Brugerdiskussion:Wholle/Arkiv 1
Hjerteligt velkommen til den danske Wikipedia, Wholle! (![]()
Billedtekst / flag
[rediger kildetekst]Hej I bl.a. VM i ishockey 1971 har du tilføjet billedtekst til flaget for Rumænien. Men det skal ordnes på en anden måde, da der findes nogle skabeloner til at klare det. Der er en vejledningen på {{Lande data Rumænien}} - også hvis man vil vælge en bedst version af et flag. --Steen Th 28. sep 2011, 20:43 (CEST)
- OK tak - så må jeg jo hellere rette det.--Wholle 28. sep 2011, 21:04 (CEST)
Nyheder for oktober 2011
[rediger kildetekst]
[rediger kildetekst]Et lille tip fra en anden wikipedianer. Husk at tale pænt - også i redigeringsbeskrivelser. Mvh Tøndemageren 18. okt 2011, 21:23 (CEST) |
Det skal jeg nok, men den spade som jeg omtaler i denne redigering [1] er Wholle som iforbindelse med en større opdatering lavede en del dumme fejl. Men jeg skal nok unlade at komme med mine vredes udbrud en andengang! --Wholle 18. okt 2011, 21:32 (CEST)
[rediger kildetekst]![]() |
Den Originale Barnstar | |
En flittig bidragsyder som dig, fortjener denne barnstar. Pelle Hansen 18. okt 2011, 23:33 (CEST) |
Mange tak! --Wholle 18. okt 2011, 23:35 (CEST)
[rediger kildetekst]I confirm that I would like to usurp the user Wholle on English Wikipedia. This edit confirms that. Thank you --Wholle 23. okt 2011, 10:44 (CEST)
Nyheder for november 2011
[rediger kildetekst]Husk mindre ændring
[rediger kildetekst]Et lille tip fra en anden wikipedianer. Når du skal foretage mindre ændringer på mange sider, for eksempel indsætte eller ændre kategorier eller skabeloner, så husk at hakke af ved "Dette er en mindre ændring." Det gør det muligt for andre at skjule dem på listen over seneste ændringer, der ellers nemt vil drukne i dine mange små redigeringer. Under mine indstillinger har du også mulighed for at få alle dine redigeringer af eksisterende sider automatisk angivet som mindre ændringer. Vær dog opmærksom på, at tilføjelser eller fjernelser af indhold i artikler, indlæg på diskussionssider, o.lign. ikke bør markeres som mindre ændringer. Med venlig hilsen Dannebrog Spy 29. nov 2011, 22:28 (CET) |
Ovenstået foranlediget af din masseindsættelse af {{WikiProjekt Frankrig}} på diskussionssider. --Dannebrog Spy 29. nov 2011, 22:28 (CET)
- Undskyld, var ikke klar over at det ikke er muligt når man opretter nye diskussionssider, som du jo typisk har gjort her. Se derfor bare væk fra henstillingen. --Dannebrog Spy 29. nov 2011, 22:31 (CET)
- OK - jeg syntes også at jeg havde kikket i alle menu punkter for at finde muligheden. --Wholle 29. nov 2011, 22:37 (CET)
- Muligheden for at markere nyoprettelser som mindre ændringer forsvandt desværre for nylig (jeg savner den selv til trivielle ting). - Kåre Thor Olsen (Kaare) 29. nov 2011, 22:39 (CET)
- Nå ja, det forklarer jo sagen, har ellers set det brugt en del ved oprettelse af redirects. Jeg har rettet beskedskabelonen. --Dannebrog Spy 29. nov 2011, 22:52 (CET)
Nyheder for januar 2012
[rediger kildetekst]Ubestemt tid..
[rediger kildetekst]Hej!
