Bruger:Necessary Evil/sandkasse
cs:Diskuse s wikipedistou:JAn Dudík
Hi JAn Dudík. Your JAnDbot has changed de:Geschwader to de:Eskadre on many Wikipedias. A "Geschwader" is a variation of "Eskadre" in many languages. The "de:Eskadre" is a lesser useful page. The major problem here is that the English word "squadron" means different things:
- 100-120 cavalrymen or 10-12 tanks; da:Eskadron, de:Schwadron, es:Escuadrón, fi:Eskadroona, fr:Escadron, nl:Eskadron, no:Eskadron, pl:Szwadron, sl:Eskadron, uk:Ескадрон
KOSMOS – En rejse i tid og rum
[redigér | rediger kildetekst]Astrofysikeren Neil deGrasse Tyson er vært, og Seth MacFarlane er producer, når den berømte videnskabsserie genopstår i optimeret form.
- På vagt i Mælkevejen – 16. marts 2014 … "Astrofysikeren Neil deGrasse Tyson styrer The Ship of the Imagination, når den berømte videnskabsserie genopstår i optimeret form."
- Livets strømme – 23. marts 2014 … "Neil deGrasse Tyson undersøger livets udvikling gennem naturlig og kunstig udvælgelse med et kig på det menneskelige øjes evolution."
- Viden frem for frygt – 30. marts 2014 … "I tusindvis af år blev naturfænomener forklaret som Guds værk. Neil deGrasse Tyson afslører, hvordan viden og videnskab har ændrede det totalt."
- En himmel fuld af spøgelser – 6. april 2014 … "En undersøgelse af, hvordan lys, tid og tyngdekraft rotter sig sammen og forvrænger vores opfattelse af universet."
- Skjult i lyset – 13. april 2014 … "Neil deGrasse Tyson undersøger lys og oplysning, fra Herschels tilfældige opdagelse af det infrarøde lys til astrofysikkens fødsel."
- Videnskabeligt skarpsyn – 20. april 2014 … "Videnskaben kaster sit skarpsyn på alt, inklusive Neil selv, som visualiseres som et menneske sammensat af atomer."
- Det rene rum – 27. april 2014 … "Jordens stormfulde ungdom slettede effektivt alle spor efter dens spæde oprindelse, så hvordan fandt man nogensinde frem til Jordens sande alder?"
- Solens søstre – 4. maj 2014 …
- Jordens tabte verdener – 11. maj 2014 …
- Electric Boy – 18. maj 2014 …
- De udødelige – 25. maj 2014 …
- En verden sat fri – 1. juni 2014 …
- Hvorfor være bange for mørket? – 8. juni 2014 …
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- Wikipedia (også på andre sprog) kan ikke bruges som kilder i andre artikler. Det er det flere andre brugere har prøvet at fortælle dig. I stedet for al din snik-snak, skulle du have indsat UNESCO-linket med det samme.
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Moon hoax
[redigér | rediger kildetekst]Are you for real? ;-) There is no "contrary to what is erroneous stated in 'Wikipedia:Apollo Moon Landing hoax conspiracy theories' other..." section because the book is from 1985 when neither Wikipedia nor the graphic Internet existed. The book is a list of manned spaceflights - how many French astronauts, how many women in orbit, how many dead astronauts, how many eva hours, how many triple flyers, quadruple flyers... There is no original synth like excluding Challenger or Columbia deaths because it's 1985.
- kendingsbogstaver (bil) = '''VN''' |
- luftfartøjsregistreringskode = '''VN''' |
"The next attack came from an Aermacchi MB 339 flown by Lieutenant Crippa from Stanley on a routine reconnaissance flight. He attacked HMS Argonaut at very low level with cannon fire and rockets, causing minor damage and wounding three men. Having fired all his ammunition, Lt Crippa flew safely back to Stanley. "
Militærhistorie 3/2009 ISSN: 2000-3536 side 12-19, Angrebshelikoptere. "David Potter tjente tidligere som soldat i den britiske hær. Nu arbejder han som militærhistorisk forsker og oversætter." Militærhistorie er svensk. Attack helicopter → attackhelikopter → "angrebshelikopter" (kamphelikopter). Side 18: "venligsindet ild" (egenbeskydning, friendly fire). "Korte vinger" (stubvinger). M230 30 mm gatlingkanon (M230 Chain Gun, single-barrel - General Electrics XM188 three-barrelled gatling rejected to Advanced Attack Helicopter).
Common knee-jerk reaction ... Why was my cited, relevant sentence removed ...
