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Hjerteligt velkommen til den danske Wikipedia, LeFnake! (Storbritannien English)
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Med venlig hilsen Arne (Amjaabc) (diskussion) 19. apr 2021, 10:23 (CEST)

A little advice

[rediger kildetekst]

Hi LeFnake. From your history in Danish Wikipedia, I have a feeling, that you are not Danish, but probably French. I know the welcome above is quite late, but then it's done.

However, I would ask you to write a summary of your edits - even if most of them are rather simple, it is always a good idea to aid patrollers/admins and others of what you did. E.g. this change puzzled med a little - why abbreviate texts just like that on a Wikipedia, that clearly isn't your native one? We might like it written in full. Regards, Arne (Amjaabc) (diskussion) 19. apr 2021, 10:23 (CEST)

Hi Arne (Amjaabc). Thank you for your message, talk is always a better solution than just a quick cancelation! And thank you for the welcome, you are perfectly right, I'm French :-)
You are right about this change, I should have explained it. Actually, what puzzled me is that in the infobox is that the column "Kampe (Mål)" is forced to be larger than the column on klub, and consequently, 2 or 3 rows are often needed to show each club in the infobox even though there are no stats in the column "Kampe (Mål)". In my point of view, it's not optimal. So I thought that replacing "Kampe (Mål)" with "K (M)" would be understandable and will allow to reduce column width. Unfortunately, I'm not used to work on those models so I didn't managed to optimize the model as far as I wanted.
If you consider that my change is unappropriate, feel free to cancel it, I won't be offended :-) --LeFnake (diskussion) 19. apr 2021, 10:58 (CEST)
Hi again, and thanks for your reply. In fact, I had a hunch that the width of the text was your concern. I do not mind, so I will simply let it stay, as you changed it. Have a nice day. --Arne (Amjaabc) (diskussion) 19. apr 2021, 11:03 (CEST)
Hi again Arne (Amjaabc), I just used the template abreviation so that K and M are now more meaningfull. --LeFnake (diskussion) 19. apr 2021, 11:21 (CEST)