Wikipedia:Landsbybrønden/Mergehistory usergroup
Mergehistory usergroup
[rediger kildetekst]Hello, apologies for writing in English. If someone could translate this more accurately into Danish (I'll attempt using Google Translate however, sorry) it would be appreciated. Recently a bugzilla bug report about this wiki was reopened which was about the addition of a new user group called 'mergehistory' with the 'mergehistory' user right. It seems to be assignable and removable by sysops. The original discussion seemed to show consensus for this. Therefore I am just poking the community to see whether this is still what you all want. More information on the mergehistory right can be seen at Th e MediaWiki page. Comments by the community mainly if you still want this plus any changes to the assignment of it or the user rights is appreciated.
For nylig en bugzilla fejlrapport om denne wiki blev genåbnet som var om tilføjelse af en ny brugergruppe kaldet 'Mergehistory' med 'Mergehistory' user højre. Det synes at være overdrages og fjernes af systemoperatører. Den original diskussion syntes at vise enighed om dette. Derfor er jeg bare stikke samfundet til at se, om dette er stadig, hvad du ønsker alle. Yderligere oplysninger om Mergehistory højre kan ses på MediaWiki side. Kommentarer fra fællesskabet især hvis du stadig ønsker dette plus eventuelle ændringer i tildelingen af det eller de brugerrettigheder, er værdsat.
As I said, apologies for the poor Danish above, I hope it helps get the basic idea accross to non-English speaking users more. John F. Lewis (diskussion) 12. jan 2014, 20:55 (CET)
- It was decided in 2009 not to merge historys anymore. Regards Asger (henvendelse) 12. jan 2014, 21:09 (CET)
- It was decided in 2009 here that histories are not merged more. Regards Asger (henvendelse) 12. jan 2014, 21:17 (CET)
- Thank you for the link. I have closed the bug respectively. If the community was to reconsider it, the bug may be opened in future. John F. Lewis (diskussion) 13. jan 2014, 17:20 (CET)
- You're welcome. Regards Asger (henvendelse) 13. jan 2014, 17:24 (CET)
- Thank you for the link. I have closed the bug respectively. If the community was to reconsider it, the bug may be opened in future. John F. Lewis (diskussion) 13. jan 2014, 17:20 (CET)