Hjerteligt velkommen til den danske Wikipedia, JayPeque! Jeg håber, at du vil trives her. Brug venligst 10 minutter på at læse denne velkomst; den vil hjælpe dig med at komme i gang.
Du kan starte med at læse vores fulde velkomst, og læse punkterne nedenfor.
Hvis du har brug for yderligere hjælp, besøg da gerne hjælpe- og chatkanalen, hvor du kan få et svar meget hurtigt. Sidst, men ikke mindst, er du velkommen til at læse vores politikker og normer, for at sikre dig at du ikke bryder dem ved et uheld. Med venlig hilsen- Sarrus (d • b) d. 26. jun 2010, 13:00 (CEST) |
Et par tips
[rediger kildetekst]Et lille tip fra en anden wikipedianer. Når du redigerer eller opretter artikler, så husk venligst at bruge forhåndsvisning. Dermed undgås for meget støj på listen over seneste ændringer, og du vil fange de fleste af dine slåfejl selv. Bemærk, at der findes forskellige redigeringsværktøjer, som gør det lettere at fange stavefejl. |
Et lille tip fra en anden wikipedianer. Når du laver større eller mindre ændringer i artikler, samt når du laver nye artikler, så husk venligst at udfylde feltet "Opsummér redigering" placeret under den store redigeringsboks. Dette er med til at informere andre wikipedianere om, hvad du har rettet på den aktuelle side. Du sparer således andres tid, hvis du lige noterer, at du f.eks. blot har rettet en stavefejl. Omvendt kan det også tiltrække ekstra opmærksomhed, hvis du noterer, at du har lavet en større omskrivning eller tilføjelse til en artikel, så dine tilføjelser kan blive læst igennem. Hvis du har svært ved at huske at beskrive dine ændringer, kan du tilrette dine indstillinger, således at du får besked, hvis ikke du har beskrevet en ændring. Med venlig hilsen Knud Winckelmann 5. nov 2010, 15:11 (CET) |
Forkert tilbagerulning
[rediger kildetekst]Hej, jeg kom til at fjerne din redigering af Treenighedskirken (Roskilde) ved en fejl. Det beklager jeg - jeg har tilbagestillet min egen rettelse. Vh. SorenRK (diskussion) 14. mar 2017, 10:54 (CET)
-Alt forladt :-)
Share your experience and feedback as a Wikimedian in this global survey
[rediger kildetekst]Hello! The Wikimedia Foundation is asking for your feedback in a survey. We want to know how well we are supporting your work on and off wiki, and how we can change or improve things in the future. The opinions you share will directly affect the current and future work of the Wikimedia Foundation. You have been randomly selected to take this survey as we would like to hear from your Wikimedia community. The survey is available in various languages and will take between 20 and 40 minutes.
You can find more information about this survey on the project page and see how your feedback helps the Wikimedia Foundation support editors like you. This survey is hosted by a third-party service and governed by this privacy statement (in English). Please visit our frequently asked questions page to find more information about this survey. If you need additional help, or if you wish to opt-out of future communications about this survey, send an email through the EmailUser feature to WMF Surveys to remove you from the list.
Thank you!
Reminder: Share your feedback in this Wikimedia survey
[rediger kildetekst]Every response for this survey can help the Wikimedia Foundation improve your experience on the Wikimedia projects. So far, we have heard from just 29% of Wikimedia contributors. The survey is available in various languages and will take between 20 and 40 minutes to be completed. Take the survey now.
If you have already taken the survey, we are sorry you've received this reminder. We have design the survey to make it impossible to identify which users have taken the survey, so we have to send reminders to everyone. If you wish to opt-out of the next reminder or any other survey, send an email through EmailUser feature to WMF Surveys. You can also send any questions you have to this user email. Learn more about this survey on the project page. This survey is hosted by a third-party service and governed by this Wikimedia Foundation privacy statement. Thanks!
Your feedback matters: Final reminder to take the global Wikimedia survey
[rediger kildetekst]Hello! This is a final reminder that the Wikimedia Foundation survey will close on 23 April, 2018 (07:00 UTC). The survey is available in various languages and will take between 20 and 40 minutes. Take the survey now.
If you already took the survey - thank you! We will not bother you again. We have designed the survey to make it impossible to identify which users have taken the survey, so we have to send reminders to everyone. To opt-out of future surveys, send an email through EmailUser feature to WMF Surveys. You can also send any questions you have to this user email. Learn more about this survey on the project page. This survey is hosted by a third-party service and governed by this Wikimedia Foundation privacy statement.
We sent you an e-mail
[rediger kildetekst]Hello JayPeque,
Really sorry for the inconvenience. This is a gentle note to request that you check your email. We sent you a message titled "The Community Insights survey is coming!". If you have questions, email
You can see my explanation here.
MediaWiki message delivery (diskussion) 25. sep 2020, 20:48 (CEST)
Interne links
[rediger kildetekst]Se gerne diskussion på brønden Wikipedia:Landsbybrønden/Overlinkning. --Pugilist (diskussion) 14. mar. 2023, 10:16 (CET)
Invitation to Rejoin the Healthcare Translation Task Force
[rediger kildetekst]You have been a medical translators within Wikipedia. We have recently relaunched our efforts and invite you to join the new process. Let me know if you have questions. Best Doc James (talk · contribs · email) 12:34, 2 August 2023 (UTC)