻalofa Q47510848 ambassade
Embassy of Trinidad and Tobago, Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Trinidad and Tobago Q5369892 ambassade
Embassy of Tunisia in Switzerland embassy of Switzerland in Tunisia Q26979972 ambassade
Embassy of Tunisia, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Tunis Q72014824 ambassade
Embassy of Tunisia, London British Embassy Tunis Q16891026 ambassade
Embassy of Tunisia, Moscow embassy of Russia in Tunisia Q4374061 ambassade
Embassy of Tunisia, Ottawa embassy of Canada in Tunisia Q68171005 ambassade
Embassy of Tunisia, Paris Embassy of France, Tunis Q2841840 ambassade
Embassy of Tunisia, Prague embassy of the Czech republic in Tunisia Q68170965 ambassade
Embassy of Tunisia, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden in Tunisia Q18334191 ambassade
Embassy of Tunisia, Tokyo embassy of Japan in Tunisia Q61925305 ambassade
Embassy of Tunisia, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Tunis Q9149619 ambassade
Embassy of Tunisia, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Tunis Q1834440 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Algiers Embassy of Algeria, Ankara Q110894552 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Beijing Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Ankara Q2464749 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Belgrade embassy of Serbia in Turkey Q1727314 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Ankara Q826763 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Bern embassy of Switzerland in Turkey Q2464725 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Brussels Embassy of Belgium, Ankara Q2464729 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Budapest Hungarian embassy, Ankara Q2464733 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Dublin embassy of Ireland in Turkey Q104781057 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Helsinki embassy of Finland in Turkey Q1657302 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Kuala Lumpur embassy of Malaysia in Turkey Q110917984 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Ankara Q50842805 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Lima embassy of Peru in Turkey Q109534215 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, London British Embassy Ankara Q1650221 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Manama embassy of Bahrain in Turkey Q19611772 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Mexico City embassy of Mexico in Turkey Q109534216 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Minsk embassy of Belarus in Turkey Q107003183 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Mogadishu embassy of Somalia in Turkey Q110955567 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Montevideo Embassy of Uruguay, Ankara Q109536043 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Moscow Embassy of Russia in Ankara Q1567851 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Niamey Embassy of Niger to Turkey Q110955740 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Ankara Q2464742 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Ottawa embassy of Canada in Turkey Q5369896 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Paris Franske Ambassade, Ankara Q2464752 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Prague embassy of the Czech republic in Turkey Q2464755 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Riga embassy of Latvia in Turkey Q107251434 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Santiago embassy of Chile in Turkey Q109536041 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Sarajevo Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ankara Q93501596 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Skopje embassy of North Macedonia in Turkey Q2464760 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Ankara Q10706566 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Tallinn Embassy of Estonia, Ankara Q65262669 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Tehran embassy of Iran in Turkey Q25425131 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Tel Aviv Embassy of Israel, Ankara Q19611777 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands, Ankara Q100742282 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Tirana Embassy of Albania, Ankara Q1320314 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Ankara Q26326681 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Tunis Embassy of Tunisia, Ankara Q43032949 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Valletta embassy of Malta in Turkey Q107789334 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Vienna Embassy of Austria, Ankara Q2464773 ambassade
city palace
Embassy of Turkey, Vilnius embassy of Lithuania in Turkey Q107297188 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Ankara Q1791649 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Ankara Q2464775 ambassade
Embassy of Turkey, Zagreb embassy of Croatia in Turkey Q2464779 ambassade
Embassy of Turkmenistan in the United Kingdom British Embassy Ashgabat Q16973513 ambassade
Embassy of Turkmenistan, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Ashgabat Q12142682 ambassade
Embassy of Turkmenistan, Moscow Embassy of Russia in Ashgabat Q4374063 ambassade
Embassy of Turkmenistan, Paris Embassy of France, Aşgabat Q60852726 ambassade
Embassy of Turkmenistan, Tokyo embassy of Japan in Turkmenistan Q55664157 ambassade
Embassy of Turkmenistan, Washington, D.C. US Embassy in Turkmenistan Q5369899 ambassade
Embassy of Uganda, Paris Embassy of France, Kampala Q16303654 ambassade
Embassy of Uganda, Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Uganda Q5369901 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine in Greece Embassy of Greece, Kyiv Q12142700 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Baabda Embassy of Lebanon, Kyiv Q12142711 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Baku Embassy of Azerbaijan, Kyiv Q11165280 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Belgrade Embassy of Serbia, Kyiv Q12142726 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Kyiv Q821586 ambassade
public building
Embassy of Ukraine, Bern Embassy of Switzerland, Kyiv Q5369902 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Bucharest Embassy of Romania, Kyiv Q12142724 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Budapest Embassy of Hungary, Kyiv Q12142734 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Canberra Embassy of Australia, Kyiv Q12142690 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Chișinău Embassy of Moldova, Kyiv Q12142715 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Helsinki Embassy of Finland, Kyiv Q12142745 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Kuala Lumpur Embassy of Malaysia, Kyiv Q12142714 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Lisbon Embassy of Portugal, Kyiv Q4374070 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Kyiv Q5369904 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Madrid Embassy of Spain, Kyiv Q4374069 ambassade Spain–Ukraine relations
Embassy of Ukraine, Mexico City Embassy of Mexico, Kyiv Q4374072 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Minsk Embassy of Belarus, Kyiv Q3917804 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Kyiv Q4374079 ambassade
historisk bygning
historisk sted
Embassy of Ukraine, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Kyiv Q12142717 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Ottawa Embassy of Canada in Kyiv Q5369906 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Paris Embassy of France, Kyiv Q2841607 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Prague Embassy of Czech Republic, Kyiv Q5369907 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Riga Embassy of Latvia in Ukraine Q12142709 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Riyadh Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Kyiv Q12142723 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Rome Embassy of Italy, Kyiv Q4374076 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Sofia Embassy of Bulgaria, Kyiv Q12142696 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Kyiv Q12142737 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Tallinn Embassy of Estonia, Kyiv Q5369909 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Tbilisi Embassy of Georgia, Kyiv Q12142701 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Tel Aviv Embassy of Israel, Kyiv Q12142685 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands, Kyiv Q12142719 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Kyiv Q12142738 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Vienna Embassy of Austria, Kyiv Q12142691 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Vilnius Embassy of Lithuania, Kyiv Q5369911 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Kyiv Q2339271 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Kyiv Q4374071 ambassade
Embassy of Ukraine, Zagreb Embassy of Croatia, Kyiv Q12142736 ambassade
Embassy of Uruguay in France embassy of France in Uruguay Q18578134 ambassade
Embassy of Uruguay, Berlin Embassy of Germany in Uruguay Q72620962 ambassade
Embassy of Uruguay, Bern embassy of Switzerland, Montevideo Q26980042 ambassade
Embassy of Uruguay, London British Embassy Montevideo Q104782073 ambassade
Embassy of Uruguay, Moscow embassy of Russia in Uruguay Q4374075 ambassade
Embassy of Uruguay, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Montevideo Q61911677 ambassade
Embassy of Uruguay, Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Uruguay Q5369912 ambassade
Embassy of Uzbekistan, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Tashkent Q22582789 ambassade
Embassy of Uzbekistan, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Tashkent Q12142683 ambassade
Embassy of Uzbekistan, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Tashkent Q16991748 ambassade
Embassy of Uzbekistan, Moscow embassy of Russia in Uzbekistan Q4374066 ambassade
Embassy of Uzbekistan, Paris Embassy of France, Tashkent Q2841596 ambassade
Embassy of Uzbekistan, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Tashkent Q61925853 ambassade
Embassy of Uzbekistan, Warsaw embassy of Poland, Tashkent Q9149627 ambassade
Embassy of Uzbekistan, Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Uzbekistan Q5369913 ambassade Dupont Circle Historic District
Embassy of Venezuela, Beijing Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Caracas Q100276195 ambassade
Embassy of Venezuela, London British Embassy Caracas Q15378879 ambassade
Embassy of Venezuela, Moscow embassy of Russia in Venezuela Q4373980 ambassade
Embassy of Venezuela, Paris Embassy of France, Caracas Q2841886 ambassade
Embassy of Venezuela, Seoul Embassy of South Korea, Caracas Q114096522 ambassade
Embassy of Venezuela, Tokyo embassy of Japan in Venezuela Q61877375 ambassade
Embassy of Venezuela, Warsaw Embassy of Poland in Caracas Q11685582 ambassade
Embassy of Venezuela, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Caracas Q5369915 ambassade
Embassy of Vietnam in Brussels Embassy of Belgium, Hanoi Q70004825 ambassade
Embassy of Vietnam in Finland embassy of Finland in Vietnam Q106231357 ambassade
Embassy of Vietnam in Madrid Embassy of Spain, Hanoi Q46918989 ambassade
Embassy of Vietnam, Beijing Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Hanoi Q24258901 ambassade
Embassy of Vietnam, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Hanoi Q2523850 ambassade
Embassy of Vietnam, Bern embassy of Switzerland in Vietnam Q26979960 ambassade
Embassy of Vietnam, Budapest Embassy of Hungary, Hanoi Q105672291 ambassade
Embassy of Vietnam, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Hanoi Q12142656 ambassade
Embassy of Vietnam, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Hanoi Q16991750 ambassade
Embassy of Vietnam, Moscow embassy of Russia in Vietnam Q4373989 ambassade
Embassy of Vietnam, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Hanoi Q19398055 ambassade
Embassy of Vietnam, Paris Embassy of France, Hanoi Q20127469 ambassade
Embassy of Vietnam, Sofia embassy of Bulgaria in Vietnam Q41589129 ambassade
Embassy of Vietnam, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Hanoi Q10715165 ambassade
Embassy of Vietnam, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Hanoi Q52853599 ambassade
Embassy of Vietnam, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Hanoi Q9149630 ambassade
Embassy of Vietnam, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Hanoi Q24258894 ambassade
Embassy of Yemen, London British Embassy Sana’a Q5369918 ambassade
Embassy of Yemen, Moscow embassy of Russia in Yemen Q4374003 ambassade
Embassy of Yemen, Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Yemen Q5369916 ambassade
Embassy of Zambia, Beijing Embassy of China, Lusaka Q100274997 ambassade
Embassy of Zambia, Moscow embassy of Russia in Zambia Q4472701 ambassade
Городская усадьба Баевых (Мещанский)
Embassy of Zambia, Paris Embassy of France, Lusaka Q15952651 ambassade
Embassy of Zambia, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Lusaka Q61877341 ambassade
Embassy of Zimbabwe, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Harare Q1591611 ambassade
Embassy of Zimbabwe, London British Embassy Harare Q5369920 ambassade
Embassy of Zimbabwe, Moscow embassy of Russia in Zimbabwe Q4373997 ambassade
Embassy of Zimbabwe, Paris Embassy of France, Harare Q15952656 ambassade
Embassy of Zimbabwe, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Harare Q18335158 ambassade
Embassy of Zimbabwe, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Harare Q61877349 ambassade
Embassy of Zimbabwe, Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Zimbabwe Q5369921 ambassade
Embassy of the Bahamas in Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in the Bahamas Q5369922 ambassade
Embassy of the Central African Republic in Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Central African Republic Q5369923 ambassade
Embassy of the Central African Republic, Moscow embassy of Russia in Central African Republic Q4374078 ambassade
Embassy of the Czech Republic in Finland Embassy of Finland in the Czech Republic Q106230801 ambassade
Embassy of the Czech Republic in Luxembourg embassy of Luxembourg in the Czech Republic Q100791425 ambassade
Embassy of the Czech Republic in Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Prague Q5369928 ambassade
Embassy of the Czech Republic, Budapest Embassy of Hungary, Prague Q66341093 ambassade
Embassy of the Czech Republic, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Prague Q16973171 ambassade
Embassy of the Czech Republic, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Prague Q4374083 ambassade
Embassy of the Czech Republic, Ottawa embassy of Canada to the Czech Republic Q5369927 ambassade
Embassy of the Czech Republic, Sofia embassy of Bulgaria in the Czech Republic Q41588706 ambassade
Embassy of the Czech Republic, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Prague Q61877435 ambassade
Embassy of the Czech Republic, Vilnius Embassy of Lithuania, Prague Q107067066 ambassade
Embassy of the Czech Republic, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Prague Q9149481 ambassade
Embassy of the Czech republic in Albania Embassy of Albania, Prague Q107029337 ambassade
Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo in Germany Embassy of Germany, Kinshasa Q16740965 ambassade Democratic Republic of the Congo–Germany relations
Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Tokyo embassy of Japan in the Democratic Republic of Congo Q61877091 ambassade
Embassy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Bern embassy of Switzerland in Democratic Republic of the Congo Q26979967 ambassade
Embassy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, London British Embassy Kinshasa Q16891009 ambassade
Embassy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Moscow embassy of Russia in the Democratic Republic of Congo Q4373992 ambassade
Embassy of the Dominican Republic in France Embassy of France, Santo Domingo Q20669704 ambassade
Embassy of the Dominican Republic in Germany Embassy of Germany, Santo Domingo Q17149764 ambassade Dominican Republic–Germany relations
Embassy of the Dominican Republic in Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in Dominican Republic Q5369929 ambassade
Embassy of the Dominican Republic, Lima embassy of Peru in Dominican Republic Q110728970 ambassade
Embassy of the Dominican Republic, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Santo Domingo Q61911649 ambassade
Embassy of the Federated States of Micronesia in Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in the Federated States of Micronesia Q24259660 ambassade
Embassy of the Gabonese Republic in Germany Embassy of Germany, Libreville Q16879052 ambassade Gabon–Germany relations
Embassy of the Marshall Islands in Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in the Marshall Islands Q5369931 ambassade
Embassy of the Marshall Islands, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Majuro Q84034197 ambassade
Embassy of the Netherlands in Luxembourg embassy of Luxembourg, The Hague Q100786467 ambassade
Embassy of the Netherlands in Malta embassy of Malta, The Hague Q102361565 ambassade
Embassy of the Netherlands in Moldova embassy of Moldova, The Hague Q102362275 ambassade
Embassy of the Netherlands in Suriname Embassy of Suriname in the Netherlands Q96985454 ambassade
Embassy of the Netherlands, Addis Ababa embassy of Ethiopia, The Hague Q1961603 ambassade
Embassy of the Netherlands, Beijing Embassy of the People's Republic of China, The Hague Q38053030 ambassade
Embassy of the Netherlands, Berlin Embassy of Germany, The Hague Q873010 ambassade
Embassy of the Netherlands, Bern embassy of Switzerland in the Netherlands Q26980148 ambassade
Embassy of the Netherlands, Brussels Embassy of Belgium, The Hague Q38050264 ambassade
Embassy of the Netherlands, Budapest Embassy of Hungary, Hague Q38085942 ambassade
Embassy of the Netherlands, Buenos Aires embassy of Argentina, The Hague Q38049406 ambassade
Embassy of the Netherlands, Canberra embassy of Australia, The Hague Q38049546 ambassade
Embassy of the Netherlands, Helsinki Embassy of Finland, The Hague Q38048032 ambassade
Embassy of the Netherlands, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, The Hague Q12142671 ambassade
Embassy of the Netherlands, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, The Hague Q15379232 ambassade
Embassy of the Netherlands, Madrid Embassy of Spain, The Hague Q102442237 ambassade
Embassy of the Netherlands, Moscow Embassy of Russia, the Hague Q4374029 ambassade
Embassy of the Netherlands, New Delhi Embassy of India, The Hague Q38086437 ambassade
Embassy of the Netherlands, Oslo Embassy of Norway, The Hague Q19382677 ambassade
Embassy of the Netherlands, Ottawa embassy of Canada, The Hague Q5369933 ambassade
Embassy of the Netherlands, Santo Domingo embassy of Dominican Republic, The Hague Q38054931 ambassade
Embassy of the Netherlands, Sarajevo embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, The Hague Q38050741 ambassade
Embassy of the Netherlands, Sofia embassy of Bulgaria, The Hague Q38051292 ambassade
Embassy of the Netherlands, Tallinn embassy of Estonia, The Hague Q38055547 ambassade
Embassy of the Netherlands, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, The Hague Q61923811 ambassade
Embassy of the Netherlands, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, the Hague Q9149503 ambassade
Embassy of the Netherlands, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Wassenaar Q5369935 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Astana Embassy of Kazakhstan, Beijing Q116142267 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Bandar Seri Begawan embassy of Brunei, Beijing Q116143163 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Belgrade Embassy of Serbia, Beijing Q58924752 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Berlin German Embassy, Beijing Q1073835 ambassade
vice-ministerial level institution
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Bern embassy of Switzerland, Beijing Q26979600 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Bogotá embassy of Colombia in China Q110845315 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Budapest Embassy of Hungary, Beijing Q109127602 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Buenos Aires Embassy of Argentina, Beijing Q5830356 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Canberra Embassy of Australia, Beijing Q85759094 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Dili ambassade du Timor Oriental en république populaire de Chine Q109365392 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Dublin embassy of Ireland in China Q116197863 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Helsinki embassy of Finland, Beijing Q116162948 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Beijing Q1397307 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Lima Embassy of Peru, Beijing Q116193057 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Lisbon Embassy of Portugal, Beijing Q105395038 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Beijing Q5369936 ambassade
vice-ministerial level institution
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Luxembourg City embassy of Luxembourg in China Q94156985 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Madrid Embassy of Spain, Beijing Q105177036 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Mexico City embassy of Mexico, Beijing Q111660512 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Minsk embassy of Belarus in China Q33116506 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Beijing Q5369938 ambassade
vice-ministerial level institution
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Beijing Q19377147 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Ottawa Embassy of Canada to China Q5369937 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Paramaribo Embassy of Suriname, Beijing Q108512345 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Paris Embassy of France, Beijing Q19951337 ambassade
vice-ministerial level institution
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Phnom Penh embassy of Cambodia, Beijing Q59344378 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Prague embassy of the Czech republic in China Q66662438 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Pretoria embassy of South Africa in Beijing Q106661677 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Reykjavík Embassy of Iceland in China Q106093177 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Riga embassy of Latvia, Beijing Q107208789 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Seoul Embassy of South Korea, Beijing Q17007157 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Sofia embassy of Bulgaria in China Q114520637 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Beijing Q18921219 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Tallinn Embassy of Estonia, Beijing Q65262005 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Tehran embassy of Iran, Beijing Q25425111 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Tel Aviv Embassy of Israel, Beijing Q94633877 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands, Beijing Q116047710 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Beijing Q29869769 ambassade
vice-ministerial level institution
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Vienna embassy of Austria, Beijing Q54168808 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Beijing Q9149475 bygningskompleks
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, Beijing Q5369818 ambassade
vice-ministerial level institution
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Wellington Embassy of New Zealand, Beijing Q115966538 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Yangon Embassy of Myanmar, in the People's Republic of China Q59345182 ambassade
Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Yerevan Embassy of Armenia in China Q31194690 ambassade
Embassy of the Philippines in France Embassy of France, Manila Q20669713 ambassade
Embassy of the Philippines in Germany Embassy of Germany, Manila Q73268247 ambassade
Embassy of the Philippines, Buenos Aires embassy of Argentina in the Philippines Q96377188 ambassade
Embassy of the Philippines, Canberra embassy of Australia in the Philippines Q97356787 ambassade
Embassy of the Philippines, London British Embassy Manila Q16991744 ambassade
Embassy of the Philippines, Madrid Embassy of Spain, Manila Q60749581 ambassade
Embassy of the Philippines, Mexico City embassy of Mexico in the Philippines Q96377193 ambassade
Embassy of the Philippines, Moscow embassy of Russia, Manila Q55610801 ambassade
Embassy of the Philippines, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Manila Q11968830 ambassade
Embassy of the Philippines, Ottawa Embassy of Canada in the Philippines Q96377194 ambassade
Embassy of the Philippines, Santiago embassy of Chile in the Philippines Q96377195 ambassade
Embassy of the Philippines, Singapore Embassy of Singapore, Manila Q28419197 ambassade
Embassy of the Philippines, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Manila Q10495144 ambassade
Embassy of the Philippines, Tel Aviv Embassy of Israel, Manila Q60775767 ambassade
Embassy of the Philippines, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands, Manilla Q100570780 ambassade
Embassy of the Philippines, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Manila Q52215545 ambassade
Embassy of the Philippines, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States in Manila Q5369939 ambassade
Embassy of the Republic of Albania in Ukraine, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine to the Republic of Albania Q131785491 ambassade
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania
Embassy of the Republic of Burundi in Germany Embassy of Germany, Bujumbura Q16913559 ambassade Burundi–Germany relations
Embassy of the Republic of Cameroon in Germany Embassy of Germany, Yaounde Q16744697 ambassade Cameroon–Germany relations
Embassy of the Republic of Chad in Germany Embassy of Germany, N'Djamena Q16623406 ambassade Chad–Germany relations
Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan), Asunción Embassy of Paraguay, Taipei Q54823847 ambassade
Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan), Basseterre embassy of Saint Kitts and Nevis in Taiwan Q100668934 ambassade
Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan), Belize City Embassy of Belize, Taipei Q64764179 ambassade
Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan), Holy See Apostolic Nunciature in Taipei Q28065003 ambassade
Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan), Mbabane Embassy of Eswatini in Taipei Q16891041 ambassade
Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan), Tegucigalpa Embassy of Honduras, Taipei Q88661971 ambassade
defunct diplomatic mission
Embassy of the Republic of China, Saigon Embassy of South Vietnam, Taipei Q109936563 ambassade
defunct diplomatic mission
Embassy of the Republic of Congo in Germany Embassy of Germany, Brazzaville Q16743781 ambassade Germany–Republic of the Congo relations
Embassy of the Republic of Congo in Washington, D.C. embassy of the United States in the Republic of Congo Q5369941 ambassade
Embassy of the Republic of Malawi in Japan embassy of Japan in Malawi Q11668256 ambassade
Embassy of the Republic of Mali in Germany Embassy of Germany, Bamako Q16577410 ambassade Germany–Mali relations
Embassy of the Republic of Niger in Germany Embassy of Germany, Niamey Q16746861 ambassade Germany–Niger relations
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and African Integration
Embassy of the Republic of North Macedonia in Prague embassy of the Czech republic in North Macedonia Q98756118 ambassade
Embassy of the Republic of North Macedonia in Tokyo embassy of Japan in North Macedonia Q61923555 ambassade
Embassy of the Republic of Zambia in Germany Embassy of Germany, Lusaka Q16919108 ambassade Germany–Zambia relations
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Montenegro embassy of Montenegro in the United Arab Emirates Q80177054 ambassade
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, Abuja ambassade du Nigéria à Abu Dhabi Q81293497 ambassade
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, Belgrade embassy of Serbia in the United Arab Emirates Q80328425 ambassade
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Abu Dhabi Q894832 ambassade
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, Damascus سفارة سوريا في أبو ظبي Q81982592 ambassade
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, Lisbon embassy of Portugal in the United Arab Emirates Q894833 ambassade
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, London British Embassy Abu Dhabi Q16991746 ambassade
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, Madrid Embassy of Spain, Abu Dhabi Q80308755 ambassade
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, Minsk embassy of Belarus in the United Arab Emirates Q33113502 ambassade
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, Oslo Embassy of Norway in the United Arab Emirates Q25431470 ambassade
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, Paris Embassy of France, Abu Dhabi Q2841850 ambassade
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, Prague embassy of the Czech republic in the United Arab Emirates Q80179310 ambassade
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, Riga embassy of Latvia in the United Arab Emirates Q80326316 ambassade
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, Tel Aviv Embassy of Israel, Abu Dhabi Q106917890 ambassade
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, The Hague embassy of the Netherlands in the United Arab Emirates Q80312509 ambassade
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Abu Dhabi Q61925317 ambassade
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, Vienna embassy of Austria in the United Arab Emirates Q80314647 ambassade
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Abu Dhabi Q9149634 ambassade
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, Washington embassy of the United States in the United Arab Emirates Q1770926 ambassade
Embassy of the United Kingdom in Austria Embassy of Austria to the United Kingdom Q51722418 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom to the Holy See Apostolic Nunciature to Great Britain Q56326684 ambassade
Embassy of the United Kingdom, Bangkok Embassy of Thailand, London Q13021886 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom, Beijing Embassy of the People's Republic of China, London Q15908044 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom, Berlin Embassy of Germany, London Q475584 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom, Bratislava Embassy of Slovakia, London Q19902242 ambassade
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom, Budapest Embassy of Hungary, London Q851139 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom, Buenos Aires Embassy of Argentina, London Q17376115 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom, Chișinău Embassy of Moldova, London Q5369947 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom, Doha Embassy of Qatar, London Q59290293 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom, Dublin Embassy of Ireland, London Q20642299 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom, Hanoi Embassy of Vietnam, London Q59290391 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom, Jakarta Embassy of Indonesia, London Q25052258 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, London Q5369949 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom, Lima Embassy of Peru, London Q59290284 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom, Madrid Embassy of Spain in London Q20921797 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom, Mexico City Embassy of Mexico, London Q19877730 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom, Minsk Embassy of Belarus, London Q33113448 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom, Moscow Embassy of Russia, London Q4373981 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom, Oslo Embassy of Norway, London Q19689804 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom, Paris Embassy of France, London Q18794353 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom, Prague Embassy of the Czech Republic, London Q18164292 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom, Reykjavík Embassy of Iceland, London Q20990676 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom, Rome Embassy of Italy, London Q18712931 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, London Q10681205 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom, Tashkent Embassy of Uzbekistan, London Q24089693 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom, Tehran Embassy of Iran, London Q19894883 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom, Tel Aviv Embassy of Israel, London Q6561183 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands, London Q25112625 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, London Q11668259 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom, Vilnius Embassy of Lithuania, London Q20036779 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, London Q9149629 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Kingdom, Washington, D.C. Embassy of the United States, London Q4373983 ambassade
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania in Moscow Embassy of Russia, Dar es Salaam Q4374064 ambassade
Embassy of the United States in Bandar Seri Begawan Embassy of Brunei, Washington, D.C. Q99578997 ambassade
Embassy of the United States in Croatia Embassy of Croatia, Washington, D.C. Q105582532 ambassade
Embassy of the United States in Manila Embassy of the Philippines, Washington, D.C. Q5369961 ambassade
Embassy of the United States in Niger Embassy of Niger in Washington, D.C. Q28477750 ambassade
Embassy of the United States in Riga Embassy of Latvia, Washington, D.C. Q105609518 ambassade
Embassy of the United States in San Salvador Embassy of El Salvador in Washington, D.C. Q16935247 ambassade
Embassy of the United States in the Gambia embassy of the Gambia in the United States Q105592672 ambassade
Embassy of the United States of America in Tegucigalpa Embassy of Honduras in Washington, D.C. Q79835952 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Amman Embassy of Jordan, Washington, D.C. Q20415937 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Ankara Embassy of Turkey, Washington, D.C. Q26780693 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Attard Embassy of Malta in Washington, D.C. Q53564198 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Baghdad Embassy of Iraq in Washington, D.C. Q2841860 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Bangkok Embassy of Thailand in Washington, D.C. Q13021888 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Beijing Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Washington, D.C. Q12057126 Embassy of the United States
Embassy of the United States, Belgrade Embassy of Serbia, Washington, D.C. Q84836904 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Washington Q875787 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Bern Embassy of Switzerland, Washington, D.C. Q26979973 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Bishkek Embassy of Kyrgyzstan, Washington, D.C. Q105609313 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Bogotá Embassy of Colombia, Washington Q87773567 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Brasilia Embassy of Brazil, Washington, D.C. Q10272292 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Bratislava Embassy of Slovakia, Washington, D.C. Q20056712 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Brussels Embassy of Belgium, Washington, D.C. Q18071136 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Bucharest Embassy of Romania, Washington, D.C. Q105623305 ambassade
Embassy of the United States
Embassy of the United States, Budapest Embassy of Hungary, Washington, D.C. Q783754 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Buenos Aires Embassy of Argentina, Washington, D.C. Q105550111 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Canberra Embassy of Australia, Washington, D.C. Q5369953 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Caracas Embassy of Venezuela, Washington, D.C. Q20994812 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Chișinău Embassy of Moldova, Washington, D.C. Q5369954 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Dar es Salaam Embassy of Tanzania in Washington, D.C. Q16974727 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Dhaka Embassy of Bangladesh in Washington, D.C. Q19891423 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Dublin Embassy of Ireland, Washington, D.C. Q5369955 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Hanoi Embassy of Vietnam, Washington, D.C. Q63368358 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Havana Embassy of Cuba, Washington, D.C. Q18156867 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Helsinki Embassy of Finland, Washington, D.C. Q25451940 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Islamabad Embassy of Pakistan in Washington Q5369956 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Jakarta Embassy of Indonesia, Washington, D.C. Q5369957 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Jerusalem Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. Q53492009 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Juba embassy of South Sudan in the United States Q4116404 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Kuala Lumpur Embassy of Malaysia, Washington, D.C. Q64028688 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Kyiv Embassy of Ukraine, Washington, D.C. Q5369959 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Lima Embassy of Peru in Washington, D.C. Q105623167 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Lisbon Embassy of Portugal, Washington, D.C. Q55610802 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Ljubljana Embassy of Slovenia, Washington, D.C. Q67115259 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, London Embassy of the United Kingdom, Washington, D.C. Q5369960 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Luxembourg Embassy of Luxembourg, Washington, D.C. Q25056609 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Madrid Embassy of Spain, Washington, D.C. Q26839075 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Manama Embassy of Bahrain in Washington, D.C. Q15216585 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Mexico City Embassy of Mexico, Washington, D.C. Q21010281 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Minsk Embassy of Belarus in Washington, D.C. Q33113473 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Monrovia Embassy of Liberia in Washington, D.C. Q105611422 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Moscow Embassy of Russia, Washington, D.C. Q722374 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Nairobi Embassy of Kenya in Washington, D.C. Q20926176 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, New Delhi Embassy of India, Washington, D.C. Q24947370 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Nouakchott Embassy of Mauritania in Washington, D.C. Q64682056 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Oslo Embassy of Norway, Washington, D.C. Q5369962 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Ottawa Embassy of Canada, Washington, D.C. Q2841859 ambassade Embassy of the United States of America in Canada
Embassy of the United States, Paris Embassy of France, Washington, D.C. Q894836 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Phnom Penh Embassy of Cambodia, Washington, D.C. Q56247145 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Prague Embassy of the Czech Republic in Washington, D.C. Q5369965 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Pretoria Embassy of South Africa, Washington, D.C. Q48865121 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Riyadh Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Washington, D.C. Q68170139 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Rome Embassy of Italy, Washington, D.C. Q5369967 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Santiago Embassy of Chile in Washington, D.C. Q20051902 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Sarajevo Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Washington, D.C. Q5369968 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Seoul Embassy of South Korea, Washington, D.C. Q5369969 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Singapore Embassy of Singapore, Washington, D.C. Q63225366 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Washington, D.C. Q64614273 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Tbilisi Embassy of Georgia in Washington, D.C. Q16909852 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Tirana Embassy of Albania, Washington, D.C. Q5369974 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Tokyo Embassy of Japan, Washington, D.C. Q2331721 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Ulaanbaatar Embassy of Mongolia, Washington, D.C. Q25044768 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Vienna Embassy of Austria, Washington, D.C. Q875343 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Vilnius Embassy of Lithuania, Washington, D.C. Q105618485 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Warsaw Embassy of Poland, Washington, D.C. Q9149601 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Wassenaar Embassy of the Netherlands, Washington, D.C. Q73921265 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Wellington Embassy of New Zealand, Washington, D.C. Q5369975 ambassade