Jeg kan glimrende forstå din pointe her, men samtlige andre hverv på den dansksprogede Wikipedia er faktisk for ubestemt tid; patruljanter, administratorer, bureaukrater - alle sidder de indtil de forlader projektet eller aktivt beslutter sig for at fravælge værktøjerne. Det kan vi naturligvis ændre, hvis vi vil, men det er så en generel diskussion om fordele og ulemper. --Palnatoke (diskussion) 9. mar 2012, 12:26 (CET)
Ting og sager til Wikiprojekt Frankrig
[rediger kildetekst]Hej Wholle, Jeg ville lige takke dig for dit arbejde med WikiProjekt Frankrig. Jeg er i gang med et nyt projekt: Wikipedia:WikiProjekt Mellemkrigstiden og har i den forbindelse tyvstjålet flere af de ting som du lavede til Projekt Frankrig. Da du jo havde lavet alt arbejdet i forvejen, sparede jeg en masse tid. Så tak igen. Henrik Sørensen (diskussion) 27. jun 2012, 20:57 (CEST)
- Selv tak - jeg er kun glad for at det jeg lavede kan bruges. Iøvrigt så har du ikke stjålet noget, du har bare genbrugt - det er jo en wiki :-) --Wholle (diskussion) 27. jun 2012, 21:07 (CEST)
Kategori naturtyper
[rediger kildetekst]Hej Wholle. Jeg har genåbnet diskussionen om kategori:naturtyper. Jeg håber, at du vil deltage, så at vi kan opnå bred enighed om det fremtidige kategorisystem. venlig hilsen --Rmir2 (diskussion) 17. sep 2012, 17:24 (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #43
[rediger kildetekst]
- Development
- Deployment on the Hebrew and Italian Wikipedia ([2] [3] [4])
- Switched the Wikipedias over to a new, more scalable dispatching changes script for propagating changes from the repository to the clients
- Fixing various deeply buried bugs and a few minor bugs reported after deployment
- Preparations for next deployment on
- Working on property parser function for the client
- Implemented robust serialization of changes for dispatching
- Resumed work on linked data interface
- References can now be created, edited and removed on existing statements
- Several minor user interface fixes
- Styling of the user interface for statements
- Selenium tests for references
- Selenium tests for non-JS SpecialPages
- Worked on puppet
- Discussions/Press
- Abuse filter guidelines
- Policy on properties
- First external tool for output in RDF: [5] and [6]
- Running your own instance of Wikibase (for science!)
- Events
- We’ve set the date for the next office hours
- upcoming: FOSDEM
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Admin reconfirmation is still ongoing
- Deployment of first parts of phase 2 on are planned for February 4 and deployment on English Wikipedia for February 11. See this blog post for details and more dates.
- Open Tasks for You
- Test statements on the [demo system before the roll-out to on February 4
- Hack on one of these
Wikidata weekly summary #44
[rediger kildetekst]
- Development
- Deployment of the first parts of phase 2 (infoboxes/statements) on done - see it live for example here, here and here
- Diffs for statement edits can now be shown
- Started work on query definitions
- Edit links are now disabled in the interface when the user does not have the rights to edit
- Edit links are now hidden when viewing old revision
- Worked on search field for WikibaseSolr
- More work on Lua templates for Wikibase entities
- Worked on bugfixes in the statement user interface
- New features in the statement user interface (references counter/heading)
- JavaScript editing for table showing labels and description of the same item in different languages
- Repaired and updated the demo system
- Resumed work on Linked Data interface
- Support for enhanced recent changes format in client
- There are automatic comments for statement edits as well in the history now
- Special page for unconnected pages, that is pages on the client that are not connected to items on the repository
- Added permission checks for statements, so a user that can not edit will not be able to edit or that only a group can be allowed to do some changes like creating statements
- Discussions/Press
- Signpost
- Lots of discussions about the usage details and policies of phase 2 on d:Wikidata:Project chat
- Events
- upcoming: office hour (English; German later)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Deployment of phase 1 (language links) on the English language Wikipedia is still planned for Monday late evening UTC (pending a performance review)
- List of existing properties and their usage
- List of new proposed properties
- Open Tasks for You
- d:User:PinkAmpersand is looking for someone to write a script that once someone has been made an autopatroller, retroactively patrols all of their prior edits
- d:Wikidata:Press coverage could use some love and care
- Hack on one of these
Wikidata weekly summary #45
[rediger kildetekst]
- Development
- Deployment to English Wikipedia
- Fix various minor bugs in client, including watchlist toggle with preference to default to always show Wikidata edits
- Added the new Baso Minangkabau Wikipedia (min)
- Fixed wrong revision of statements being shown in diff and old revision view
- Diff visualization for claims (simple version for main snak)
- Diff visualization for claims (extended version for references, qualifiers, ranks)
- Tooltip that notifies about the license your contributions will be covered by while editing (can be disabled by each user)
- Started with valueview refactoring
- Started with user interface handling of deleted properties
- Started with refactoring of local partial entity lookup
- Started with refactoring of toolbar usage in jQuery.wikibase view widgets
- Finished improvement on jQuery.wikibase.claimview’s edit mode handling
- Improved search by using entity selector in search field instead of normal MediaWiki search field
- More work on Lua-based templates for entities
- Specified the capabilities of the query language we need
- Created query object
- Proper bot-flagging of edits (bugzilla:44857)
- Use of ID to directly address an item or property
- Search should give more of the complete matches now
- Special:ItemByTitle should work for canonical namespaces and later on for local namespaces
- More robust format for notifications of changes on the repository to the client
- Started work on refactoring API and autocomments code
- Started to maintain documentation of configuration options in git
- Discussions/Press
- Events
- Upcoming: Wikipedia Day NYC
- Upcoming: office hour in English tomorrow
- Note: changed day of next German office hour to March 8
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- We have a time scheduled when Wikidata will be read-only for a database migration. The window for that is Feb 20 19:00 to Feb 21 2:00 UTC.