- Exceptions to the rule:
terrænfølgeradar - cockpittag - kombineret haleplan og højderor - halefinne - sideror - luftbremse - flap - spoiler - servotrim - krængeror - forkantslidse (slot) - pitotrør (luftdatasonde) - pylon (udvendigt lasteophæng) - cyclic stick (betjeningshåndtag til drejestigning)- collective stick (betjeningshåndtag til samlede rotorbladsstigning)
[redigér | rediger kildetekst]Sojuz MS-02 september 2016
[redigér | rediger kildetekst]Andrei Borisenko (to gange) (p.t. om bord)
Robert Kimbrough (to gange) (p.t. om bord)
Sergej Nikolajevitj Ryzjikov (p.t. om bord)
Sojuz MS-03 november 2016
[redigér | rediger kildetekst]Oleg Novitskij (to gange) (p.t. om bord)
Thomas Pesquet (p.t. om bord)
Peggy Whitson (tre gange) (p.t. om bord)
Sojuz MS-04 marts 2017
[redigér | rediger kildetekst]NASA-grupper
[redigér | rediger kildetekst]- 1 - 1959 - Mercury Seven
- 2 - 1962 - Neil Armstrong
- 3 - 1963 - Buzz Aldrin
- 4 - 1965 - science, Harrison Schmitt
- 5 - 1966 - Vance Brand
- 6 - 1967 - science, Joseph Allen
- 7 - 1969 - MOL, Crippen
- 8 - 1978 - Sally Ride
- 9 - 1980 - Jerry Ross
- 10 - 1984 - Culbertson
[redigér | rediger kildetekst]- en:ZSU-23-4
- en:SA-8
- en:BRDM-2 - en:AT-3 Sagger
- en:BTR-60 - AK-47 - RPG
- en:FROG-7
- en:Krivak class frigate - SS-N-14 'Silex' - SA-N-4 'Gecko' - en:RBU-6000
- en:Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23 - AA-7 'Apex' - AA-8 'Aphid' - AS-7 'Kerry'
Lenina Huxley
[redigér | rediger kildetekst]The character Lenina Huxley (played by Sandra Bullock) from the 1993 science fiction movie Demolition Man is a dissatisfied San Angeles police lieutenant bored with the conservatism of Raymond Cocteau's neo-puritanical world views in the year 2032. She collects stuff from the Vulgar 20th Century as her colleagues and superiors call it. After thawing John Spartan from his cryo-prison, she become his partner and girlfriend. After having virtual sex in her apartment following a dinner at Taco Bell, the partners reverted to a working relationship. Although she is a fan of the 20th century, she flubs catchphrases that were common to that era. Her fandom of the 20th century also turned her into a expert on how society almost collapsed until Raymond Cocteau saved it in the year 2010.
In addition to this, she enjoys the mini-tunes (old commercials turned into songs) and has connections to John Spartan's daughter (that were never used). Simon Phoenix never saw her as a threat because he was more interested in his vendetta with her partner, Detective John Spartan. In fact, Lenina never sees Simon Phoenix because she is accidentally knocked unconscious by John's tazer just before the final confrontation. Besides all of that, Lenina is the main driver of the San Angeles police department cruiser because John is frustrated with the technology of the 2030s.
Her name is a reference to Aldous Huxley's Brave New World: her last name is a reference to the author, and "Lenina" is a reference to Lenina Crowne, a somewhat ditzy character.
Lenina Huxley's unintentional funny lines Lenina Huxleys ufrivilligt morsomme replikker.
- 51 min 04 sec
![]() |
You really licked his ass. - You really kicked his ass. | ![]() |
"Du gav ham en ordentlig røvpul - Røvfuld."
- 59 min 49 sec
![]() |
Looks like there's a new shepherd in town. - Looks like there's a new sheriff in town. | ![]() |
"Der er vist en ny sheik i byen - Sherif."
- 1 h 17 min 35 sec
![]() |
Let's go blow this guy. - Let's go blow this guy away. | ![]() |
"Lad os kneppe ham. - Knalde."
Lines from the DVD "Demolition Man", 1993.
Fox that woke them up.
[redigér | rediger kildetekst]When I was in the air force we instantly catched the joke "FOX that woke them up" in the Final Countdown movie. The pilot didn't said "Fox....that woke them up", "Fox, that woke them up" or "Hey Fox that woke them up". There is no 'RIO Fox' in the casting [1]. I know that the fox codes have a number, but it was said as a joke. Later one of them said "FOX TWO" when he launched a Sidewinder missile - indicating that they were familiar with the brevity codes. They sort of invented it on the spot - a high-speed flyby to almost turn the Zeroes upside down with their wake turbulence = 'FOX that woke them up'.