Embassy of the United States, Yerevan Embassy of Armenia, Washington, D.C. Q5369976 ambassade
Emissionsspektrum Absorptionsspektrum Q216817 spectrum
Endemisk cosmopolitan distribution Q123452 term
English–Japanese dictionary Japanese–English dictionary Q16143346 tosprogsordbog
Ensrettet vej bidirectional traffic Q786886 trafikregulering konvention
Ententemagterne Centralmagterne Q215669 military alliance
tidligere administrativ territorial enhed
Entreprise interessentskab Q167037 juridisk form
økonomi juridisk person
Erhvervsdykning recreational diving Q10843474 dykning
Estates General states provincial Q207304 parlament
tricameral legislature
Estlands ambassade i Danmark Danmarks ambassade i Tallinn Q65261883 ambassade
Estonian Embassy in Helsinki Embassy of Finland, Tallinn Q18662891 ambassade
Estonian Embassy, Prague embassy of the Czech republic in Estonia Q42313682 ambassade
Et-Kina-politik Two Chinas Q608889 political position
Ethiopian embassy in Germany Embassy of Germany, Addis Ababa Q33061055 ambassade
Etårige planter staude Q192691 Raunkiærske system urt
Euklidisk rum curved space Q17295 geometric structure Hilbertrum
analytic manifold
real vector space
finite dimension vector space
Riemannian manifold
Eulers metode backward Euler method Q868454 Adams–Bashforth methods
explicit Runge–Kutta method
Exoskelet endoskeleton Q191944 skelet
Exoterm Endoterm Q205949 kemisk reaktion
exothermic process
Extended Validation Certificate domain-validated certificate Q1384925 X.509 certificate
FE-Schrift DIN 1451 Q1388048 skrifttype
Facade counterfacade Q183061 bygningsdel bygning eksteriør
Falsa baya bær Q3847256 type of fruit falsk frugt
Fasta Åland Åland Islands archipelago Q23038 ø
Felinofobi ailurophilia Q405385 fobi animal phobia
Femicide androcide Q1342425 dødsmåde drab
vold mod kvinde
hate crime
Femidom male condom Q864088 contraceptive kondom
Ferromagnetisme antiferromagnetism
Q184207 magnetic ordering
Ferskvand saltvand Q102192 drikkevand
Finlands ambassade i København Danmarks ambassade i Helsinki Q26256744 ambassade
Fjernlys low beam Q376517 lyskilde forlygte
Flugten til Egypten return from Egypt Q837143 itinerary
Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew
Infancy Gospel of Thomas
Matthæusevangeliet 2
Syriac Infancy Gospel
Forbrugerisme anti-consumerism Q89640 ideologi
social bevægelse
Fordampning Kondensering Q132814 faseovergang vaporization
Forladegevær breechloader Q1461850 weapon functional class skydevåben
Frankrigs ambassade i Danmark Danmarks ambassade i Paris Q2841644 ambassade
Franske Ambassade, Ankara Embassy of Turkey, Paris Q5369685 ambassade
Free-to-play pay to play Q1414510 forretningsmodel computerspilindustri video game monetization
French Cooperation Office, Pyongyang Delegation of North Korea, Paris Q30754364 de facto embassy
Fuldmåne Nymåne Q104641 Månens faser planetary phase
Fødselsrate dødelighed Q203516 economic index
demographic indicator
reciprocal duration
Galactic Center of Milky Way Galactic anticenter Q649112 barycentrum
gamma-ray source
galactic center
nuclear bulge of the Milky Way
Milky Way Galactic pole
galactic plane of the Milky Way Galaxy
Galactic anticenter Galactic Center of Milky Way Q1049115 region
Galvanisk celle electrolytic cell Q209440 batteri elektrisk komponent
electrochemical cell
Gametofyt Sporofyt Q189951 developmental stage of plant biologisk livscyklus
gametophyte development
flercellet organisme
Gamle Verden Nye Verden Q174807 region
geografisk område
Gaza genocide Hamas genocide accusation Q124086054 folkedrab
humanitarian crisis
Palestinian genocide accusation
Gejstlighed laity Q177826 stand
gruppe af mennesker
estate of the realm
religiøs gruppe
Georgian Embassy, Bratislava embassy of Slovakia in Georgia Q53205402 ambassade
German Embassy, Beijing Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Berlin Q15916341 ambassade
German Institute Taipei Taipei Representative Office in the Federal Republic of Germany Q19577713 de facto embassy
Gesenk Aufhauen Q1518753 begreb
Ghadr amanat
Q65643468 Islamic term sin in Islam deception in Islam
Gibraltar Te Ārai Q1410 Britisk oversøisk territorium
FN's liste over ikke-selvstyrende områder
omstridt territorium
Giftig maskulinitet tonic masculinity
Q28439795 term
Giri choco honmei choco Q2196880 chokolade
Global North Global South Q97365082 term
geopolitical group
Global South Global North Q1149903 term
geopolitical group
Goat Ox
Q867696 animal from the Chinese zodiac Chinese zodiac
Goethe-Institut Hungary Collegium Hungaricum Berlin Q21619459 kulturinstitution
Gogeta Vegito Q11303567 animefigur
Greater Greece Første græske republik Q124371648 ambition
great homeland
Megali Idea
Greek Embassy, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Athens Q2703608 ambassade
Greek Embassy, Bratislava embassy of Slovakia in Greece Q53205303 ambassade Jesenákov palác
Greek Embassy, Ta' Xbiex embassy of Malta in Greece Q31194253 ambassade
Grækenlands ambassade i Danmark Danmarks ambassade i Athen Q105999777 ambassade
Guter Groschen Mariengroschen Q21490990 mønt
Gutland Oesling Q705075 landskab
Haferl landing Telemark landing Q110219626
Haile Selassie Opposition to Haile Selassie Q41178 menneske
Halal Haram Q177823 teknisk begreb
five decisions
Hamas genocide accusation Gaza genocide Q123784114 beskyldning
Hanrej cuckquean Q1483612 mand
Haplogynae Entelegynae Q136328 takson
Hard charcoal Soft charcoal Q11580068 Trækul
Hardcore porno Softcore porno Q1777448 pornography genre pornografi
Hausa Kingdoms Banza Bakwai Q1591030 tidligere land
Haute couture Prêt-à-porter Q216053 branche tøjindustri
Havpattedyr land mammal Q382441 klasse af organismer kendt under et fællesnavn aquatic mammal
Hefemale shemale Q12356566 transkønnet mand
Heliocentrisk geocentrisk Q103983 videnskabelig teori
Helvede himmelen
Q564 religiøst koncept
mytisk sted
Christian mythology
heaven and hell
realm of the dead
Herrefodboldhold kvindefodboldhold Q103229495 fodboldhold
Heterocyklisk forbindelse homocyclic compound Q193430 structural class of chemical entities heterocyclic compound binding
heterocycle biosynthetic process
heterocycle metabolic process
heterocycle catabolic process
cyclic compound
Heterogenitet homogenitet Q928498 homogeneity and heterogeneity forskel
Heteronuklear Homonuklear Q5747409 kemisk forbindelse molekyle
High Commission of Bangladesh, Canberra Australian High Commission, Bangladesh Q83584111 high commission
High Commission of Bangladesh, London British High Commission, Dhaka Q83584288 high commission
High Commission of Canada to the United Kingdom British High Commission, Ottawa Q13589963 high commission
High Commission of India, London British High Commission New Delhi Q16842991 high commission
High Commission of Kenya, London British High Commission, Nairobi Q16842996 high commission 41-47, Portland Place W1
High Commission of Malaysia, London British High Commission Kuala Lumpur Q15378923 high commission
High Commission of Malta, London British High Commission in Valletta Q16843009 high commission
High Commission of New Zealand, London British High Commission, Wellington Q5755096 højhus
high commission
High Commission of Pakistan, London British High Commission Islamabad Q16843032 high commission
High Commission of Pakistan, New Delhi High Commission of India, Islamabad Q27031139 high commission
High Commission of Singapore, London British High Commission Singapore Q16843056 high commission
High Commission of Sri Lanka, London British High Commission Colombo Q16843060 high commission
High Commission of Tanzania, London British High Commission, Dar es Salaam Q16843094 high commission
High Commission of Zambia, London British High Commission Lusaka Q15378903 high commission
High Commission of the Maldives, London British High Commission, Malé Q16843131 high commission
Hjælp:Vær dristig Commons:Don't be bold Q3916099 Wikipedia:Politikker og normer
Hollands ambassade i Danmark Danmarks ambassade i Haag Q38054781 ambassade
Holocaustoffer Holocaust survivor Q5883980 victim of the Nazi regime
Homonym hemianopsi heteronymous hemianopsia Q2624988 hemianopia
Hong Kong national rugby union team (sevens) Hong Kong women's national rugby union team (sevens) Q5895383 national rugby sevens team
Horse Rat
Q869595 animal from the Chinese zodiac Chinese zodiac
House of Commons of Great Britain House of Lords of Great Britain Q5914852 house of commons Parliament of Great Britain
House of Commons of Ireland House of Lords of Ireland Q2948400 house of commons Parliament of Ireland
House of Lords of Great Britain House of Commons of Great Britain Q110314449 house of lords Parliament of Great Britain
House of Lords of Ireland House of Commons of Ireland Q1522992 house of lords Parliament of Ireland
Humanoid non-humanoid Q502931 person
Hungarian Academy Rome Bródy Sándor Street, 8 Q3603967 kulturinstitution
Hungarian Cultural Institute in Warsaw Polish Institute in Budapest Q9381404 institut
Hungarian Embassy in Slovakia Embassy of Slovakia, Hungary Q53205334 ambassade
Hungarian cultural, scientific and information center Russian Cultural Center Q86591585 bygning
Hungarian embassy, Helsinki Embassy of Finland, Budapest Q63618088 ambassade
Hungarian embassy, Holy See Apostolic Nunciature to Hungary Q56326283 ambassade
Hungarian embassy, Tallinn Embassy of Estonia, Budapest Q67005648 ambassade
Hvirveldyr hvirvelløse dyr Q25241 takson Chordater
Hybris ydmyghed Q735766 moralsk egenskab
Hydrolyse Kondensationsreaktion Q103135 Systems Biology Ontology kemisk reaktion
Hypergami Hypogami Q1265170 mesalliance
Hyperkaliæmi hypokalemia Q605259 sygdomstegn
symptom eller tegn
mineral metabolism disease
Hypertrofi hypotrophy Q216211 sygdom vanskabning
Håndbold under sommer-OL 2024 - Damer Håndbold under sommer-OL 2024 – Herrer Q121705755 olympisk sportsbegivenhed håndbold ved sommer-OL 2024
Håndbold under sommer-OL 2024 – Herrer Håndbold under sommer-OL 2024 - Damer Q121704904 olympisk sportsbegivenhed håndbold ved sommer-OL 2024
Højtryk og lavtryk Anticyklon Q209190 pressure system
type af meteorologisk fænomen
meteorologisk fænomen
Idealisme Materialisme Q33442 monisme filosofisk teori
Idiot geni Q193607 nedsættende
destructive label
Iftar Suhoor Q577401 måltid Ramadan
Ikke-cellet liv Cytota Q169731 takson
Ikke-destruktiv prøvning destructive testing Q626700 type of test materialevidenskab
product testing
materials testing
Ikke-newtonsk væske Newtonian fluid Q860589 fluid
Iland udviklingsland Q132453 land
In situ ex situ Q216681 latinsk udtryk
Indian National Congress Bharatiya Janata Party Q10225 politisk parti
Indiens ambassade i Danmark Danmarks ambassade i New Delhi Q73094205 ambassade
Indokina Maritime Sydøstasien Q43467 halvø
Indonesian Embassy, Lima embassy of Peru in Indonesia Q107526909 ambassade
Indonesian Embassy, Sarajevo embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Indonesia Q95630193 ambassade
Indonesiens ambassade i Danmark Danmarks ambassade i Jakarta Q97236218 ambassade
Indre London Ydre London Q859427 NUTS 2 statistical territorial entity of the United Kingdom
Industrialisering Afindustrialisering Q202398 udvikling economic development
teknologisk udvikling
Inertialsystem non-inertial reference frame Q192735 henførelsessystem
Infralyd ultralyd Q212082 lyd lydbølge
Inklination Reklination Q1663683 movement
Inner Brass Outer Brass Q6035332 ø
Institut français de Budapest Institut hongrois de Paris Q572580 kulturcenter
Institut hongrois de Paris Institut français de Budapest Q17320850 kulturinstitution
Intelligenskvotient adaptability quotient
rationality quotient
emotional quotient
Q170277 måling
Intelligent design argument from poor design Q172618 pseudovidenskab
Intranet internetworking Q483426 datanet
Inverted gull wing gull wing Q11639379 vingekonfiguration
Iranian Embassy, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Tehran Q1672381 ambassade
Irans ambassade i Danmark Danmarks ambassade i Teheran Q106030992 ambassade
Irans ambassade i Oslo Embassy of Norway, Tehran Q19375815 ambassade
Irlands ambassade i Danmark Danmarks ambassade i Dublin Q104846620 ambassade
Islamisk etik Isa'a
Q6032505 Islamic term
Sufi terminology
Sabil Allah
al-Sirat al-Mustaqim
morality in Islam
Islamisme anti-Islam Q189746 politisk ideologi political Islam
ethnic supremacism
Islamistisk ekstremisme moderate Muslim Q6082705 aktivitet religiøs fanatisme
religious extremism
Islams profeter Munafiq
Q168827 profession Ḥizb Allāh profet
figur i Koranen
Islands ambassade i Danmark Danmarks ambassade i Reykjavík Q106000103 ambassade
Israel Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Tel Aviv Q115693089 de facto embassy
Istiqama tyranni Q20421114 Islamic term
Sufi terminology
al-Sirat al-Mustaqim
Sabil Allah
Italian Embassy, Athens embassy of Greece in Italy Q16331961 ambassade
Italian Embassy, Berlin Embassy of Germany to the Holy See Q831633 ambassade
Ivoirian Embassy, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Abidjan Q56329081 ambassade
J2 8243 J2 8244 Q131573166 Rutefly
flight number
Jahannam Jannah Q58418 Islamic term Islamiske tegn på dommedag
retribution of God in Islam
Islamic mythology
Jamaican Embassy, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Kingston Q57515856 ambassade
Jannah Jahannam Q835143 Islamic term Islamiske tegn på dommedag
retribution of God in Islam
Islamic mythology
Japan women's national softball team Japan men's national softball team Q3449861 national softball team
Japanese strolling garden zakanshiki teien Q11420231 type of garden Japansk have
Japanese–English dictionary English–Japanese dictionary Q9640316 tosprogsordbog
Japans ambassade i Danmark Danmarks ambassade i Tokyo Q69522954 ambassade Denmark–Japan relations
Japan–Taiwan Exchange Association Association of East Asian Relations Q843186 organisation
de facto embassy
Jesus Antikrist Q302 menneske i Bibelen
Jižní pól Prahy Severní pól Prahy Q112213153 grænsesten Prague Poles
Jocasta complex Ødipuskompleks Q6207067 begreb græsk mytologi
Jomfru Marias sorger Seven Joys of the Virgin Q1196075 Jomfru Maria-titel
Jordan Duckitt 2012 Summer Olympics closing ceremony Q168545 Olympic Games opening ceremony sommer-OL 2012
Jorden himmel Q2 indre planet i solsystemet
systemet Jorden-Månen
Jordskredsvalg electoral wipeout Q642590 valgresultat
Joseph Stalin's cult of personality afstalinisering Q4180510 Personkult
Josephine Kulea kvindelig omskæring
Q28018823 menneske
Jules Verne Trophy Elcano oceanic trophy Q224807 sportspris
Juliamængden Fatou set Q848427 matematisk begreb Filled Julia set fraktal
closed set
perfect set
invariant set
Junkfood healthy diet Q851384 unhealthy lifestyle processed food
Jævnstrøm vekselstrøm
alternating current
Q159241 elektrisk strøm
K-selection r selection Q123501334 reproductive strategy
KC 881 KC 882 Q85329364 Rutefly
flight number
Kampo Rampō
Q403356 Folkemedicin
alternativ behandling
traditional Japanese medicine
Kardæsk kanonkugle Q1427237 weapon functional class Ammunition
Katode anode Q175233 rolle elektronrør
silicon controlled rectifier
Khalkhas 막남몽골 Q842323 etnisk gruppe Mongoler
Mongolic peoples
Klassisk fysik modern physics Q81745 delområde af fysikken fysik
Komplet graf edgeless graph Q45715 undirected graph
connected graph
cluster graph
block graph
complete multipartite graph
threshold graph
Kneser graph
traceable graph
symmetric graph
strongly regular graph
uniquely colorable graph
integral graph
geodetic graph
circulant graph
line graph
dense graph
Turán graph
Johnson graph
Kondensationsreaktion Hydrolyse Q910058 kemisk reaktion
combination reaction
Kondensering vaporization Q166583 faseovergang
Konservativt kraftfelt nonconservative force Q822938 kraft
Korean independence movement Chinilpa Q707483 national liberation movement
modstandsbevægelse under anden verdenskrig
Koreografi dance improvisation Q180856 scenekunst
Krebsens vendekreds Stenbukkens vendekreds Q176635 Vendekreds
Nordlige halvkugle
Kredsdans Figurentanz Q1748869 type af dans Selskabsdans
Krenellering merlon Q23423 voldanlæg
Kristus Antikrist Q642420 title of Jesus Jesus
Kroatiens ambassade i Danmark Danmarks ambassade i Zagreb Q105998332 ambassade
Kunstfiber naturfiber Q5856 fiber
syntetisk materiale
textile fiber
Kuwaiti Embassy, Bratislava embassy of Slovakia in Kuwait Q53205353 ambassade
Kvindelig ejakulation udløsning Q212379 biologisk proces female orgasm
Kvindelighed maskulinitet Q866081 kønsudtryk socialt køn
LH 688 LH 689 Q111292455 Rutefly
flight number
LH 689 LH 688 Q111203105 flight number
LY 325 LY 326 Q111203285 flight number
La Coruña Christchurch Q8757 municipality of Galicia Mancomunidad de Municipios del Área del de La Coruña
Ladet partikel neutral particle Q587553 type kvantepartikel massive quantum particle
Lamarckisme Darwinisme Q208800 evolutionsteori
forældet videnskabelig teori
alternatives to evolution by natural selection
Langsynethed Nærsynethed Q177254 sygdomsklasse
symptom eller tegn
refractive error
Las Vegas algorithm Monte Carlo algorithm Q1241487 algoritmisk paradigme randomized algorithm
exact algorithm
Latinas Hispanic and Latino American men Q108887370 Hispanic- og latinoamerikanere kvinde
Latvian Embassy in Tallinn Embassy of Estonia, Riga Q42313729 ambassade
Latvian Embassy, Prague embassy of the Czech republic in Latvia Q65465072 ambassade
Lego set My Own Creation Q6518582 legetøj
Letlands ambassade i Danmark Danmarks ambassade i Riga Q106032497 ambassade
Letterboxing (film) pillarbox Q5539855 Visual effects
Lewissyrer Lewis base Q60710915 group or class of chemical substances Lewissyrer og -baser kemisk stof
Liberian Embassy, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Monrovia Q49959075 ambassade
Libyan Embassy, Sarajevo embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Libya Q96147555 ambassade
Lithuanian Embassy, Tallinn Embassy of Estonia, Vilnius Q42313736 ambassade
Liv efter døden previous life Q623282 bibelsk emne mytisk sted
Lolicon Shotacon Q309227 anime- og mangagenre
video game theme
romance video game
Lower Egypt Øvre Egypten Q463871 region Egypten
Øvre og Nedre Egypten
Luksusgode necessity good Q949715 gode
Luminescens incandescence Q184240 Optisk fænomen
farve i naturen
natural light
Lungepulsåre pulmonary vein Q206280 arterie
class of anatomical entity
set of all arteries
great arteries
pulmonary circulation
particular anatomical entity
Majorana fermion Dirac-fermion Q1065883 type kvantepartikel fermion
real neutral particle
Mandlig prostitution female prostitution Q1261491 prostitution
March equinox September equinox Q12889843 jævndøgn
Mariengroschen Guter Groschen Q836342 valuta
Maritime Sydøstasien Indokina Q2919361 region Sydøstasien
Markedsøkonomi planøkonomi Q179522 begreb
Marxisme kritik af Marxism Q7264 teoretisk nationaløkonomi
politisk ideologi
school of economic thought
Matriarkat anarka-feminisme
Q185681 socialt system
social struktur
Mensjevik bolsjevik Q191515 fraktion Ruslands Socialdemokratiske Arbejderparti
Metroseksualitet retrosexual Q192084 person
Mexicos ambassade i Danmark Danmarks ambassade i Mexico City Q106033804 ambassade
Midnatssol Polarnat
Q774621 fænomen
Mikrostat continental country Q244381 suveræn stat
Milf DILF Q861578 sexual slang
Militarisme Antimilitarisme Q177266 politisk koncept politisk ideologi
Mindre end-tegn Større end-tegn Q3490724 inequality sign
Unicode character
Miosis mydriasis Q596899 sygdomstegn
symptom eller tegn
pupil disorder
contracted pupil
Mirozdanie microcosm Q126367609 universe
Misandri philandry
Q848867 sexisme
Modergudinde father god Q334486 gudinde
Moderne dans historical dance Q850130 type af dans performing arts concert dance
Modkultur Mainstream Q188976 subkultur
Modulation Demodulation Q170474 teknik telekommunikation
Moldovan Embassy to Russia Embassy of Russia, Chișinău Q4374024 ambassade
Moms for Liberty Unite Against Book Bans Q109561827 almennyttig organisation
Monkey Tiger
Q740674 animal from the Chinese zodiac Chinese zodiac
Monogami ikke-monogami Q184211 mating system mellemmenneskelige forhold
Monoklonale antistoffer polyclonal antibodies Q422248 group or class of proteins monospecific antibody
Monospatieret skrift Proportionalskrift Q1570349 skrifttype
Montenegrin Embassy, Sarajevo embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Montenegro Q95913143 ambassade
Mooinjer veggey practitioner of witchcraft Q268819 mythical people fe
Mount Airy Categoria:Nati a Mount Airy (Carolina del Nord) Q631590 by i USA
Multiplayer singleplayer Q6895044 game mode computerspil
Murphys love Yhprum's Law Q188908 adage
loi épigrammatique
Mutant Genuine CPU Q129257077 mikroprocessor
Månens bagside Månens forside Q816838 region
Månens forside Månens bagside Q782867 region
Mænd som har sex med mænd kvinder som har sex med kvinder
men who have sex with women
Q853451 gruppe af mennesker mand
Mændenes rettighedsbevægelse women's rights activism Q1292853 politisk ideologi
social bevægelse
men's movement
politisk ideologi
NAS direct-attached storage Q744980 type of computer memory or storage lagringsmedie
server computer
NCAA Division I men's basketball NCAA Division I women's basketball Q94861615 liga NCAA Division I
NIMBY YIMBY Q849024 akronym
NPC spillerfigur Q466466 video game feature
narrativ rolle
Nastro d'Argento for bedste kvindelige birolle Sølvbåndet for bedste mandlige birolle Q3870551 pris for bedste skuespillerinde
Nastro d'Argento
Natdyr Dagaktiv Q309179 adfærd
National September 11 Memorial North Pool National September 11 Memorial South Pool Q109827702 reflekterende bassin
National September 11 Memorial South Pool National September 11 Memorial North Pool Q109827704 reflekterende bassin
Nationalist faction Republican faction Q2742116 fraktion
Naturlig selektion supernatural selection Q43478 evolution biological selection
Naturret Positiv ret Q29524 giusnaturalismo e giusrazionalismo jura
Nazgûl Ringens broderskab Q308661 fictional group of characters ghost in a work of fiction
character from Tolkien's legendarium
Negativ tilbagekobling Positiv tilbagekobling Q62527 tilbagekobling
Neiva Palembang Q638260 kommune i Colombia
city in Colombia
Huila Department
Nekrofili necrophobia Q181843 psychosexual disorder parafili
Neo-Darwinism Neo-Lamarckism Q1096404 evolutionsteori evolutionary theory
Neo-Lamarckism Neo-Darwinism Q3338186 evolutionsbiologi
Nigerian Embassy, Madrid Embassy of Spain, Abuja Q28944843 ambassade
Nihonga Yōga Q1989975 maleribevægelse Japanese painting
Nihonga painter Yōga painter Q16485594 kunstnerisk profession kunstmaler
Nordlige halvkugle Sydlige halvkugle Q39061 hemisphere of the Earth Jorden
Nordlige polarcirkel Antarctic Circle Q176609 Polarkreds
Nordpolen Sydpolen Q934 Pol Earth's poles
Norges ambassade i Danmark Danmarks ambassade i Oslo Q19383580 ambassade
North Korean Embassy, Jakarta embassy of Indonesia in Pyongyang Q95593121 ambassade
North facade of the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar of Zaragoza South facade of the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar of Zaragoza Q131338919 North facade Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar
Northeast Asia Sydøstasien Q27243 region Østasien
Northern Court Southern Court Q1201819 hof
Imperial Court of Japan
Northern celestial hemisphere Southern Celestial Hemisphere Q1998069 celestial hemisphere himmelkuglen
Norwegian embassy in Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Oslo Q2841829 ambassade
Nukleofil electrophile Q745930 class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions kemisk stof
Nuværende medlemmer af Repræsentanternes Hus (USA) Nuværende medlemmer af Senatet (USA) Q5195107 Wikimedia-liste
Nye Verden Gamle Verden Q127834 region
Nymåne Fuldmåne Q108566 Månens faser
Nærsynethed Langsynethed Q168403 sygdomsklasse
symptom eller tegn
refractive error
visual impairment
Oesling Gutland Q298176 region
Omvendt polsk notation prefix notation Q379695 common operator notation
Opera buffa Opera seria Q208080 opera genre opera
Opvarmning cooling down Q760132 forberedelse
Outer Brass Inner Brass Q7111960 ø
Outer Islands Inner Islands Q1547337 øgruppe Seychellerne
Overclocking underclocking Q215969 justering
Overhuset Underhuset Q11007 house of lords Det britiske parlament
Overlyshastighed slower-than-light Q44207 hastighed
Overmenneske Untermensch Q43484 filosofisk begreb
Nietzschean terminology
Ox Dragon
Q599644 animal from the Chinese zodiac Chinese zodiac
Oxidativt hærdende olie non-drying oil Q2549301 olie
film former
PNP-transistor NPN-transistor Q10384157 bipolar transistor
PTC-termistor negative-temperature-coefficient thermistor Q1642456 termistor
Pacifisme bellicosism Q58848 politisk ideologi ikkevold
Pakistan national women's cricket team Pakistans cricketlandshold Q13657430 kvinde cricketlandshold
Pakistani Embassy, Prague embassy of the Czech republic in Pakistan Q65515150 ambassade
Pakistani Embassy, Sarajevo embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Pakistan Q96003054 ambassade
Palembang Neiva Q8131 by i Indonesien
Pan American Games Winter Pan American Games Q230186 multisportsarrangement multisportsarrangement
international competition
Paradis Helvede Q3363340 Edens have mytisk sted
Parrettåede hovdyr Uparrettåede hovdyr Q25329 takson Pattedyr
Pascal case dromedaryCase Q9761807 letter case
naming convention
naming convention
Pedra fundamental de Brasília Marco zero de Brasília Q10347242 obelisk
Peer-to-peer client–server Q161410 network architecture
Perfekt information imperfect information Q1074338 game theory term
Personkult unperson Q192914 kult
Phloem Xylem Q185138 plantedel vascular tissue vascular tissue
Pig Snake
Q877261 animal from the Chinese zodiac Chinese zodiac
Pisan calendar Florentine calendar Q7198172 kalender
12 month calendar
Plasmid kromosom Q172778 cellulær komponent
Polens ambassade i Danmark Danmarks ambassade i Warszawa Q5369824 ambassade
Polish Cup Polish Women's Cup Q837397 national association football cup
Polish Embassy, Sofia Embassy of Bulgaria, Warsaw Q30906047 ambassade
Polish Institute in Budapest Hungarian Cultural Institute in Warsaw Q15980569 institut
diplomatisk mission
Polish Institute
Polish embassy in Belgium Embassy of Belgium, Warsaw Q30909076 ambassade
Polykromi monochrome Q183127 billedkunstnerisk teknik
Poop Bak Q1758120 skibsdel
maritimt udtryk
Portugals ambassade i Danmark Danmarks ambassade i Lissabon Q105495477 ambassade
Portuguese Embassy, Bratislava embassy of Slovakia in Portugal Q53205364 ambassade
Portuguese Embassy, Dili embassy of East Timor in Portugal Q47544991 ambassade
Portuguese Embassy, São Tomé Embassy of São Tomé and Príncipe, Lisbon Q55264659 ambassade
Positiv tilbagekobling Negativ tilbagekobling Q918004 tilbagekobling
Pote hov Q219588 lem
Powerplay short-handed Q657579 sportshold
Print coloring Q4378795 tryksag tryk
Promiskuøs sexual abstinence Q261290 beskæftigelse
Prêt-à-porter Haute couture Q2912428 tøjindustri tøj
Pseudoarkæologi arkæologi Q1345825 branch of pseudoscience pseudovidenskabelig metode
Puerta de Europa I Puerta de Europa II Q56787231 skyskraber
skæve tårn
Gate of Europe
Puerta de Europa II Puerta de Europa I Q56787345 skyskraber
skæve tårn
Gate of Europe
Puerto Natales Ulan-Ude Q1001339 city in Chile
Puritanisme anglokatolicisme Q137073 Confesión Protestantisme
Pyrofili pyrophobia Q2309570 sexual preference parafili
Qing literati 武人 Q11499773 profession
historisk virke
Quiet quitting loud quitting Q1663993 arbejdsmoral
RGN hand grenade RGO hand grenade Q4386491 våbenmodel offensive grenade
RGO hand grenade RGN hand grenade Q1538258 våbenmodel defensive grenade
RISC CISC Q189376 Design paradigm processor design
Rabbit Rooster Q844723 animal from the Chinese zodiac Chinese zodiac
Rafaela Wuhu Q259498 city of Argentina
kommune i Argentina
Rat Horse
Q721997 animal from the Chinese zodiac Chinese zodiac
Raw food processed food Q21198046 mad
Recession økonomisk vækst Q176494 konjunkturcyklus socialproblem
Regionaltog langdistance persontransport med jernbane Q14626453 togkategori passenger rail transport
local transport
Regntid Tørtid Q3117517 årstid
Reichsarchiv German Exile Archive Q1680872 arkiv
Representative Office of Taiwan, London British Office Taipei Q15473899 de facto embassy
Taipei Representative Office
Repræsentanternes Hus Senatet Q11701 Repræsentanternes hus
folkevalgt lovgivende forsamling
legislative branch agency
Kongressen i USA
Republican Elephant Democratic donkey Q64494870 Maskot
fiktiv elefant
Republican In Name Only Democrat In Name Only Q3365273 nedsættende
Retraktion protraktion Q1374148 movement
Reverse Freedom Rides Freedom Riders Q7318233 hændelse
Revideret romanisering af koreansk transcription into Korean Q498721 standard
official publication
Rigdom fattigdom Q200535 tilstand
Rip, Rap og Rup Kylle, Pylle og Rylle Q11965 fictional sibling group
fictional trio
male trio
Roma gadjo Q8060 etnisk gruppe
itinerant groups of Europe
Indo-Aryan peoples
Roman Rite Byzantine Rite Q730757 liturgi Latin liturgical rites kristent ritual
Rooster Rabbit
Q822621 animal from the Chinese zodiac Chinese zodiac
Roskomnadzor Roskomsvoboda Q129597 myndighed
Den russiske føderaleregering
Round robin single-elimination tournament Q841144 tournament system turnering
Rowdyruff Boys Powerpuff Girls Q93482807 supervillain team
fictional sibling group
fictional trio
Rumæniens ambassade i Danmark Danmarks ambassade i Bukarest Q89189211 ambassade
Ruslands flag flag of Republika Srpska Q16611 nationalflag
Russian Cultural Center Hungarian cultural, scientific and information center Q95480527 kulturinstitution
Russian Embassy in Tirana Embassy of Albania, Moscow Q16687405 ambassade
Russian Embassy, Madrid Embassy of Spain, Moscow Q4374041 bygning
Russian Manchuria Inner Manchuria Q258227 historisk landskab Manchuriet
Russofobi Russophilia Q512990 fjendtlighed
movement against individual ethniticity
S-tvundets-tvinnað Z-tvundetz-tvinnað Q55296333 snoning
Sai-ji Tō-ji Q135714 historisk sted
former Buddhist temple
Saidai-ji Tōdai-ji Q1203935 buddhistisk tempel
Shingon sect eighteen Motoyama
Thirteen Buddhist Sites of Yamato
Nanto Shichi Daiji
17 sites sacrés Saigoku Aizen
Shinbutsu Reijō Junpai no Michi
88 sites sacrés dans le nord de Yamato
Saint Glinglin Seit Olims Zeiten Q946904 fictional holiday
folk saint
Salvation in Islam khusran Q5431615 Islamic term
Sufi terminology
rahma Frelse
San'in region San'yō region Q398310 Japans regioner Chūgoku
Western Japan
Satyromani Nymfomani Q11025831 seksualitet
Schnellbremsung Betriebsbremsung Q1406350
Sculler sweep Q21369006 klasseinddeling i sport roning
Scumbag Steve Good Guy Greg Q22908558 meme
fiktiv person
Sebeolsik layout Dubeolsik layout Q12602244 Korean keyboard
Selskabsdans concert dance Q3209069 type af dans dans
Senatet Repræsentanternes Hus Q66096 Senat
folkevalgt lovgivende forsamling
legislative branch agency
Kongressen i USA
Separatisme unionism Q194236 politisk ideologi
September equinox March equinox Q7530126 jævndøgn
Serbiens ambassade i Danmark Danmarks ambassade i Beograd Q106069964 ambassade
Server klient Q44127 Internet
technical system
data processing system
Seven Joys of the Virgin Jomfru Marias sorger Q1331636 Prayer in the Catholic Church
Severní pól Prahy Jižní pól Prahy Q122228918 grænsesten Prague Poles
Shia Muslim Sunni Muslim Q71986641 religiøs identitet muslim
religious adherent
Shinkansen zairaisen Q164338 højhastighedstog
Elektrisk togsæt
passenger train service
high-speed rail in Asia
Ships under tow pushed train Q67169496 slæbebåd
Shotacon Lolicon Q597887 anime- og mangagenre
Shōnan-Shinjuku Line Ueno-Tokyo Line Q1323851 passenger train service
cross-city route
Sibirien Europæisk Rusland Q5428 region Asien
Sileighty 日産・ワンビア Q1936681 bilmodel
Siloti sprog non-Sylheti Q2044560 naturligt sprog
levende sprog
Simpleks Dupleks Q2294346 communications system
Skadesreduktion prevalence reduction Q1458711 strategi
medicinsk fagområde
policy option
Skønne kunster dekorativ kunst Q219625 fagområde arts
Slovenian Embassy, Sarajevo embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Slovenia Q12805351 ambassade
Snake Pig
Q756692 mytologisk slangevæsen
animal from the Chinese zodiac
Chinese zodiac
Snapshot staged photography Q1758746 fotografisk genre fotografi
Sodomi vaginalt samleje Q206426 forbrydelse
Soft charcoal Hard charcoal Q11678539 Trækul
Softcore porno Hardcore porno Q2000136 pornography genre pornografi
Solhverv jævndøgn Q123524 årlig begivenhed
astronomical phenomenon
Maksimum og minimum
Sort messe kristen liturgi Q524196 satanic ritual
Mass (liturgy)
Sortlegeme white body Q161424 videnskabelig model legeme
South African High Commission, Maputo High Commission of Mozambique, Pretoria Q106438203 high commission
South facade of the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar of Zaragoza North facade of the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar of Zaragoza Q131300378 South facade Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar
Southern Celestial Hemisphere Northern celestial hemisphere Q2380815 celestial hemisphere himmelkuglen
Southern Court Northern Court Q3001082 hof
Imperial Court of Japan
Soviet Embassy in Budapest Embassy of Hungary, Moscow Q75946924 ambassade
Spanish Embassy, Bratislava embassy of Slovakia in Spain Q53205344 ambassade
Spanish Nationalist Navy Spanish Republican Navy Q5704364 marine armed forces of the Nationalist faction in the Spanish Civil War
Nationalist faction
Spanish Republican Air Force Aviación Nacional Q653821 luftvåben Spanish Republican Armed Forces
Spanske ambassade i København Danmarks Ambassade i Madrid Q105105231 ambassade
Spiselige svampe inedible mushroom Q654236 wild food mushroom
Spore gamet Q177332 celletype
phase of life
reproductive cell
nonmammalian cell
Sporeplanter phanerogams Q333458 klasse af organismer kendt under et fællesnavn
polyfyletisk gruppe
Sporofyt Gametofyt Q647173 developmental stage of plant biologisk livscyklus
Staccato legato Q466944 articulation
stroke technique
Stalagmit Stalaktit Q181312 Drypsten
Stalaktit Stalagmit Q177197 Drypsten
Startmotor recoil starter Q557828 internal combustion engine component motor
Statik Dynamik Q169019 delområde af fysikken mekanik
Stator rotor
Q190312 elektromotor
Stedsegrøn løvfældende Q190489 kvalitet
klasse af organismer kendt under et fællesnavn
Raunkiærske system
Fanerofyt plante
Stenbukkens vendekreds Krebsens vendekreds Q177440 Vendekreds
Sydlige halvkugle
Stockholmsyndrom Lima syndrome Q180242 psykologisk fænomen traumebinding
Storcirkel Lillecirkel Q146657 circle of a sphere
closed geodesic
Storfamilie immediate family Q721790 familie
Stortyskland Den lilletyske løsning Q323487 ambition
great homeland
German question
Strategiske atomvåben Taktiske atomvåben Q1359863 weapon functional class kernevåben
Stuttgart 21 Kopfbahnhof 21
Umstieg 21
Q700996 byggeprojekt
Stående bølge progressive wave Q123300 bølge
Stævn sternpost Q1458952 skibsdel
maritimt udtryk
køl Stævn
Større end-tegn Mindre end-tegn Q3490717 matematisk symbol
inequality sign
Unicode character
Subduktion obduction Q176318 geological process
Subtraktiv spektralfarve additiv farveblanding Q374081 fænomen kleurmenging
Suhoor Iftar Q1999671 måltid Ramadan
Summer Youth Olympic Games Winter Youth Olympic Games Q3178415 Ungdomsolympiske lege
Sveriges Ambassade i København Danmarks ambassade i Stockholm Q10686010 ambassade
Swedish embassy in Canberra Embassy of Australia, Stockholm Q10686003 ambassade
Swiss Embassy, Bratislava Embassy of Slovakia, Bern Q53205370 ambassade
Swiss Embassy, Sarajevo Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bern Q93769228 ambassade
Sydafrikas ambassade i Danmark Danmarks ambassade i Pretoria Q106084237 ambassade
Sydkoreas Ambassade i København Danmarks ambassade i Seoul Q5369943 ambassade
Sydlige halvkugle Nordlige halvkugle Q41228 hemisphere of the Earth Jorden
Sydpolen Nordpolen Q933 Pol Earth's poles
Sydøstasien Northeast Asia Q11708 region Asien
Synd dyd Q60227 religiøst koncept handling
Syv dødssynder De syv dyder Q166502 Synd
sin in Islam
TG 925 TG 924 Q98164536 flight number
Taipei Representative Office in France French Office in Taipei Q24970318 Taipei Representative Office
de facto embassy
Taipei Representative Office in Italy Italian Economic, Trade and Cultural Promotion Office Q57337163 de facto embassy
Taipei Representative Office
Taipei Representative Office in Poland Polish Office in Taipei Q9173928 de facto embassy
representative office
Taipei Representative Office
Taipei Representative Office in the EU and Belgium Belgian Office Taipei Q15921381 Taipei Representative Office
de facto embassy
representative office
Taktiske atomvåben Strategiske atomvåben Q1050866 weapon functional class kernevåben
Tanzanian Embassy, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Dar es Salaam Q55341078 ambassade
Te Ārai Gibraltar Q7690759 lokalitet
Tekstfil binary file
graphic file
Q86920 filformat document file format
plain text
Tektit meteorit Q468438 Metamorfe bjergarter
Telekonverter telecompressor Q1434479 secondary lens
Telemark landing Haferl landing Q538449
Telemåling on-site observation Q199687 videnskabeligt fagområde gathering of information
Template:Contraria Template:Support Q115673344 Wikimedia-skabelon
Template:Oppose Template:Support Q6064718 Wikimedia-skabelon
Template:Support Template:Oppose Q5056 Wikimedia-skabelon
The Red Guard of Finland De hvide Q56400582 armé De røde
Tiger Snake
Q740762 animal from the Chinese zodiac Chinese zodiac
Earthly Branches
Tjekkiets ambassade i Danmark Danmarks ambassade i Prag Q105999272 ambassade
Tomme mængde non-empty set Q226183 mængde
åben mængde
closed set
null set
set of 0
endelig mængde
liste over typer af sæt
Tonefilm stumfilm Q848512 filmgenre film
Tradwife feminist Q85810382 hustru
Traktion sliding Q1852039 Friktion
physical process
Transcendente tal algebraisk tal Q173091 set of transcendental numbers irrationale tal
Transfedtsyre cis fat Q243465 structural class of chemical entities oil hydrogenation
umættet fedt
Treenigheden Arianisme Q37090 Christian dogma
attributes of God in Christianity
triple deity
Trend og islæt trend og islæt Q738822 woven fabric textile component
Trykkammer hypobaric chamber Q549046 diving equipment
pressure vessel
medicinsk udstyr
Trykstyrke Trækstyrke Q186191 materialeegenskab spænding
structural robustness
Trådløs kommunikation Wired communication Q249 forskningsområde
akademisk disciplin
telecommunications engineering
Two World Trade Center World Trade Center Q20445008 skyskraber World Trade Center
Tyrkiets ambassade i Danmark Danmarks ambassade i Ankara Q106085605 ambassade
Tysklands ambassade i Danmark Danmarks ambassade i Berlin Q58494168 ambassade
Tørtid Regntid Q146575 årstid
Tō-ji Sai-ji Q1046403 buddhistisk tempel
Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto
Shingon sect eighteen Motoyama
17 sites sacrés Saigoku Aizen
33 sites sacrés de Luoyang Kannon
Thirteen Buddhist Sites of Kyoto
Miyako Shichifukujin
Shinbutsu Reijō Junpai no Michi
12 sites sacrés Yakushi de Kyoto
Tōdai-ji Saidai-ji Q460367 buddhistisk tempel
provincial temple
Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara
Nanto Shichi Daiji
The Twenty-Fifth Reikyo of Dharan Shonin
Shinbutsu Reijō Junpai no Michi
88 sites sacrés dans le nord de Yamato
U-turn rush 帰省ラッシュ Q11252337 rejse kollektiv trafik
USA's Ambassade i København Danmarks ambassade i Washington D.C. Q15216584 ambassade
USB 2.0 Type-B plug USB 2.0 Type-B receptacle Q27688486 USB Type-B connector USB plug
USB Type-B connector
USB 2.0 Type-B receptacle USB 2.0 Type-B plug Q41796321 USB Type-B connector USB receptacle
USB Type-B connector
USB Type Mini-A plug USB Type Mini-A receptacle Q102143294 USB Type Mini-A connector USB plug
USB Type Mini-A connector
USB Type Mini-A receptacle USB Type Mini-A plug Q102143266 USB Type Mini-A connector USB receptacle
USB Type Mini-A connector
USB Type-A plug USB Type-A receptacle Q58050871 USB Type-A connector USB Type-A connector
USB plug
USB Type-A receptacle USB Type-A plug Q50289699 USB Type-A connector USB receptacle
USB Type-A connector
Ubeskyttet sex sexual risk behavior
unprotected sex
Q318529 samleje sex
Uddød artsdannelse Q123509 environmental degradation
biological risk
Udråbstegn ¡ Q166764 Unicode character interrobang tegnsætning
terminal punctuation
Ueno-Tokyo Line Shōnan-Shinjuku Line Q871169 passenger train service
main line
cross-city route
Tōhoku Main Line
Ukraines ambassade i Danmark Danmarks ambassade i Kyiv Q5369903 ambassade
Ukønnet formering kønnet formering Q173432 biologisk proces
mode of biological reproduction
Ulan-Ude Puerto Natales Q6816 by/mindre by
Underground Mainstream Q26392 kultur
Underhuset Overhuset Q11005 house of commons Det britiske parlament
Underhuset Canadas senat Q383590 house of commons Canadas parlament
United States Embassy, Algiers Embassy of Algeria, Washington, D.C. Q21286443 ambassade
Universet antiverse Q1 universe multivers
Unorganized Borough organized borough Q1474662 borough of Alaska
Untermensch Overmenneske Q326822 filosofisk begreb
racial policy of Nazi Germany
Uparrettåede hovdyr Parrettåede hovdyr Q25374 takson Pattedyr
Utopisk socialisme scientific socialism Q192447 politisk ideologi socialisme
Variabel kondensator fixed capacitor Q1347410 elektrisk kondensator
Varians precision Q175199 descriptive statistic
moment of order r
Vedplanter urt Q757163 Raunkiærske system plante
Vedutmaleri capriccio Q166030 kunstgenre
Veganisme human uses of animals Q181138 livsstil
social bevægelse
filosofisk synspunkt
dietary restriction
Vegito Gogeta Q2401972 mangafigur
Vekselvarm homeothermy Q189684 Varmeregulering
Vene arterie Q9609 anatomical structure class type
class of anatomical entity
blodåre blodåre
segment of venous tree organ
particular anatomical entity
Venezuelan embassy in Paramaribo embassy of Suriname in Venezuela Q109500223 ambassade
Verlassenheit fællesskab Q2516844 tilstand
Versus populum Ad orientem Q7922728 ritual liturgi
Vestlige halvkugle Østlige halvkugle Q181982 hemisphere of the Earth Jorden
Vestmalaysia Østmalaysia Q1973345 territoriel enhed
Vieja Cuaresma Carnestoltes Q11954437 folklore character
Villongo Categoria:Persone legate a Villongo Q101773 kommune i Italien
Vinter-OL sommer-OL Q82414 tilbagevendende sportsbegivenhed Olympiske lege
Vision (erhverv) means Q4503831 betingelse
Vor tidsregning Ante Christum
år f.v.t.