- New features and bugfixes on Wikidata are planned to be deployed on Monday (Feb 18). This should among other things include:
- Showing useful diffs for edits of claims (they’re currently empty)
- Automatic comments for editing of claims (there are currently none)
- Ability to add items to claims by their ID
- Better handling of deleted properties
- More results in the entity selector (that’s the thing that lets you select properties, items and so on) so you can add everything and not just the first few matches that are shown
- We’re still working on the issue that sometimes editing of certain parts of items or properties isn’t possible. If you’re running into it try to reload the page and/or change the URL to the www. version or the non-www. version respectively.
- Deployment on all other Wikipedias is currently planned for March 6 (a note to the Village Pumps of all affected projects will follow soon)
- Check out a well-done item
- Open Tasks for You
- Help expand * Help expand and translate Wikidata/Deployment Questions
- Hack on one these
[rediger kildetekst]Hej med dig Wholle . Vil lige sige tillykke med dine rettigheder du nok får imorgen :) Men det andet var om du kunne være intreseret i at komme ind på Wikipedias Chat kanal. Du kan snakke med andre, og se live redigeringer. Du kan læse hvordan du tilslutter dig her. --Simeondahl (diskussion) 17. feb 2013, 00:29 (CET)
Hold lidt igen med at opdatere indbyggere tal
[rediger kildetekst]Hej. Det er en meget god at holde igen med at opdatere indbygger - opdatering af det skal ændres så det bliver lettere i fremtiden og det diskutteres på Wikipedia:WikiProjekt Danmarks geografi - og Wikidata kan også bruges at lette opdateringen. --Steen Th (diskussion) 17. feb 2013, 10:32 (CET)
[rediger kildetekst]Jeg har nu givet dig patruljantrettigheder jf. WP:P. Du kan læse mere på Wikipedia:Patruljanter, Hjælp:Tilbagerulning og Wikipedia:Patruljering.
- Sarrus (d • b) d. 17. feb 2013, 17:12 (CET)
- Tillykke med dine patruljantrettigheder Wholle :) God at have dig med på holdet! --Simeondahl (diskussion) 17. feb 2013, 17:13 (CET)
Wikidata weekly summary #46
[rediger kildetekst]
- Development
- Deployed new features and bugfixes including diffs for statements and the ability to enter items and properties by their ID
- Updated demo system
- Database maintainance (Wikidata was in read-only mode for a bit)
- Implemented first version of a string data type
- Worked on better error reporting from the API
- Ported Lua function mw.wikibase.getEntity to Wikibase extension
- Worked on making the search box suggest items and properties while typing
- Improved the behaviour of the entity selector (thingy that lets you select items and entities)
- Improved debugging experience in JavaScript when dealing with prototypical inheritance
- Worked on cleanup of local entity store
- Generalized generation of localizable edit summaries
- Discussions/Press
- Wikidata development will continue in 2013
- Wikidata Phase 2 in Full Swing
- RFC about the Wikidata API
- Lots of discussions about certain properties and how they should be used. Current state is at d:Wikidata:List of properties and new ones are being discussed at [d:Wikidata:Property proposal]]
- RCF about amending the global bot policy for Wikidata
- Proposed changes to Wikidata’s notability guidelines
- Events
- office hour including a report on the current status of Wikidata (log)
- upcoming: Wikipedia Day NYC
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Deployment of phase 1 (language links) on all remaining Wikipedias and a small update on Wikidata are planned for March 6
- Great page for editors to learn about what phase 1 means for them
- Cool tool visualizing family relations based on data in Wikidata
- “Restricting the World” (first in a series about some design decisions behind Wikidata)
- List of most used properties
- OmegaWiki is using Wikidata to get links to Wikipedia articles
- Nyan Nyan Wikidata Nyan Nyan
- We’ve hit d:Q5000000
- Had a look at d:Wikidata:Tools lately?