You reverted an odd statement, jokes are odd statements! My contribution was placed in a fictional environment so your removal is odd. The DVD subtitles are often written by translators with a minuscule knowledge to the subject or what is it you mean with "per DVD captions"??? Please undo your deletions and be open to subtle messages. --Regards, Necessary Evil (talk) 18:43, 28 July 2008 (UTC)
- No, per WP:V and WP:RS. The audio, not just the captions, are clear: The pilot said, "Hey, Fox, that woke them up!" I'm really surprised that you added this in the first place, and I hope you'll abide by policy from here on. Besides, we don't usually report jokes in the Plot section anyway, so why here? - BillCJ (talk) 19:57, 28 July 2008 (UTC)
- Hi BillCJ. I've watched the movie and he did say "Hey Fox that woke them up" but I couldn't hear the commas ;-) If you base the commas on the DVD caption, you must be aware that those who 'DVDize' the movies are not so accurate. The movie is also called "U.S.S. Nimitz - Lost in the Pacific" where the DVD company has placed an F-15 on the poster :-) [2] - so much for accuracy.
- The pilot was a witty guy who placed odd statements like "Fill it up, check the oil and clean the windshield" to the KA-6 tanker. The odd statement "Hey, FOX that woke them up" as a brevity code was meant in a humorous tone. Your unimaginative interpretation doesn’t make sense – why introduce a Fox character without seeing him later?
- You might argue that the fox codes are too technical for the average moviegoer but the movie is very close to the real world (except off course the time travel and the Japanese T-6 Texans). Some people didn’t comprehend that the F-14 was shooting with its 20 mm gatling gun. They expected a takka takka sound instead of the farting noise. So some of the stuff was way over people's heads.
- Your swift removal of my contribution explained by your dead certain "incorrect" founded on your uncertain "seems to be the other pilot or RIO's callsign" doesn’t concur. Normal procedure would be to tag it instead of removing it since your interpretation is OR. Else I fail to understand the proper occasion for insertion of {{fact}}.
- I’m sorry that I wrote "joke" – it was apparently a source of misunderstanding. A character in the movie Spaceballs is called "Colonel Sandurz", a pun on KFC's founder Colonel Sanders. It’s used as "What's the matter, Colonel Sandurz? Chicken?" in the movie and is reported in the movie article. Therefore jokes or whatever you’ll call it belongs in the articles. --Regards, Necessary Evil (talk) 20:41, 31 July 2008 (UTC)
[redigér | rediger kildetekst]- Observation is understood by 99 % of the Wikipedians. The bright stars create patterns which the human imagination names lion, scorpion etc. OK, whether Regulus belongs to Leo or a neighbouring constellation is a human-chosen agreement. But when astronomy and astrology split they both recognized that same bright stars looked like a lion in the sky. Later the astronomers agreed to the boundaries between the constellations.
According to you everything is observations. So if someone looks in the newspaper, he is observing the letters and ciphers to see whether he belongs to Aries or Taurus. When the majority read the word 'observation' they'll think of someone gazing at the sky. I can put my finger in the air and observe that it's in the Aries constellation. So the observations are relative, astronomers observe the Sun is in the Aries constellation seen from the Earth. My finger is just as less part of Aries as the Sun is.
- Wikipedians might be interested in where the Sun was when they were born. The table gives them an exact knowledge - if you're born June 20th you belong to Gemini but the Sun was in Taurus June 20th.
[redigér | rediger kildetekst]Reverted unexplained removal of content
- de:CD-ROM#Sonstiges
- de:Geschwader (Marine)
- en:2008 Summer Olympics#National participation changes
- en:Devil Dog
- en:Halley Armada
- en:Royal Danish Army
- en:Template:Halley Armada
- en:Zodiac#Table of dates
- es:Muchacha (Ojos de papel)
[redigér | rediger kildetekst]Katapultsæde
[redigér | rediger kildetekst]The ejection sequence would have to be from the rear to the front of the cabin, with the flight crew being the last of all to be ejected. In an airliner with 30 rows of seats, the seats would have to be jettisoned in row sets, with seperation rockets to insure dispersal of the seats and prevent mid-air seat collisions. There would have to be a delay between rows for the same reason. This delay in military jets is in the vicinity of .4 to .5 second. This adds up to some 15-16 seconds for a full ejection of the aircraft. Seats that are unoccupied must be weighted to ensure that they seperate in a predictable path. While the seats are firing, the aircraft would be exposed to forces from the catapult charges, and the center of gravity would be changing rapidly. This would cause significant difficulty to the flight control system to maintain stability.