before common era
Q208141 årstal julianske kalender
Gregorianske kalender
Voyeurisme autagonistophilia Q183548 sexual preference
Västerås Ostra Aros Q25412 byområde i Sverige
Væbnet neutralitet unarmed neutrality Q1256779 neutralism
Východní pól Prahy Západní pól Prahy Q108117454 grænsesten Prague Poles
WWII Axis collaboration in France French resistance Q444116 social bevægelse collaboration with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy
WYSIWYG teksteditor Q170542 software feature
Warszawapagten NATO Q41644 international organisation
military alliance
West facade of the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar of Zaragoza East facade of the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar of Zaragoza Q131340206 West facade
White men men of color
White women
black men
Q109328733 befolkningsgruppe
gruppe af mennesker
ethnic gender group
Hvide mennesker
White women women of color
White men
black women
Q109328740 befolkningsgruppe
gruppe af mennesker
ethnic gender group
Hvide mennesker
Wi-Fi No Wi-Fi Q29643 certificeringsmærke
Winter Paralympic Games Sommer-PL Q3317976 tilbagevendende sportsbegivenhed Paralympiske lege
Winter Wonders Summer Wonders Q3391065 Julemarked
Wird Warid Q6083961 Islamic term
Sufi terminology
teknisk begreb
Work in Islam arbejdsløshed Q12190497 Islamic term
Sufi terminology
World Trade Center Two World Trade Center Q20445370 skyskraber World Trade Center
Wuhu Rafaela Q359990 by på præfekturniveau
Yamato-e Kara-e Q597365 maleribevægelse
Japanese painting
Ydre London Indre London Q144298 NUTS 2 statistical territorial entity of the United Kingdom
Yunü Jintong Q96415948 mytisk figur Jintong and Yunü
Yōga Nihonga Q1633309 maleribevægelse Japanese painting
Yōga painter Nihonga painter Q67200599 kunstnerisk profession kunstmaler
Z-tvundetz-tvinnað S-tvundets-tvinnað Q55296380 snoning
Zionisme antizionisme Q42388 politisk ideologi
politisk bevægelse
etnisk nationalisme
religious nationalism
Západní pól Prahy Východní pól Prahy Q122228970 grænsesten Prague Poles
aa pahoehoe Q1760892 lavastrøm
abolitionisme proslavery Q169390 social bevægelse
politisk bevægelse
abstract photography concrete photography Q333327 fotografisk genre fotokunst
abstract syntax tree concrete syntax tree Q127380 Træ parse tree
abstrakt maleri figurmaleri Q333357 malerigenre abstrakt kunst
acidose Alkalose Q185089 abnormally low value
symptom eller tegn
acid–base imbalance
acrophobia 高所平気症 Q207783 fobi
active cooling passive cooling Q422876 method of dissipating heat køling
active protection passive protection Q28553760 beskyttelse
addition subtraktion Q32043 Hyperoperation Binær operator
additiv farveblanding Subtraktiv spektralfarve Q353267 fænomen kleurmenging
addorsed mod hinanden vendte Q47462519 holdning
adduction Abduktion Q353399 muscle movement
aerostat aerodyne Q1299477 aircraft lift class luftfartøj
oppustelig ting
afbilding subject of depiction Q45025858 type af objekt værk
afferent lymph vessel efferent lymph vessel Q4688900 lymphatic vessel
afføring fødeindtag Q204015 biologisk proces udskillelse
part of the digestion process
afkolonisering colonization Q230533 proces
afsky attraction Q208351 negative emotion
basal følelse
afslutningsceremoni åbningsceremoni Q13454063 ceremoni
afslutningsceremonien ved sommer-OL 2024 åbningsceremonien ved sommer-OL 2024 Q110321393 Olympic Games closing ceremony sommer-OL 2024
afsporing rerailing Q1331380 jernbaneulykke
afstalinisering Joseph Stalin's cult of personality Q277560 offentlig politik political reform
aftenrøde morgenrøde Q1141780 atmospheric optical phenomenon
aggradation degradation Q557791 geological process
agter bov Q273062 skrog skibsdel
akhirah dunya Q219228 Islamic term Liv efter døden
realm of the dead
aktivitet inaktivitet Q1914636 type af proces proces
al-Akhir al-Awwal Q6932200 99 names of Allah
al-Awwal al-Akhir Q4165715 99 names of Allah
algebraisk tal Transcendente tal Q168817 set of algebraic numbers kompleks tal
polynomial root
beregneligt tal
alkoholiske drikkevarer læskedrik Q154 droge
rectified spirit
alter-globaliseringsbevægelsen globalism Q191442 politisk ideologi
social bevægelse
alternate ring hitching continuous ring hitching Q4736397 hitch knot
alternativ behandling lægevidenskab Q188504 fagområde
healing knowledge
healing knowledge
alternative civilian service militærtjeneste Q702635 aktivitet Værnepligt
altricial species precocial Q2005758
amateur photography professional photography Q21694262 fotografisk genre
amme nurseling Q472898 profession hushjælp
non-biological mother
biological mother
amplitudemodulation frekvensmodulation Q183755 Modulation
amputation replantation Q477415 kirurgisk indgreb
anabolisme katabolisme Q184681 stofskifte Syntetisk stof
analog computer digital computer Q63759 klasser af computere computer
analog photography digital photography Q355516 fototeknik fotografi
analog synthesizer digital synthesizer Q3268757 synthesizer
elektronisk musikinstrument
analog watch digitalur Q485071 retronym
analsex oralsex Q8398 sex anal eroticism
anamorphic format nicht-anamorphotisches Verfahren Q11295 teknik
anarka-feminisme Matriarkat
Q211380 anarchist school of thought anarkisme
anatomi pseudoanatomy Q514 gren af biologi biologi
androcide Femicide Q3616339 dødsmåde gendercide
vold mod mænd
anechoic chamber reverberation room
Q332774 shielded room
angle buttress diagonal buttress Q4991848 corner buttresses
angriber forsvarsspiller Q280658 fodboldpositioner offense angriber
animal as food spiselig plante Q124816391 human uses of animals mad
animal shelter created by an animal artificial animal shelter Q56656227 bolig
animal-based food vegan food Q4764984 type of food or dish mad
animalsk produkt
animationsfilm realfilm Q202866 type of cinematic work
animeret spillefilm animeret kortfilm Q29168811 type of animated work spillefilm
anklager defendant Q600751 juridisk beskæftelse
legal position
anklagemyndighed juridisk råd
government attorney
anode Katode Q181232 rolle elektronrør
gas-filled tube
silicon controlled rectifier
anonymitet autonym Q308859 relativ kvalitet hemmeligholdelse
antagonist Agonist Q410943 ChEBI Ontology term lægemiddel
kemisk stof
anteclise syneclise Q2995432 Tektonik Plato (geologio) form
anti-Chinese sentiment Sinophile Q1144708 sentiment
non-medical phobia
politisk ideologi
anti-Iranian sentiment Persophilia Q2912372 sentiment
anti-Japanese sentiment japanofil Q607286 sentiment
anti-Judaism God-fearer Q575970 aktivitet
religious intolerance
anti-Korean sentiment Pro-North Korean
Pro-South Korean
Q700847 sentiment
anti-Russian propaganda propaganda in Russia Q120964139 objective aspect propaganda against other country
anti-arborescence arborescence Q93713925 rooted tree
anti-bullfighting movement Tyrefægtning Q3109552 politisk bevægelse
social bevægelse
anti-de Sitter space de Sitter space Q574780 exact solutions in general relativity
homogeneous space
shape of the universe
Lorentzian manifold
cosmological model
anti-imperialisme imperialisme Q1144178 politisk ideologi
Third International Theory
anti-node node Q123591541 Stående bølge
anti-pedophile activism pædofilaktivisme Q4774433 social bevægelse aktivisme
anti-statism statism Q646407 politisk ideologi
anti-tourism turisme Q39081312 social bevægelse
anti-xenophobia xenofobi Q21083796 social bevægelse
politisk ideologi
antialiasing Aliasering Q858325 digital signalbehandling
digital signalbehandling
antibiotic sensitivity antibiotikaresistens Q4774539 response to antibiotic
anticline syncline Q190147 fold
antifeminisme feminisme Q575220 politisk ideologi backlash
antiferromagnetism Ferromagnetisme Q575224 magnetic ordering
antihelt hero Q110910 arketype
narrativ rolle
fiktiv figur
antikommunisme kommunisme
acceptance of communism
Q182121 politisk ideologi
politisk bevægelse
antistof ordinær materie Q83197 stof
antiverse Universet Q4067028 hypotese
hypotetisk objekt
multivers fiktivt objekt
parallel universe
antropomorfisme anthropodenial Q132987 begreb
anvendt forskning fundamental science Q28797 videnskabeligt fagområde
akademisk disciplin
aorta hulvene Q101004 arterie
class of anatomical entity
set of all arteries
great arteries
systemic arterial trunk
particular anatomical entity
aperture sight open sight Q9185733 firearm component Dioptersigte
aphanite phanerite Q618416 rock type Magmatiske bjergarter
aphantasia hyperphantasia Q20707611 Usynligt handicap
fysiologisk tilstand
appeldomstol første instans ret Q4959031 domstol
public prosecutor's office
arable land overdrev Q843920 agerjord
aragoto wagoto Q17045537 acting style
araknofobi arachnophagy Q220783 fobi
specific phobia
animal phobia
arbejde varme Q42213 energy transfer
fysisk størrelse
arbejde fritid
Q268378 sociologibegreb
økonomisk koncept
økonomisk aktivitet
arbejder professional skill Q12713481 beskæftigelse arbejderklasse blue-collar worker
arbejderklasse overklasse Q191159 samfundsklasse
high risk group
arborescence anti-arborescence Q1520825 rooted tree
arcsecant and arccosecant secans og cosecans Q674482 dyade
Wikipediaartikel som behandler flere emner
arcsine and arccosine sinus og cosinus Q13646343 pair of concepts
Wikipediaartikel som behandler flere emner
arctangent and arccotangent tangent and cotangent Q13518420 pair of concepts
Wikipediaartikel som behandler flere emner
arkæologi Pseudoarkæologi Q23498 akademisk disciplin
akademisk fagretning
history, heritage and archaeology historievidenskab
armed forces of the Nationalist faction in the Spanish Civil War Spanish Republican Armed Forces Q5719018 væbnede styrker
armillarsfære planisphere Q328720 astronomical instrument
aromantisk alloromantic Q52746927 romantic orientation a-spec
aromantic spectrum
LGBT+ identity
aromatisk antiaromaticity Q210390 Kemisk egenskab
arterie Vene Q9655 anatomical structure class type
class of anatomical entity
blodåre segment of arterial tree organ
particular anatomical entity
articulated trolleybus rigid trolleybus Q118134035 trolleybus type trolleybus
articulated vehicle
artificial ice rink natural ice rink
synthetic ice rink
Q13731184 skøjtebane
artificial light dagslys Q138502 lys
menneskeskabt objekt
arytmi normal sinus rhythm Q189331 medical finding
symptom eller tegn
finding of cardiac rhythm
cardiovascular system symptom
arête dihedral Q1334383 back of a mountain
assembly disassembly Q3625549 ingeniørvidenskab
everyday culture
association football club match match between national teams Q109623729 fodboldkamp
assortative mating Disassortative mating Q744592 seksuel selektion
astronom pseudoastronomer Q11063 profession videnskabsmand
asymmetri symmetri Q752641 egenskab
ateisme teisme Q7066 verdensbillede
filosofisk bevægelse
doxastic attitude
atlantisme Gaullisten Q388698 politisk ideologi
atmosfære outside the atmosphere Q8104 himmellegeme gas
skal af et astronomisk objekt
atomkerne Elektronskal Q37147 type kvantepartikel atom bound state
Ladet partikel
matter composed of quarks
attenuated vaccine inactivated vaccine Q1810913 vaccine type vaccine
attractive force repulsive force Q118414969 kraft
aurora australis aurora borealis Q114612400 polarlys
aurora borealis aurora australis Q114612388 polarlys
autisme allism Q38404 handicap
gennemgribende udviklingsforstyrrelse
autistiske spektrum
neurodevelopmental disorder
automated manual Q116890713 kvalitet
autosom kønskromosom
Q186380 cellulær komponent genom kromosom
Homologe kromosomer
autumn-winter spring-summer Q29346472 season season
awase hitoe Q11626642 tøj nagagi
axial fan centrifugal fan Q65115283 mechanical fan
baby boy baby girl Q96780034 demografisk profil
menneske af hankøn
baby girl baby boy Q97009651 baby
menneske af hunkøn
back-to-back face-to-face Q798295 spatial arrangement
backplane system bundkort Q545913 backplane
system board
backplate brystplade Q28791652 plate armor rustning
armor component
backyard front yard Q4839857 yard
bad boy gentleman Q4840463 arketype antihelt
baghåndsslag forhåndsslag Q1364175 tennis shot
ballistisk missil krydsermissil Q179348 weapon functional class missil
bandwagon effect snob effect Q955199 kognitiv bias
socialt fænomen
social adfærd
forsamlingspsykologisk terminologi
bank non-bank Q22687 financial intermediary
depository institution
finansiel virksomhed
bankara haikara Q11328352 stilart
barefoot man barefoot woman Q116288702 male barefootness
partially nude man
barefoot woman barefoot man Q116288932 female barefootness
partially nude females
barfodet fodtøj Q808132 nøgenhed
bark Zentralzylinder Q184453 plantedel
træ Abschlussgewebe
barndom parenthood Q276258 phase of human life
cultural creation
barnløshed starting a family Q1421842 tilstand
barred spiral galaxy unbarred spiral galaxy Q2490 astronomical object type spiralgalakse
barrel distortion pincushion distortion Q11898965 fejl distortion
base syre Q11193 class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions kemisk forbindelse
basrelief high relief
Mezzo rilievo
Q14562306 skulpturteknik relief
batch reactor continuous reactor Q1141634 reactor
bedstefar bedstemor
Q9238344 slægtskab far
male relative
bedsteforælder barnebarn Q167918 slægtskab forfader
bedstemor bedstefar
Q9235758 slægtskab mor
female relative
beklædt kvinde, nøgen mand beklædt mand, nøgen kvinde Q3499259 pornography genre
sexual objectification
beklædt mand, nøgen kvinde beklædt kvinde, nøgen mand Q5135552 pornography genre pornografi
sexual objectification
believer's baptism infant baptism Q1532651 dåb
belysning blacking out Q210064 energikonvertering
ben free upper limb Q133105 chiral organism subdivision type
class of anatomical entity
lower limb
free limb
particular anatomical entity
beneficial insect pest insect Q8194294 insekt
beruselse sobriety Q205972 Rus
short-term effects of alcohol
beskidt ren Q107998873 egenskab
beskyttelse sårbarhed
Q2251595 adfærd
sikkerhed tilstand
betalingsmur open access Q910845 forretningsmodel
betalt gratis Q24202480 kvalitet
bevidsthed Bevidstløshed Q7087 egenskab efter type
mental tilstand
bhikkhu bhikkhunī Q854997 religiøs stilling seven classes of disciples munk
bhikkhunī bhikkhu Q854979 religiøs stilling seven classes of disciples nonne
bi-directional vehicle uni-directional vehicle Q233063 køretøj/fartøj/fly
bibliotek Antibibliotek Q7075 deleøkonomi ABM
litterært selskab
artificial physical structure
bidirectional traffic Ensrettet vej Q10883023 trafik
big bang steady state-teorien Q323 hændelse
cosmological model
big bang
unmoved mover
argument for God's existence
scientific evidence for the existence of God
Big Bounce
binary fission multiple fission Q3073045 mode of biological reproduction fission
binocular vision monocular vision Q609543 synssans
bipolar transistor Felteffekttransistor Q188946 transistor
bird ring breeder ring Q104414311 identification tag
birth announcement dødsannonce Q74719901 litteraturgenre hatch, match, and dispatch
announcement of birth
birth announcement card death announcement Q3335263 announcement of birth
bishōjo game otome game Q1323555 video game theme dating sim
black and white film developing color film developing Q3331077 fremkaldelse
black box white box Q29256 type af system system
black knight White knight Q263999 arketype ridder
black men White men
black women
Q109328751 afrikaner
ethnic gender group
men of color
black women black men
White women
Q28401147 ethnic gender group kvinde
women of color
black-and-white photography farvefotografi Q3381576 fotografisk genre
monochrome photography
blackface Whiteface Q880808 teatergenre racial and ethnic misrepresentation
blackwater river whitewater river Q100649 type of watercourse flod
blankvåben gun Q222405 weapon functional class våben
blegning coloring Q100163675 teknik
blond sort hår Q202466 hårfarve hårfarve
blue-collar worker flipproletar Q1191714 arbejderklasse arbejder
blødning Hæmostase Q166019 symptom eller tegn dødsårsag
general symptom
alvorlig traume
bogomslag loose-leaf book Q1125338 literary term bog
book corpus
book component
bolig no fixed abode Q699405 bygningsværk
bolsjevik Mensjevik Q83372 fraktion
politisk bevægelse
gruppe af mennesker
Ruslands Socialdemokratiske Arbejderparti
bonde non-pawn chess piece Q135 chess term skakbrik
bone resorption ossification Q4941581 biologisk proces bone remodeling vævshomeostase
bordel gadeprostitution Q131295 kommerciel bygning
boson fermion Q43101 type kvantepartikel
videnskabelig teori
Standardmodellen kvantepartikel
bottom station top station Q2391004 type of station svævebane
steep grade railway
aerial tramway station
funicular station
bottomless man topless man
bottomless woman
Q116288481 male bottomlesness
partially nude man
bottomless woman topless woman
bottomless man
Q116288879 female bottomlesness
partially nude woman
bov agter Q301897 maritimt udtryk
skrog skibsdel
boyband pigegruppe Q216337 type of musical group popgruppe
brachyptery macroptery Q303097 længde
breaking the fourth wall fjerde væg Q27907088 dramatic convention
breast augmentation Brystformindskelse Q3851652 plastikkirurgi
breastfeeding in public lactation room Q4959808
bredde-højdeformat højde-breddeformat Q20970434 billedformat
dimensionsmæssig størrelse
breddegrad længdegrad
Q34027 Geografiske koordinater geographic coordinates fysisk størrelse
breechloader Forladegevær Q1933955 weapon functional class skydevåben
breeder ring bird ring Q247925 dyreavl identification tag
bromance womance Q849985 romantic friendship
bror søster Q10861465 slægtskab søskende
male relative
brother complex sister complex Q5353684 complex
brud brudgom Q353673 svigerfamilie newlywed kvinde
brudgom brud Q854830 svigerfamilie newlywed mand
bryllup skilsmisse Q49836 nøglebegivenhed ceremoni
brystplade backplate Q858236 plate armor rustning
armor component
bucking rearing Q65088766 kropsholdning
bug software feature Q179550 type af fejl
computer error
IT risk
bugleje supine position Q1064483 liggende
bureaukrati adhocracy Q72468 politisk system tripartite classification of authority
offentlig forvaltning
butch femme Q30072520 lesbianisme
LGBT slang
butch and femme
female masculinity
gender stereotype
byområde landdistrikt Q702492 region
byttehandel No/unknown value Q484830 handel
gift exchange
bær Falsa baya Q13184 type of fruit
botanical term
fleshy fruit
bøsse heterosexual male
heterosexual female
Q104969456 gruppe af mænd menneske af hankøn
cabin freight compartment Q60998096 indendørs rum
cacodemon eudaemon Q2988576 Daimon
call option put option Q1508707 option
camping forbudt camping tilaldt Q66361437 activity policy
caning rushing Q2206912 vævning
capriccio Vedutmaleri Q2278308 malerigenre
carnism Veganisme Q12634268 ideologi psykologiterminologi speciesisme
castration anxiety penis envy Q1735503 psychoanalytic theory
cathetus hypotenuse Q110812 side retvinklet trekant
ceiling function floor function Q12718884 idempotent function
integer-valued function
floor and ceiling functions
celerity slowness Q101813351 kvalitet
censur ytringsfrihed Q543 litteraturhistorie
juridisk forbud
media regulation
centerfire cartridge rimfire cartridge Q190476 weapon functional class patron
centralized computing decentralized computing Q4139206 aktivitet databehandling
centrifugal fan axial fan Q1058834 mechanical fan
centripetalkraft reactive centrifugal force Q172881 kraft
chain-growth polymerization step-growth polymerization Q11821744 polymerization
chartreuse magenta Q1153119 Web-sikre farver myrtle green
shade of yellow
chassis karrosseri Q731988 køretøj/fartøj/fly chassis
chaussé spids Q2394938 deling
check-in check-out Q1068755 procedure
check-out check-in Q56353377 procedure
chemical decomposition combination reaction Q192036 kemisk reaktion
child-side walk parent-side walk Q119217827 relative location
ciphertext plaintext Q1589480 cleartext and ciphertext tekst
circular hyperboloid of one sheet circular hyperboloid of two sheets Q30092643 non-degenerate quadric surface
elliptic hyperboloid of one sheet
hyperboloid of revolution
circular hyperboloid of two sheets circular hyperboloid of one sheet Q30092653 non-degenerate quadric surface
elliptic hyperboloid of two sheets
hyperboloid of revolution
circumcised man uncircumcised man Q116168059 mand
circumcised penis uncircumcised penis Q116172547 circumcised man penis
circumcising foreskin restoration Q5121724 kirurgisk indgreb ablation
cirkulær økonomi linear economy Q497743 økonomisk koncept
management strategy
økonomisk aktivitet
ciskønnet transkønnet
Q1093205 kønsidentitet socialt køn
gender modality
civilisation primitive culture Q8432 samfund
clade grade
paraphyletic group
Q713623 taksonomisk kategori Kladistik takson
cleistogamy Chasmogamy Q935049 self-pollination
client–server Peer-to-peer Q146813 network architecture
clockwise direction anticlockwise direction Q16726164 Med og mod uret
closed border open border Q87443571 international grænse international grænse
closed fracture open fracture Q55093198 knoglebrud
closed syllable open syllable Q25495380 stavelse
closed universe open universe Q64687595 shape of the universe
closedness openness Q75837435 egenskab
closeted springe ud Q2574320 adfærd
clothed nøgenhed Q111291995 hændelse
clothed swimming nøgenbadning Q16039424 badning
cluster graph complete multipartite graph Q24892498 cograph
claw-free graph
well-covered graph
ultrahomogeneous graph
indifference graph
proper circular-arc graph
coalescence separation Q2071902 fysisk fænomen
cocktail non-alcoholic mixed drink Q134768 mixed drink
alkoholiske drikkevarer
cohesion adhæsion Q216828 fysisk egenskab
bulk phenomenon
attractive force
intermolecular interaction
cold dishes hot dish Q1485476 type of food or dish madret
cold working hot working Q668400 metalarbejde formgivning
colt filly Q5149387 dyr med angivet køn hest
compiler decompiler Q47506 type software build tool
implementation of a programming language
complete multipartite graph cluster graph Q127508598 multipartite graph
complex quadrilateral simple quadrilateral Q117384190 firkant
complex polygon
complexity simplicity Q723897 egenskab efter type kvalitet
compound leaf simple leaf Q9801966 blad
compression mechanical tension Q2712821 physical process tension and compression
compulsive hoarding compulsive decluttering Q195941 compulsive behavior OCD
computerprogram hardware Q7397 produktkategori computer kreativt værk
skriftligt værk
concave convex Q112180474 form
concave polygon konveks polygon Q12243537 simple polygon
irregulær polygon
concealing descobrir Q119985518 aktivitet hiding
concrete syntax tree abstract syntax tree Q115325641 Træ parse tree
conductive hearing loss hørehæmmet Q1581308 sygdom døvhed
confessant confessor Q108956951 beskæftigelse
Confessor of the Faith
position of trust
connected pawns isolated pawn Q811295 term chess terminology
pawn structure
pawn chain
consanguinity nominal kinship Q774347 egenskab
contact fuze non-contact fuze Q759925 fuze
contamination decontamination Q60528603 nærvær
continuous conveyer discontinuous conveyor Q2346241 maskine
conveyor system
continuous ring hitching alternate ring hitching Q5165513 hitch knot
contre-embrasse embrasse Q76157058 heraldik honourable ordinary
convergent boundary divergent boundary Q1255282 plate boundary
geological process
convex concave Q112180486 form
convex mirror concave mirror Q1783529 curved mirror
convex polyhedron nonconvex polyhedron Q3753221 Polyeder
convex polytope
convex quadrilateral concave quadrilateral Q39447036 konveks polygon
simple quadrilateral
convex set non-convex set Q193657 affine space
liste over typer af sæt
topological subspace
star domain
cooling curve weather compensation Q1084485 kurve
copy paste Q42282254 software feature cut, copy, and paste kopiering
copyright notice no copyright due to missing copyright notice Q5169281 copyright formality copyright formality deklaration
corridor coach kupévogn Q4247410 Abteilwagen
cosinus secans Q1256164 trigonometrisk funktion
lige funktion
sinus og cosinus
cosmopolitan distribution Endemisk Q215402 begreb
cotangent tangens Q1264373 trigonometrisk funktion tangent and cotangent
counterfacade Facade Q3689238 bygningsdel bygning bygningsdel
covalent network solid molecular solid
ionic compound
Q632350 kemisk stof
craniocaudal axis horizontal axis
sagittal axis
Q42213524 body axis
down and up
craton Orogen Q191110 verdensdel platform
crescendo decrescendo Q2347888 musikalsk koncept
crescent moon gibbous moon Q24961162 Månens faser
crew-served weapon individual weapon Q2862123 weapon functional class våben
crewed spacecraft uncrewed spacecraft Q7217761 manned vehicle
criminalization of homosexuality decriminalisation of homosexuality Q107639973 kriminalisering
crosscut saw fukssvans Q291319 saw type wood saw
crown group stem group Q1462809 gruppe
cruelty Misericordie
Q1936750 afhængighed
crying latter Q152247 psykologiterminologi stemning
cultigen indigen
wild plant
Q1362373 plante
curlingforældre curlingbarn Q1352982 forælder
curtate cycloid prolate cycloid Q78153397 trochoid
curtate epicycloid prolate epicycloid Q78154046 epitrochoid
curvilinear coordinate system rectilinear coordinate system Q1790208 Koordinatsystem
cut bank point bar Q2107707 mæander bank
sloped river bank
cyberkrig cyberpeace Q849340 Elektronisk krigsførelse
cycling at the 2008 Summer Olympics – men's BMX cycling at the 2008 Summer Olympics – women's BMX Q628945 olympisk sportsbegivenhed Cykling under Sommer-OL 2008
cyclonic rotation anticyclonic rotation Q2478382 klimamønster
dag nat Q52643 døgn klokkeslæt
dagbrud underground mining Q756944 mineraludvinding
dagskole Aftenskole Q1493752 skole
daktyl Anapæst Q212674 tetramoraic foot
trisyllabic foot
damedouble herredouble Q17299348 konkurrenceklasse
women's doubles
danskvand flat water Q264554 drikkevand
carbonated beverage
dark triad Light triad Q1266051 personlighedstræk
medical triad
psykologiterminologi personlighedstype
dark-on-light color scheme light-on-dark color scheme Q101608434 farveskema
software feature
data recovery data erasure
Q1054772 salvage
daylighting buried watercourse Q5243239 vandløbsrestaurering
de Sitter space anti-de Sitter space Q1179448 cosmological model
exact solutions in general relativity
homogeneous space
Lorentzian manifold
dead human living human Q18093576 biologisk livscyklus
dead people
tidligere enhed
dead-end tower suspension tower Q332898 electricity pylon type Højspændingspylon
death mask life mask Q40555 maske
deception ærlighed Q170028 kommunikation
deconsecration sanctification
Q16635429 ritual
decrescendo crescendo Q1994559 musikalsk koncept
decriminalisation of homosexuality criminalization of homosexuality Q64605672 afkriminalisering lovgivning
deep-focus earthquake shallow-focus earthquake Q17006934 type of earthquake jordskælv
deficiency excess Q2184645 afvigelse
definite integral indefinite integral Q1991596 integralregning
deflation inflation Q161081 economics term proces
degenerate conic section non-degenerate conic section Q5251775 keglesnit
degenerate quadric
dehumanisering humanisme Q3495037 ideologi socialt fænomen
deinfibulation infibulation
Q67150445 kirurgisk indgreb
dekorativ kunst Skønne kunster Q631931 kunstgenre
akademisk disciplin
delmængde superset Q177646 binær relation mængde
demiflat demisharp Q18107338 uheld
demisharp demiflat Q18107340 uheld
demokrati autokrati Q7174 styreform
Plato's five regimes politisk system
demophobia demophilia Q1343559 fobi
demotivational poster motivational poster Q5068579 type of poster plakat
den magnetiske nordpol den magnetiske sydpol Q842763 geografisk område
Jordens magnetpoler
dense graph sparse graph Q3085841 graf
descent climb Q624380 flight maneuver descent
descent incline Q3024290 færdselsåre
desert greening ørkenspredning Q4115648 afforestation
restoration ecology
desiccant humectant Q13221746 anticaking agent
desoldering Slaglodning Q44705 apparat
destructive testing Ikke-destruktiv prøvning Q2011881 type of test materialevidenskab
product testing
detailhandel engroshandel Q126793 branche
tertiære erhverv handel
detransition overgang Q25396757 transition
diagonal buttress angle buttress Q2512293 corner buttresses
differentialregning integralregning Q149999 gren af matematikken infinitesimalregning
diffus refleksion optisk reflektion Q1154504 kvalitet refleksion
digital photography analog photography Q173095 fototeknik fotografi
digitalur analog clock Q1225105 ur
dihedral arête Q3032679 klippeformation
naturgeografisk objekt
dihedral angle
diligence dovenskab
Q1427962 dyd
juridisk begreb
De syv dyder
diplomatic missions of Northern Cyprus list of diplomatic missions in Northern Cyprus Q2073516 Wikimedia-liste
direct base indirect base Q63888086 retning
direct-attached storage NAS
storage area network
Q918468 Baggrundslager
external storage
direct-fire gun high-trajectory artillery gun Q1426145 weapon functional class artilleri
directed edge undirected edge Q105225030 directed graph link
ordered pair
directed graph undirected graph Q1137726 mixed graph
direkte demokrati repræsentativt demokrati Q171174 styreform
politisk ideologi
demokrati demokrati
dirtiness renlighed Q555882 kvalitet
disassembly assembly Q52161698 vedligeholdelse
product packaging process
reverse engineering
reversible process
discarding taking Q110458569 aktivitet aktivitet
discrediting tactic Glorification Q453237 falske nyheder
sproglige virkemidler
discrimination against women ligestilling
discrimination against men
Q11446451 gender discrimination
diseminado populated place nucleus Q16557344 designation
geografisk område
single entity of population section of populated place
administrativ territorial enhed af Spanien
dislike button like button Q30753169 software feature graphical button
display typeface brødtekst Q424598 skrifttype
disrepair funktionalitet Q84048695 betingelse
dissipation trail kondensstribe Q118612485 atmospheric phenomenon
dissonance Konsonans Q935556 musikalsk koncept consonance and dissonance
divergent boundary convergent boundary Q3150308 Geomorfologi plate boundary
divisibility indivisibility Q114403556 egenskab
division multiplikation Q1226939 Binær operator
computational problem
divisor mangefold Q50708 heltal
dobbeltspor single-track railway Q962977 jernbanespor
rail pair multiplexing
doe stag Q29838920 dyr med angivet køn deer
dogū gangū Q602082 artistic type statuette
clay sculpture
dokumentarfilm fiktionsfilm Q93204 filmgenre non-fiction film
double door single door Q11362690 dør
double flat double sharp Q494949 uheld
double sharp double flat Q495080 uheld
double whole note double whole rest Q249740 note value mensural notation node
double whole rest double whole note Q18107321 rest
double-action trigger single-action trigger Q3631519 principle
dovenskab industriousness Q484 afhængighed
dovenskab diligence Q7541428 Synd Syv dødssynder
down the rabbit hole Yak shaving Q112610206 idiom
drag king drag queen Q1254525 beskæftigelse list of quick-change acts performancekunstner
drag performer
drag queen drag king Q337084 beskæftigelse list of quick-change acts performancekunstner
drag performer
dreng pige Q3010 barn
menneske af hankøn
drengeskole pigeskole Q1713379 uddannelsesinstitution enkeltkønsskole
dressing undress Q13128864 aktivitet forberedelse
drikke spisning
terminal dehydration
Q876776 aktivitet dyreadfærd
drikkevand non-drinking water Q7892 flydende vand
drinking fountain non drinking fountain Q1630622 springvand
drivhuseffekt anti-greenhouse effect Q41560 meteorologisk fænomen
dromedaryCase Pascal case Q9891392 letter case
naming convention
dry county moist county Q1261535 county i USA
dry valley river valley Q1672567 dal
dræbe non-killing Q844482 handling
duck test distinction without a difference Q1324171 Abduktiv ræsonnering test
dusør sanktion
Q4372150 psycological game incitament
dværg kæmpe Q214045 mytisk humanoid race
mythical ethnic group
germansk mytologi
nordisk mytologi
earth spirit
dyd afhængighed
Q157811 begreb
type of value
psykologiterminologi moralsk egenskab
dynamic preservation static preservation Q11400023 bevaringstilstand Bygningsbevaring
dæmon engel Q177413 bibelsk emne Okkultisme ånd
mytisk figur
falden engel
overnaturligt væsen
død fødsel Q4 slutpunkt
dødelighed Fødselsrate Q58702 demographic indicator
risk metric
dødsannonce birth announcement Q2438528 litteraturgenre hatch, match, and dispatch
announcement of death
dødsrige upper world Q154365 religiøst koncept realm of the dead
mytisk sted
dødssted fødselssted Q18658526 location of an event
døvhed hearing person Q12133 symptom eller tegn sensory loss
hearing disorder
ear symptom
sensory disability
e-handel brick and mortar trading Q484847 type of business
E-business E-business
Internet Business
ebbe flod Q30219 tidevand
edb manuelle Datenverarbeitung Q1381169 informationsteknologi databehandling
eddy motion potential flow Q4112561 fluid flow
edgeless graph Komplet graf Q3033506 simple graph
strongly regular graph
linear forest
perfect graph
sparse graph
integral graph
split graph
bishop's graph
uniquely colorable graph
bridgeless graph
threshold graph
Turán graph
Kneser graph
effeminacy female masculinity Q473652 kønsudtryk
gender non-conformity
mand Kvindelighed
effusive eruption explosive eruption Q1296340 vulkanudbrud
efterfest førfest Q1770155 fest
efterår forår Q1314 tilbagevendende begivenhed årstid
egenskabsbegrænsning "krævet egenskab" konflikt med-begrænsning Q21503247 egenskabsbegrænsning
eighth note quaver rest Q339575 note value node
eksklusion social inclusion Q5853064 socialt fænomen omission
eksperimentalfysik anvendt fysik
teoretisk fysik
Q18366 akademisk disciplin fysik experimental science
eksperimentalist teoretiker Q5421176 beskæftigelse videnskab videnskabsmand
eksplosion Implosion Q179057 dødsårsag
eksponentialfunktion logaritme Q168698 type of mathematical function transcendent funktion
unary function
eksport import Q182722 international handel
økonomisk aktivitet
eksteriør interiør Q1385033 bestanddel
elbil automóvel à combustão Q193692 elektromobilitet Battery electric vehicle
elektrisk leder Elektrisk isolator Q124291 leder
elektron elektronhul Q2225 type kvantepartikel charged lepton
primary metabolite
elektronhul elektron Q651050 kvasipartikel
elementarpartikel composite particle Q43116 type kvantepartikel composite particle indivisible particle
elementary object
elev skolelærer Q48942 beskæftigelse
skole barn
learning person
elliptic hyperboloid of one sheet elliptic hyperboloid of two sheets Q16355784 non-degenerate quadric surface
elliptic hyperboloid of two sheets elliptic hyperboloid of one sheet Q16354467 non-degenerate quadric surface
elongation shortening Q12526476 change in length
elongation fladtrykthed Q56404686 egenskab asymmetri
embarkation disembarkation Q16775507 planlagt proces
embassy of Angola in Portugal embassy of Portugal in Angola Q105368218 ambassade
embassy of Argentina in Australia Embassy of Australia, Buenos Aires Q106451137 ambassade
embassy of Argentina in Bolivia embassy of Bolivia in Argentina Q110206790 ambassade
