Velkommen til den danske Wikipedia, Yasnodark! (![]()
Jeg håber det var ok, at jeg rettede i din sandkasse. Efter min mening bør du droppe de der mange billeder af kendte ukrainere, det siger ikke meget om folket og dets historie. mvh Per (PerV) (diskussion) 12. jun 2016, 16:02 (CEST)
- @Yasnodark: Se evt. russere, hvordan vi normalt udfylder Infoboks Folk, i den artikel er de mange grupper af russere i udlandet opgivet i infoboksen. Det ville jeg gøre. mvh Per (PerV) (diskussion) 12. jun 2016, 16:11 (CEST)
- Hello mvh Per (PerV)! Please rename Ukrainare to Ukrainere, because i cannot create it by the correct name. Fotogallery of famouse people is very most important aspect of folk article.--Yasnodark (diskussion) 12. jun 2016, 16:51 (CEST)
- @Yasnodark: "famouse people is very most aspect of folk article", not in my culture and even not on da wiki. You might have an other oppinion, maybe from the common decissions on other language wikipedias, but here we generally have one important pictures in the infobox, not pictures of 30 more or less wellknown people. The choice of people wil without doubt be {{POV}}, and a picture of a person, whos name are spelled wrong, don't inform much about the people. In the infobox we try to put all serious informations. You can look in Kategori:Folkeslag i Baltikum, Estere, there is one picture in the infobox (good or bad), but at the same time a long list of where estonians lives, sadly without sources, but this is how a wikipedia is.
- If you don't come with more serious arguments, I will delete the pictures and insert where ukrainians lives, with references, in the infobox.
- Photo collage of famous people really says a lot about who is this folk. people resettlement places - is also very important aspect will be very if you add this information, but any reader will lose interest in the information in the article, if you do not understand about what people are talking about. In addition, it will encourage Danish Wikipedians even used to write articles about the most famous Ukrainians - because today your Wikipedia section is not very well developed in this regard. How, by the way, and with respect to galleries in the infobox. Although there is an exception: for example Englændere. Please don`t delate fotogallery: it helps create a holistic view of people.
It isn`t new for wikipedia, It is traditional aspect for folk articles in many wikilanguages:
- pl:Polacy , az:Azərbaycanlılar, zh:汉族 , ar:عرب , ta:தமிழர் ,
- fr:Basques, kk:Қазақтар, ko:한민족 , hi:यहूदी , bn:বাঙালি জাতি ,
- el:Έλληνες, tt:Татарлар, nl:Nederlanders, ce:Эрмалой ,
- be:Беларусы, af:Duitsers, fi:Albaanit, mk:Македонци,
- pt:Portugueses, kk:Қазақтар , ja:日本人 , zh-yue:京族 ,
- is:Íslendingar , cs:Arméni, mk:Македонци, nn:Nordmenn ,
- sr:Срби , ce:Эрмалой, so:Turki , es:Pueblo español ,
- bs:Bošnjaci, nn:Nordmenn, cv:Чăвашсем, tt:Татарлар ,
- uk:Українці ,nl:Nederlanders, fa:ایرانیان فارسیزبان , ar:عرب,
- ur:پنجابی لوگ, sco:Italians, gl:Pobo irlandés , lez:Лезгияр,
- simple:Americans, cs:Arméni,ba:Немецтар, in many others wikipedias..--Yasnodark (diskussion) 13. jun 2016, 14:59 (CEST)
- You didn't come with a single argument why the gallery is important. I still think it's {{POV}} and an expression of ukrainian chauvinism, and I will delete it, and insert the ukrainians who are living abrod. We do have a categori with persons from Ukraine that fullfil your demands. If you want persons from Ukraine to appear on da wiki, you just make the artickles, you are welcome. But please spell them correct, in danish, otherwise I will have to move them. I just underline, chauvinism, even ukrainian chauvinism are banned on da wikipedia. mvh Per (PerV) (diskussion) 13. jun 2016, 20:59 (CEST)
- It is not ukrainian chauvinism, about what it is you, because chauvinism - a hatred of other peoples and their enrollment in a category of of lower standing, where here you might like to see in a photocollage - a graphical representation of outstanding person of Ukraine. ? Are you hadn`t seen dozens of examples of other nations? .--Yasnodark (diskussion) 14 jun 2016, 12:39 (CEST)
- You didn't come with a single argument why the gallery is important. I still think it's {{POV}} and an expression of ukrainian chauvinism, and I will delete it, and insert the ukrainians who are living abrod. We do have a categori with persons from Ukraine that fullfil your demands. If you want persons from Ukraine to appear on da wiki, you just make the artickles, you are welcome. But please spell them correct, in danish, otherwise I will have to move them. I just underline, chauvinism, even ukrainian chauvinism are banned on da wikipedia. mvh Per (PerV) (diskussion) 13. jun 2016, 20:59 (CEST)
Futher on the Q about images
[rediger kildetekst]Will you really claim that the picture in the infobox on Englændere says at lot about the english people. First of all the pictures are so small that they dont give any sense. Seccond, what does William Shakespeare or Margaret Thatcher tell about the english people, except they were famous in a certain periode of english history. They are now both dead, but if they went for election, I am sure they both would loose. So let us picture the ukrainian people in the artickle about ukrainians, that is the subject, feel free to choose the picture. Not some unknown ukrainians YOU think should be pictured. You can make artickles on da wiki about wellknown ukrainians, that would be welcommed, not pictures and red links on da wiki, that are not even spelled correct, this IS POV, just satisfying your need, not helping people to understand the history of Ukraine. mvh Per (PerV) (diskussion) 13. jun 2016, 21:29 (CEST)