- Open Tasks for You
- Hack on one of these
- Help translate Wikidata/Deployment Questions
- Help bring the content of en:Wikipedia:Wikidata to your Wikipedia
Wikidata weekly summary #47
[rediger kildetekst]
- Development
- Extended diff view to include references now
- Fixed bug where incorrect statements revision was shown in diff view
- Added first version of Linked Data interface (RDF/XML); will be accessible from Special:EntityData
- Updated the demo system
- More work towards using Solr for our search
- More investigation and fixes of search issues
- Fixed several bugs in the entity selector and improved its behavior
- Worked on refactoring of how our widgets use the toolbar
- Worked on implementation of missing data model components in JavaScript
- A lot of bug fixing
- Events
- Wikipedia Day NYC
- upcoming: Wikimedia metrics and activities meeting
- upcoming: office hour (German)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Rollout of phase 1 (language links) on all remaining Wikipedias is still planned for March 6
- Next update on is also planned for March 6. This will have bugfixes and if all goes well string as a new available data type.
- Proposal was made to the Hungarian, Hebrew and Italian Wikipedias to be the first batch to use phase 2 of Wikidata (infoboxes). Scheduled timeframe for this is end of March
- d:Wikidata:Database reports has some useful reports like the list of most used properties
- The interwiki shortcut :d was changed to always use www in the resulting link (to prevent editing issues on other URLs).
- The list of available properties is growing and a whole bunch of new ones are being discussed
- Reasonator gives you a nice adapted view of an item about a person
- Items by cat helps you find missing items in a certain Wikipedia category
- A few more additions to d:Wikidata:Tools that you should have a look at if you’re editing statements
- We now have more than 2600 active users on Wikidata. Thanks for being awesome. <3
- Open Tasks for You
- Help bring the content of en:Wikipedia:Wikidata to the remaining Wikipedias that will get phase 1 on March 6
- Hack on one of these
Wikidata weekly summary #48
[rediger kildetekst]
- Development
- More work on widget to add language links on the Wikipedias directly without having to go to Wikidata
- Bug fixes for Wikipedias, including:
- don't show edit link when noexternallanglinks magic word suppresses Wikidata links (bugzilla:45037)
- use Q## links instead of linking to Special:ItemByTitle for “edit links” link (bugzilla:44536)
- preference for showing Wikidata edits by default in watchlist (bugzilla:44973)
- Catching up on writing tests for untested functionality
- More work on the Lua support for accessing data from the repository ( on the Wikipedias
- Updated Wikidata’s Vagrant development machine
- Created initial QueryStore interface
- Created initial setup code for the SQL QueryStore
- Discussed and created initial schema for the SQL QueryStore
- Simplified code for client settings, including which namespaces can have Wikidata links. The default is now all namespaces, without needing to explicitly specify them in the settings
- Improved code for sorting interwiki links in the clients, with step towards allowing the communities to specify custom sort orders per Wikipedia
- Improved handling of deleted properties
- Further work on replacement for current search box
- More work on improving error reporting and edit summaries in the API
- Tim and Aaron killed the mystery bug that caused corrupt login tokens (bugzilla:41586)
- Discussions/Press
- Hacker News noticed we exist
- RFC about opting out of global sysops or not (more RFCs d:Wikidata:Requests for comment)
- Asked the Italian, Hebrew and Hungarian Wikipedias if they want to be the first to use phase 2 (will ask a few more to join the first batch later today)
- Events
- WMF Metrics and Activities meeting (recording is linked there)
- office hour in German
- upcoming: Bibliothek & Information
- upcoming: Wikidata trifft Achäologie
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- We’re now live on all Wikipedias with phase 1 \o/
- Deployed bugfixes and a new data type (string) to
- How will Wikidata impact Wikipedia?
- More useful database reports (more are being requested on the discussion page)
- Quite a few new properties that make use of the new string data type now and more are being proposed
- Lukas wants to work with us to improve usability
- New user scripts at d:Wikidata:Tools
- Did you know?
- Is a specific bug report really important to you? If you have an account on you can easily add yourself to the CC list of the bug and then receive updates about its status via email
- Wikidata is also on Twitter,, Facebook and Google+
- There is an IRC channel too: #wikimedia-wikidata on freenode
- Open Tasks for You
- Hack on one of these
- Continue being awesome