embassy of Argentina in Brazil Embassy of Brazil, Buenos Aires Q105668704 ambassade
embassy of Argentina in Germany Embassy of Germany, Buenos Aires Q72619932 ambassade Kleiststraße 23–26
embassy of Argentina in Hungary embassy of Hungary in Argentina Q107400974 ambassade
embassy of Argentina in Italy Embassy of Italy, Buenos Aires Q102877212 ambassade
embassy of Argentina in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Argentina Q110206592 ambassade
embassy of Argentina in Serbia embassy of Serbia in Argentina Q108098654 ambassade
embassy of Argentina in Spain embassy of Spain in Argentina Q105167917 ambassade
embassy of Argentina in the Czech Republic embassy of the Czech republic in Argentina Q107104620 ambassade
embassy of Argentina, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands, Buenos Aires Q100556207 ambassade
embassy of Armenia in Argentina embassy of Argentina in Armenia Q110254753 ambassade
embassy of Armenia in Brazil Embassy of Brazil, Yerevan Q105668770 ambassade
embassy of Australia in Ireland embassy of Ireland in Australia Q104761773 ambassade
Government body of Australia
embassy of Australia in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Australia Q106530479 ambassade
Government body of Australia
embassy of Australia in Spain Embassy of Spain, Canberra Q105160437 ambassade
Government body of Australia
embassy of Australia in Vietnam embassy of Vietnam in Australia Q106567583 ambassade
embassy of Australia to the Holy See Apostolic Nunciature to Australia Q104037695 ambassade
embassy of Australia, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands, Canberra Q100552538 ambassade
Government body of Australia
embassy of Austria in Argentina Embassy of Argentina, Vienna Q104666638 ambassade
embassy of Austria in Azerbaijan Embassy of Azerbaijan, Vienna Q104666713 ambassade
embassy of Austria in Bulgaria embassy of Bulgaria in Austria Q104707707 ambassade
embassy of Austria in Finland embassy of Finland in Austria Q104717180 ambassade
embassy of Austria in Ireland embassy of Ireland in Austria Q104717552 ambassade
embassy of Austria in Israel embassy of Israel in Austria Q104718040 ambassade
embassy of Austria in Mexico Embassy of Mexico, Vienna Q104704549 ambassade
embassy of Austria in Serbia Embassy of Serbia, Vienna Q104744268 ambassade
embassy of Austria in South Korea Embassy of South Korea, Vienna Q104740302 ambassade
embassy of Austria in Vietnam embassy of Vietnam in Austria Q104760859 ambassade
embassy of Azerbaijan in Latvia Embassy of Latvia, Baku Q107208647 ambassade
embassy of Bangladesh in Germany Embassy of Germany, Bangladesh Q73149317 ambassade
embassy of Belarus in China Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Minsk Q111630782 ambassade
embassy of Belarus in Cuba Embassy of Cuba, Minsk Q111635490 ambassade
embassy of Belarus in Estonia Embassy of Estonia, Minsk Q65262724 ambassade
embassy of Belarus in Israel Embassy of Israel, Minsk Q111630460 ambassade
embassy of Belarus in Serbia Embassy of Serbia, Minsk Q108098704 ambassade
embassy of Belarus in the Czech Republic Embassy of Czech Republic, Minsk Q107105241 ambassade
embassy of Belarus in the United Arab Emirates Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, Minsk Q107545588 ambassade
embassy of Belize in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Belize Q111653217 ambassade
embassy of Bolivia in Argentina embassy of Argentina in Bolivia Q110255671 ambassade
embassy of Bolivia in Colombia embassy of Colombia in Bolivia Q110605095 ambassade
embassy of Bolivia in France Embassy of France, La Paz Q110614042 ambassade
embassy of Bolivia in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Bolivia Q56318671 ambassade
embassy of Bolivia to the Holy See apostolic nunciature to Bolivia Q65168008 ambassade
embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Austria Embassy of Austria, Sarajevo Q17997187 ambassade
embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Bulgaria Bulgarian Embassy, Sarajevo Q108000967 ambassade
embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Spain Embassy of Spain, Sarajevo Q105171431 ambassade
embassy of Botswana in Germany Embassy of Germany, Gaborone Q73150790 ambassade
embassy of Brazil in Australia embassy of Australia in Brazil Q105756543 ambassade
embassy of Brazil in Bulgaria embassy of Bulgaria in Brazil Q10272274 ambassade
embassy of Brazil in Colombia Embassy of Colombia, Brasília Q105796852 ambassade
embassy of Brazil in Ethiopia embassy of Ethiopia in Brazil Q105808750 ambassade
embassy of Brazil in Finland Embassy of Finland in Brazil Q105811652 ambassade
embassy of Brazil in Hungary Hungarian Embassy, Brasília Q105828443 ambassade
embassy of Brazil in Ireland embassy of Ireland in Brazil Q104762413 ambassade
embassy of Brazil in Italy embassy of Italy in Brazil Q103243310 ambassade
embassy of Brazil in Malaysia embassy of Malaysia in Brazil Q105765262 ambassade
embassy of Brazil in Namibia embassy of Namibia in Brazil Q105872216 ambassade
embassy of Brazil in Serbia embassy of Serbia in Brazil Q105871909 ambassade
embassy of Brazil in Trinidad and Tobago embassy of Trinidad and Tobago in Brazil Q105809120 ambassade
embassy of Brazil in Uruguay embassy of Uruguay in Brazil Q105934746 ambassade
embassy of Brazil to the Holy See Apostolic Nunciature to Brazil Q56326456 ambassade
embassy of Brazil, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands, Brasília Q100535262 ambassade
embassy of Bulgaria in Argentina Embassy of Argentina, Sofia Q109346282 ambassade
embassy of Bulgaria in Austria embassy of Austria in Bulgaria Q54168801 ambassade
embassy of Bulgaria in Ireland embassy of Ireland in Bulgaria Q104762585 ambassade
embassy of Bulgaria in Portugal embassy of Portugal in Bulgaria Q105373358 ambassade
embassy of Bulgaria in the Czech Republic Embassy of the Czech Republic, Sofia Q107110897 ambassade
embassy of Burkina Faso in Germany Embassy of Germany, Ouagadougou Q56339762 ambassade
embassy of Burundi, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands, Bujumbura Q100552730 ambassade
embassy of Cambodia in Australia Embassy of Australia, Phnom Penh Q106453298 ambassade
embassy of Cambodia in Germany Embassy of Germany, Phnom Penh Q28672946 ambassade
embassy of Cambodia, Beijing Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Phnom Penh Q100272742 ambassade
embassy of Cameroon in Brazil embassy of Brazil in Cameroon Q105687779 ambassade
embassy of Cameroon in Spain embassy of Spain in Cameroon Q105176272 ambassade
embassy of Canada in Argentina Embassy of Argentina, Ottawa Q104353895 ambassade
embassy of Canada in Austria Embassy of Austria in Canada Q54168853 ambassade
embassy of Canada in Belgium Embassy of Belgium, Ottawa Q68667953 ambassade
embassy of Canada in Colombia Embassy of Colombia, Ottawa Q104370635 ambassade
embassy of Canada in Greece Embassy of Greece, Ottawa Q104370503 ambassade
embassy of Canada in Iceland Embassy of Iceland, Ottawa Q104383238 ambassade
embassy of Canada in Ireland Embassy of Ireland, Ottawa Q104383046 ambassade
embassy of Canada in Italy Embassy of Italy, Ottawa Q103268964 ambassade
embassy of Canada in Peru embassy of Peru in Canada Q104369232 ambassade
embassy of Canada in Portugal Embassy of Portugal, Ottawa Q104414224 ambassade
embassy of Canada in Serbia embassy of Serbia in Canada Q104388206 ambassade
embassy of Canada in Spain Embassy of Spain in Ottawa Q104347971 ambassade
embassy of Canada in Turkey Embassy of Turkey, Ottawa Q104356774 ambassade
embassy of Canada in Uruguay embassy of Uruguay in Canada Q104429446 ambassade
embassy of Canada to the Czech Republic Embassy of the Czech Republic, Ottawa Q104425409 ambassade
embassy of Canada, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands, Ottawa Q100699867 ambassade
embassy of Cape Verde in Spain Embassy of Spain, Cape Verde Q105175918 ambassade
embassy of Chile in Australia Embassy of Australia, Santiago Q106453537 ambassade
embassy of Chile in Belgium Embassy of Belgium, Santiago Q68668613 ambassade
embassy of Chile in Colombia Embassy of Colombia, Santiago Q110305038 ambassade
embassy of Chile in Hungary Embassy of Hungary, Santiago de Chile Q108028303 ambassade
embassy of Chile in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Chile Q110391428 ambassade
embassy of Chile in Portugal embassy of Portugal in Chile Q105376367 ambassade
embassy of Chile in Spain embassy of Spain in Chile Q105176635 ambassade
embassy of Chile in Uruguay embassy of Uruguay in Chile Q110409013 ambassade
embassy of Chile in Vietnam embassy of Vietnam in Chile Q110409109 ambassade
embassy of Chile in the Czech Republic embassy of the Czech republic in Chile Q107115732 ambassade
embassy of Colombia in Ireland embassy of Ireland in Colombia Q103553826 ambassade
embassy of Colombia in Belgium Embassy of Belgium, Bogotá Q69313292 ambassade
embassy of Colombia in China Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Bogotá Q110822155 ambassade
embassy of Colombia in South Korea Embassy of South Korea, Bogotá Q110822299 ambassade
embassy of Colombia, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands, Bogotá Q100540183 ambassade
embassy of Costa Rica in Argentina embassy of Argentina in Costa Rica Q110271018 ambassade
embassy of Costa Rica in Germany Embassy of Germany, San José Q73154196 ambassade
embassy of Costa Rica in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Costa Rica Q111081789 ambassade
embassy of Croatia in Australia Embassy of Australia, Zagreb Q106457301 ambassade
embassy of Croatia in Austria embassy of Austria in Croatia Q54168873 ambassade
embassy of Croatia in Bulgaria embassy of Bulgaria in Croatia Q107356829 ambassade
embassy of Croatia in Ireland embassy of Ireland in Croatia Q104764007 ambassade
embassy of Croatia in Serbia embassy of Serbia in Croatia Q107383520 ambassade
embassy of Croatia in Spain Embassy of Spain, Zagreb Q105204457 ambassade
embassy of Croatia in Turkey Embassy of Turkey, Zagreb Q107355956 ambassade
embassy of Croatia in the Czech Republic embassy of the Czech republic in Croatia Q107116406 ambassade
embassy of Cuba in Argentina embassy of Argentina in Cuba Q110271646 ambassade
embassy of Cuba in Belgium Embassy of Belgium, Havana Q69390454 ambassade
embassy of Cuba in Bulgaria embassy of Bulgaria in Cuba Q108982694 ambassade
embassy of Cuba in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Cuba Q111660694 ambassade
embassy of Cuba in Uruguay embassy of Uruguay in Cuba Q110491885 ambassade
embassy of Cuba in the Czech Republic embassy of the Czech republic in Cuba Q107124100 ambassade
embassy of Cuba, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands, Havana Q100700259 ambassade
embassy of Cyprus in Austria embassy of Austria in Cyprus Q54169013 ambassade Neulinggasse 37
embassy of Cyprus in Germany Embassy of Germany, Nicosia Q31887317 ambassade
embassy of Cyprus in Ireland embassy of Ireland in Cyprus Q104764200 ambassade
embassy of Cyprus in Italy embassy of Italy in Cyprus Q100957465 ambassade
embassy of Cyprus in Portugal embassy of Portugal in Cyprus Q109795525 ambassade
embassy of Cyprus in Spain embassy of Spain in Cyprus Q105178215 ambassade
embassy of Cyprus in the Czech Republic embassy of the Czech republic in Cyprus Q107124467 ambassade
embassy of Cyprus in the Netherlands Embassy of the Netherlands, Nicosia Q100565960 ambassade
embassy of Cyprus to the Holy See Apostolic Nunciature to Cyprus Q56326759 ambassade
embassy of Czech Republic to the Holy See Apostolic Nunciature to the Czech Republic Q11879195 ambassade
embassy of Czech Republic, The Hague embassy of the Netherlands in Czech Republic Q100534218 ambassade
embassy of Democratic Republic of the Congo in South Africa embassy of South Africa in the Democratic Republic of Congo Q106666239 ambassade
embassy of Democratic Republic of the Congo, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Kinshasa Q19977602 ambassade
embassy of Djibouti in Germany Embassy of Germany, Djibouti Q60854872 ambassade
embassy of East Timor in Australia embassy of Australia in East Timor Q106511239 ambassade
embassy of East Timor in Portugal Portuguese Embassy, Dili Q105344740 ambassade
embassy of Ecuador in Hungary embassy of Hungary in Ecuador Q106890212 ambassade
embassy of Ecuador in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Ecuador Q110816465 ambassade
embassy of Ecuador in South Korea embassy of South Korea in Ecuador Q110820849 ambassade
embassy of Ecuador in Spain embassy of Spain in Ecuador Q105205857 ambassade
embassy of Ecuador in Uruguay embassy of Uruguay in Ecuador Q110492091 ambassade
embassy of Ecuador to the Holy See Apostolic Nunciature to Ecuador Q56326327 ambassade
embassy of Ecuador, Berlin Embassy of Germany, Quito Q9149490 ambassade
embassy of Egypt in Australia Embassy of Australia, Cairo Q106462678 ambassade
embassy of Egypt in Greece embassy of Greece in Egypt Q31194717 ambassade
embassy of Egypt in Ireland embassy of Ireland in Egypt Q104764393 ambassade
embassy of Egypt in Israel Embassy of Israel, Cairo Q101118074 ambassade
embassy of Egypt in Italy embassy of Italy in Egypt Q103813740 ambassade
embassy of Egypt in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Egypt Q111669108 ambassade
embassy of Egypt in the Czech Republic embassy of the Czech republic in Egypt Q107111250 ambassade
embassy of Egypt to the Holy See Apostolic Nunciature to Egypt Q60855295 ambassade
embassy of Equatorial Guinea in Germany German Honorary Consulate Malabo Q60855264 ambassade
embassy of Equatorial Guinea in Spain Embassy of Spain, Equatorial Guinea Q105242368 ambassade
embassy of Eritrea in Germany Embassy of Germany, Asmara Q16735620 ambassade Eritrea–Germany relations
embassy of Estonia, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands, Tallinn Q65261875 ambassade
embassy of Ethiopia in Belgium Embassy of Belgium, Addis Ababa Q69427129 ambassade
embassy of Ethiopia, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands, Addis Ababa Q100534070 ambassade
embassy of Finland in Austria embassy of Austria in Finland Q54168819 ambassade
embassy of Finland in Germany Embassy of Germany, Helsinki Q10495381 ambassade De nordiske landes ambassader i Berlin
embassy of Finland in Indonesia Embassy of Indonesia in Finland Q105959052 ambassade
embassy of Finland in Latvia Embassy of Latvia in Finland Q106292689 ambassade
embassy of Finland in Peru Embassy of Peru in Finland Q31886601 ambassade
embassy of Finland in Portugal embassy of Portugal in Finland Q105440974 ambassade
embassy of Finland in South Korea Embassy of South Korea in Finland Q106307074 ambassade
embassy of Finland to the Holy See Apostolic Nunciature to Finland Q104098683 ambassade
embassy of France in Uruguay Embassy of Uruguay in France Q2841789 ambassade
embassy of France, Belgrade Embassy of Serbia, Paris Q17490951 ambassade
embassy of France, Canberra Embassy of Australia, Paris Q2841721 ambassade
embassy of France, Rome embassy of Italy in France Q2841759 ambassade
embassy of France, Yerevan Embassy of Armenia, Paris Q2841724 ambassade
embassy of Georgia in Bulgaria embassy of Bulgaria in Georgia Q109039214 ambassade
embassy of Georgia in Estonia embassy of Estonia in Georgia Q65261984 ambassade
embassy of Georgia in Germany Embassy of Germany, Tbilisi Q58880049 ambassade
embassy of Georgia in Israel embassy of Israel in Georgia Q105121361 ambassade
embassy of Georgia in Italy embassy of Italy in Georgia Q103822639 ambassade
embassy of Georgia in Latvia embassy of Latvia in Georgia Q86680578 ambassade
embassy of Georgia in the Czech Republic embassy of the Czech republic in Georgia Q107114008 ambassade
embassy of Germany in Portugal Embassy of Portugal, Berlin Q105364823 ambassade
embassy of Germany in Pyongyang embassy of North Korea, Berlin Q1202236 ambassade
embassy of Ghana in Norway Embassy of Norway, Accra Q64728933 ambassade
embassy of Ghana in the Czech Republic embassy of the Czech republic in Ghana Q106875670 ambassade
embassy of Ghana, Beijing ambassade de la république populaire de Chine au Ghana Q100272757 ambassade
embassy of Ghana, The Hague Royal Netherlands Embassy in Ghana Q100569430 ambassade
embassy of Greece in Austria embassy of Austria in Greece Q54168824 ambassade
embassy of Greece in Belgium Embassy of Belgium, Athens Q69515919 ambassade
embassy of Greece in Bulgaria Embassy of Bulgaria, Athens Q109040251 ambassade
embassy of Greece in China Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Athens Q109464656 ambassade
embassy of Greece in Croatia embassy of Croatia in Greece Q107410999 ambassade
embassy of Greece in Cyprus embassy of Cyprus in Greece Q109478848 ambassade
embassy of Greece in Estonia Embassy of Estonia, Athens Q65262191 ambassade
embassy of Greece in Ireland embassy of Ireland in Greece Q104771011 ambassade
embassy of Greece in Israel Embassy of Israel, Athens Q109480199 ambassade
embassy of Greece in Italy Italian Embassy, Athens Q103830289 ambassade
embassy of Greece in Latvia embassy of Latvia in Greece Q105123614 ambassade
embassy of Greece in Lithuania embassy of Lithuania in Greece Q107294791 ambassade
embassy of Greece in Romania Embassy of Romania, Athens Q106849128 ambassade
embassy of Greece in Serbia embassy of Serbia in Greece Q108120884 ambassade
embassy of Greece in Spain embassy of Spain in Greece Q105237996 ambassade
embassy of Greece in Thailand embassy of Thailand in Greece Q109463691 ambassade
embassy of Greece in Uruguay embassy of Uruguay in Greece Q109521123 ambassade
embassy of Greece in Vietnam embassy of Vietnam in Greece Q109502303 ambassade
embassy of Greece in the Czech Republic embassy of the Czech republic in Greece Q107127781 ambassade
embassy of Greece, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands, Athens Q100533409 ambassade
embassy of Guatemala in Israel embassy of Israel in Guatemala Q109780306 ambassade
embassy of Guatemala in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Guatemala Q111669332 ambassade
embassy of Guinea in Canada Embassy of Canada to the Republic of Guinea Q106776533 ambassade
embassy of Guinea in Germany Embassy of Germany, Conakry Q60855260 ambassade Germany–Guinea relations
embassy of Guinea in South Africa Embassy of South Africa, Conakry Q106674065 ambassade
embassy of Guinea in Spain Embassy of Spain, Conakry Q105241304 ambassade
embassy of Guyana in Suriname Embassy of Suriname, Georgetown Q108510973 ambassade
embassy of Haiti in Argentina embassy of Argentina in Haiti Q110271955 ambassade
embassy of Haiti in Chile embassy of Chile in Haiti Q109350338 ambassade
embassy of Haiti in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Haiti Q110754652 ambassade
embassy of Haiti in Spain embassy of Spain in Haiti Q105233394 ambassade
embassy of Honduras in Argentina embassy of Argentina in Honduras Q110271977 ambassade
embassy of Honduras in Colombia Embassy of Colombia, Tegucigalpa Q110874671 ambassade
embassy of Honduras in Germany Embassy of Germany, Tegucigalpa Q72630734 ambassade
embassy of Honduras in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Honduras Q111669561 ambassade
embassy of Hungary in Argentina embassy of Argentina in Hungary Q108012536 ambassade
embassy of Hungary in Ireland embassy of Ireland in Hungary Q104771288 ambassade
embassy of Hungary in South Africa embassy of South Africa in Hungary Q106676587 ambassade
embassy of Hungary to Thailand embassy of Thailand in Hungary Q113940288 ambassade
embassy of Iceland in Germany Embassy of Germany, Reykjavík Q60855723 ambassade De nordiske landes ambassader i Berlin
embassy of Iceland in Poland Embassy of Poland, Reykjavík Q117812368 ambassade
embassy of India, Vienna embassy of Austria in India Q73036485 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in Afghanistan Embassy of Afghanistan, Jakarta Q107517128 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in Austria embassy of Austria in Indonesia Q104634176 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in Bahrain Embassy of Bahrain, Jakarta Q68170703 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in Bangladesh Embassy of Bangladesh, Jakarta Q107526574 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in Belgium Embassy of Belgium, Jakarta Q69523812 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in Chile embassy of Chile in Indonesia Q107529064 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in Cuba embassy of Cuba in Indonesia Q107521361 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in East Timor embassy of East Timor in Indonesia Q107553039 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in Ecuador embassy of Ecuador in Indonesia Q107529687 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in India Embassy of India, Jakarta Q107530767 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in Italy embassy of Italy in Indonesia Q103832567 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in Kazakhstan embassy of Kazakhstan in Indonesia Q107530991 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in Kuwait embassy of Kuwait in Indonesia Q107531153 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in Laos embassy of Laos in Indonesia Q107531468 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in Lebanon embassy of Lebanon in Indonesia Q107550120 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Indonesia Q107530241 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in Morocco embassy of Morocco in Indonesia Q107551836 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in Mozambique embassy of Mozambique in Indonesia Q107550334 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in New Zealand Embassy of New Zealand, Jakarta Q107552643 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in Nigeria embassy of Nigeria in Indonesia Q75054770 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in Oman embassy of Oman in Indonesia Q107549742 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in Pakistan embassy of Pakistan in Indonesia Q107519159 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in Pyongyang North Korean Embassy, Jakarta Q61612861 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in Serbia embassy of Serbia in Indonesia Q107552754 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in Singapore embassy of Singapore in Indonesia Q65214063 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in Spain Embassy of Spain, Jakarta Q105279781 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in Sudan embassy of Sudan in Indonesia Q107529855 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in Syria embassy of Syria in Indonesia Q107552993 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in Tunisia Embassy of Tunisia, Jakarta Q107553184 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in Uzbekistan embassy of Uzbekistan in Indonesia Q107531237 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in Zimbabwe embassy of Zimbabwe in Indonesia Q107553352 ambassade
embassy of Indonesia in the Philippines Embassy of the Philippines, Jakarta Q107549775 ambassade
embassy of Iran in Argentina embassy of Argentina in Iran Q110272058 ambassade
embassy of Iran in Australia Embassy of Australia, Tehran Q106463928 ambassade
embassy of Iran in Austria embassy of Austria in Iran Q15820387 ambassade
embassy of Iran in Belgium Embassy of Belgium, Tehran Q69523839 ambassade
embassy of Iran in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Iran Q111669581 ambassade
embassy of Iran in Portugal embassy of Portugal in Iran Q105395887 ambassade
embassy of Iran in the Czech Republic embassy of the Czech republic in Iran Q107119058 ambassade
embassy of Iran, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands in Iran Q100605241 ambassade
embassy of Iraq in Australia embassy of Australia in Irak Q106463986 ambassade
embassy of Iraq in Germany Embassy of Germany, Baghdad Q73161744 ambassade
embassy of Iraq in the Czech Republic embassy of the Czech republic in Iraq Q107117724 ambassade
embassy of Iraq, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands in Iraq Q100542629 ambassade
embassy of Ireland in Australia embassy of Australia in Ireland Q104796212 ambassade
embassy of Ireland in Bulgaria embassy of Bulgaria in Ireland Q104794672 ambassade
embassy of Ireland in China Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Dublin Q104843552 ambassade
embassy of Ireland in Croatia embassy of Croatia in Ireland Q104844762 ambassade
embassy of Ireland in Finland embassy of Finland in Ireland Q104865297 ambassade
embassy of Ireland in Italy Embassy of Italy in Ireland Q103833212 ambassade
embassy of Ireland in Latvia embassy of Latvia in Ireland Q104871917 ambassade
embassy of Ireland in Malta embassy of Malta in Ireland Q104875825 ambassade
embassy of Ireland in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Ireland Q104834799 ambassade
embassy of Ireland in Portugal embassy of Portugal in Ireland Q104792936 ambassade
embassy of Ireland in Slovakia embassy of Slovakia in Ireland Q104889734 ambassade
embassy of Ireland in Slovenia embassy of Slovenia in Ireland Q104836432 ambassade
embassy of Ireland in Spain embassy of Spain in Ireland Q104782626 ambassade
embassy of Ireland in the Czech Republic embassy of the Czech Republic in Ireland Q104845574 ambassade
embassy of Israel in Argentina embassy of Argentina in Israel Q110272072 ambassade
embassy of Israel in Australia Embassy of Australia, Tel Aviv Q106464125 ambassade Australia–Israel relations
embassy of Israel in Italy Embassy of Italy in Israel Q103834085 ambassade
embassy of Israel in Latvia embassy of Latvia in Israel Q107209180 ambassade
embassy of Israel in Spain Embassy of Spain, Tel Aviv Q105280729 ambassade
embassy of Israel in the Czech Republic embassy of the Czech republic in Israel Q107117625 ambassade
embassy of Italy in Armenia embassy of Armenia in Italy Q104923412 ambassade
embassy of Italy in Belgium Embassy of Belgium, Rome Q42305132 ambassade
diplomatisk mission
embassy of Italy in Brazil embassy of Brazil in Italy Q97162724 ambassade
embassy of Italy in Cuba embassy of Cuba in Italy Q105061820 ambassade
embassy of Italy in Egypt embassy of Egypt in Italy Q105061822 ambassade
embassy of Italy in Eritrea embassy of Eritrea in Italy Q105061825 ambassade
embassy of Italy in Estonia embassy of Estonia in Italy Q65262062 ambassade
embassy of Italy in Finland embassy of Finland in Italy Q105061827 ambassade
embassy of Italy in France embassy of France, Rome Q15149869 ambassade
embassy of Italy in Latvia embassy of Latvia in Italy Q105061843 ambassade
embassy of Italy in Libya embassy of Libya to the Holy See Q105061845 ambassade
embassy of Italy in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Italy Q104930857 ambassade
embassy of Italy in Moldova embassy of Moldova in Italy Q105061849 ambassade
embassy of Italy in Montenegro embassy of Montenegro to the Holy See Q105061851 ambassade
embassy of Italy in North Macedonia embassy of North Macedonia to the Holy See Q105063862 ambassade
embassy of Italy in Serbia embassy of Serbia to the Holy See Q105061867 ambassade
embassy of Italy, The Hague embassy of the Netherlands in Italy Q100699914 ambassade
embassy of Ivory Coast in Russia embassy of Russia in Ivory Coast Q110111936 ambassade
embassy of Ivory Coast in South Korea embassy of South Korea in Ivory Coast Q112874398 ambassade
embassy of Ivory Coast in Spain Embassy of Spain, Abidjan Q105203272 ambassade
embassy of Ivory Coast, Beijing ambassade de la république populaire de Chine en Côte d'Ivoire Q100276872 ambassade
embassy of Jamaica in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Jamaica Q110411295 ambassade Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade
embassy of Japan in Venezuela Embassy of Venezuela, Tokyo Q112626314 ambassade
embassy of Jordan in Austria embassy of Austria in Jordan Q54168842 ambassade
embassy of Jordan in Belgium Embassy of Belgium, Amman Q69698540 ambassade
embassy of Jordan in Germany Embassy of Germany, Amman Q60855816 ambassade
embassy of Jordan in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Jordan Q111094706 ambassade
embassy of Jordan in Norway Embassy of Norway, Amman Q68170824 ambassade
embassy of Kazakhstan in Turkey Embassy of Turkey, Astana Q110973414 ambassade
embassy of Kazakhstan in the Czech Republic embassy of the Czech republic in Kazakhstan Q107119264 ambassade
embassy of Kenya in Belgium Embassy of Belgium, Nairobi Q69518913 ambassade
embassy of Kuwait in Belgium Embassy of Belgium, Kuwait Q69700985 ambassade
embassy of Kuwait in Bosnia and Herzegovina embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Kuwait Q108064194 ambassade
embassy of Kuwait in Canada embassy of Canada in Kuwait Q106784882 ambassade
embassy of Kuwait in Germany Embassy of Germany, Kuwait Q73258692 ambassade
embassy of Kuwait in Russia embassy of Russia in Kuwait Q106205945 ambassade
embassy of Kuwait in the Czech Republic embassy of the Czech republic in Kuwait Q107124170 ambassade
embassy of Kuwait, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands, Kuwait Q100545055 ambassade
embassy of Kyrgyzstan in the United Kingdom British Embassy Bishkek Q16969075 ambassade
embassy of Latvia in Ireland embassy of Ireland in Latvia Q104771669 ambassade
embassy of Latvia in Spain embassy of Spain in Latvia Q105301473 ambassade
embassy of Latvia, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands in Latvia Q100575879 ambassade
embassy of Lebanon in Austria embassy of Austria in Lebanon Q104639156 ambassade
embassy of Lebanon in Belgium Embassy of Belgium, Beirut Q69872578 ambassade
embassy of Lebanon in Bulgaria embassy of Bulgaria in Lebanon Q109289795 ambassade
embassy of Lebanon in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Lebanon Q111692240 ambassade
embassy of Lebanon in Russia Embassy of Russia, Beiruth Q110184784 ambassade
embassy of Lebanon in Uruguay embassy of Uruguay in Lebanon Q110492808 ambassade
embassy of Lebanon in the Czech Republic embassy of the Czech republic in Lebanon Q107125554 ambassade
embassy of Lebanon to the Holy See Apostolic Nunciature to Lebanon Q56326310 ambassade
embassy of Lebanon, Beijing ambassade de la république populaire de Chine au Liban Q100272918 ambassade
embassy of Lebanon, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands in Lebanon Q100700061 ambassade
embassy of Liberia in the United Kingdom British Embassy Monrovia Q16979410 ambassade
embassy of Libya in Austria embassy of Austria in Libya Q104639642 ambassade
embassy of Libya in Malta embassy of Malta in Libya Q107736463 ambassade
embassy of Libya in Spain Embassy of Spain, Tripoli Q105275828 ambassade
embassy of Libya in Turkey Embassy of Turkey, Tripoli Q111027523 ambassade
embassy of Libya to the Holy See Apostolic Nunciature to Libya Q65168024 ambassade
embassy of Liechtenstein in Berlin Embassy of Germany, Bern Q1760465 ambassade
embassy of Lithuania in Armenia embassy of Armenia in Lithuania Q107300034 ambassade
embassy of Lithuania in Ireland Embassy of Ireland, Vilnius Q104771707 ambassade
embassy of Luxembourg in Austria Embassy of Austria, Luxembourg Q104639806 ambassade
embassy of Luxembourg in Belgium Embassy of Belgium, Luxembourg Q69876238 ambassade
embassy of Luxembourg in Cape Verde Embassy of Cape Verde in Luxembourg Q104891218 ambassade
embassy of Luxembourg in China Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Luxembourg City Q104891405 ambassade
embassy of Luxembourg in Portugal Embassy of Portugal in Luxembourg Q104905674 ambassade
embassy of Luxembourg in Spain Embassy of Spain in Luxembourg Q104891167 ambassade
embassy of Luxembourg in the Czech Republic Embassy of the Czech Republic in Luxembourg Q104904761 ambassade
embassy of Luxembourg, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands in Luxembourg Q100700005 ambassade
embassy of Malawi in Germany Embassy of Germany, Lilongwe Q55518167 ambassade
embassy of Malaysia in Austria embassy of Austria in Malaysia Q104640001 ambassade
embassy of Malaysia in Germany Embassy of Germany, Kuala Lumpur Q73261290 ambassade
embassy of Malaysia in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Malaysia Q111094809 ambassade
embassy of Malaysia in Russia embassy of Russia in Malaysia Q110186590 ambassade
embassy of Malaysia in the Czech Republic embassy of the Czech republic in Malaysia Q107126171 ambassade
embassy of Malaysia to the Holy See Apostolic Nunciature to Malaysia Q60855539 ambassade
embassy of Mali in Canada embassy of Canada in Mali Q106786139 ambassade
embassy of Mali in Spain Embassy of Spain, Bamako Q105304463 ambassade
embassy of Malta in Spain Embassy of Spain in Malta Q105304699 ambassade
embassy of Malta, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands in Malta Q100552616 ambassade
embassy of Mauritania in Russia embassy of Russia in Mauritania Q110188095 ambassade
embassy of Mauritius in Russia embassy of Russia in Mauritius Q108858985 ambassade
embassy of Mauritius to the United States embassy of the United States in Mauritius Q106786358 ambassade
embassy of Mexico in Ireland embassy of Ireland in Mexico Q104772096 ambassade
embassy of Mexico in Australia embassy of Australia in Mexico Q106476933 ambassade
embassy of Mexico in Belgium Embassy of Belgium, Mexico Q69883204 ambassade
embassy of Mexico in Colombia Embassy of Colombia, Mexico City Q110890481 ambassade
embassy of Mexico in Costa Rica embassy of Costa Rica in Mexico Q111095719 ambassade
embassy of Mexico in Ecuador embassy of Ecuador in Mexico Q110780832 ambassade
embassy of Mexico in El Salvador Embassy of El Salvador in Mexico Q111705668 ambassade
embassy of Mexico in Greece embassy of Greece in Mexico Q106963089 ambassade
embassy of Mexico in Italy embassy of Italy in Mexico Q103850863 ambassade
embassy of Mexico in Malaysia embassy of Malaysia in Mexico Q111737124 ambassade
embassy of Mexico in New Zealand Embassy of New Zealand, Mexico City Q111737426 ambassade
embassy of Mexico in Peru embassy of Peru in Mexico Q110701359 ambassade
embassy of Mexico in Russia embassy of Russia in Mexico Q110188484 ambassade
embassy of Mexico in Turkey Embassy of Turkey, Mexico City Q111027979 ambassade
embassy of Mexico, Beijing Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Mexico City Q100272847 ambassade
embassy of Mexico, Montevideo embassy of Uruguay in Mexico Q1418094 ambassade
embassy of Mexico, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands in Mexico Q100700892 ambassade
embassy of Moldova in Austria Embassy of Austria, Chișinău Q54168942 ambassade
embassy of Moldova in Bulgaria Embassy of Bulgaria, Chișinău Q106966114 ambassade
embassy of Moldova in Hungary Embassy of Hungary, Chișinău Q106964141 ambassade
embassy of Monaco to the Holy See Apostolic Nunciature to Monaco Q60855269 ambassade