[redigér | rediger kildetekst]- de Havilland Tiger Moth IS - (1939 & -40)
- Fokker D.XXI IIIJ - (1939-40)
- Focke-Wulf FW 200A-0 Condor - (1940)
- Airspeed Oxford Mk II - (1940)
- Supermarine Spitfire Mk IA - (1940-41)
- Fairey Swordfish Mk I - HMS Ark Royal - (1941)
- Bristol Beaufighter Mk IC - Malta - (1941-42)
- Short Sunderland Mk II - (1942)
- Avro Lancaster Mk I - (1942-43)
- Westland Lysander Mk III(SD) - (1943)
- de Havilland Mosquito B.IV - (1943-44)
- Airspeed Horsa Mk II - (1944)
- Hawker Typhoon Mk IB - 2 TAF - (1944-45)
- Liberator VIII - (1945)
- Thunderbolt II - (1945)
- Dakota IV - (1945)
- Gloster Meteor F.4 - (1945)
[redigér | rediger kildetekst]- 'eskadron': (engelsk): squadron, (am.) troop
- (tysk): (hist.) Schwadron, (kampvogns-) Kompanie
- (fransk): escadron
- (spansk): (mil.) escuadrón
- 'eskadre': (engelsk): (mar.) squadron
- (tysk): (mil., mar.) Geschwader
- (fransk): (mil.) escadre
- (spansk): escuadra
- 'eskadrille': (engelsk): (flyv.) squadron
- (tysk): (mil., flyv.) Staffel
- (fransk): escadrille (de torpilleurs, d'avions)
- (spansk): (mil., flyv.) escuadrilla
- squadriglia (italiensk): eskadrille, gruppe.
- squadrone (italiensk):
- squadra (italiensk):
- Compagnia Carri - M14/41 - capitano - Semovente 75/18 - sergente.
- Battaglione Bersaglieri - tenente colonello.
- Squadrone Esplorante - Autoblindo AB41 - capitano - motociclisti - cannone-mitragliera Breda da 20/65 modello 35.
- Battaglione Fucilieri - tenente colonello - L6/40 trasporto munizioni.
- Compagnia Paracadutisti - capitano - Fiat CR.42 Falco - Macchi C.200 Saetta - tenente.
- artiglieria - Solothurn.
- Prima Squadra - V Divisione Corazzate - Giulio Cesare & Conte di Cavour (Nave da Battaglia) - VIII Divisione Incrociatori - 2 - XIV Squadriglia Cacciatorpediniere - 3.
- I Gruppo Sommergibili - XIII Squadriglia Sommergibili - 3.
- II Squadriglia Torpediniere - 8.
- 39° Stormo BT (Bombardamento Terrestre) - 56° Gruppo BT + 1 - 68.a Squadriglia + 2 - bombardiere Alcione Cant Z 1007 - 7 a 12 velivoli.
[redigér | rediger kildetekst]Vesttyskland ombyggede flere F-104'ere til jagerbombere, hvilket de ikke var designet til. 292 ud af 916 F-104 havarerede med 116 dødsfald, hvilket gav flyet tilnavnene "Fliegender Sarg" og "Witwenmacher" ("flyvende ligkiste" og "enkemageren"). De mange havarier medførte, at det amerikanske luftvåben hurtigt tog flyet ud af aktiv tjeneste i USA. De europæiske NATO-partnere benyttede dog flyet i en længere årrække.
Rio 2016
[redigér | rediger kildetekst]- René Holten Poulsen – K1 1000 m (herrer)
- Torben Grimmel – 50 meter riffel, liggende, herrer
- Christinna Pedersen/Kamilla Rytter Juhl – damedouble
- Jeanette Ottesen – 100 m butterfly, damer
- Mark O. Madsen – brydning, 75 kg græsk-romersk stil, herrer
- Annika Langvad – mountainbike, damer
- Guldfireren – letvægtsfirer, herrer
- Katja-Salskov Iversen/Jena Mai Hansen – 49er
- Mie Ø. Nielsen – 100 m rygcrawl
- Danmarks håndboldlandshold (herrer) – håndbold, herrer
- Jonas Høgh-Christensen – finnjolle