- If there are spelling mistakes in the spelling of names or names - I ask you to correct them, I will only be grateful for that. Although I do not see any errors, perhaps this is due to the difference in the Ukrainian and Russian original transcription.--Yasnodark (diskussion) 14 jun 2016, 12:39 (CEST)
@Yasnodark: I just mention two first people Anna di Kiev is italien name for who we would call Anna af Kijev, you can see here and here how her name is spelled in norwegian and swedish. Their language are much closer to danish than italian. And Danylo av Galicia should be Danylo Romanovytj or Danylo af Galicien. There eksist no Galicia on da wiki, here it's called Galicien. I don't want to correct the names, as I at all are oposed to the idea to have them in the infobox. It's in my oppinion {{POV}} to put them there in first place, seccond when you allow yourself to spell in either italian or swedish on danish wikipedia I get angry. What if I started to correct the artickle Данці, and contributed to it in russian. Ukrainan wikipedias artickle about danish are even wrong. In the artickle are writen there is 4.963.806 danish in Denmark. This figure is for sure from before I was born in 1952. There is aproximately 5.600.000 inhabitants in Denmark, of these 5.237.000 have danish citizenship and 5.002.000 has according to law danish roots. So the 4.963.806 is really outdated, this you probably could correct. And avoid to contribute to danish wikipedia, as we write in danish, a language you obviously don't master. mvh Per (PerV) (diskussion) 14. jun 2016, 15:45 (CEST)
- I do not mind if you will make changes in the artickle Данці on the number of people & and it would be nice if you could also be presented 30 photos of famous Danes. And I will help also help to correct errors.--Yasnodark (diskussion) 14 jun 2016, 12:39 (CEST)
@Yasnodark: I would never insert pictures of so called famous people, for me the artickle is about the people, not famous people who spoke or didn't even speak the language as their mothertounge. And no, I think it's ukrainians, those who master the language, who should write on uk wiki. I am in the middle of correcting the artickle about Ukrainere. So please don't eddit on it right now. mvh Per (PerV) (diskussion) 14. jun 2016, 17:12 (CEST)
@Yasnodark: Now you can see what I considder as the basic for an artickle on an etnic group. Ukrainere, but that demands much more serious work than some playing arround with pictures. On ALL the figures there is now sources, this is how we make artickles on da wiki. mvh Per (PerV) (diskussion) 14. jun 2016, 21:26 (CEST)
Hi. Please discuss the issues with the article on Diskussion:Ukrainere. Until there's a concensus, please refrain from reinserting the images. Regards Knud Winckelmann (diskussion) 15. jun 2016, 15:49 (CEST)
Concerning your eddits today
[rediger kildetekst]Your eddits of the different persons you think are ukrainians or not ok. One of them was allready placed in the category of people who comes from Kijev. We do know in Denmark that Kijev is the capital of Ukrain. Concerning Nikolaj Bogoljubov, he was born in Nisjnij Novgorod and died in Moskva, how can you place him in Kategori:Personer fra Ukraine.
And then the last one, that is more tricky: Ilja Repin was born in what today are Kharkiv oblast and as sutch he should be part of Kategori:Personer fra Kharkiv oblast, but was he an ukrainian painter?
He left Ukraine as early as 1865, where he went to Voronezj and later to Sankt Petersborg where he atained the academy. I don't know if he ever later setled in what today is Ukraine. But eventhough, how can people come from Ukraine, when there was no Ukraine state.
In all Ilja Repins lifetime Ukraine was either part of Det Russiske Kejserrige or Sovjetunionen, if you had decided to put him in a category for people from Ukraine SSR, I would even have disagreed. He was from Det Russiske Kejserrige, more precise Kharkiv guvernement, but as we not yet have that category on da wiki, he should be in the category Kategori:Malere fra Rusland and Kategori:Personer fra Kharkiv oblast, not Kategori:Malere fra Ukraine, that is falsification of history.mvh Per (PerV) (diskussion) 15. jun 2016, 17:37 (CEST)
[rediger kildetekst]Yasnodark, the discussion about the content of the Ukrainere article belongs at Diskussion:Ukrainere or on this page.
You don't gain support by attacking people disagreeing with you, nor by spamming random users' discussion pages with such attacks. The people you think are persecuting you, are merely of a different opinion than yours. The fact that they are of a different opinion than yours doesn't mean they are against you personally or your nation.
Having made similar contributions to other Wikipedias where you don't understand the language is considered suspicious behaviour, usually limited to people with a political or commercial agenda. I suggest that you limit your activites to Wikipedias where you are able to understand their respective rules, discussions and articles without the use of dubious machine translations.
Consider this a warning: Further attacks or user discussion spamming, will result in you being blocked from editing.
- Kåre Thor Olsen (Kaare) (diskussion) 16. jun 2016, 17:56 (CEST)
- Kåre Thor Olsen (Kaare) I, too, does not want anything bad I just expressed a different opinion than Bruger: PerV, it does not mean that I showed disrespect to the Danish wikipedia or make spam. I repeated the same editing Danish wikipedia, every time I tried to find a compromise and proposed a new version of the editorial.--Yasnodark (diskussion) 16 jun 2016, 16:39 (CEST)