embassy of Mongolia in Australia embassy of Australia in Mongolia Q106477170 ambassade
embassy of Mongolia in the Czech Republic Embassy of the Czech Republic, Ulaanbaatar Q107118774 ambassade
embassy of Montenegro in Bulgaria embassy of Bulgaria in Montenegro Q108870323 ambassade
embassy of Montenegro in Germany Embassy of Germany, Podgorica Q73264069 ambassade
embassy of Montenegro in Hungary embassy of Hungary in Montenegro Q108878629 ambassade
embassy of Montenegro in North Macedonia embassy of North Macedonia in Podgorica Q108878998 ambassade
embassy of Montenegro in Spain Embassy of Spain in Montenegro Q105305410 ambassade
embassy of Montenegro to the United Kingdom British Embassy Podgorica Q104772189 ambassade
embassy of Morocco in Argentina embassy of Argentina in Morocco Q110289368 ambassade
embassy of Morocco in Brazil embassy of Brazil in Morocco Q105711008 ambassade
embassy of Morocco in Canada embassy of Canada in Morocco Q106786302 ambassade
embassy of Morocco in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Morocco Q111692329 ambassade
embassy of Morocco in South Africa embassy of South Africa in Morocco Q106684536 ambassade
embassy of Morocco in the Czech Republic embassy of the Czech republic in Morocco Q107126285 ambassade
embassy of Morocco, Stockholm Embassy of Sweden, Rabat Q18292235 ambassade
embassy of Mozambique in Spain Embassy of Spain, Maputo Q105324181 ambassade
embassy of Mozambique to the Holy See Apostolic Nunciature to Mozambique Q124417058 ambassade
embassy of Mozambique, Portugal Embassy of Portugal, Maputo Q105456487 ambassade
embassy of Myanmar in Australia embassy of Australia in Myanmar Q106477390 ambassade
embassy of Myanmar in Germany Embassy of Germany, Yangon Q60856400 ambassade
embassy of Myanmar in Serbia embassy of Serbia in Myanmar Q108189043 ambassade
embassy of Myanmar in the Czech Republic embassy of the Czech republic in Myanmar Q107126382 ambassade
embassy of Nepal in Germany Embassy of Germany, Kathmandu Q60860106 ambassade
embassy of Nepal in Russia embassy of Russia in Nepal Q106686708 ambassade
embassy of Nepal to Switzerland embassy of Switzerland in Nepal Q101067080 ambassade
embassy of Nepal, Beijing Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Kathmandu Q100278224 ambassade
embassy of New Zealand, Paris Embassy of France, Wellington Q30055449 ambassade
embassy of Nicaragua in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Nicaragua Q111698246 ambassade
embassy of Niger in Belgium Embassy of Belgium, Niamey Q69896311 ambassade
embassy of Niger in France Embassy of France in Niamey Q16303704 ambassade
embassy of Nigeria in Austria embassy of Austria in Nigeria Q54168900 ambassade
embassy of Nigeria in Italy embassy of Italy in Nigeria Q60855297 ambassade
embassy of Nigeria in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Nigeria Q111095851 ambassade
embassy of North Korea, Berlin embassy of Germany in Pyongyang Q1229712 ambassade
embassy of North Macedonia in Bosnia and Herzegovina embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in North Macedonia Q96147761 ambassade
embassy of North Macedonia in Germany Embassy of Germany, Skopje Q73266810 ambassade
embassy of North Macedonia in Podgorica embassy of Montenegro in North Macedonia Q106962998 ambassade
embassy of North Macedonia in Serbia embassy of Serbia in North Macedonia Q106962891 ambassade
embassy of North Macedonia in Spain Embassy of Spain, Skopje Q105303445 ambassade
embassy of North Macedonia, The Hague embassy of the Netherlands in North Macedonia Q100553146 ambassade
embassy of Oman in Austria embassy of Austria in Oman Q54168921 ambassade
embassy of Oman in Cyprus embassy of Cyprus in Oman Q109783391 ambassade
embassy of Oman in Germany Embassy of Germany, Muscat Q60860150 ambassade
embassy of Oman in Spain Embassy of Spain, Muscat Q105326461 ambassade
embassy of Pakistan in Argentina Embassy of Argentina, Islamabad Q110290716 ambassade
embassy of Pakistan in Germany Embassy of Germany, Islamabad Q58808624 ambassade
embassy of Pakistan in Russia Embassy of Russia in Islamabad, Pakistan Q110190060 ambassade
kulturarv i Rusland
embassy of Pakistan in Spain Embassy of Spain, Pakistan Q105336872 ambassade
embassy of Pakistan, The Hague embassy of the Netherlands in Pakistan Q100532871 ambassade
embassy of Panama in Germany Embassy of Germany, Panama Q72627170 ambassade
embassy of Panama in Russia embassy of Russia in Panama Q110190411 ambassade
embassy of Panama in the United States embassy of the United States in Panama Q111132608 ambassade
embassy of Panama, The Hague embassy of the Netherlands in Panama Q100533174 ambassade
embassy of Paraguay in Argentina embassy of Argentina in Paraguay Q110300739 ambassade
embassy of Paraguay in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Paraguay Q110508266 ambassade
embassy of Paraguay to the Holy See Apostolic Nunciature to Paraguay Q60855268 ambassade
embassy of Peru in Argentina Embassy of Argentina, Lima Q110300828 ambassade
embassy of Peru in Austria Embassy of Austria, Lima Q54168928 ambassade
embassy of Peru in Bolivia Embassy of Bolivia, Lima Q110589764 ambassade
embassy of Peru in Cuba embassy of Cuba in Peru Q94159838 ambassade
embassy of Peru in Ecuador Embassy of Ecuador, Lima Q110648159 ambassade
embassy of Peru in Hungary Embassy of Hungary, Lima Q108858733 ambassade
embassy of Peru in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Peru Q110656439 ambassade
embassy of Peru in Poland Embassy of Poland, Lima Q107470045 ambassade
embassy of Peru in Portugal Embassy of Portugal, Lima Q105460744 ambassade
embassy of Peru in Qatar embassy of Qatar in Peru Q110656858 ambassade
embassy of Peru in the Czech Republic embassy of the Czech republic in Peru Q107126749 ambassade
embassy of Peru, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands, Lima Q100564991 ambassade
embassy of Poland in Malta Embassy of Malta, Warsaw Q107478944 ambassade
embassy of Poland in Switzerland Embassy of Switzerland, Warsaw Q23047062 ambassade
embassy of Portugal in Argentina embassy of Argentina in Portugal Q105484835 ambassade
embassy of Portugal in Austria embassy of Austria in Portugal Q104643396 ambassade
embassy of Portugal in Bulgaria embassy of Bulgaria in Portugal Q105491763 ambassade
embassy of Portugal in Cape Verde Embassy of Cape Verde in Portugal Q105492132 ambassade
embassy of Portugal in Colombia Embassy of Colombia in Portugal Q105494553 ambassade
embassy of Portugal in Finland embassy of Finland in Portugal Q105517872 ambassade
embassy of Portugal in Guinea-Bissau Embassy of Guinea-Bissau in Portugal Q105519159 ambassade
embassy of Portugal in Hungary Hungarian embassy, Lisbon Q105519215 ambassade
embassy of Portugal in Ireland embassy of Ireland in Portugal Q104773339 ambassade
embassy of Portugal in Mexico Embassy of Mexico, Lisbon Q105489246 ambassade
embassy of Portugal in Spain embassy of Spain in Portugal Q105337206 ambassade
embassy of Portugal in Uruguay embassy of Uruguay in Portugal Q105532146 ambassade
embassy of Portugal in the Czech Republic embassy of the Czech Republic in Portugal Q105492503 ambassade
embassy of Portugal, The Hague embassy of the Netherlands in Portugal Q100491443 ambassade
embassy of Qatar in Austria embassy of Austria in Qatar Q54168861 ambassade
embassy of Qatar in Belgium Embassy of Belgium, Doha Q67205369 ambassade
embassy of Qatar in Spain Embassy of Spain, Doha Q105233387 ambassade
embassy of Qatar, The Hague embassy of the Netherlands in Qatar Q100497683 ambassade
embassy of Republic of the Congo in Belgium Embassy of Belgium, Brazzaville Q69389760 ambassade
embassy of Romania in Argentina embassy of Argentina in Romania Q106835029 ambassade
embassy of Romania in Austria Embassy of Austria, Bucharest Q54168947 ambassade
embassy of Romania in Lithuania embassy of Lithuania in Romania Q106826130 ambassade
embassy of Romania in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Romania Q106835285 ambassade
embassy of Romania in Pyongyang embassy of North Korea in Romania Q28778803 ambassade
embassy of Romania in Tunisia Embassy of Tunisia, Bucharest Q106834894 ambassade
embassy of Russia in Argentina Embassy of Argentina, Moscow Q109922221 ambassade
embassy of Russia in Chile Embassy of Chile, Moscow Q109925325 ambassade
embassy of Russia in Eritrea Embassy of Eritrea, Moscow Q109931298 ambassade
embassy of Russia in Gabon Embassy of Gabon, Moscow Q109931571 ambassade
embassy of Russia in Iceland Embassy of Iceland, Moscow Q106097937 ambassade
embassy of Russia in Indonesia Embassy of Indonesia in Moscow Q107558160 ambassade
embassy of Russia in Israel Embassy of Israel, Moscow Q109934120 ambassade
embassy of Russia in Malta Embassy of Malta, Moscow Q107737081 ambassade
embassy of Russia in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Russia Q109923479 ambassade
embassy of Russia in New Zealand Embassy of New Zealand, Moscow Q109981663 ambassade
embassy of Russia in Peru embassy of Peru in Russia Q110007458 ambassade
embassy of Russia in Senegal Embassy of Senegal, Moscow Q109931652 ambassade
embassy of Russia in Singapore embassy of Singapore in Russia Q110008174 ambassade
embassy of Russia in South Africa Embassy of South Africa in Moscow Q106695084 ambassade
embassy of Russia in Uruguay Embassy of Uruguay, Moscow Q110044552 ambassade
embassy of Russia in Zambia Embassy of Zambia, Moscow Q110044682 ambassade
embassy of Saint Lucia in Taiwan Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan), Gros Islet Q111162448 ambassade
embassy of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines in the Republic of China (Taiwan) Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan), Kingstown Q111162801 ambassade
embassy of San Marino in Italy Embassy of Italy in San Marino Q103921491 ambassade
embassy of Senegal to the Holy See Apostolic Nunciature to Senegal Q56339882 ambassade
embassy of Serbia in Argentina embassy of Argentina in Serbia Q108290200 ambassade
embassy of Serbia in Australia embassy of Australia in Serbia Q106489880 ambassade
embassy of Serbia in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Serbia Q108527683 ambassade
embassy of Serbia in Portugal embassy of Portugal in Serbia Q105463795 ambassade
embassy of Serbia in Slovenia embassy of Slovenia in Serbia Q107352146 ambassade
embassy of Serbia in Spain Embassy of Spain in Serbia Q105342468 ambassade
embassy of Serbia in Turkey Embassy of Turkey, Belgrade Q108854925 ambassade
embassy of Serbia in the Czech Republic embassy of the Czech republic in Serbia Q107140644 ambassade
embassy of Serbia, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands in Serbia Q100742120 ambassade
embassy of Singapore in Belgium Embassy of Belgium, Singapore Q67205326 ambassade
embassy of Singapore in Germany Embassy of Germany, Singapore Q73269700 ambassade
embassy of Singapore in Russia embassy of Russia in Singapore Q109326165 ambassade
embassy of Slovakia in Belarus embassy of Belarus in Slovakia Q107003114 ambassade
embassy of Slovakia in China Embassy of China, Bratislava Q107012927 ambassade
embassy of Slovakia in Croatia embassy of Croatia in Slovakia Q107014234 ambassade
embassy of Slovakia in India Embassy of India, Bratislava Q107014266 ambassade
embassy of Slovakia in Ireland embassy of Ireland in Slovakia Q104774067 ambassade
embassy of Slovakia in Portugal Portuguese Embassy, Bratislava Q105428401 ambassade
embassy of Slovenia in Austria Embassy of Austria, Ljubljana Q12805349 ambassade
embassy of Slovenia in Bulgaria embassy of Bulgaria in Slovenia Q107332860 ambassade
embassy of South Africa in Beijing Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Pretoria Q100272707 ambassade
embassy of South Africa in Bulgaria embassy of Bulgaria in South Africa Q106595956 ambassade
embassy of South Africa in Germany Embassy of Germany, Pretoria Q1311871 ambassade
embassy of South Africa in Mexico embassy of Mexico in South Africa Q106612399 ambassade
embassy of South Africa in South Korea embassy of South Korea in South Africa Q106621057 ambassade
embassy of South Africa in the Czech Republic Embassy of the Czech Republic, Pretoria Q106614553 ambassade
embassy of South Africa, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands in South Africa Q100742491 ambassade
embassy of South Korea in Bolivia embassy of Bolivia in South Korea Q110577033 ambassade
embassy of South Korea in Indonesia Embassy of Indonesia, Seoul Q107636645 ambassade
embassy of South Korea in Ireland Embassy of Ireland, Republic of Korea Q104771458 ambassade
embassy of Spain in Argentina embassy of Argentina in Spain Q105089948 ambassade
embassy of Spain in Austria embassy of Austria in Spain Q54168971 ambassade
embassy of Spain in Chile embassy of Chile in Spain Q105104306 ambassade
embassy of Spain in Colombia Embassy of Colombia, Madrid Q105104778 ambassade
embassy of Spain in Cuba embassy of Cuba, Madrid Q105105108 ambassade
embassy of Spain in Greece embassy of Greece in Spain Q105106306 ambassade
embassy of Spain in Honduras embassy of Honduras in Spain Q97172816 ambassade
embassy of Spain in Ireland embassy of Ireland in Spain Q104780034 ambassade
embassy of Spain in Latvia embassy of Latvia in Spain Q105123345 ambassade
embassy of Spain in Portugal embassy of Portugal in Spain Q105137037 ambassade
embassy of Sri Lanka in Germany Embassy of Germany, Colombo Q73274876 ambassade
embassy of Sri Lanka, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands in Sri Lanka Q100556479 ambassade
embassy of Sudan in Canada embassy of Canada in Sudan Q106822848 ambassade
embassy of Sudan in Germany Embassy of Germany, Khartoum Q60861211 ambassade
embassy of Sudan, The Hague embassy of the Netherlands in Sudan Q100574136 ambassade
embassy of Sweden in Pyongyang Embassy of North Korea, Stockholm Q10686021 ambassade
embassy of Switzerland in Argentina Embassy of Argentina in Switzerland Q101078019 ambassade
embassy of Switzerland in Belarus Embassy of Belarus, Bern Q101095806 ambassade
embassy of Switzerland in Brazil Embassy of Brazil, Bern Q101095874 ambassade
embassy of Switzerland in Bulgaria embassy of Bulgaria Q101095889 ambassade
embassy of Switzerland in Cameroon Embassy of Cameroon, Bern Q101095920 ambassade
embassy of Switzerland in Croatia Embassy of Croatia, Bern Q101169866 ambassade
embassy of Switzerland in Cuba Embassy of Cuba, Bern Q101241803 ambassade
embassy of Switzerland in Hungary Embassy of Hungary in Bern Q101245674 ambassade
embassy of Switzerland in Italy Embassy of Italy in Switzerland Q101248211 ambassade
embassy of Switzerland in Nigeria Embassy of Nigeria, Bern Q101406964 ambassade
embassy of Switzerland in North Macedonia Embassy of North Macedonia, Bern Q101315929 ambassade
embassy of Switzerland in Portugal Embassy of Portugal, Bern Q101442755 ambassade
embassy of Switzerland in Slovenia Embassy of Slovenia, Bern Q101445569 ambassade
embassy of Switzerland in Spain Embassy of Spain, Bern Q101242980 ambassade
embassy of Switzerland in the Netherlands Embassy of the Netherlands, Bern Q100502756 ambassade
embassy of Switzerland, Montevideo Embassy of Uruguay, Bern Q2256445 ambassade
embassy of Syria in Argentina embassy of Argentina in Syria Q110301403 ambassade
embassy of Syria in Spain embassy of Spain in Syria Q105343737 ambassade
embassy of Syria in the Czech Republic embassy of the Czech republic in Syria Q107141502 ambassade
embassy of Tanzania in Belgium Embassy of Belgium, Dar es Salaam Q69978658 ambassade
embassy of Thailand in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Thailand Q111698909 ambassade
embassy of Thailand in New Zealand Embassy of New Zealand, Bangkok Q111898664 ambassade
embassy of Thailand in South Africa Embassy of South Africa, Bangkok Q106715268 ambassade
embassy of Thailand in Spain Embassy of Spain, Bangkok Q105344458 ambassade
embassy of Thailand in the Czech Republic Embassy of the Czech Republic, Bangkok Q107141693 ambassade
embassy of Thailand, The Hague Embassy of the Netherlands in Thailand Q100570155 ambassade
embassy of Togo in Germany Embassy of Germany, Lomé Q60861249 ambassade
embassy of Togo, Beijing ambassade de la république populaire de Chine au Togo Q100276655 ambassade
embassy of Turkmenistan in Germany Embassy of Germany, Ashgabat Q55664150 ambassade
embassy of Uganda in Germany Embassy of Germany, Kampala Q60862264 ambassade
embassy of Uganda in Russia embassy of Russia in Uganda Q106963820 ambassade
embassy of United Arab Emirates in Belgium Embassy of Belgium, Abu Dhabi Q69423936 ambassade
embassy of United Kingdom in Pyongyang Embassy of North Korea, London Q10633443 ambassade Foreign and Commonwealth Office
embassy of Uruguay in Argentina Embassy of Argentina in Uruguay Q110301953 ambassade
embassy of Uruguay in Italy embassy of Italy in Uruguay Q103945996 ambassade
embassy of Uruguay in Mexico embassy of Mexico, Montevideo Q110629792 ambassade
embassy of Uruguay in Spain Embassy of Spain in Uruguay Q105357643 ambassade
embassy of Uruguay, Beijing Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Montevideo Q100278679 ambassade
embassy of Uzbekistan in Latvia embassy of Latvia in Uzbekistan Q106231289 ambassade
embassy of Uzbekistan, Beijing Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Tashkent Q100276880 ambassade
embassy of Venezuela in Argentina embassy of Argentina in Venezuela Q110302052 ambassade
embassy of Venezuela in Bolivia embassy of Bolivia in Venezuela Q110589844 ambassade
embassy of Venezuela in Canada embassy of Canada in Venezuela Q106823495 ambassade
embassy of Venezuela in Germany Embassy of Germany, Caracas Q67475152 ambassade
embassy of Venezuela in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Venezuela Q111699020 ambassade
embassy of Venezuela in Uruguay embassy of Uruguay in Venezuela Q110494838 ambassade
embassy of Vietnam in Belarus embassy of Belarus in Vietnam Q104813195 ambassade
embassy of Vietnam in Israel embassy of Israel in Vietnam Q112110103 ambassade
embassy of Vietnam in Mexico embassy of Mexico in Vietnam Q111699036 ambassade
embassy of Vietnam in South Africa embassy of South Africa in Vietnam Q106730790 ambassade
embassy of Vietnam in the Czech Republic embassy of the Czech republic in Vietnam Q107141742 ambassade
embassy of Vietnam, The Hague embassy of the Netherlands in Vietnam Q100557097 ambassade
embassy of Yemen in Germany Embassy of Germany, Sanaa Q73169729 ambassade
embassy of Zimbabwe in Canada embassy of Canada in Zimbabwe Q106824210 ambassade
embassy of the Czech Republic in Austria Embassy of Austria, Prague Q54168990 ambassade
embassy of the Czech Republic in Brazil Embassy of Brazil, Prague Q105716528 ambassade
embassy of the Czech Republic‎ in Belgium Embassy of Belgium, Prague Q67204994 ambassade
embassy of the Czech republic in Argentina embassy of Argentina in the Czech Republic Q107029871 ambassade
embassy of the Czech republic in China Embassy of the People's Republic of China, Prague Q107036221 ambassade
embassy of the Czech republic in Estonia Estonian Embassy, Prague Q65262675 ambassade
embassy of the Czech republic in India Embassy of India, Prague Q107014421 ambassade
embassy of the Czech republic in Israel embassy of Israel in the Czech Republic Q106041076 ambassade
embassy of the Czech republic in Latvia Latvian Embassy, Prague Q107066818 ambassade
embassy of the Czech republic in Mexico Embassy of Mexico, Prague Q107032363 ambassade
embassy of the Czech republic in Serbia embassy of Serbia in the Czech Republic Q107094493 ambassade
embassy of the Czech republic in Vietnam embassy of Vietnam in the Czech Republic Q107098568 ambassade
embassy of the Dominican Republic in Argentina embassy of Argentina in Dominican Republic Q110271691 ambassade
embassy of the Dominican Republic in Italy embassy of Italy in Dominican Republic Q103905813 ambassade
embassy of the Dominican Republic in Panama embassy of Panama in the Dominican Republic Q111109470 ambassade
embassy of the Dominican Republic in the United Kingdom British Embassy Santo Domingo Q16956542 ambassade
embassy of the Dominican Republic to the Holy See Apostolic Nunciature to Dominican Republic Q86675199 ambassade
embassy of the Netherlands in Austria embassy of Austria, The Hague Q102428505 ambassade
embassy of the Netherlands in Czech Republic embassy of Czech Republic, The Hague Q102443242 ambassade
embassy of the Netherlands in Slovenia Embassy of Slovenia, The Hague Q102430410 ambassade
embassy of the Netherlands in Vietnam embassy of Vietnam, The Hague Q102449617 ambassade
embassy of the Philippines in Austria embassy of Austria in Philippines Q54168936 ambassade
embassy of the Philippines in Italy embassy of Italy in Philippines Q103822047 ambassade
embassy of the Philippines in New Zealand Embassy of New Zealand, Manila Q111896202 ambassade
embassy of the Philippines in the Czech Republic embassy of the Czech republic in the Philippines Q107111726 ambassade
embassy of the Philippines to the Holy See Apostolic Nunciature to the Philippines Q56338504 ambassade
embassy of the Republic of Congo in Russia embassy of Russia in Republic of the Congo Q106205010 ambassade
embassy of the United States in Barbados Embassy of Barbados in Washington, D.C. Q105550740 ambassade
embassy of the United States in Bolivia Embassy of Bolivia, Washington, D.C. Q105571877 ambassade
embassy of the United States in Burkina Faso Embassy of Burkina Faso in Washington, D.C. Q105572358 ambassade
embassy of the United States in Cameroon Embassy of Cameroon, Washington, D.C. Q105575528 ambassade
embassy of the United States in Central African Republic Embassy of the Central African Republic in Washington, D.C. Q105575820 ambassade
embassy of the United States in Costa Rica Embassy of Costa Rica in Washington, D.C. Q105581016 ambassade
embassy of the United States in East Timor Embassy of Timor-Leste in Washington, D.C. Q105632692 ambassade
embassy of the United States in Ecuador Embassy of Ecuador in Washington, D.C. Q105585313 ambassade
embassy of the United States in Eswatini Embassy of Eswatini in Washington, D.C. Q105585586 ambassade
embassy of the United States in Ethiopia Embassy of Ethiopia, Washington, D.C. Q105587916 ambassade
embassy of the United States in Haiti Embassy of Haiti Q105605623 ambassade
embassy of the United States in Iceland Embassy of Iceland in the United States Q105605792 ambassade
embassy of the United States in Kazakhstan Embassy of Kazakhstan in Washington, D.C. Q105608813 ambassade
embassy of the United States in Kosovo Embassy of Kosovo, Washington, D.C. Q105609130 ambassade
embassy of the United States in Kuwait Embassy of Kuwait, Washington, D.C. Q105609231 ambassade
embassy of the United States in Madagascar Embassy of Madagascar, Washington, D.C. Q105618735 ambassade
embassy of the United States in Mali Embassy of Mali, Washington, D.C. Q105620171 ambassade
embassy of the United States in Montenegro Embassy of Montenegro in Washington, D.C. Q105621193 ambassade
embassy of the United States in North Macedonia Embassy of North Macedonia in Washington, D.C. Q105622525 ambassade
embassy of the United States in Panama embassy of Panama in the United States Q105622924 ambassade
embassy of the United States in Qatar Embassy of Qatar, Washington, D.C. Q105623210 ambassade
embassy of the United States in Suriname embassy of Suriname in the United States Q105623517 ambassade
embassy of the United States in Tajikistan Embassy of Tajikistan, Washington, D.C. Q105632575 ambassade
embassy of the United States in Togo Embassy of Togo in Washington, D.C. Q105634614 ambassade
embassy of the United States in Trinidad and Tobago Embassy of Trinidad and Tobago, Washington, D.C. Q105635406 ambassade
embassy of the United States in Uganda Embassy of Uganda, Washington, D.C. Q105635635 ambassade
embassy of the United States in Uruguay Embassy of Uruguay, Washington, D.C. Q99554767 ambassade
embassy of the United States in Uzbekistan Embassy of Uzbekistan, Washington, D.C. Q105635753 ambassade
embassy of the United States in the Federated States of Micronesia Embassy of the Federated States of Micronesia in Washington, D.C. Q105620795 ambassade
embassy of the United States in the United Arab Emirates Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, Washington Q105635716 ambassade
embassy of the United States, Libreville Embassy of Gabon, Washington, D.C. Q105591967 ambassade
embrasse contre-embrasse Q73985166 heraldik honourable ordinary
emmetropia refractive error Q1310580 visual acuity
empirisme Rationalisme
Q83368 filosofisk bevægelse
encellet organisme flercellet organisme Q36468 organisme
endokrine system exocrine system Q11078 class of anatomical entity organsystem particular anatomical entity
glandular system
endoskeleton Exoskelet Q1148064 class of anatomical entity bone structure
particular anatomical entity
endotherm Ectotherm Q907248 organisme
engelsk non-English Q1860 naturligt sprog
levende sprog
engelske sprog
engroshandel detailhandel Q220695 branche tertiære erhverv handel
enhanced weathering Havenes forsuring Q5378812 metode
proposed institution
enkeltværdibegrænsning flerværdibegrænsning Q19474404 egenskabsbegrænsning
enriched uranium depleted uranium Q473252 kemisk stof
radioactive matter
menneskeskabt fysisk objekt
ensomhed social connectedness Q223270 negative emotion psykologiterminologi
ensretter vekselretter Q171486 omformer
entydig afgrænsning ingen af-begrænsning Q21510859 egenskabsbegrænsning
enæggede tvillinger tveæggede tvillinger Q2301325 tvillinger
epicycloid hypocycloid Q214556 transcendental curve
cycloidal curve
epigraph hypograph Q1347059 matematisk fagudtryk binær relation
epilog prolog Q1771692 narrativ litterært værk
literary technique
epitrochoid hypotrochoid Q1088210 roulette
erect human penis flaccid human penis Q116186484 erektion
escort carrier standard carrier
Q253555 skibstype hangarskib
eufori dysfori Q203994 positive emotion
biologisk proces
psykologiterminologi betingelse
europæisk integration europæisk disintegration Q1048268 økonomisk integration
politisk integration
social integration
regional integration
akademisk disciplin
eversion inversion Q3274905 muscle movement
movement at joints of ankle and foot
evolution kreationisme Q1063 type af proces
biologisk proces
naturens mønster
historisk aspekt
excess demand excess supply Q1337691 economic problem
experimental science historisk naturvidenskab Q5769081 videnskab
explosive eruption effusive eruption Q1321886 vulkanudbrud
exterior ornament of the shield våbenfigur Q1052804 fuldstændigt våben afbilding
external computer connector internal computer connector Q73198864 elektrisk stik
face-to-face back-to-back Q47462497 spatial arrangement
fadder gudbarn Q223973 nominal kinship
religiøs stilling
godfamily patronage
non-biological parent
fadermord modermord Q10345565 familiedrab
fag hag fag stag Q26791 kvinde
fagfællebedømmelse peer review failure Q215028 aktivitet
faktorisering polynomial expansion Q188804 separation
falsk true Q5432619 Sandhedsværdi
Boolsk variabel
fan anti-fan
Q193432 beskæftigelse
gruppe af mennesker
far mor
Q7565 slægtskab forælder
male relative
farve colorlessness Q1075 fysisk egenskab
andenordens metaklasse
Optisk fænomen
absorbed or reflected object light
farvefotografi black-and-white photography Q166509 fototeknik fotografi
fascisme Antifascisme Q6223 politisk system
politisk ideologi
politisk bevægelse
fascist antifascist Q88110348 politisk identitet politisk aktivist
right-wing extremist
fast ejendom movable property Q684740 estate in land
geografisk objekt
real assets
fastfood Slow food Q81799 type of food or dish madret
fattigdom Rigdom Q10294 status tilstand
fauna flora Q104021 begreb
Biota group or class of organisms
federal law (Germany) state law in Germany and Austria Q1006610 federal law
feedforward neural network recurrent neural network Q5441227 maskinlæring kunstigt neuralt netværk
fejhed mod Q1401607 personlighedstræk
fejl success Q1121708 betingelse resultat
female bisexuality male bisexuality Q105079904 seksuel orientering bisexual woman biseksualitet
female bottomlesness male bottomlesness
female toplessness
Q116288864 bottomlessness
partially nude females
female breast flashing handbra
hair bra
Q24942180 blotteri
female cat male cat Q24248440 dyr med angivet køn kat
female connector male connector Q11659367 connector gender connector
female human body male human body Q66563485 sex-specific taxon body type menneske af hunkøn menneskelige krop
female body
female idol group male idol group Q11446438 type of musical group pigegruppe
idol group
female masculinity effeminacy Q105824186 kønsudtryk
gender non-conformity
female nude photography male nude photography Q3879271 fotografisk genre fine-art nude photography
female orgasm human male orgasm Q61041511 biologisk proces human sexual response cycle orgasme
female pubic hair male pubic hair Q99148326 female androgenic hair kønsbehåring
female submission kvindelig dominans
male submission
Q5442772 domination and submission practice
female toplessness mandlig barbrystet
female bottomlesness
Q17977112 topløshed
partially nude females
female-to-male crossplay male-to-female crossplay Q111975528 genre crossplay
female-to-male crossdressing
femboy Drengepige Q42417393 slangord / slangudtryk
menneske af hankøn
feminine beauty ideal masculine beauty ideal Q2259252 norm
feminisme antifeminisme
Q7252 reformbevægelse
social bevægelse
politisk bevægelse
kritisk sociologi
politisk ideologi
feminist Tradwife Q34074720 identitet sympathizer
feminizing hormone therapy masculinizing hormone therapy Q5903807 type af medicinsk procedure hormone replacement therapy
transgender hormone therapy
femme butch Q28129894 butch and femme
gender stereotype
ferskvandsfisk saltwater fish Q1072742 klasse af organismer kendt under et fællesnavn fisk
freshwater animal
figur heraldisk figur Q3744866 våbenfigur
figurativ kunst nonrepresentational art Q1622217 kunstgenre billedkunst
figurmaleri abstrakt maleri Q5448026 malerigenre figurativ kunst
fiktion nonfiktion Q8253 kunstgenre kunstværk
filial piety in Islam parental abuse by children in Islam Q16170962 Islamic term
parental respect
filial piety
filling emptying Q62069734 tilføjelse
filly colt Q15304494 dyr med angivet køn hest
finite group infinite group Q1057968 finitely generated group
locally finite group
thin group
profinite group
Hopfian group
elementary amenable group
residually finite group
first day of school last day of school Q5454153 hændelse startpunkt
school day
first quarter last quarter Q12600587 Månens faser halvmåne
waxing moon
first vote second vote Q1362374 stemme
fixism (geology) mobilism Q1422025 begreb
fjernundervisning on-campus education Q159595 uddannelse
fjernvarme fjernkøling Q278784 infrastruktur offentlig forsyning engineered physical system
flaccid human penis erect human penis Q116186488 flaccid penis
fladbrød paratha Q666242 brød
fladtrykthed inverse flattening
Q212750 egenskab
form attribute
dimensionsmæssig størrelse
flag of Republika Srpska Ruslands flag Q435309 flag
flanche side sinister Q1427111 teknisk begreb heraldik subordinary
flat Earth spherical Earth Q660936 forældet videnskabelig teori
flat roof pitched roof Q149292 tagform tag
flat-and-a-half sharp-and-a-half Q18107339 uheld
flercellet organisme encellet organisme Q36458 class of anatomical entity organisme
particular anatomical entity
flerfamiliebebyggelse parcelhus Q1498804 beboelsesejendom
flerfarvet monochrome Q29572385 farve
flersprogethed monolingualism Q30081 fagområde
flertal ental Q146786 grammatisk tal inflected form
flerværdibegrænsning enkeltværdibegrænsning Q21510857 egenskabsbegrænsning
fletning separation Q17853087 entitet
flexion extension Q11681869 muscle movement
flipproletar blue-collar worker Q255274 samfundsklasse medarbejder
flocculent spiral galaxy grand design spiral galaxy Q3272595 spiralgalakse
flodmunding kilde
river bifurcation
Q1233637 confluence
floor function ceiling function Q56860783 idempotent function
integer-valued function
floor and ceiling functions
flora fauna Q131449 begreb
gruppe af levende organismer
flugt fra land Byspredning
éxodo urbano
Q2608153 migration
flygel klaver Q1148709 klaver
flådebærer escort carrier Q869609 skibstype hangarskib
fobi philia Q175854 sygdomsklasse anxiety disorder
fodtøj barfodet Q161928 beklædningstilbehør
fashion product
foldning deconvolution Q210857 Binær operator
integral transform
harmonisk analyse
folk art high culture Q1153484 kunstgenre kunst
folkebibliotek private library Q28564 type af bibliotek bibliotek
offentlig tjeneste
footboard sengegavl Q3382618 seng furniture component
headboards & footboard
fop majo Q5466622
foragt Achtung
Q5338825 kompleks emotion Plutchiks følelsesteori
forbandelse benediction
Q109411 sort magi
forbruger provider
Q22855 beskæftigelse economic agent
forbrændingsmotor external combustion engine Q12757 combustion engine
foredrag Mitschrift Q603773 genre
form of event
information transfer
lecture (seminar)
forening fond Q15911314 juridisk form organisation
gruppe af mennesker
foreningsmængde fællesmængde Q185359 set operation
Binær operator
union of several sets
forenklet kinesisk traditionelt kinesisk Q185614 logographic writing system
naturligt udviklet skriftsystem
unicase alphabet
forenklet kinesisk Kinesisk skrift
foreskin restoration circumcising Q1583202 kirurgisk indgreb
foretrukken rang udfasning Q71533031 Wikibase-rangering af udsagn
forfalskning branded item Q502918 delikt
forforstærker audio effektforstærker Q399804 forstærker
forgrund baggrund Q2533752 artistic concept Billedkomposition artistic plane
compositional element
forlovelse disengagement Q157512 løfte
formalism Realisme Q3363772 videnskabeligt fagområde
kunstens historie
formalsprog naturligt sprog Q192161 lingvistisk begreb
type of language
Formelt system
format mediecontent Q2085518 type af struktur struktur
formatted text plain text Q2568869 datatype tekst
former national capital national capital Q129268952 bebyggelse
tidligere hovedstad
forside bagside Q257418 numismatic term mønt
obverse and reverse
forspil afterplay Q5139011 sex handling
forståelse incomprehension Q46744 psykologibegreb Taksonomi for indlæringsmål evne
mental tilstand
forstærker forforstærker Q27094 apparat
audio electronics
fortid fremtid Q192630 tidslig entitet tid tid
fortvivlelse håb Q1747066 negative emotion Plutchiks følelsesteori
forventning overraskelse Q255266 følelse
basal følelse
Plutchiks følelsesteori
primary emotion
forward control motor vehicle bonneted motor vehicle Q370704 cab configuration for trucks and buses motorkøretøj
forår efterår Q1312 tilbagevendende begivenhed årstid
forælder barn Q7566 slægtskab parent and child førstegradsslægtning
liable adult
fotografering forbudt fotografering tilladt Q51728721 activity policy forbud
