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Wikipedia:Landsbybrønden/Why doesn’t Afrikaans end with a ‘k’?

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Why doesn’t Afrikaans end with a ‘k’?[rediger kildetekst]

Hello there!

I’ve noticed in the Danish language that most (basically all) languages end with a ‘k’

Examples: Vestgermansk; Dansk; Højtysk ; Tysk; Alemannisk; Svabisk; Østfrankisk; Nederlandsk (hollandsk; flamsk); Plattysk; Frisisk; Engelsk; Islandsk; Svensk; Gutnisk; Norsk; Bornholmsk; Skånsk; Luxembourgsk; Kinesisk; Russisk...

Why then, does Afrikaans not end with a ‘k’ (as in “Afrikaansk”)? Is Afrikaans not regarded as a language or is there some grammar law restricting the use of the ‘k’?

(Sorry for the layout of the question!)

From a curious South African Suidpunt 22. mar 2011, 11:09 (CET)

Thanks Dannebrog Spy! The layout looks much better! Suidpunt 22. mar 2011, 15:49 (CET)
The Dictionary of the Danish Language seems to suggest that in written Danish, "Afrikaans" can only be traced back to 1943, but unfortunately does not give any clue as to special circumstances regarding the ending. My guess is that, "Afrikaans" being a word of newer origin in the Danish language than the other languages you mention, the original Dutch word has been transferred directly to Danish, and thus has retained its original ending. Perhaps, given time, it will eventually turn into "Afrikaansk" someday. --Saddhiyama 22. mar 2011, 20:18 (CET)
Another idea could be to seperate it from afrikansk, when writing it afrikaans it is emphasized to pronouce it Dutch-like and not as one would usually pronounce it in Danish. But again: We actually do not know. --Andreas Müller 22. mar 2011, 20:48 (CET)
'Afrikansk' will refer to a common language of africa and that makes no sense. I guess we have adapted the 'local' name of the language as we have done with all the constructed languages and several other real languages as hindi, romani, dari, sanskrit, mandarin etc. It might be of respect like we now say Beijing instead of Peking. We probably cannot define exactly when we began this new policy. --Jørgen 22. mar 2011, 23:48 (CET)

Ag, dankie julle aldrie - julle het my dag gemaak! (Oh, thanks all three of you; you've made my day!)
Dankie vir die goeie antwoorde; ek waardeer dit. (Thanks for the good answers; I appreciate it.) Suidpunt 23. mar 2011, 13:04 (CET)