franskbrød black bread Q1501889 brød
fred krig Q454 type of value tilstand
free license proprietary license Q196294 public license
free tree rooted tree Q2493581 træ
undirected graph
free upper limb ben Q24517852 chiral organism subdivision type
class of anatomical entity
upper extremity free limb
freight compartment cabin Q60998106 køretøj/fartøj/fly rum
frekvensmodulation amplitudemodulation Q181417 Modulation
fremtid fortid Q344 tidslig entitet tid tid
freshwater plant Saltplante Q112632535 klasse
ecological group of plants
fri software proprietær software Q341 type software open source movement frit videredistribuerbar software
kildetilgængelig software
open-source software
friend zone casual sex Q625853 begreb
frimureri anti-Masonry Q41726 gruppe
fritid arbejde Q180910 menneskelig adfærd
fritidsområde arbejdsplads Q338112 arealudnyttelse territoriel enhed
socialt rum
fritænkning dogmatism Q210115 synsvinkel
front Rear Q842332 militærudtryk krig grænse
front sight rear sight Q11786824 Dioptersigte
front yard backyard Q5505899 yard
frontal kollision rear-end collision Q3305019 transportulykke
frugt inedible fruit Q3314483 food group fruits and vegetables
wild food
plantebaseret fødevare
frygt boldness Q44619 negative emotion angst
basal følelse
frying waina in oil frying anything except waina in oil Q124822584 oil frying
frysning smelte Q108000 faseovergang physical process
fugleperspektiv worm's-eye view Q1153655 filmteknik Perspektiv
high-angle shot
top view
fuglesang sonation Q1126556 animal vocalization
fukssvans crosscut saw Q7335553 saw type wood saw
fullwidth form halfwidth form Q109538580 formeme halfwidth and fullwidth forms special character
funktion multivalued function Q11348 matematisk begreb binær relation
partiel funktion
multivalued function
generalized function
fyldepen kuglepen Q192401 pen
fysisk egenskab Kemisk egenskab Q4373292 egenskab efter type physico-chemical property
fysisk model konceptuel model Q11784425 menneskeskabt fysisk objekt
samlings- eller udstillingsgenstand
fældningsreaktion dissolution Q113796 kemisk reaktion
solid–liquid extraction
kemisk proces
phase separation
fællesmængde foreningsmængde Q185837 set operation
Binær operator
intersection of several sets
fænomen noumenon Q483247 occurrent
observable entity
føderalisme anti-federalism
Q204886 politisk ideologi
politisk koncept
føderation enhedsstat Q43702 styreform federal system
politisk union
fødsel død Q14819852 liv startpunkt
fødselsdag death anniversary
Q47223 fødselsdato mindedag
gadeprostitution bordel Q1274227 prostitution prostitution
game of skill hasardspil Q1368898 spilgenre spil
gamet Spore Q211050 celletype haploid
reproductive cell
garden rose wild rose Q64140922 rose cultivar
gaseous state of matter liquid state of matter Q29147941 fundamental state of matter
gaskæmpe klippeplanet Q121750 astronomical object type giant planet
gay separatism Lesbian separatism Q120638099 separatist movement
gay sexual practices lesbian sexual practices Q17015701 homoseksualitet homosexual sexual practices
gender non-conformity gender conformity Q4135211 kønsudtryk
general permanent resident special permanent resident Q11353075 legal status immigration to Japan
generalisering specialization
Q170084 ontologi
generativity psychological stagnation Q1882949 psykologibegreb psykologiterminologi
generosity parsimony
Q1549811 dyd dyd
geni Idiot Q185030 approbative
genotype fænotype Q106016 organisme
genotype-phenotype distinction
genetic phenomena
gentleman lady
bad boy
Q749212 hæderstitel
geocentrisk Heliocentrisk Q165800 forældet videnskabelig teori
geosfære atmosfære Q241284 Jorden zone
skal af et astronomisk objekt
geografisk enhed
germline mutation somatic mutation Q5552256 mutation
getting up sitting down Q110459162 aktivitet movement
ghostwriter ghostwritten academic Q623386 beskæftigelse forfatter
gibbous moon crescent moon Q24961814 Månens faser
gidsel Gidseltager Q192620 fange
crime victim
girl next door boy next door Q308087 Kliché
giving taking Q16509017 aktivitet
glatbarbering kønsbehåring Q1544759 depilering
global cooling global opvarmning Q1322176 termodynamisk proces
istid køling
global climate change
global opvarmning global cooling Q7942 atmospheric phenomenon
external risk
glæde sørgmodighed
Q935526 basal følelse
positive emotion
Plutchiks følelsesteori
gode economic bad Q28877 økonomisk koncept
economics term
goods and services
godsbanegård passagertogstation Q55493 type of station jernbanestation
good girl art bad girl art Q5583114 subject of depiction
good works in Islam fasad
Q7404508 Islamic term
Sufi terminology
Maqāṣid al-Sharīʿah
Maqāṣid al-Qur'an
worship in Islam
goto COMEFROM Q750997 sætning
software feature
grafisk brugerflade text-based user interface Q782543 type software brugergrænseflade
grammatisk køn natural gender Q162378 navneordsklasse
grand design spiral galaxy flocculent spiral galaxy Q195724 spiralgalakse
graphical projection 3D projection Q11259415 teknisk tegning teknik
gratis betalt Q1543615 kvalitet
gravitation non-gravitational force Q11412 naturkræfter
fysisk fænomen
gravlægning ekshumering Q331055 hændelse begravelse burial
gravsænkning horst Q192810 landskabsform
green hydrogen grey hydrogen Q99513382 grundstof hydrogen fuel
vedvarende energi
grimhed skønhed Q1415055 begreb kvalitet
griskhed generosity Q193543 afhængighed
Syv dødssynder
money disorder
grotesk serifskrift Q864011 klassifikation
DIN 16518
Vox-ATypI classification
ground segment space segment Q889737 space mission transportinfrastruktur
system of systems
grundejer husmand
Q618532 beskæftigelse
grundskolelærer schoolmistress Q10509151 profession
primary school teachers
grundstof chemical anti-element Q11344 andenordens metaklasse
group or class of chemical substances
periodiske system
kemisk forbindelse
kemisk stof
grundvand overfladevand Q161598 land waters
raw water
grønvask greenhushing Q983063 økonomisk aktivitet
green marketing
gudinde god Q205985 fictional religious occupation guddom
guilty innocence Q705178 plea moralsk ansvar
gull wing Inverted gull wing Q1521232 vingekonfiguration
gulv loft Q217164 anvendelse hus
floor or paver
gun blankvåben Q110155210 weapon functional class apparat
had kærlighed Q160232 negative emotion psykologiterminologi aversion
haikara bankara Q11325982 stilart Westernization in Japan
half note half rest Q393811 note value node
half rest half note Q18107323 musikalsk koncept
halfwidth form fullwidth form Q109538555 formeme halfwidth and fullwidth forms special character
halv 2 Q2114394 irreducible fraction
halve storakse semi-minor axis Q171594 ellipse
Halve storakse og halve lilleakse
halveringstid doubling time Q47270 varighed
halvædelsten smykkesten Q10967610 smykkesten
hamstring danshari Q1343347 adfærd samle
compulsive hoarding
han hun Q44148 gruppe af levende organismer kønnet formering organisme
handbra female breast flashing Q3231788 kropsholdning
handheld personal computer desktop-computer Q110485814 mobil spillekonsoi
personlig computer
hybrid video game console
handsfree hand-held telephone Q28460 udstyr
hane høne Q2216236 dyr med angivet køn stud
hard cheese soft cheese Q113756309 ost
hardback paperback
Q193955 print book format printed book
hardware computerprogram Q3966 elektronik computer elektronisk apparat
teknisk komponent
harmoni disharmony Q184421 musikalsk koncept Harmonik und Harmonielehre aspekt af musik
hauriant urinant Q47462541 holdning
havfrue havmand Q182559 waterwoman
havgrænse landegrænse Q3089219 international grænse
havmand havfrue Q4995044 græsk mytologi mythical human-animal hybrid
head of the valley mouth of the valley Q1669038 dal
healing knowledge evidensbaseret medicin Q20532 arbejdsfelt
alternativ behandling
heavy light Q85896580 relative weight
hebra zorse Q30132039 Pattedyr
hedebølge kuldebølge Q215864 type af meteorologisk fænomen vejr
meteorologisk fænomen
extreme weather
heks warlock Q1616828 beskæftigelse practitioner of witchcraft magiker
helikopterpilot navigatør Q20726593 profession pilot
helt skurk
Q162244 beskæftigelse
muligvis fiktivt menneske
heraldisk figur figur Q1076566 våbenfigur
here-died plaque here-was-born plaque Q91785391 plaque theme mindetavle
herredouble damedouble Q17299700 konkurrenceklasse
men's doubles
herrefodbold kvindefodbold Q31930761 konkurrenceklasse fodbold
herrehåndbold kvindehåndbold Q55841593 konkurrenceklasse herresport
herrelandshold i håndbold kvindehåndboldlandshold Q103842693 håndboldlandshold
heterofobi homofobi Q849223 aversion
heterogeneous reaction homogeneous reaction Q33060501 kemisk reaktion
heteroscedasticity homoscedasticity Q1063540 egenskab
heteroseksualitet ikke-heteroseksualitet
Q1035954 seksuel orientering monosexuality
heterosexual female lesbisk
heterosexual male
Q25267463 menneske af hunkøn
heterosexual male bøsse
heterosexual female
Q25267467 menneske af hankøn
hi-top fade temple fade Q5402791 frisure male very short haircut
hierarki heterarchy Q188619 type af struktur begrebssystem
hieronymit munk Hieronymite nun Q98645680 katolsk religiøs stilling Order of Saint Jerome romerskkatolsk munk
member of Roman Catholic religious orders and societies
higashi namagashi Q3847429 wagashi
high fermentation beer low fermentation beer Q11994509 øltype øl
high relief basrelief
Mezzo rilievo
Q5784272 skulpturteknik relief
high society sozialer Boden Q2910239 livsstil
high-angle shot low-angle shot Q3392548 camera angle
high-rise two-piece swimsuit low-rise bikini Q130425741 todelt badetøj
high-speed photography time-lapse photography Q1794511 fotografisk genre
hightech low technology Q466410 type of technology teknologi
hilling plovfure Q2262727 jordbrug
himmel Jorden Q527 rum
himmelen Helvede Q4489450 religiøst koncept heaven and hell upper world
himmellegeme ydre rum Q6999 type af objekt naturlig fysisk objekt
space object
hingst hoppe Q757833 dyr med angivet køn hest hest
hinny muldyr Q217584 krydsning horse–donkey hybrid
hirairi tsumairi Q3136194 arkitekturstil Japanese architecture
hirajiro yamajiro Q11482300 Japanese castle
historievidenskab folk history Q1066186 akademisk disciplin
akademisk fagretning
human- og socialvidenskab
history, heritage and archaeology
hobby professionalisme
Q47728 rekreation
hold nonteam Q327245 organisation
gruppe af mennesker
holdsport individuel sport Q216048 sportsudtryk klasseinddeling i sport sport
game-based sport
holisme merism
Q192891 begreb
filosofisk begreb
home video game console mobil spillekonsoi Q17589470 spillekonsol
homofobi heterofobi Q33487 fordom
etisk teori
Heterosexisme non-medical phobia
homoseksualitet heteroseksualitet Q6636 seksuel orientering
romantic orientation
homoseksuel heterosexual Q592 seksuel orientering
seksuel minoritet
LGBT+ identity
honmei choco Giri choco Q2481743 chokolade
hoppe hingst Q1104034 dyr med angivet køn hest hest
hor faithfulness Q234213 udenfor ægteskabelig sex
grounds for divorce
horizontal axis sagittal axis
craniocaudal axis
Q42213441 body axis
højre og venstre
horizontal axis tidal turbine vertical axis tidal turbine Q63363573 tidal stream generator
horizontal axis wind turbine vertical axis wind turbine Q18433590 vindkraftværk
horizontal pupil vertical pupil Q106520156 pupil
horizontal stone chamber vertical stone chamber Q11543435 stone chamber
horizontal stripe vertical stripe Q96755200 stribe
horizontal triband vertical triband Q24577232 arketype
Trestribede flag
hormonkirtel exocrine gland Q324663 gland type
class of anatomical entity
endokrine system organ component gland
particular anatomical entity
horst gravsænkning Q212136 geologic term naturgeografisk objekt
geologic feature
host adapter peripheral controller Q585585 computer hardware
expansion card
computing adapter
hov Pote Q128007 hud fod hoof and claw
hovedpersonen antagonist
Q215972 narrativ rolle hovedperson
sympatisk figur
hovedstad tidligere hovedstad Q5119 by
administrativt center
hulmonteringsteknologi overflademonteringsteknik Q1004377 mechanical assembly
human female sexuality human male sexuality Q3480963 seksualitet
human male orgasm female orgasm Q105604825 biologisk proces human sexual response cycle orgasme
human male sexuality human female sexuality Q3065229 seksualitet
hun han Q43445 gruppe af levende organismer
kønnet formering eukaryot organisme
hundred twenty-eighth note hundred twenty-eighth rest Q2339972 note value node
hundred twenty-eighth rest hundred twenty-eighth note Q18107332 rest
hunfår vædder Q2409684 dyr med angivet køn får
hunhund male dog Q29642078 dyr med angivet køn hund
hurtigtomsættelige forbrugsgoder slow-moving consumer goods Q1187656 økonomisk sektor dagligvarer
husassistent landarbejder Q833860 profession hushjælp
agricultural worker
husdyr wild animal Q622852 dyr
non-human animal
husdyr ikke tilladt kæledyr tilladt Q66361297 activity policy no animals
husmand grundejer
Q868069 profession landmand
husmandskost treat Q881929 mad
husmor househusband Q38126150 beskæftigelse husmor
stay-at-home parent
hustru ægtemand
Q188830 svigerfamilie ægtepar menneske af hunkøn
female relative
hvid sort Q23444 farve
HTML4 named color
achromatic color
hvidt kød Rødt kød Q3315904 kød
hvidvaskning anti–money laundering Q151900 laundering
trading strategy
finansiel kriminalitet
hvirvelløse dyr Hvirveldyr Q43806 grade dyr
hydration reaction dehydration reaction Q13107540 kemisk reaktion
hydrofob hydrofil Q219567 kemisk stof
hydrophilicity hydrophobicity Q41853520 fysisk egenskab
Kemisk egenskab
hyperbolic cosine hyperbolic secant Q1253682 hyperbolske funktioner
lige funktion
hyperbolic sine and hyperbolic cosine
hyperbolic sine hyperbolic cosecant Q1292101 hyperbolske funktioner
ulige funktion
hyperbolic sine and hyperbolic cosine
hyperglykæmi hypoglykæmi Q271993 sygdomsklasse
abnormally high value
glucose metabolism disease
hyperprolactinemia hypoprolactinemia Q1433936 sjælden sygdom
acquired metabolic disease
rare hypothalamic or pituitary disease
rare genetic hypothalamic or pituitary disease
rare female infertility due to hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis disorder of genetic origin
rare male infertility due to hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis disorder of genetic origin
genetic nervous system disorder
hyperseksualitet antiseksualisme
Q267907 sexual dysfunction
sexual dysfunction
hypertension hypotension Q41861 sygdomsklasse
symptom eller tegn
vaskulær sygdom
artery disease
hyperthyroidism hypothyroidism Q16499 sjælden sygdom
thyroid gland disease
hypobaric chamber Trykkammer Q5959197 medicinsk udstyr
hypocycloid epicycloid Q719797 transcendental curve
cycloidal curve
hypoglykæmi hyperglykæmi Q202758 abnormally low value
glucose metabolism disease
pancreas disease
hypograph epigraph Q250279 binær relation
hypokalemia Hyperkaliæmi Q794086 abnormally low value
symptom eller tegn
mineral metabolism disease
potassium deficiency
hypoksi hyperoxia Q105688 sygdom sygdomstegn
hyponatriæmi hypernatriæmi Q824292 sygdom
abnormally low value
symptom eller tegn
hemic system symptom
hypotension hypertension Q275419 abnormally low value
symptom eller tegn
hemic system symptom
general symptom
hypotenuse cathetus Q104962 side retvinklet trekant
hypotermi hedeslag Q1036696 sygdom
abnormally low value
symptom eller tegn
neurological and physiological symptom
hypothyroidism hyperthyroidism Q16501 sygdomsklasse thyroid gland disease
hypotrochoid epitrochoid Q1047694 roulette
håb fortvivlelse Q190507 positive emotion psykologiterminologi
håndskrift printed book Q87167 type af dokument samlings- eller udstillingsgenstand
two-dimensional visual artwork
håndvåben mounted gun Q1058629 weapon functional class light firearm
hårdt vand soft water Q22988272 vand
hæftemaskine staple remover Q489157 kontorforsyning
høflighed uforskammethed Q281287 dyd
social skill
højbanestation railway station above ground
underjordisk station
Q11670533 type of station jernbanestation
højde dybde Q190200 højde
fysisk størrelse
højdedrag lowland Q55075651 landskabsform
hill group
højdekurve isobath Q193311 højdekurve
level set
højeste punkt laveste punkt
lowest mountains
Q3393392 maksimum
geografisk enhed
højesteret lower court Q190752 domstol appeldomstol
højhus low-rise building Q18142 multi-story urban building
højre back venstre back Q65658788 håndbold position back
højre fløj venstre fløj Q66115692 håndbold position fløjspiller
højre-til-venstre venstre-til-højre Q7333457 script directionality script directionality
højre og venstre
højreekstremisme venstreekstremisme Q204481 political alignment far-right political activism
højrehåndet venstrehåndet Q3039938 håndethed
højtlæsning silent reading Q3228793 menneskelig aktivitet
høne hane Q2201314 dyr med angivet køn høns
hørehæmmet conductive hearing loss Q928697 sjælden sygdom
inner ear disease
ichiboku-zukuri yosegi-zukuri Q61857775 skulpturteknik
identity-first language people-first language Q130395843 metasprog
præskriptiv lingvistik
ignorance viden Q815577 filosofisk begreb psykologiterminologi fravær
iki yabo Q1146652 aesthetic concept Japanese aesthetics Japansk filosofi
ikiryō shiryō Q2986373 reikon
ikke korrekturlæst korrekturlæst Q20748091 Wikisource badge
ikke-ligesidet trekant ligesidet trekant Q117307804 trekant
irregulær polygon
ikke-monogami Monogami Q3436958 mellemmenneskelige forhold
ikkemetal metal element Q19600 grundstof
ilt flogiston Q629 grundstof
Periode 2-grundstof
group 16
oxygen gasoreceptor activity
group 16
immateriel kulturarv tangible cultural heritage Q59544 kulturarv
immigration udvandring Q131288 aktivitet migration
immortality mortality Q193942 superkraft evne
immortality in Islam Islamic view of death Q125958288 Islamic term
Sufi terminology
retribution of God in Islam
Promise of God in Islam
Pleasure of Paradise in Islam
impeachment in Russia præsidentvalg i Rusland Q4340041 aspekt i en geografisk region rigsret
impedans elektrisk admittans Q179043 immittance
fysisk størrelse
imperativ programmering declarative programming
purely functional programming
Q275596 computerbegreb
imperialisme anti-imperialisme Q7260 begreb
import eksport Q62955 international handel
økonomisk aktivitet
inaccessibility tilgængelighed Q73019188 kvalitet
inaktivitet aktivitet
Q17553608 begreb fravær
inclined orbit non-inclined orbit Q1421730 ydre rum satellitbane
indgang exit Q1137365 bygning circulation element
indirect base direct base Q63888558 retning
individual weapon crew-served weapon Q9180276 weapon functional class våben
individualisme reduktionisme Q171995 ideologi
politisk filosofi
collectivism and individualism
individuel sport holdsport Q2755547 sportsgren
indoor climbing klippeklatring Q995878 sportsdisciplin klatring
indoor swimming pool outdoor swimming pool Q357380 svømmehal
indre planet i solsystemet ydre planet Q3504248 astronomical object type inner Solar System inner and outer planets
object of the inner Solar System
indre punkt exterior point Q5116525 indre punkt
inertness reactivity Q262175 Kemisk egenskab
infant baptism believer's baptism Q1741926 dåb
infektionssygdom non-communicable disease Q18123741 sygdomsklasse sygdom
infection associated with diseases
inferior vena cava superior vena cava Q745438 Vene
class of anatomical entity
trunk of systemic vein
particular anatomical entity
infibulation deinfibulation Q1662388 Kønsorgan modificering og lemlæstelse kvindelig omskæring
infinite graph finite graph Q20819993 matematisk objekt
infinity finiteness Q1405962 filosofisk begreb
inflation deflation Q35865 økonomisk koncept
economic problem
ingen af-begrænsning entydig afgrænsning Q52558054 egenskabsbegrænsning
ingen berøring please touch Q66361307 activity policy
ingen hunde skilte dogs allowed Q105094236 activity policy on dogs forbud
input device output device Q864114 Ydre enhed
input-output device
physical interface
inrunner external rotor motor Q6036961 elektromotor
insertion removal Q69990763 handling
inside edge outside edge Q61467243 figure skating edge
instinkt sind Q18237 psykologiterminologi biological mechanism
instrumentalmusik vokalmusik Q639197 musikalsk form
integralregning differentialregning Q150008 gren af matematikken
matematisk teori
analysis in one real variable (calculus)
intelligens dumhed Q83500 egenskab efter type
inter frame intra-frame Q921594 video compression picture type video frame
intercardinal direction kompasretning Q10351538 abstrakt navneord geografisk retning
interest ligegyldig Q616314 følelse psykologiterminologi følelse
interiør eksteriør Q2998430 bestanddel
interkøn endosex Q1097630 kønsidentitet LGBT+ identity
internal computer connector external computer connector Q73198860 elektrisk stik
international handel domestic trade Q178803 akademisk disciplin handel
international lufthavn domestic airport Q644371 lufthavn
internationalt farvand внутреннее море Q25855 administrativ-territorial enhed
intraplate earthquake interplate earthquake Q2737176 type of earthquake jordskælv
intron exon Q207551 primary transcript DNA molecule region
ion molekyle Q36496 group or class of chemical entities ion binding
active ion transmembrane transporter activity
ion transmembrane transport
ATP-gated ion channel activity
ATPase-coupled ion transmembrane transporter activity
cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel activity
voltage-gated ion channel activity
G-protein gated ion channel activity
ion transport
ion transmembrane transporter activity
cellular ion homeostasis
ion homeostasis
P-type ion transporter activity
Ladet partikel
molecular entity
ionisering plasma recombination Q190382 Systems Biology Ontology faseovergang
kemisk reaktion
iron ship iron-free ship Q1313195 skibstype skib
irregular moon regular moon Q1632885 astronomical object type planetsystemer måne
island gigantism ø-dværgvækst Q1417877 biological phenomenon
isobath højdekurve Q1997900 højdekurve
isolation connection Q21162314 relativ kvalitet
itadakimasu gochisōsama Q17193167 hilseord
jakke underkjole Q152574 overtøj
jalousi compersion Q6545811 negative emotion psykologiterminologi
jihon don'ya shomotsu don'ya Q11424445 type af organisation
job training nonprofessional education Q16861871 videregående uddannelsesinstitution
educational activity
jock nørd Q997848 arketype
fiktiv figur
jokyū café junkissa Q11294599 kissaten
lifestyle shop
jord klippe Q36133 pedosphere
landscape sphere
Granulær fysik
heterogeneous mixture
natural system
organisk materiale
junkissa jokyū café Q11605399 retronym kissaten
jævndøgn Solhverv Q1315 årlig begivenhed
astronomical phenomenon
point in time with respect to recurrent timeframe
jævnstrømsstik vekselstrømstik
electrical signal connector
Q16000075 elektrisk stik
jøder Gentilitas Q7325 ethnoreligious group
Semit Folkeslag
k-edge-connected graph k-vertex-connected graph Q3034655 connected graph
k-vertex-connected graph k-edge-connected graph Q3115621 connected graph
kabel-tv antennefjernsyn Q184452 fjernsyn
kabinet Skyggekabinet Q640506 udøvende magt
kakemono makimono Q277583 hanging scroll
kanonisering decanonization Q51621 ritual posthumous recognition
kanonkugle Kardæsk Q1723884 weapon functional class Ammunition
kapitalisme antikapitalisme
Q6206 socialformation Økonomisystem
kapitalist anti-capitalist Q1728568 beskæftigelse economic agent
karamete-mon ōte-mon Q10854973 Japanese castle mon
karriersoldat conscript soldier Q829064 profession soldat
katabolisme anabolisme Q21130714 biologisk proces stofskifte
katolicisme Antikatolicisme Q1841 kristen kirkeretning Vestkirken
Den kaldæisk-katolske kirke
kemisk blanding pure substance Q169336 group or class of chemical substances kemisk stof
kendsgerning holdning
falsk udsagn
Q188572 factual information
kernebrændsel spent nuclear fuel Q194523 materiale
kilde flodmunding Q7376362 kildetype geografisk objekt
beginning of a watercourse
water source
kildehenvisning uden reference Q1713 reference
skriftligt værk
kindness in Islam Ithm
Q65228519 Islamic term
Sufi terminology
al-Sirat al-Mustaqim
Sabil Allah
kinoko no yama Takenoko No Sato Q10855699 konfekture
kinship relationships in Islam parental abuse by children in Islam
Q5890935 Islamic term
Sufi terminology
morality in Islam
Islam and humanity
family values
klassisk aggregattilstand non-classical state of matter Q52063183 aggregattilstand
klaustrofobi claustrophilia Q186892 fobi
klaver flygel Q3382191 klaver
kleptolagnia chremastistophilia Q6420625 parafili parafili
klerk laic Q2259532 religiøs stilling Gejstlighed gejstlig
klimaanlæg opvarmningsudstyr Q1265533 paraplybegreb hvidevarer
klinge tool handle Q330946 kniv
bladed object
nonbiological component
klippe jord Q8063 naturmateriale
klippeplanet gaskæmpe Q128207 astronomical object type
knapharmonika tangentharmonika Q1421815 squeezebox
ko tyr Q11748378 dyr med angivet køn
klasse af organismer kendt under et fællesnavn
koicha usucha Q122961540 matcha
kokuinjō shuinjō Q11678035 imbanjō
kollektiv trafik private transport Q178512 fagområde
transport service
kombattant non-combatant Q1414937 beskæftigelse
military profession
kommerciel luftfart private aviation Q9640723 aktivitet
civil aviation
kommunisme antikommunisme Q6186 politisk ideologi
kompasretning intercardinal direction Q23718 geografisk retning
kompleks analyse real analysis Q193756 gren af matematikken
matematisk teori
complex analysis in several variables matematisk analyse
kondensstribe dissipation trail Q207546 fjersky
artificial cloud
konflikt med-begrænsning egenskabsbegrænsning "krævet egenskab" Q21502838 egenskabsbegrænsning
konformitet dissent
Q221284 adaptation
konge regerende dronning
Q12097 adelstitel
konkurrence mutual aid
kooperativt samarbejde
Q476300 rivalisering
type of interaction
konservatisme liberalisme Q7169 socialfilosofi
politisk filosofi
politisk ideologi
konservering kunsthærværk Q217102 kunst
videnskabeligt fagområde
planlagt proces
konsonant vokal Q38035 sprog sproglyd
kontanter demand deposit Q693464 penge
menneskeskabt fysisk objekt
cash and cash equivalents
medium of exchange
konvergent udvikling divergent evolution Q200312 evolution
koprofili coprophobia Q464215 excrementophilia
kore kouros Q921657 genre of sculpture statue
koron sori Q6432527 uheld notation
korrekturlæst ikke korrekturlæst Q20748092 Wikisource badge
korrespondanceskak Nahschach Q1128406 aktivitet
play-by-mail game
korruption anti-corruption Q366 misbrug wrongdoing
kort rokade lang rokade Q54881052 rokade
kortfilm spillefilm Q24862 filmformat
type of cinematic work
kotsuzumi ōtsuzumi Q50357992 tsuzumi
kouros kore Q937330 genre of sculpture statue
kreationisme evolution Q130352 Religiøs tro
creationist cosmologies Religiøs tro
krig fred Q198 type af konflikt
historisk aspekt
væbnet konflikt
military activity
group conflict
krigsskib civilt skib Q177597 vandfartøjstype global naval fleet vandfartøj
kristen anti-Christian Q106039 religiøs identitet
religiøs gruppe
kritik af Marxism Marxisme Q1781612 politisk ideologi
kromosom Plasmid Q37748 intracellular non-membrane-bounded organelle
kronprins Kronprinsesse Q207293 adelstitel
heir apparent
kryds B Q2542618 uheld
krydsermissil ballistisk missil Q181860 weapon functional class missil
kryptering dekryptering Q141090 forskningsområde
kryptografi encoding
cryptographic data processing
kræft Benign Q12078 sygdomsklasse disease of cellular proliferation
kuge buke Q1196276 samfundsklasse adelsslægt
kulde varm Q270952 subjektiv kvalitet
kunstharpiks natural resin Q1418040 harpiks
kemisk blanding
film former
kunstig hårfarve naturlig hårfarve Q86724488 hårfarve
kunstig selektion Naturlig selektion Q995745 biological selection
kunststen natursten Q944070 byggemateriale building stone
menneskeskabt fysisk objekt
kupévogn corridor coach Q334485 Abteilwagen
kvadratrod square function Q134237 multivalued function on the complex plane
multivalued function
computational problem
n'te rod
kvinde mand Q467 voksent menneske
menneske af hunkøn
kvinde mand Q6581072 menneskelig køn
socialt køn
male and female
kvindecricket herrecricket Q8031140 konkurrenceklasse cricket
kvindefodbold herrefodbold Q606060 konkurrenceklasse fodbold
kvindefodboldhold Herrefodboldhold Q28140340 kvindefodboldklub fodboldhold
kvindefodboldklub men's association football club Q51481377 fodboldklub
kvindehistorie men's history Q1279400 akademisk disciplin historievidenskab
feministisk teori
kvindehåndbold herrehåndbold Q20900739 konkurrenceklasse håndbold
kvindehåndboldlandshold herrelandshold i håndbold Q63349598 håndboldlandshold
kvindeishockey herreishockey Q33107434 konkurrenceklasse ishockey
women's winter sports
kvindelig dominans female submission
mandlig dominans
Q1404482 domination and submission practice
kvinder som har sex med kvinder Mænd som har sex med mænd
heterosexual female
Q210604 gruppe af mennesker ikke-heteroseksualitet
kvindesport herresport Q920057 klasseinddeling i sport sport
kvindetennis men's tennis Q17988507 konkurrenceklasse tennis
kvindevolleyball herrevolleyball Q20892731 konkurrenceklasse volleyball
kæledyr Arbejdsdyr Q39201 husdyr
kæmpe dværg Q3707571 mythic humanoid
kærlighed had Q316 kompleks emotion
litterært tema
Plutchiks følelsesteori
kætteri ortodoksi Q160598 type af verdenssyn Doktrin
religious controversy
religious crime
kødæder planteæder Q81875 group or class of organisms zoophage
feeding behavior
kønsbehåring glatbarbering Q54795 androgenic hair androgenic hair
set of hairs
hair of trunk
kønsdikotomi nonbinær Q5530970 dikotomi
kønsdysfori kønseufori Q1049021 sygdomsklasse
psykisk sygdom
kønskromosom autosom Q667636 cellulær komponent genom kromosom
labia stretching labiaplastik Q6467036 Kønsorgan modificering og lemlæstelse
labiaplastik labia stretching Q1789938 kirurgisk indgreb
lactation room breastfeeding in public Q6468983 lokale
lady gentleman Q12889364 position social struktur
laity Gejstlighed Q15407657 religiøs gruppe troende
laktoseintolerans lactase persistence Q219223 sygdomsklasse carbohydrate metabolic disorder
food intolerance
lame duck elekt Q948290 metafor højtstående embedsmand
elected official
land rest of the world Q6256 territorial entity type
type af administrativ opdeling
territoriel enhed
politisk territoriel inddeling
land grid array pin grid array Q130913 overflademonteringsteknik Hus
land hemisphere water hemisphere Q786270 hemisphere of the Earth land and water hemispheres
land use map Land cover map Q63313331 type of map thematic map
landarbejder husassistent Q5060555 profession
historisk virke
agricultural worker
landdistrikt byområde Q175185 geografisk område
landing takeoff Q844947 takeoff and landing hændelse
flight maneuver
landscape format portrait format Q2122839 billedformat format
lang rokade kort rokade Q54881278 rokade
large lille Q12935276 relativ kvalitet big and small
large seal script small seal script Q1148488 Chinese script style seal script
last quarter first quarter Q12622573 Månens faser halvmåne
waning moon
last service first service Q17991630 transport service
last train first train Q11606312 tog
last service
latter crying Q170579 mimik smiling or laughing
animal vocalization
lead climbing top rope climbing Q1340655 sportsdisciplin klatring
leaf vertex inner vertex Q93721778 knude
ledbus rigid bus Q654749 bustype bus
articulated vehicle
lederskab/førerskab followership Q484275 evne
left eye right eye Q41890544 pair of human eyes menneskeøjet
left heart right heart Q3536102 solitary organism subdivision type
class of anatomical entity
hjerte zone of heart
left mouse button right mouse button Q25489938 mouse button
left-continuous function right-continuous function Q29035552 funktion left- or right-continuous function function of a real variable
legato Staccato Q649116 articulation
stroke technique
leninisme anti-Leninism Q155059 politisk ideologi
lesbian sexual practices gay sexual practices Q1052700 homosexual sexual practices
lesbianisme female heterosexuality
male homosexuality
male heterosexuality
Q6649 seksuel orientering
female bonding
LGBT+ identity
lesbisk bøsse
heterosexual male
heterosexual female
Q110271724 gruppe af kvinder menneske af hunkøn
LGBTQ woman
liberalisme antiliberalism Q6216 politisk filosofi
politisk ideologi
liberalt demokrati illiberal democracy Q192125 styreform
politisk filosofi
repræsentativt demokrati
life mask death mask Q11346505 cast
ligebenet trekant scalene triangle Q875937 trekant
ligesidet trekant ikke-ligesidet trekant Q157002 regulær konveks polygon
ligebenet trekant
konstruerbar polygon
ligesidet polygon
ligevinklet polygon
spidsvinklet trekant
lighedstegn Q214796 comparison sign
light aircraft carrier standard carrier Q1185562 skibstype hangarskib
light-on-dark color scheme dark-on-light color scheme Q6545942 farveskema
software feature
hardware feature
ligning ulighed Q11345 matematisk formel
like button dislike button Q2892536 software feature graphical button
lille large Q16042592 relativ kvalitet big and small
limp binding carboard binding Q6549905 book component bogomslag
line unbroken for ages eternal dynasty replacement theory Q11239731 afstamning
lingua franca vernacular Q80839 type of language auxiliary language
lining figures text figures Q2517831 ciffer
liquid food solid food Q2453651 liquid diet therapeutic food
liquid state of matter gaseous state of matter Q6761456 fundamental state of matter
list of ambassadors of Argentina to Japan list of ambassadors of Japan to Argentina Q17323343 Wikimedia-liste
list of ambassadors of China to Japan list of ambassadors of Japan to China Q5949541 Wikimedia-liste
list of ambassadors of Iceland to Finland Liste der finnischen Botschafter in Island Q15410735 Wikimedia-liste
list of ambassadors of Palau to Taiwan list of ambassadors of the Republic of China to Palau Q30622170 Wikimedia-liste
list of ambassadors of Peru to Japan list of ambassadors of Japan to Peru Q17577657 Wikimedia-liste
list of ambassadors of Turkey to Japan list of ambassadors of Japan to Turkey Q20757737 Wikimedia-liste
list of ambassadors of the Solomon Islands to Taiwan list of ambassadors of the Republic of China to the Solomon Islands Q69607578 position
list of military aid to Russia during the Russo-Ukrainian War list of military aid to Ukraine during the Russo-Ukrainian War Q131584317 Wikimedia-liste
list of military aid to Ukraine during the Russo-Ukrainian War list of military aid to Russia during the Russo-Ukrainian War Q116820785 Wikimedia-liste list of foreign aid to Ukraine during the Russo-Ukrainian War
literary adaptation novelization Q352425 adaptation
loading unloading Q69466762 fysisk aktivitet carrying handling
lobed leaf entire leaf Q12364191 bladformer simple leaf
local maximum local minimum
global maximum
Q91052280 maksimum
local extremum
location geographic setting of film Q1045481 artificial geographic object
film set
lodret vandret Q182167 retning vertical and horizontal topographic direction
loft gulv Q221706 horizontal structural element
logaritme eksponentialfunktion Q11197 type of mathematical function multivalued function
transcendent funktion
Binær operator
login logout Q472302 fremstillingsproces
logout login Q3836471 fremstillingsproces disconnection
long QT syndrome short QT syndrome Q653924 sjælden sygdom
intrinsic cardiomyopathy
QT interval prolonged
long drink short drink Q1346513 mixed drink
longa quadruple whole rest Q550098 note value mensural notation node
longevity short life Q1066907 livskvalitet
looking left looking right Q124337107 looking
looking right looking left Q124337106 looking
loopless multigraph simple graph Q2642629 graf
loose-leaf book bogomslag Q65769034
low fermentation beer high fermentation beer Q12008405 øltype øl
low technology hightech Q786887 type of technology teknologi
low-angle shot high-angle shot Q2141207 camera angle
low-key lighting high-key lighting Q741936 lysteknik
low-level programming language højniveau-programmeringssprog Q558937 type of programming language programmeringssprog
low-rise bikini high-rise two-piece swimsuit Q75113046 bikini
low-rise clothing
lowland højdedrag Q193071 slette
loyalitet forræderi
Q1132131 følelse
psykologiterminologi adfærd
lukket snøre åben snøre Q99912927 del til fodtøj
lunar north pole lunar south pole Q16878738 Pol Mondpole
lunar south pole lunar north pole Q6703840 Pol
geografisk område
lung small cell carcinoma ikke-småcellig lungekarcinom Q19000544 sygdomsklasse lung carcinoma
småcelligt carcinom
lup reducing glass Q166849 produktkategori korrektionsglas
equipment for personal use
office instrument
lyd stilhed Q11461 lydbølge
longitudinal wave
lykke sørgmodighed
Q8 stemning
positive emotion
music mood
basal følelse
lys mørke Q9128 production environment factor elektromagnetisk bølge
optical radiation
lyseblå mørkeblå Q61600018 øjenfarve blå
lyseblåt hår mørkeblåt hår Q61507574 hårfarve blåt hår
låneord arveord Q103808 ord
lægevidenskab alternativ behandling Q11190 forskningsområde
akademisk disciplin
akademisk fagretning
livsvidenskab sundhedsvidenskab
lærer learning person
Q37226 profession
school graduation
school staff
lærling lærer Q253567 position
learning person
løbesport road running Q21467672 sportsgren atletik track sport
løvfældende Stedsegrøn Q1131316 Raunkiærske system Fanerofyt plante
løvinde male lion Q17611534 dyr med angivet køn løve
løvskov evergreen forest Q1211122 forest type
vegetational formation
machine sewing hand sewing Q66364432 tekstilteknik syning
machine-readable data human-readable medium Q6723621 datatype data
machismo hyperfemininity Q842254 ideologi
maskulinitet kønsrolle
macron macron below Q627627 accenttegn
IPA symbol
macron below macron Q460147 accenttegn
macrophilia microphilia Q1263008 fandom
mad Non-food Q2095 Poživatiny engangsprodukt
madæble table apple Q3395987 frugt
mafic rock felsic rock Q764372 Magmatiske bjergarter
magenta chartreuse Q3276756 farve
shade of purple
røde nuancer
magnetic scalar potential magnetic vector potential Q17162107 fysisk størrelse
magnetic potential
magnetic vector potential magnetic scalar potential Q2299100 fysisk størrelse
fysisk vektorstørrelse
vector potential
magnetic potential
magnetostriction electrostriction Q840970 material property
magt afmagt Q25107 sociologibegreb
politisk koncept
type of power
magtdeling fusion of powers Q79896 politisk koncept politisk filosofi
government structure
main diagonal diagonal parallel to the main diagonal and distinct from it Q651480 matrix diagonal
majo fop Q2390861 samfundsklasse
Casticismo madrileño
major map minor map Q124708894 type of map kort
majuskel minuskel
Q98912 stil
letter case
all caps
makimono kakemono Q3125472 handscroll
makroøkonomi mikroøkonomi Q39680 teori generel økonomi økonomi
male beauty pageant female beauty pageant Q6356595 Skønhedskonkurrence
male bisexuality female bisexuality Q105079290 seksuel orientering bisexual man biseksualitet
male bonding female bonding
cross-sex friendship
Q11122599 human bonding
male bottomlesness mandlig barbrystet
female bottomlesness
Q116288461 bottomlessness
partially nude males
male cat female cat Q113946152 dyr med angivet køn kat
male connector female connector Q11659174 connector gender connector
male external genitalia female external genitalia Q66536004 mandligt kønsorgan external genitalia
male homosexuality lesbianisme
female heterosexuality
male heterosexuality
Q2257941 seksuel orientering homoseksualitet
human male sexuality
male human body female human body Q66563484 sex-specific taxon body type
male body
menneske af hankøn menneskelige krop
male lion løvinde Q98520146 dyr med angivet køn løve
male nude photography female nude photography Q3879282 fotografisk genre fine-art nude photography
male nudity female nudity Q5804321 væsen nøgenhed
male pregnancy female pregnancy Q1037007 drægtighedsperiode
male prostitute prostitution client Q122751088 profession prostitueret
male pubic hair female pubic hair Q90418373 mand kønsbehåring
male androgenic hair
male submission mandlig dominans
female submission
Q3491754 domination and submission practice
male-to-female crossdressing female-to-male crossdressing Q7452156 crossdressing
male-to-female crossplay female-to-male crossplay Q111975808 slangord / slangudtryk crossplay
male-to-female crossdressing
malheur lykke Q1598829 følelse
negative emotion
malkekvæg Kødkvæg Q2915 ko
mand kvinde Q8441 male and female voksent menneske
menneske af hankøn
mand kvinde Q6581097 kønsidentitet
menneskelig køn
male and female
mandeblad dameblad Q21886169 magazine genre popular magazine
mandlig barbrystet female toplessness
male bottomlesness
Q2724165 topløshed
partially nude males
mandlig dominans male submission
kvindelig dominans
Q362365 domination and submission practice
mani Depression Q185935 psykopatologisk syndrom
symptom eller tegn
mood disorder
manspreading seatbagging Q20027925 adfærd kollektiv trafik micromachism
manual automated Q126373660 kvalitet
mapping cone homotopy fiber Q306560 topological construction topologisk rum
marine regression marine transgression Q577185 ændring
geological process
marine transgression marine regression Q301920 ændring
geological process
maroon teal Q25393814 farve
HTML4 named color
marriage sex in Islam zina
Q127163683 Islamic term
Sufi terminology
marriage in Islam samleje
masculine beauty ideal feminine beauty ideal Q109535577 norm
maskinlæring machine unlearning Q2539 akademisk disciplin
kunstig intelligens
kunstig intelligens
maskulinitet Kvindelighed Q1076509 kønsudtryk socialt køn
masochisme sadisme Q12754745 parafili
massemedie personal media
Q11033 akademisk disciplin
social communication kommunikationsmedium
maxima octuple whole rest Q520952 note value mensural notation node
maximum cut minimum cut Q942557 computational problem Karp's 21 NP-complete problems cut
mechanical fan turbine Q6498398 fluid accelerator
mechanical tension compression Q908584 tension and compression
medarbejder arbejdsgiver
Q703534 beskæftigelse
ansættelse arbejder
megaspore microspore Q2330966 celletype Spore
melodic percussion instrument mistuned percussion instrument Q7198871 familie af musikinstrumenter slagtøj
men's American football women's American football Q106586759 konkurrenceklasse amerikansk fodbold
men's Australian football women's Australian football Q106586961 konkurrenceklasse australsk fodbold
men's marathon women's marathon Q55246435 klasseinddeling i sport
men's parking space women's parking space Q1117380 bygningsværk
parking space
parking space
men's skirt women's skirt Q1411510 skørt
men's swimming women's swimming Q125704806 konkurrenceklasse konkurrencesvømning
menneske non-human animal Q5 klasse af organismer kendt under et fællesnavn samfund
individual animal
fysisk person
menneske af hunkøn menneske af hankøn
transkønnet kvinde
Q84048852 organismestadie hun
menneskeskabt fysisk objekt naturlig fysisk objekt Q8205328 type af objekt kultur legeme
menneskeskabt objekt
mental calculation written calculation Q620584 mental skill beregning
mental sundhed psykisk sygdom Q317309 mental tilstand counselling, wellbeing and community services health psychology
meritokrati cronyism Q178079 styreform
socialt system
politologisk teori
merlon Krenellering Q23419 anlæg voldanlæg
metafysik agnosticisme Q35277 filosofisk disciplin
akademisk disciplin
Teoretisk filosofi metafilosofi
meteoric iron telluric iron Q6823449 telluric iron
microspore megaspore Q2452297 celletype Spore
mid-air collision ground collision Q1863435 aviation safety incident cause flyulykke
middag midnat Q168182 klokkeslæt
middle-aged man middle-aged woman Q108991071 mand
middle age
middle-aged woman middle-aged man Q11568997 kvinde
middle age
midlertidig permanence Q6776685 kvalitet finiteness
midnat middag Q36402 time
overnight hours
mikrohistorie macrohistory Q1140541 videnskabeligt fagområde historievidenskab
mikroøkonomi makroøkonomi Q39072 teori
akademisk disciplin
generel økonomi økonomi
militærfly civilt fly Q216916 aircraft functional class purpose-designed aircraft
militærperson Civil Q47064 profession
miljøaktivist anti-environmentalist Q3578589 beskæftigelse
million milliontedel Q38526 naturligt tal
sammensat tal
power of 1000
lige tal
sixth power
millitærdekoration civil dekoration Q1788716 orden
mindreværdskompleks superiority complex Q319763 sygdom
mind–body dualism naïve realism Q5252737 filosofisk teori ontologi
anthropological dualism
mine shaft stoll Q556186 mine mine opening
mineral nonmineral Q7946 klippe fast form
inorganic matter
kemisk stof
mineral substance
mineral spring common spring
non-thermal spring
Q1365924 kilde
minerydning minelaying Q1345044 arbejdsfelt mine warfare
hazard control
minimalisme Maksimalisme Q173436 kunstretning
minimum cut maximum cut Q6865438 teknisk begreb
computational problem
teoretisk datalogi cut
minimumsløn maximum wage Q186228 timeløn minimum
price controls
minor map major map Q1609964 type of map oversigtskort
minor piece endgame major piece endgame Q1350243 Slutspil
misogyni philogyny
Q308857 sexisme
missionærstilling woman on top Q219561 samlejestilling
mistillid tillid Q621922 negative emotion
mistillidsvotum tillidsvotum Q329547 motion
mistuned percussion instrument melodic percussion instrument Q7897283 familie af musikinstrumenter slagtøj
misundelse venlighed Q188739 Syv dødssynder
negative emotion
psykologiterminologi begær
mixed-sex education single-sex education Q541394 uddannelse
mixing separationsproces Q379697 ændring proces
unit operation
mobil spillekonsoi home video game console Q941818 spillekonsol
mobil enhed
mobilisering demobilization Q242412 proces mobilisation
mobilism catastrophism
fixism (geology)
Q1518825 geologi tektonik
mobning anti-bullying Q240126 chikane (samfund)
verbal mishandel
mocktail cocktail Q969864 non-alcoholic mixed drink
mod fejhed Q208160 dyd psykologiterminologi følelse
mod hinanden vendte addorsed Q47462478 holdning
modelorganisme non-model organism Q213907 videnskabelig model organisme
modern physics Klassisk fysik Q658544 delområde af fysikken fysik fysik
modernisme populærkultur Q878985 stilart
dekorativ kunst
moderskab fatherhood Q1956046 biologisk livscyklus
modesty hovmod Q11199149 dyd
moralsk egenskab
modstander allieret Q12829182 rolle
moist county dry county Q6894839
monochrome Polykromi Q10770146 egenskab
monohull multihull Q1999103 vandfartøjstype vandfartøj
monomer oligomer
Q178827 molekyle
kemisk stof
monophasic sleep polyphasic sleep Q103150865 søvn
moonrise moonset Q55216207 astronomical phenomenon objectrise
moonset moonrise Q93198415 astronomical phenomenon objectset
mor barn
Q7560 slægtskab female relative
moral immoralitet Q48324 etisk begreb tradition
morgenrøde aftenrøde Q635954 naturfænomen atmospheric optical phenomenon
motivational poster demotivational poster Q978275 type of poster plakat
mount umount Q14710 standard UNIX utility or command UNIX
mountain fold valley fold Q95679255 origami technique
mounted gun håndvåben Q110154950 weapon functional class skydevåben
moveable bridge fixed bridge Q787417 bro
mukaebi okuribi Q11638353 årlig begivenhed
Obon sacred fire
muldyr hinny Q41692 krydsning Pattedyr
multi-pitch climbing single pitch climbing Q3562205 sportsgren klippeklatring
multi-track vehicle single-track vehicle Q12060681 køretøj/fartøj/fly
multihull monohull Q1642862 vandfartøjstype vandfartøj
multiple fruit simple fruit
Q3238685 type of fruit frugt
multiple-camera setup single-camera setup Q738160 filmteknik
multiplikation division Q40276 Hyperoperation Binær operator
munk nonne Q733786 religiøs stilling monastic order monastic
muscle contraction relaxation of muscle Q127006 biologisk proces muscle system process
muslim Kafir
Q47740 religiøs gruppe Ḥizb Allāh religious adherent
muzzle brake muzzle booster Q840773 skydevåben teknisk komponent
muzzle device
mydriasis Miosis Q1128283 sygdomstegn
symptom eller tegn
dilated pupil
myldretid heure creuse Q868252 part of the day
mønt pengeseddel Q41207 mønttype coin object monetiform object
samlings- eller udstillingsgenstand
mørke lys
Q204170 measurand blindhed
mørkeblond lysseblond
kastanjebrunt hår
Q28868833 hårfarve blond
mørkeblå lyseblå Q60172366 øjenfarve blå
mørkebrunt hår light brown hair Q28961883 hårfarve brunt hår
naked man naked woman Q80223335 mand
naked woman naked man Q22808839 Sujet kvinde
naked female
namagashi higashi Q2504513 wagashi
narrow body wide-body Q842262 aircraft functional class passagerfly
nat dag Q575 døgn klokkeslæt
national capital former national capital Q108178728 hovedstad
nationalisering privatisering
Q178564 offentlig politik
redistribution of property
natur Supranaturalisme Q7860 fænomen Universet
natural resin kunstharpiks Q37933789 class of chemical entities with similar source or occurrence harpiks
film former
secretion or excretion
plant sap
natural subsatellite artificial subsatellite Q1274946 astronomical object type hypothetical astronomical object
natural-flat natural-sharp Q19856874 uheld
natural-sharp natural-flat Q19856872 uheld
naturalisation renunciation of citizenship
loss of citizenship
Q841440 nøglebegivenhed nøglebegivenhed
naturfiber Kunstfiber Q1192049 fiber
textile fiber
naturgummi syntetisk gummi Q131877 gummi
naturlig hårfarve kunstig hårfarve Q19955568 hårfarve
natursten kunststen Q11990990 klippe
building stone
Ikke-vedvarende ressource
negative positive Q595597 fotografi
negative-temperature-coefficient thermistor PTC-termistor Q1643275 termistor
night blindness hemeralopia Q7758678 sygdomsklasse øjensygdom
retinal disease
vision disorder
night market morning market Q1962840 marked
night sky dagslys Q1153471 himmel himmel
no animals animals allowed Q105094093 activity policy forbud
no cats cats allowed Q105094244 activity policy forbud
node rest Q263478 musikalsk koncept notation tegn
pitch class
node anti-node Q1062658 Stående bølge
noise signal Q11306265 technical limitation
concept in physics
fysik tilfældig proces
nomade sedentism Q128393 livsstil transient and migrant people
non-automatic firearm Automatvåben Q9180294 weapon functional class skydevåben
non-combatant kombattant Q465727 rolle Civil
non-communicable disease infektionssygdom Q3137154 disease attributes
non-convex set convex set Q91483756 affine space topological subspace
non-drinking water drikkevand Q62026522 flydende vand
non-ferrous metal ferrous metal Q5679431 metal
non-motorized individual transport motorized private transport Q55504198 individual transportation
non-penetrative sex sexual penetration Q1840469 sex
non-vegetarian food vegetarian food Q12973313 mad
nonbinær kønsdikotomi Q48270 kønsidentitet transidentity socialt køn
gender minority
nondeterministic finite automaton deterministic finite automata Q617295 endelig tilstandsmaskine
nonlinear regression lineær regression Q2755024 type of statistical method regressionsanalyse
nonmineral mineral Q7049495 kemisk stof
nonne munk Q191808 religiøs stilling munk
nonne kristen munk Q28146366 kristen religiøs beskæftigelse religiøs orden nonne
medlem af katolsk orden
nonpolar molecule polar molecule Q27949582 molekyle
nonverbal kommunikation verbal communication Q207125 kommunikationsform kommunikation
non‐electrified railway system jernbaneelektrificering Q11663772 jernbaneelektrificering
nord syd Q659 kompasretning
points of the compass
nordvest sydøst
Q5491373 intercardinal direction
nordøst sydvest
Q6497686 intercardinal direction
points of the compass
normal fault reverse fault Q485951 Forkastningszone
normal force tangential force Q541008 fysisk størrelse
surface force
nostalgi nostophobia Q12151852 psykologiterminologi følelse
novice ekspert Q1183487 rolle
Wikipediaartikel som behandler flere emner
religiøs stilling
nuclear artillery conventional artillery Q602517 weapon functional class Taktiske atomvåben
nuclear proliferation nuclear non-proliferation Q1364891 proces
nudge theory sludge theory Q7068367 teori adfærdsøkonomi
numerical integration numerical differentiation Q753445 numerisk analyse numerical method
nøgenbadning clothed swimming Q2179394 badning
nøgenhed clothed Q10791 hændelse
objekt subjekt Q488383 ordensskiftende metaklasse
subject and object entitet
oblate spheroid prolate spheroid Q3241540 Rotationsellipsoid
octuple whole rest maxima Q18107319 rest
off-cut Обрезная доска Q694247 træ
offentlig ret privatret Q207892 gren af jura
akademisk disciplin
offentligt universitet privatuniversitet Q875538 type of university universitet
offentlig uddannelsesinstitution
officer enlisted person Q189290 military profession
militær rang
official introduction of Buddhism to Japan unofficial introduction of Buddhism to Japan Q11377537 Diffusionisme origin and growth of Mahayana
officielt sprog vernacular Q23492 designation
type of language
oki-dōrō tsuri-dōrō Q104777989 Stone lantern
okuribi mukaebi Q11639333 årlig begivenhed
Obon sacred fire
old man old woman Q96630806 ældre mennesker
old woman old man
young adult woman
Q22809550 ældre mennesker
olympisk sportsgren nichtolympische Sportart Q212434 general term sportsgren
omskæring foreskin restoration
kvindelig omskæring
Q83345 ablation
Kønsorgan modificering og lemlæstelse
medicinsk procedure
ondskab godhed Q15292 good and evil immoralitet
one-handed manual alphabet two-handed manual alphabet Q38783608 manual alphabet
one-part adhesive two-part adhesive Q115209897 harpiks
one-way street two-way street Q70093915 gade
opdrift vægt Q6497624 fysisk fænomen surface force
open access betalingsmur Q232932 group action
social bevægelse
open knowledge free to read
open air indoor Q2479770 klasseinddeling i sport outdoors
open bite malocclusion deep bite malocclusion Q6007039 malocclusion
open border closed border Q17163396 international grænse international grænse
open coach Abteilwagen Q1548721 railway coach
open fracture closed fracture Q3080304 knoglebrud
open pollination hand-pollination Q7096401 Bestøvning
open shelter for bicycles secure bicycle shelter Q56840333 bicycle parking
open sight aperture sight Q11853690 firearm component Dioptersigte
open system closed system Q898312 thermodynamic system
open universe closed universe Q77504670 shape of the universe
open-loop controller feedback controller Q2301555 Automatik kontroller
open-source software proprietær software Q1130645 open knowledge kildetilgængelig software
frit videredistribuerbar software
openness closedness Q60644734 egenskab fravær
ophavsret Copyleft Q1297822 juridisk begreb
forfatterrettigheder intellectual property right
ophavsretsbeskyttet public domain Q50423863 ophavsretsstatus på værker
copyright status
copyright law
opposition to pornography pornografi Q2745509 socialproblem
politisk ideologi
optimisme pessimisme Q485446 kompleks emotion Plutchiks følelsesteori
optimism and pessimism
optisk reflektion diffus refleksion Q1079524 kvalitet refleksion
oralsex analsex Q2122 sex
ord non-word Q8171 frasem ord eller udtryk
leksikalsk element
ordblindhed hyperlexia Q132971 learning disability
reading disability
reading disorder and écrites disorder
learning disability
ordmærke figurative mark Q837816 navn
organ manual pedal keyboard Q2978691 organ console klaviatur
organiseret kriminalitet fight against organized crime Q46952 menneskelig aktivitet
type af kriminalitet
organisk kemi uorganisk kemi Q11351 gren af kemi
akademisk fagretning
akademisk disciplin
kemi kemi
organized borough Unorganized Borough Q84766558 territoriel enhed
organized religion folketro Q10359138 type af religion religion
orne so Q1484022 dyr med angivet køn svin
outdoor swimming pool indoor swimming pool Q13586493 svømmehal
swimming facility
open-air venue
outdoor sports facility
outer sphere electron transfer inner sphere electron transfer Q7112039 electron transfer
output device input device Q778637 input-output device
outside edge inside edge Q61467205 figure skating edge
outsourcing insourcing Q61515 aktivitet
overcast sunny Q1055865 cloud cover
overdot underdot Q16798246 accenttegn dot
overdrev arable land Q30121 naturtype
landdistrikt eng
geografisk objekt
overflademonteringsteknik hulmonteringsteknologi Q191042 elektronik mechanical assembly
overgangsmetal hovedgruppe Q19588 metal
simple substance
oversættelse source text Q21112633 tekst
overview map specialty map Q25305175 type of map topographic map
overvægt undervægt Q332428 syndrom
abnormally high value
symptom eller tegn
oxy-fuel cutting oxy-fuel welding Q33101028 fabrikationsmetode oxy-fuel welding and cutting skæring
oyakodon tanindon Q1304390 donburi
egg dish
pacifist warmonger Q16003550 beskæftigelse filosof
pahoehoe aa Q1189599 lavastrøm
paleoichnology neoichnology Q11393529 videnskabeligt fagområde
palæontologi neontology Q7205 akademisk disciplin geovidenskab feltarbejde
pansexual asexual Q112871990 gruppe af mennesker seksuel minoritet
LGBT person
parafili sexual norm Q178059 sygdomsklasse psychosexual disorder
sexual and gender disorder
parallel harmony contrary motion Q378090 teknik
contrapuntal motion
parallel projection perspektivisk konstruktion Q2112445 funktion graphical projection
paraply parasol Q115380349 paraply
wet weather gear
parcelhus flerfamiliebebyggelse Q1307276 statistical unit
parent-side walk child-side walk Q119217828 relative location
parental abuse by children in Islam filial piety in Islam
kinship relationships in Islam
kindness in Islam
Q12227478 Islamic term
Sufi terminology
vold i hjemmet parental abuse by children
party per bend party per bend sinister Q3998872 deling
passive cooling active cooling Q3068508 køling
internal combustion engine cooling
paste copy Q42282284 software feature cut, copy, and paste
patience impatience
Q12846123 dyd
De syv dyder
patogen nonpathogenic organisms Q170065 disease causative agent
biological hazard
patriarkat Matriarkat
Q181339 socialt system
patriotisme kosmopolitisme Q6241 verdensbillede
politisk ideologi
paving unpaving Q111011408 vejarbejde vejarbejde
outdoor flooring
pawn endgame pawnless chess endgame Q4423961 minor piece endgame
pedal curve negative pedal curve Q1423838 kurve
pedal keyboard organ manual Q1758965 organ console
pedal piano
pengeseddel mønt Q47433 genre kontanter
state symbols and signs
penis envy castration anxiety
womb envy
Q738728 psychoanalytic theory psykologiterminologi misundelse
people in poverty rich people Q21171811 gruppe af mennesker
high risk group
people-first language identity-first language Q1351557 præskriptiv lingvistik
perfekt konkurrence Ufuldkommen konkurrence Q183384 market structure konkurrence
perigee apogee Q1349468 apogee and perigee Periapsis
perihel aphel Q216807 perihel og aphel periastron
periodikum non-periodical publication Q1002697 type af massemedie
type af publikation
perky tits saggy tits Q120514770
person of color Hvide mennesker Q2072081 gruppe menneske
personligt sikkerhedsudstyr collective protection Q1333024 protective device hierarchy of hazard controls protective device
perspektivisk konstruktion parallel projection Q1900281 graphical projection
pessimisme optimisme Q484954 følelse
Plutchiks følelsesteori
optimism and pessimism
pest insect beneficial insect Q2366957 insekt
skadedyr og -planter
phanerogams Sporeplanter Q2575016 plante
photoperiodism day-neutral Q259028 biologisk proces response to light stimulus
pigdæk studless tire Q2140628 vinterdæk
pige dreng Q3031 barn
menneske af hunkøn
pigegruppe boyband Q641066 type of musical group popgruppe
pile reversed styrtet kile Q3844903 subordinary
pillarbox Letterboxing (film) Q1756901 Visual effects
widescreen display mode
pin grid array land grid array Q130985 Hus
signal and power connector
pintle gudgeon Q7196531
pioneer vegetation climax vegetation Q109302720 vegetation type vegetation
plankton nekton Q25367 organisme
planteæder kødæder Q59099 eating behavior
group or class of organisms
feeding behavior
planøkonomi Markedsøkonomi Q189724 Økonomisystem økonomi
plasma recombination ionisering Q4392902 faseovergang
plasmolysis deplasmolysis Q898668 cellular process or phenomenon
pleasure smerte Q208195 positive emotion Plutchiks følelsesteori
plovfure hilling Q1474839 depression
plunging fire direct fire Q1095646 skydning
points of the compass kompasretning
intercardinal direction
Q11114344 kompas geografisk retning
polar molecule nonpolar molecule Q27949581 molekyle
politik non-politics Q7163 akademisk disciplin group behaviour
adversarial process
polyandri polygyni
Q2102979 polygami
polyfoni Homofoni Q179465 musikgenre
musikalsk form
singing style
polynomial expansion faktorisering Q6452866
polyphasic sleep monophasic sleep Q939906 søvn
polyteisme monoteisme Q9163 Religiøs tro teisme
popmusik antipop Q37073 musikgenre populærmusik
populisme Elitisme
Q180490 politisk strategi
politisk ideologi
pornografi opposition to pornography Q291 type of arts kreativt værk
erotic product
pornographic actress pornoskuespiller Q66382950 beskæftigelse
portrait format landscape format Q16664856 billedformat format
positive power of ten negative power of ten Q28874617 tierpotens
sammensat tal
positive real number
positivisme antipositivism Q131015 skole
social bevægelse
potens n'te rod Q33456 Hyperoperation Binær operator
powered aircraft unpowered aircraft Q1949826 aircraft power class luftfartøj
pre-dreadnought slagskib post-dreadnought battleship Q1051067 skibstype slagskib
prefix notation Omvendt polsk notation Q214510 common operator notation
primary cell Akkumulator Q1378887 batteri
prime lens zoomobjektiv Q631962 lens type objektiv
prime meridian 180. længdekreds Q3401774 meridian
primtal sammensat tal Q49008 type of integer set of prime numbers square-free integer
prime element
ulige tal
prinsessegemalinde prinsgemal Q7406779 position
manželka panovníka
privatbane national railway Q1064063 jernbaneselskab
private corporation
private key public key Q1057478 key pair Nøgle
private library folkebibliotek Q380829 type af bibliotek bibliotek
private property
privatuniversitet offentligt universitet Q902104 universitet
private educational institution
product placement product displacement Q749457 forretningsmodel
professional firefighter volunteer firefighter Q113468588 profession professional fire brigade brandmand
professionel amatør Q702269 beskæftigelse arbejder
professionel sport amatørsport Q1369650 sport
økonomisk aktivitet
progress return Q107724490 movimento relativo aktivitet
prokrastinering precrastination Q330104 adfærd
prolate cycloid curtate cycloid Q78153395 trochoid
prolate epicycloid curtate epicycloid Q78154039 epitrochoid
prolate hypocycloid curtate hypocycloid Q78154038 hypotrochoid
prolate spheroid oblate spheroid Q3297588 Rotationsellipsoid
proletarian internationalism liberal internationalisme
bourgeois nationalism
Q1337795 politisk ideologi internationalisme
prostitueret prostitution client
Q14915751 aktivitet
protic solvent aprotic solvent Q100786927 class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions opløsningsmiddel
protoplast apoplast Q1126500 cellebestanddel celle
intracellular part
protraktion Retraktion Q102226564 movement
prædator bytte Q29017578 group or class of organisms predator–prey system organisme
præfiks suffiks Q134830 affiks
pseudohermaphroditism ovotesticular disorder of sex development Q2273662 human hermaphroditism
sex differentiation disease
psykisk sygdom mental sundhed Q12135 sygdomsklasse sygdom
psykologi pseudopsychology Q9418 akademisk disciplin
health specialty
public domain ophavsretsbeskyttet Q19652 copyright status
juridisk begreb
public good
public key private key Q1054766 key pair Nøgle
public sphere private sphere Q17945 offentligt rum
social life
publikation uudgivet værk Q732577 release
pulling pushing Q124174090 causing motion
pushed train Ships under tow Q1320015 skibstype skib
pushing pulling Q69396773 causing motion
pædofobi pædofili Q2157065 fobi alderisme
quadruple whole rest longa Q18107320 rest
quarter note quarter rest Q339616 note value node
quarter rest quarter note Q3491834 rest
quaver rest eighth note Q18107325 rest
r selection K-selection Q123943181 reproductive strategy
racercykel brugscykel Q948482 road bicycle
racisme Anti-racisme
racial equality
reverse racism
Q8461 politisk ideologi
type af kriminalitet
social ulighed
radial velocity поперечная скорость Q240105 hastighed
radio repeater ground network transmitter Q1437028 radiosender
radiomodtager radiosender Q159391 telekommunikationsudstyr
rail service vehicle Regelfahrzeug Q1117277 jernbanemateriel
railway station above ground underground railway station
Q4312270 type of station metrostation
station på overfladen
rakehell gentleman Q7286558 arketype
rangaku kangaku Q877637 stilart
akademisk disciplin
ranged weapon melee weapon Q153556 weapon functional class våben
raster font vector font Q124810129 implementation detail computer font
rasterbillede Vektorgrafik Q182270 datamodel dot matrix
rasterisation vectorization Q14524612 begreb rendere
image editing
rationalt tal irrationale tal Q1244890 type of number set of rational numbers konstruerbart tal
reelt tal
p-adic number
raw milk pasteurized milk Q513631 fabrikation
dairy farming
Raw food
raw-milk cheese pasteurized milk cheese Q1531597 ostetype ost
realpræsens pneumatic presence Q2134873 Dogme Eucharistic theology
rear-end collision frontal kollision Q375102 trafikulykke
rearing bucking Q7301450 horse behavior
rebroussementsstation through station Q55485 type of station endestation jernbanestation
Q516266 dominansforhold Q516266 Arv (genetisk)
recreational diving Erhvervsdykning Q1719546 sportsgren recreational sport
underwater sports
recurrent neural network feedforward neural network Q1457734 maskinlæring
kunstigt neuralt netværk
deep learning
kunstigt neuralt netværk
red seal black seal Q11521518 seal
reducing glass lup Q98941545 equipment for personal use
reelt tal kompleks tal
imaginære tal
Q12916 type of number set of real numbers
real line
kompleks tal
reforestation skovrydning Q815818 forstvæsen
regerende dronning Dronninggemalinde
regerende konge
Q19643 adelstitel
regering opposition Q7188 type af organisation organisation
regional geography systematic geography Q817121 branch of geography samfundsgeografi
registered memory unbuffered memory Q449328 memory module
regulær polygon irregulær polygon Q714886 ligevinklet polygon
ligesidet polygon
regular polytope
bicentric polygon
rekreation arbejde Q184872 fritid handling
relativ retningsangivelse absolute direction Q14565197 relative location retning
relativitet uforandrethed Q983751 kvalitet afhængighedsforhold
releasing grasping Q110560444 fysisk aktivitet
relief sculpture in the round Q245117 genre of sculpture skulptur
religion Antireligiøs Q9174 type af verdenssyn
magi og religion trossystem
religious symbols in public offices separation of church and state Q10376413 religious symbolism religious symbol
religiøs bygning secular building Q24398318 building type sacred architecture religious object
structure of worship
religiøs fanatisme apateisme Q2639721 Fanatisme
renlighed dirtiness Q692096 fysisk tilstand
repeating firearm single-shot firearm Q9180323 weapon functional class skydevåben
replantation amputation Q7314029 kirurgisk indgreb
surgical operation
republik monarchic system Q7270 Styreform
repulsive force attractive force Q118414970 kraft
resistans Elektrisk konduktans Q25358 impedans fysisk størrelse
retrograde motion prograde motion Q312021 bevægelse
retræte rout Q1760704 militærudtryk operation
military maneuver
retshandel Koffergeschäft Q327197 metode legal handling
social interaktion
return progress Q107724506 movimento relativo
return from Egypt Flugten til Egypten Q7317265 biblehistorie
retvinklet trekant skævvinklet trekant Q158688 ikke-ligesidet trekant
reusable launch vehicle expendable launch vehicle Q30128 løfteraket
reverse fault normal fault Q12146022 Forkastningszone
revolution Kontrarevolution Q10931 type af proces social ændring
regime change
revolutionær Modrevolutionære Q3242115 beskæftigelse politisk aktivist
rich people people in poverty Q113958169 gruppe af mennesker person
right arm left free upper limb Q4159199 upper extremity
free upper limb
right eye left eye Q41890532 pair of human eyes menneskeøjet
right lung left lung Q5938041 solitary anatomical structure type
class of anatomical entity
pair of lungs lunge
right mouse button left mouse button Q25489980 computermus mouse button
right of expatriates to vote in their country of origin non-citizen suffrage Q25112122 valgret
right-continuous function left-continuous function Q81570391 funktion left- or right-continuous function function of a real variable
rigid bus ledbus Q1665648 bustype bus
rigid trolleybus articulated trolleybus Q118134105 trolleybus type trolleybus
rimfire cartridge centerfire cartridge Q1289462 weapon functional class patron
ring ring below Q1143866 accenttegn
ring below ring Q3441686 accenttegn
IPA symbol
risiko opportunity Q104493 mulighed
type of problem
risikostyring opportunity management Q189447 type of management
akademisk disciplin
industrial engineering and management
ritual slaughter Jhatka Q17105836 animal slaughter
road running løbesport Q1934817 sportsdisciplin atletik
rolling shutter Global shutter Q2164193 fototeknik
romanization of Japanese transcription into Japanese Q192509 orthographic transcription
romanisation system
transcription of Japanese
romantisk kærlighed platonisk kærlighed Q1189047 psykologiterminologi mellemmenneskelige forhold
rooted tree free tree Q63721528 træ
rooted polyforest
rotation translational motion Q107617 bevægelse
rotation improper rotation Q848368 geometric motion
rotor Stator Q193466 maskinelement elektromotor
elektrisk ventilator
rotor Stator Q15141537 apparat
moving part
rugbrød franskbrød Q3893120 Latvian Culture Canon brød
rulletekst opening credits Q1553078 slutpunkt motion picture credits
rural life urban life Q98910439 Sujet
rurality urbanity Q7380600 egenskab
rushing caning Q3360523 teknik vævning
russificering derussification Q332695 transculturation Slavicisation
rygning tilladt rygeforbud Q66361315 activity policy on smoking
rytmeguitarist leadguitarist Q61045547 rolle
group member
råstof industriprodukter Q192355 miljø råstof
rødforskydning blueshift Q76250 fysisk lov fysisk størrelse
rør slange Q41551 rør tube
sadisme masochisme Q5507613 parafili
saggy tits perky tits Q120514671
sagittal axis horizontal axis
craniocaudal axis
Q42209974 body axis
backwards and forwards
salg indkøb Q194189 begreb
økonomisk koncept
saltation traction Q325328 transport
saltvand Ferskvand Q496805 vandig opløsning
saltwater fish ferskvandsfisk Q5364423 klasse af organismer kendt under et fællesnavn fisk
marine animal
same-sex relationship cross-sex relationship Q3242821 LGBTQ rights forhold
mellemmenneskelige forhold
samlelinse spredelinse Q3674687 optisk linse
sammensat tal primtal Q50707 type of integer set of composite numbers positive integer
samtykke afvisning Q231043 juridisk begreb menneskelig kommunikation
sandstrand shingle beach Q18751767 strand
sanktion dusør Q32098 juridisk begreb forskrift
Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions
scalene triangle ligebenet trekant Q4897191 ikke-ligesidet trekant
scientific socialism Utopisk socialisme Q865354 politisk ideologi
akademisk fagretning
sculpture in the round relief Q2520013 skulptur
scyphate Монети вдавлені Q2541777 valuta
seatbagging manspreading Q62063839 adfærd microhembrism
secans cosinus Q1467935 trigonometrisk funktion secans og cosecans
secans og cosecans arcsecant and arccosecant
sinus og cosinus
Q13647569 pair of concepts
Wikipediaartikel som behandler flere emner
second vote first vote Q243764 stemme
secure bicycle shelter open shelter for bicycles Q56840314 bicycle parking
sedentary lifestyle active living Q1349358 determinants of health menneskelig adfærd
segregation racialiseret integration Q59816 separation
sekstendedelsnode sixteenth rest Q380091 note value node
seksuel minoritet sexual majority Q589656 minoritetsgruppe
seksuel vold sexual consent Q558075 tema vold
sex crime
seksuelt begær Kyskhed Q6498477 psykologiterminologi
Syv dødssynder
sexual desire
self-pollination Xenogamy Q1503359 Bestøvning
self-propelled wheelchair passive wheelchair Q98641249 Kørestol
selvbiografi heterobiography Q4184 litteraturgenre biografi
personal narrative
seme uke Q2268971 våbenfamilie short sword
semi-minor axis halve storakse Q1371512 ellipse
Halve storakse og halve lilleakse
sengegavl footboard Q5689512 seng headboards & footboard
furniture component
senior sport ungdomsidræt Q1395783 konkurrenceklasse sport
separation of church and state Cæsareopapisme
unity of church and state
Q753623 legal maxim
sequel prequel Q261636 fiktionsserie fiktionsværk
sequential hermaphroditism simultaneous hermaphroditism Q1209454 sex-determination system hermaphroditism
serendipitet uforudset konsekvens Q166039 fænomen resultat
serieforbindelse Parallelforbindelse Q13928914 elektronisk kredsløb
serifskrift grotesk Q25416675 klassifikation
sexisme ligestilling
reverse sexism
men quota
Q93200 diskrimination
sexual abstinence Promiskuøs Q598443 livsstil
sexual consent seksuel vold Q55632935 menneskerettigheder
reproduktive rettigheder
sexual penetration non-penetrative sex Q2148678 fysisk intimitet
sharp-and-a-half flat-and-a-half Q18107341 uheld
shemale Hefemale Q1984232 LGBT slang transkønnet kvinde
shielded twisted pair unshielded twisted pair Q9076807 parsnoet kabel
shielded cable
shinbutsu bunri shinbutsu-shūgō Q1970535 political initiative
religious policy
shinbutsu-shūgō shinbutsu bunri
shinbutsu kakuri
Q2279088 Synkretisme
religious syncretism
Buddhism in Japan
shingle beach sandstrand Q1059407 strand
shiryō ikiryō Q11546990 reikon
short drink long drink Q2279997 cocktail
shuinjō kokuinjō Q11093673 imbanjō
shukr Kufr Q7504845 Islamic term
Sufi terminology
emotion in Islam
al-Sirat al-Mustaqim
Sabil Allah
Will of God in Islam
sial sima Q680835 klippe
sick person asymptomatisk bærer Q12722854 menneske
side by side single file Q68324969 spatial arrangement
sigel akronym Q918270 teknisk begreb litteraturvidenskab forkortelse
sikkerhed fare Q2526135 egenskab efter type betingelse
similarity forskel Q254465 affine transformation
geometric property
simple leaf compound leaf Q12368683 blad
simulering fysisk fænomen Q45045 datalogi
matematisk model
sind instinkt Q450 psykologibegreb
egenskab efter type
abstrakt objekt
single door double door Q11569978 dør
single file side by side Q67203531 spatial arrangement orden
single-camera setup multiple-camera setup Q2918907 filmteknik
single-elimination tournament Round robin Q864897 tournament system turnering
single-shot weapon repeating firearm Q9180279 weapon functional class våben
single-track railway dobbeltspor Q1326900 jernbanestrækning
single-track vehicle multi-track vehicle Q11723891 køretøj/fartøj/fly
singly linked list doubly linked list Q9514201 liste
sinus cosecans Q152415 trigonometrisk funktion
ulige funktion
sinus og cosinus
sinus og cosinus arcsine and arccosine
secans og cosecans
Q13647261 pair of concepts
Wikipediaartikel som behandler flere emner
sister complex brother complex Q8013618 complex
sitting down getting up Q12945812 movement
situs inversus situs solitus Q1456383 sjælden sygdom
visceral heterotaxy
fysisk tilstand
sixteenth rest sekstendedelsnode Q18107329 rest
sixty-fourth note sixty-fourth rest Q2366126 note value node
sixty-fourth rest sixty-fourth note Q18107331 rest
skadedyr og -planter nyttedyr Q219174 organisme
skam hovmod Q152282 negative emotion Plutchiks følelsesteori
skarphed dullness Q1499864 kvalitet egenskab
skewer Binding Q1199183 chess tactic
chess attack
skilsmisse bryllup Q93190 ægteskabelig status opløsning
årsag til ophør
skolelærer elev
Q2251335 profession
skovrydning reforestation Q169940 removal
resource depletion
skudår normalår Q19828 tidsenhed
year type
julianske kalender
Gregorianske kalender
skurk hero
Q290691 arketype
fiktiv figur
sky deity earth deity Q6639573 nature deity
skyldfølelse clear conscience Q628939 negative emotion psykologiterminologi følelse
skyskraber earthscraper Q11303 højhus
skævvinklet trekant retvinklet trekant Q18350116 trekant
skønhed grimhed Q7242 type of value
aesthetic concept
slange rør Q176440 rør værktøj
slave freedman
Q12773225 samfundsklasse
slowness celerity Q24249439 kvalitet
small dick energy big dick energy Q115945884 fornærmelse
small seal script large seal script Q1195660 Chinese script style seal script
smelte frysning Q106080 faseovergang
smerte pleasure Q81938 negative emotion
biomedicinsk måletype
symptom type
medical finding
conscious experience
symptom eller tegn
Plutchiks følelsesteori symptom
sensation perception
smooth breathing rough breathing Q514198 accenttegn accenttegn
småföretag big business
big business
Q1109680 ethnological term
economics term
point of sale
snifning exsufflation Q3153701 administrationsvej nasal administration
snylter Værtsorganisme Q10253316 parasitisme organisme
so orne Q15942027 dyr med angivet køn svin
sobriety beruselse Q1791388 fysiologisk tilstand livsstil
social integration social disintegration Q370735 socialt fænomen
social proces
soft cheese hard cheese Q16637316 ostetype
German cheese type
cheese type
soft copy hard copy Q8018022 reproduktion
soil erosion soil retention Q889503 Jordnedbrydning
soirée Matiné Q318862 begivenhed
soldering Slaglodning Q67131697 Slaglodning
solhverv i december solhverv i juni Q5249063 Solhverv
solhverv i juni solhverv i december Q6312465 Solhverv
solist Tuttist Q1371914 profession
musikensemble musiker
solnedgang solopgang Q166564 klokkeslæt
astronomical phenomenon
døgn objectset
solopgang solnedgang Q193294 klokkeslæt
astronomical phenomenon
døgn objectrise
sommer vinter Q1313 tilbagevendende begivenhed årstid
sommer-OL Vinter-OL Q159821 tilbagevendende sportsbegivenhed Olympiske lege
sommersolhverv vintersolhverv Q7603898 Solhverv
sonation fuglesang Q7560847 natural sound
sori koron Q5875423 uheld notation
sort hvid Q23445 primærfarve
HTML4 named color
safest web colors
absorbed or reflected object light
achromatic color
sort hul white hole Q589 astronomical object type massive compact halo object
sort hår blond Q1922956 hårfarve hår
sort magi white magic Q690768 magi
sort-hvid farvefilm Q838368 kunstform
sort-hvid film farvefilm Q2254548 Fotografisk film
south geomagnetic pole north geomagnetic pole Q63245219 geomagnetic pole
sover awake Q12946962 biologisk proces
sparse graph dense graph Q21125232 graf
specialty map overview map Q2309464 kort
specifik varmeledningsevne thermal resistivity Q487005 fysisk størrelse
spejder spion Q2314719 military profession spender fireteam soldat
spherical Earth flat Earth Q1349283 videnskabelig teori
matematisk model
spids chaussé Q56660186 deling subordinary
spids vinkel stump vinkel
ret vinkel
lige vinkel
Q3250296 spidsvinklet trekant
retvinklet trekant
stumpvinklet trekant
split graph split graph Q3893853 chordal graph
sportsmanship unsportsmanlike conduct Q995616 menneskelig adfærd
sporvogn Vollbahn Q3407658 sporvej jernbanemateriel
light rail vehicle
spredelinse samlelinse Q6524048 optisk linse
spring-summer autumn-winter Q29346473 season
springe ud closeted Q208099 planlagt proces
spørgsmål svar Q189756 information request
stag doe Q29838881 dyr med angivet køn deer
staged photography Snapshot Q1665341 fotografi
stank pleasant odor Q1519476 lugt
staple remover hæftemaskine Q389980 kontorartikler
static preservation dynamic preservation Q11663619 bevaringstilstand Bygningsbevaring
statsateisme teokrati Q864936 ateisme
staude Etårige planter Q157957 Raunkiærske system plante
stedfortæder constituent Q1517802 job function
steep coast flat coast Q16946902 kyst
step pyramid smooth-sided pyramid Q1456099 pyramide
stereotyper counterstereotype Q167172 type of bias
mental image
kognitiv bias
sterilitet frugtbarhed Q179399 sygdomsklasse
symptom eller tegn
reproductive system disease
reproductive system symptom
still waters vandløb Q337567 land waters
stinkskab laminar flow cabinet Q336727 laboratory equipment
protective device
stof non-material physical substance Q35758 Observerbart univers fysisk stof
stoll mine shaft Q58917 mine opening
underjordisk bygningsværk
storage water heater instantaneous water heater Q14931 hvidevarer
straf reward Q186361 carrot and stick
religiøs doktrin
strafferet civilret Q146491 gren af jura
jura jura
structure located on surface underjordisk bygningsværk Q130391302 bygningsværk
struktureret programmering ikke-struktureret programmering Q223335 computerbegreb
stræde tange Q37901 water area
studerende lærer Q48282 beskæftigelse
gruppe af mennesker
learning person
stumfilm Tonefilm Q226730 type of cinematic work
styrtet kile pile reversed Q3205956 subordinary subordinary
subkultur Mainstream Q264965 kultur
gruppe af mennesker
subnormal number normal floating-point number Q1070094 dataværdi
subterranea above ground Q863404 rum
subtractive manufacturing Additiv fremstilling Q11795128 fabrikationsmetode
subtraktion addition Q40754 matematisk begreb Binær operator
sult satiety Q165947 Fitness
sult satiety
Q853930 dødsårsag
summer river bed winter river bed Q108513288 stream channel
sundhed sygdom Q12147 behov
akademisk disciplin
fysiologisk tilstand
super-logarithm tetration Q8191124 Binær operator
invers funktion
superhelt superskurk Q188784 fiktiv profession
superior vena cava inferior vena cava Q736995 Vene
class of anatomical entity
trunk of systemic vein
particular anatomical entity
superleder superinsulator Q16331841 materiale
superset delmængde Q15882515 mængde
superskurk superhelt Q6498903 fiktiv profession
superstructure substructure Q1370583 menneskeskabt fysisk objekt
supination pronation Q1568655 muscle movement
supply demand Q542869 økonomisk koncept udbud og efterspørgsel
generel økonomi
surface embroidery Broderi Q7645967 broderi
surface subsidence tectonic uplift Q849953 geological process
suspension tower dead-end tower Q2558360 electricity pylon type Højspændingspylon
svendebrev general education Q828812 økonomisk aktivitet uddannelse
syd nord
Q667 kompasretning
points of the compass
sydvest nordøst
Q2381698 intercardinal direction
points of the compass
sydøst nordvest
Q6452640 intercardinal direction
points of the compass
sygdom sundhed Q12136 sygdomsklasse
ordensskiftende metaklasse
biologisk proces
sygeliggørelse afsygeliggørelse Q1134368 proces
symbiose antibiosis Q121610 proces cross-species interaction
kooperativt samarbejde
symmetri asymmetri Q12485 egenskab efter type egenskab
symmetric-key algorithm public-key cryptography Q327675 Kryptosystem
syncline anticline
Q319440 fold
syneclise anteclise Q2620655 Tektonik Plato (geologio) form
synonym antonym Q42106 sprog ord
synthetic dye naturfarvning Q66732478 farvestof
syreregn Basic precipitation Q40178 regn
særskrivning sammenskrivning Q1393807 fænomen retskrivning
søn datter
Q177232 slægtskab afkom
male relative
sørgmodighed glæde
Q169251 negative emotion
basal følelse
music mood følelse
søster bror Q595094 slægtskab familie søskende
female relative
søvn wakefulness Q35831 biologisk proces
state of consciousness
multicellular organismal process
table apple madæble Q3395974 æble
tachycardia Bradykardi Q209583 medical finding
symptom eller tegn
finding of heart rate
tachypsychia bradyphrenia Q3501949 sygdomstegn psykologiterminologi
tagrygning skotrende Q800093 Sadeltag bygningsdel
tailstock headstock Q2142216 drejebænk værktøj
takeoff landing Q854248 nøglebegivenhed
flight phase
takeoff and landing flight maneuver
taking giving
Q110458263 acquisition
taksonomi meronomy Q7211 klassifikation
hierarchical classification
tange stræde Q93267 place type landskabsform
tangens cotangent Q1129196 trigonometrisk funktion tangent and cotangent
tangent and cotangent arctangent and arccotangent Q13645766 pair of concepts
Wikipediaartikel som behandler flere emner
tangent bundle cotangent bundle Q746550 vector bundle
tangentharmonika knapharmonika Q264376 harmonika
tangential acceleration centripetal acceleration Q2673034 acceleration acceleration
tanindon oyakodon Q11377628 donburi
egg dish
tarn verrou glaciaire Q1851937 cirque Issø
U-shaped valley
teal maroon Q1078214 farve
HTML4 named color
blå nuancer
myrtle green blå-grøn
technical pen kuglepen Q1420532 skriveredskab
technophobia technophilia Q1042900 fobi mechanophobia
teenage boy teenagepige Q97672533 age group dreng
teenagepige teenage boy Q798417 teenager
tegnsprog talesprog Q34228 type of language signed language
manual communication
teisme ateisme Q620805 verdensbillede tro
telecompressor Telekonverter Q7696099 camera parts, features and technologies
telefonlinje mobilnet Q1373572 telecommunication circuit
Wired communication
telluric iron meteoric iron Q2248028 mineral species iron mineral group
native metal
tender locomotive tenderlokomotiv Q20650761 damplokomotiv
tenderlokomotiv tender locomotive Q785745 damplokomotiv
teokrati statsateisme
Q44405 styreform politisk system
teoretisk fysik anvendt fysik
Q18362 delområde af fysikken fysik fysik
teori practice
Q17737 Idé
teratophilia teratophobia Q1253506 list of philias
terminal hair vellus hair Q492165 hair type hår
territorialstridighed konfliktløsning Q1078001 type af konflikt konflikt
terrorisme kontraterrorisme Q7283 ekstremisme political crime
political activism
tetration super-logarithm Q194324 Hyperoperation Binær operator
text figures lining figures Q956716 minuskel
thelytoky arrhenotoky Q3291674 Partenogenese
thermal insulation material thermal interface material Q1269650 kemisk blanding
thermal interface material thermal insulation material Q24568869 materiale
thermal conductor
thermoelectric generator thermoelectric cooling Q11569191 elektrisk generator
thin client fat client Q918090 produktkategori computer
thin & zero client
thirty-second note thirty-second rest Q379874 note value node
thirty-second rest thirty-second note Q18107330 rest
through station rebroussementsstation Q55490 type of station jernbanestation
throwing catching Q12898216 handling
thumbs down thumbs up Q2028901 gestik
thumbs up thumbs down Q2741343 gestik
tiefschnitt hochschnitt Q99485656 glass engraving
tilgængelighed inaccessibility Q555097 branche brugervenlighed
tillid mistillid Q659974 positive emotion
basal følelse
core concept
psykologiterminologi tro
time-lapse photography high-speed photography Q186563 filmteknik
fotografisk genre
timeløn akkord Q6821213 remuneration
top rope climbing lead climbing Q305125 climbing techniques indoor climbing climbing at height
top station bottom station Q99980564 type of station svævebane
steep grade railway
aerial tramway station
funicular station
topless man bottomless man Q116288728 mandlig barbrystet
partially nude man
topless woman bottomless woman
topless man
Q116255826 partially nude females
toreador female bullfighter Q549322 profession sportsudøver
tosprogsordbog explanatory dictionary Q2640207 genre
to-sproglig bog
translation dictionary
totalitarisme antitotalitarisme Q128135 politisk ideologi
politisk koncept
politisk system
town exit sign town sign in France Q29907050 Byskilt
town sign in France town exit sign Q3362196 Byskilt
tracked tractor Ciągnik kołowy Q3997951 traktor
semi tractor
traditionelt kinesisk forenklet kinesisk Q178528 logographic writing system
naturligt udviklet skriftsystem
unicase alphabet
traditionel kinesisk Kinesisk skrift
tragedy of the anticommons tragedy of the commons Q931155 frase teoretisk nationaløkonomi
transgender activism anti-transgender activism Q17014350 LGBT-socialbevægelser aktivisme
politisk bevægelse
transkønnes rettighedsaktivist anti-transgender activist Q66288471 beskæftigelse lgbt-rettighedsaktivist
transkønnet kvinde transkønnet mand
ciskønnet kvinde
ciskønnet mand
Q1052281 kønsidentitet
gender modality
gender minority
gruppe af kvinder
transfeminine transgender person
menneske af hankøn
LGBTQ woman
transkønnet mand transkønnet kvinde
ciskønnet mand
ciskønnet kvinde
Q2449503 kønsidentitet
gender modality
gender minority
gruppe af mænd
transgender person
translational motion rotationsmekanik Q1129632 bevægelse
transport for someone else Transport pour compte propre Q3537849 transport
trend og islæt Trend og islæt Q588676 woven fabric textile component
triadization globalisering Q2452266 socialteori interaktion
triple flat triple sharp Q19856853 uheld
triple-negativ brystkræft Hormone receptor positive breast tumor Q7843332 sygdomsklasse brystkræft
triple-negative breast neoplasm
tro vantro Q34394 mental tilstand
doxastic attitude
tro vantro
Q5410500 mental tilstand de teologiske dyder tro
true falsk Q16751793 Sandhedsværdi
truthiness critical thinking Q1701243 appeal to emotion
træ cyclic graph Q272735 class of graphs with few cliques connected graph
uniquely colorable graph
block graph
tsumairi hirairi Q7883237 arkitekturstil Japanese architecture
tsuri-dōrō oki-dōrō Q104781310 Stone lantern
tubefeeding parenteral nutrition Q3879930 artificial nutrition
turbine mechanical fan Q130760 Strømningsmaskine
turbulens laminar flow Q190132 fysisk egenskab
fysisk fænomen
tveæggede tvillinger enæggede tvillinger Q3418125 tvillinger
tvillingebror tvillingesøster Q108714555 slægtskab twin sibling
biological brother
male twin
tvillingesøster tvillingebror Q108714611 slægtskab twin sibling
biological sister
female twin
tvivl tro Q34302 mental tilstand Plutchiks følelsesteori
two hundred fifty-sixth note two hundred fifty-sixth rest Q6748779 note value node
two hundred fifty-sixth rest two hundred fifty-sixth note Q18107333 rest
two-handed manual alphabet one-handed manual alphabet Q2839535 manual alphabet
two-part adhesive one-part adhesive Q1888604 glue
two-part product
tyr ko Q693690 dyr med angivet køn
klasse af organismer kendt under et fællesnavn
tørst utørstig Q474187 symptom eller tegn sensibilitet
general symptom
tøsedreng Drengepige Q15951126 øgenavn effeminacy
ubemandet far- eller køretøj manned vehicle Q1527901 køretøj/fartøj/fly
ude af brug i brug Q56651571 use status
udenjordisk liv Earthling Q181508 hypotetisk objekt
udenrigspolitik Indenrigspolitik Q181648 political domain
type af politik
foreign relations
offentlig politik
udfasning foretrukken rang Q73737357 Wikidata-internt relateret Wikibase-rangering af udsagn
udløsning Kvindelig ejakulation Q14820885 biologisk proces inseminering multicellular organismal reproductive process
udskillelse spisning Q185557 biologisk proces system process
udviklingsland Iland Q177323 region
geografisk område
udøvende magt non-executive branch Q35798 politisk magt
politisk organisation
uelastisk stød Elastisk stød Q2074917 kollision
uendelig 0
Q205 matematisk begreb kardinalitet
uforudset konsekvens serendipitet Q1135789 resultat
ulighed equality Q28113351 matematisk begreb binær relation
ultralyd Infralyd Q162564 lydbølge
medical service
unbarred spiral galaxy barred spiral galaxy Q2743798 spiralgalakse
unbuffered memory registered memory Q79804973 memory module
uncircumcised man circumcised man Q110256843 mand
uncircumcised penis circumcised penis Q116172551 uncircumcised man penis
uncrewed spacecraft crewed spacecraft Q1528166 ubemandet far- eller køretøj
underdot overdot Q2118445 accenttegn
tone mark
underernæring overnutrition Q3044538 Marasmus
undergrundsøkonomi white market Q50851 marked
underhus overhus Q375928 tokammerparlament lovgivende forsamling
chamber of parliament
underkjole jakke Q14833626 undertøj
underline overline Q1187096 teknik
undertøj overtøj Q198763 tøj
undervægt overvægt Q1146902 abnormally low value
symptom eller tegn
abnormal loss of weight and underweight
undirected edge directed edge Q106529402 undirected graph link
unordered pair
undirected graph directed graph Q3115587 matematisk begreb hypergraph
mixed graph
uniform civilian clothes Q7434 ethnological term tøj
unisex public toilet gendered public toilet Q24922 public toilet
unleavened bread leavened bread Q5702275 madret brød
unloading loading Q12889429 fysisk aktivitet carrying handling
fysisk aktivitet
unmanned station manned station Q85882206 type of station jernbanestation
unpowered aircraft powered aircraft Q17145920 aircraft power class luftfartøj
vehicle without engine
unsewn binding sewn binding Q65769812 bogomslag
bookbinding technique
upload download Q7126699 begreb tjenesteydelse
Upload og download
upper extremity of femur lower extremity of femur Q4116698 class of anatomical entity Lårbensknogle epiphysis of femur
proximal epiphysis
upstream face Luftseite Q1422321
urban life rural life Q98909945 Sujet
urban population rural population Q4145472 demografidata
demografisk profil
urbanisering modurbanisering Q161078 trend
uretfærdighed retfærdighed Q770480 begreb immoralitet
urinant hauriant Q47462544 holdning
urt Vedplanter Q190903 Raunkiærske system botanik Stængelplanter
ustruktureret interview struktureret interview
semistruktureret interview
Q4317093 forskningsinterview
usucha koicha Q122961542 matcha
utopi Dystopi Q131156 fictional society
utroskab troskab Q2914621 menneskelig adfærd
uyoku dantai sayoku dantai Q181924 politisk bevægelse politisk organisation
vaccination antibody injection Q192995 terapi forebyggende medicin
active immunotherapy
vaccineskepsis vaccine acceptance Q56641686 vaccination attitude
social bevægelse
vaginalt samleje Sodomi Q164654 sex samleje
sexual penetration
valg voting out of office Q40231 politik
valley fold mountain fold Q10466300 origami technique
valley of stability sea of instability Q3554047 zone kernekort
vandløb still waters Q355304 feature type flodsystem
land waters
vandområde fastland Q15324 feature type region
fysisk-geografisk objekt
vandopvarmning Vandkøling Q27098513 opvarmning
vandret lodret Q20749305 script directionality vertical and horizontal topographic direction
vaporization Kondensering Q6452502 faseovergang
vare intangible good Q1485500 gode
varm kilde cold spring Q177380 kilde
varme work Q44432 process function
termodynamisk proces fysisk størrelse
vector font raster font Q1759637 implementation detail computer font
vegan food animal-based food Q899696 type of food or dish vegetarian food
vegetarian food non-vegetarian food Q107126067 vegetarisk mad mad
vegetativ vækst plant reproductive morphology Q464666 mode of biological reproduction plant reproduction Ukønnet formering
vekselretter ensretter Q324963 omformer
vekselstrøm Jævnstrøm Q124164 elektrisk strøm
periodically alternating current
vekselstrømstik jævnstrømsstik Q215292 elektrisk stik
vellus hair terminal hair Q1435091 hair type hår
velsignelse forbandelse Q626510 hændelse ritus
ven fjende Q17297777 acquaintance
venlighed cruelty Q488085 følelse
de teologiske dyder
De syv dyder
positive emotion
venskab enmity Q491 mellemmenneskelige forhold
venstre back højre back Q65658786 håndbold position back
venstre fløj højre fløj Q66115689 håndbold position fløjspiller
venstreekstremisme højreekstremisme Q1129409 political alignment venstreorienteret
politisk radikalisme
venstrehåndet højrehåndet Q789447 håndethed
verdensdel verdenshav Q5107 skorpe
naturgeografisk objekt
verdenshav verdensdel Q9430 naturgeografisk objekt
marine water body
saline water body
vertical axis wind turbine horizontal axis wind turbine Q760751 vindkraftværk
vertical pupil horizontal pupil Q106519932 pupil
vertical stone chamber horizontal stone chamber Q11598499 stone chamber
vertical stripe horizontal stripe Q96755201 stribe
very long hair very short hair Q102247774 frisure langt hår
very short hair very long hair Q102247468 frisure short hair
vest øst
Q679 kompasretning
points of the compass
viden ignorance Q9081 filosofisk begreb minde
videnskab ikke-videnskab
Q336 akademisk disciplin
STEM-fag videnssystem
videnskabeligt fagområde branch of pseudoscience Q2465832 knowledge classification videnskab fagområde
villa rustica villa urbana Q252021 Roman villa
villa urbana villa rustica Q2525994 Roman villa
vinder taber Q18560095 rang
vinter sommer Q1311 tilbagevendende begivenhed årstid
vinterdæk sommerdæk Q115170 dæk
vintersolhverv sommersolhverv Q207932 maksimum
vintersport sommersport Q204686 sport
ice and snow activities
virtual reality IRL Q170519 den digitale sfære simulering
extended reality
virtual place
virtue signalling antinomianism Q5895486 ritual
visa requirements for Estonian non-citizens visa requirements for Estonian citizens Q17087095 visa requirement
visa requirements for Latvian non-citizens visa requirements for Latvian citizens Q17031517 visa requirement
vitamin antivitamin Q34956 group of chemical entities organisk forbindelse
vokal konsonant Q36244 sproglyd
voksen juvenile Q80994 phase of human life
demografisk profil
vold ikkevold Q124490 tema misbrug aggression
vold mod kvinde vold mod mænd Q1800556 vold gender violence
vrede patience Q79871 negative emotion
basal følelse
Syv dødssynder
Plutchiks følelsesteori
primary emotion
vulkanisering devulcanization Q188631 kemisk proces kemisk proces
våbenfigur exterior ornament of the shield Q1424805 våben heraldic symbol
vådområde No/unknown value Q170321 landskab
naturgeografisk objekt
vædder hunfår Q2929800 husdyr
dyr med angivet køn
vægttab vægtøgning Q718113 sygdomstegn
symptom eller tegn
nutrition, metabolism, and development symptom
management of obesity
wagashi Western confection Q1063096 konfekture
waning crescent moon waxing crescent moon Q24959225 Månens faser waning moon
crescent moon
waning gibbous moon waxing gibbous moon Q24958898 Månens faser gibbous moon
waning moon
war hawk war dove Q1185212 political position
warm-blooded poikilotherm Q193456 Varmeregulering
water hemisphere land hemisphere Q690092 hemisphere of the Earth land and water hemispheres
waxing crescent moon waning crescent moon Q24946400 Månens faser crescent moon
waxing moon
waxing gibbous moon waning gibbous moon Q24952256 Månens faser gibbous moon
waxing moon
webbrowser webserver Q6368 type software
HTTP client
webserver webbrowser Q11288 software feature
type software
server software
wedge sum smash product Q1781358 topological construction pointed space
white chess piece black chess piece Q54933455 skakbrik
white hole sort hul Q131468 astronomical object type
scientific hypothesis
hypothetical astronomical object
hypothetical astronomical object
white nationalism Black Power Q278929 politisk ideologi
social bevægelse
etnisk nationalisme
racial nationalism
white rum dark rum Q3942613 rom
white-box testing black-box testing Q1066228 type of test software testing
whitewater river blackwater river Q2557367 type of watercourse flod
whole note whole rest Q339603 note value node
whole rest whole note Q18107322 rest
widdershins sunwise Q7998515
wide-body narrow body Q309078 aircraft function-lift-power-undercarriage class jet airliner
wild animal husdyr Q16390140 naturliv dyr
winter river bed summer river bed Q2050572 stream channel
woman on top missionærstilling Q875006 samlejestilling receiving partner on top
womance bromance Q8030769 romantic friendship
womb envy penis envy Q3656213 psychoanalytic theory psykologiterminologi misundelse
women of color men of color
White women
Q25047628 gruppe af mennesker person of color
women's American football men's American football Q3747845 konkurrenceklasse amerikansk fodbold
women's Australian football men's Australian football Q106586934 konkurrenceklasse australsk fodbold
women's baseball men's baseball Q899198 konkurrenceklasse baseball
women's beach handball men's beach handball Q63376229 konkurrenceklasse strandhåndbold
women's beach volleyball men's beach volleyball Q20900743 klasseinddeling i sport
women's boxing men's boxing Q961015 klasseinddeling i sport kvindesport
women's chorus mandskor Q1451652 type of musical group treble chorus
women's college men's college Q3660535 college
women's curling men's curling Q20898537 konkurrenceklasse curling
women's heptathlon men's heptathlon Q3730761 sportsdisciplin
klasseinddeling i sport
women's marathon men's marathon Q55246472 klasseinddeling i sport
women's parking space men's parking space Q354170 parking space
women's rugby union men's rugby union Q3452920 konkurrenceklasse rugby union
women's skirt men's skirt Q117320180 skørt
women's surfing Men's surfing Q20892733 sportsgren surfing
women's swimming men's swimming Q125580430 konkurrenceklasse konkurrencesvømning
worm's-eye view fugleperspektiv Q16966122 Perspektiv
low-angle shot
written calculation mental calculation Q11307059 beregning
yamajiro hirajiro Q123314524 Japanese castle
hill castle
yaoi yuri Q242488 anime- og mangagenre manga og animation
ydmyghed Hybris
Q1186677 dyd
moralsk egenskab
De syv dyder
ydre rum himmellegeme Q4169 region Universet vakuum
yosegi-zukuri ichiboku-zukuri Q3572633 skulpturteknik
young adult man young adult woman Q1716875 age group mand
young adult
young adult woman young adult man Q73273453 kvinde
young adult
yuri yaoi Q320568 anime- og mangagenre manga og animation
lesbian fiction
romantisk fiktion
lesbisk litteratur
zakanshiki teien Japanese strolling garden Q123135047 type of garden Japansk have
zenit Nadir Q82806 lodret himmelkuglen
zoomobjektiv prime lens Q220310 lens type fotografiudstyr objektiv
zorse hebra Q2486530 Pattedyr
¼ 4 Q2310416 irreducible fraction
Ødipuskompleks Jocasta complex Q131246 begreb
idiom derived from Greco-Roman mythology
psykologiterminologi complex
narrative motif
Østlige halvkugle Vestlige halvkugle Q186198 hemisphere of the Earth Jorden
Østmalaysia Vestmalaysia Q1901211 territoriel enhed
Østrigs ambassade i Danmark Danmarks ambassade i Wien Q104708127 ambassade
Øvre Egypten Lower Egypt Q203751 region
tidligere land
Øvre og Nedre Egypten
åben snøre lukket snøre Q99912922 del til fodtøj
åbningsceremoni afslutningsceremoni Q3010369 ceremoni
åbningsceremonien ved sommer-OL 2024 afslutningsceremonien ved sommer-OL 2024 Q110321308 Olympic Games opening ceremony sommer-OL 2024
år f.v.t. Vor tidsregning Q29964144 Wikidata-internt relateret kalenderår
ægtefælle enlig Q1196129 svigerfamilie ægtepar significant other
ægtemand hustru
Q212878 svigerfamilie ægtepar ægtefælle
menneske af hankøn
ægtepar unmarried couple Q3046146 par
ægteskab married Q8445 legal institution
nominal kinship
end of betrothal
ældre mennesker ungdom Q2191986 befolkningsgruppe
demografisk profil
ærkeengel archdemon Q178342 hierarchy of angels engel
engel i kristendommen
angel in Islam
ødelæggelse creation Q17781833 hændelse
økologisme anti-økologisme Q2855609 politisk ideologi
social bevægelse
økonomisk ulighed economic equality Q5055020 social ulighed
økonomisk vækst nedvækst
Q189833 economic phenomenon forøgning
øst vest
Q684 kompasretning
points of the compass
østat indlandsstat Q112099 type af administrativ opdeling stat
ōte-mon karamete-mon Q5371967 Japanese castle mon
Монети вдавлені scyphate Q12124389
поперечная скорость radial velocity Q4372232 fart
ּ ֿ Q912265 Unicode character
Tiberian vocalization
ֿ ּ Q756166 Unicode character
Tiberian Hebrew
Ḥizb Shayṭān Ḥizb Allāh Q31305863 gruppe af mennesker
Q21403366 Unicode character
religious symbol
Latin abbreviation
Q21403360 Unicode character
religious symbol
Latin abbreviation
Q5460020 Unicode character
Q87524416 Unicode character
Q87526828 Unicode character
Q87526830 Unicode character
Q87526832 Unicode character
Q87526835 Unicode character
Q87526838 Unicode character
Q87526839 Unicode character
Q87526841 Unicode character
Q87526843 Unicode character
Q87526845 Unicode character
Q87526847 Unicode character
Q87526849 Unicode character
Q87526852 Unicode character
Q87526997 Unicode character
Q87526999 Unicode character
さやと Wayō Q3575224 arkitekturstil Japanese Buddhist architecture
日産・ワンビア Sileighty Q11509864
高所平気症 acrophobia Q24897918 symptom
🌑 🌕 Q87576787 Unicode character
🌕 🌑 Q87576800 Unicode character
🌚 🌝 Q87576811 Unicode character
🌛 🌜 Q87576815 Unicode character
🌜 🌛 Q87576818 Unicode character
🌝 🌚 Q87576821 Unicode character
🎅 🤶 Q87577056 Unicode character
🐏 🐑 Q87577359 Unicode character
🐑 🐏 Q87577363 Unicode character
🐓 🐔 Q87577367 Unicode character
🐔 🐓 Q87577370 Unicode character
👍 👎 Q87577491 Unicode character
👎 👍 Q87577493 Unicode character
👦 👧 Q87577546 Unicode character
👧 👦 Q87577548 Unicode character
👨 👩 Q87577550 Unicode character
👩 👨 Q87577552 Unicode character
👬 👭 Q87577558 Unicode character
👭 👬 Q87577560 Unicode character
👰 🤵 Q87577567 Unicode character
👴 👵 Q87577576 Unicode character
👵 👴 Q87577578 Unicode character
👸 🤴 Q87577585 Unicode character
👿 😈 Q82776351 emoji
Unicode character
💃 🕺 Q87577612 Unicode character
📈 📉 Q87577786 Unicode character
📉 📈 Q87577787 Unicode character
🔅 🔆 Q87577894 Unicode character
🔆 🔅 Q87577897 Unicode character
🔋 🪫 Q87577907 Unicode character
🕺 💃 Q87581217 Unicode character
🖤 🤍 Q87581312 Unicode character
😈 👿 Q82773905 emoji
Unicode character
🚰 🚱 Q87582002 Unicode character
🚱 🚰 Q87582003 Unicode character
🚹 🚺 Q87582012 Unicode character
🚺 🚹 Q87582013 Unicode character
🤰 🫃 Q87583081 Unicode character
🤴 👸 Q87583089 Unicode character
🤵 👰 Q87583091 Unicode character
🩡 🩨 Q87583734 Unicode character
🩨 🩡 Q87583752 Unicode character
🫃 🤰 Q108546405 Unicode character
Afslutning på autogenereret liste.