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Wikipedia:Anmodning om administratorassistance/Bruger:RJB-nl

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På NL.wikipedia har jeg haft problemer med Bruger:RJB Det har ledt til blokader til begge sider, fra hans side på grund af flere alvorlige personlige angreb. Jeg er blokkeret nu på nl.wiki efter at være falsk, men forståeligt, beskyldning at jeg er en sokkedukke på nl.wiki.

RJB synes at det er sjovt at grine af mig på da.wiki, med følgende kommentarer: her og her og her.

Når jeg har familie på besøg, så må de føle sig velkommen at bruge Wikipedia lige som alle andre, og ikke blive væk fordi de bruger min IP-adresse. At de mener at jeg er en sokkedukke må de selv om, men at han nu bruger da.wiki for at grin af mig, velvidende at hvis han havde gjort det på nl.wiki at han havde fået en blokade, i følge påbud af det nederlandske arbitragecommision.

Citat De Arbcom roept de moderatoren op om op te treden bij op de persoon gerichte opmerkingen aan het adres van Rodejong. Wanneer een gebruiker zich hier herhaaldelijk aan schuldig maakt dan is dat voldoende reden om de betreffende gebruiker hiervoor te blokkeren. Citat
Citat Arbcomet kalder på administratorerne til at til at handle i tilfælde på personlig bemærkninger til Rodejong. Når en bruger igen og igen er skyld i dette, er det nok grund til at blokere denne bruger. Citat

Når han det så ved, og gøre det her, er det for at undvige straf, og derfor spørger jeg at administratorene på da.wiki vil tage stilling til om de vil advare denne bruger til at undlade at give personlige kommentarer til mig.

Yderlige har han vandaliseret en diskussionsside fra andre brugere, som Brugerdiskussion:Smiley.toerist og Brugerdiskussion:Nitabe.

RJB har flere gange været blokeret for samme slags forsigelser på nl.wiki. Jeg vil ikke have at han nu også tager sin leg til da.wikipedia.

--Med venlig hilsen, RodeJong 11. nov 2011, 15:49 (CET)

Er det de samme som med, Bertrand77, som jeg kan se også har været indblandet, i diskussionen? Mvh. Trade 11. nov 2011, 15:55 (CET)
Ja, men for ham er det det første gang at han gøre de. Lidt overasket er jeg, fordi jeg ikke havde ventet det af ham, så han falder ikke under denne påbud, dat det er første gang han laver sådan et forsigelse. (Skrev Rodejong (diskussion • bidrag) 11. nov 2011, 16:30. Husk at signere dine indlæg.)
Jeg har rettet henvendelse til RJB-nl og bedt ham indstille angrebene. Hvis han har specifikke klager kan en anmodning om administratorassistance oprettes i stedet. Dette sker til dels på baggrund af min forståelse af ovennnævnte afgørelse på nl-wiki, men især på baggrund af de involverede brugeres aktiviteter på da-wiki, som jeg kender til dem. --Medic (Lindblad) 11. nov 2011, 18:49 (CET)
It's interesting, and depressing, to see how one tries to judge without facts. Rodejong is a proven liar, who - just recently - tried to suggest that Niabe Kristensen (nl) (as opposed to Niabe Jensen, an account that was registred exactly the same day on da) was his sister in law. He has a clear record of terrorizing people that tend to disagree with him on nl-wiki. Moreover: he was banned form editing on any subject that had to do with christianity, because of his constant POV-pushing on every lemma that had to do with jehova's witnesess. This man is a joke. And it would be a shame if da-wiki would not reach that same conclusion. RJB-nl 11. nov 2011, 20:53 (CET)
As I've tried to explain on your talk page, no action will be taken on a basis of verbal attacks. I fail to see the reason for your opening line above; no judgment has yet been made, nor will judgment be made except on the basis of facts; this is at the very heart of what I've tried to say. However, if you have proof of any of these allegations, you are more than welcome to present them. I do admonish you, however, to present your case calmly and without further attacks on anyone; please present these facts and let the community reach the decision we feel appropriate. Let me also make clear that da-wiki and nl-wiki are two separate communities, and that the policies and rulings of one community has no immediate bearing on the other. Nonetheless; if indeed this user is as blatant a wrong-doer as you claim, such proof should be easy to find, and once presented will be given careful consideration before appropriate action is taken. Regards, --Medic (Lindblad) 11. nov 2011, 21:08 (CET)
What verbal attacks are you refering to? I've just listed some facts regarding the Bruger Rodejong: fact 1) Bruger Rodejong is not allowed to edit what so ever, on items that have to do with christianity, fact 2) Rodejong has been - indefenitly - blocked from nl-wiki because of his usance of sock puppets, fact 3) numerous nl-users have left nl-wiki because of the agressive, persistant (and - so may be added - totally foolish) contributions of Rodejong, fact 4) Bruger Rodejong is a joke, which no one should be in the mood to make. RJB-nl 11. nov 2011, 21:24 (CET)

I urge the Danish community to keep a very close look at this conflict between Rodejong and RJB. It is true that Rodejong is at this moment blocked on NL wikipedia however this block is not "indefenitly" as RJB suggests ( but ends on 14-6-2012). I have filed a request to the arbitrary committee of the NL wikipedia with a request to intervene in this conflict ( to seperate these 2 users and force them to ignore eachother), the request is still pending. Now that Rodejong is blocked on NL wikipedia, RJB has moved his attacks on Rodejong to the Danish Wikipedia as i see it. Regards Saschaporsche 11. nov 2011, 21:46 (CET)

Three, no - come to think of ir - four cheers for Saschaporsche! The most ardent and most majestic defendor of mediocracy! Hip! Hip! RJB-nl 11. nov 2011, 23:36 (CET)
Please move nlwiki's infighting back where it belongs. We have enough to deal with here and don't want to manage your affairs as well. - Kåre Thor Olsen (Kaare) 11. nov 2011, 23:47 (CET)
I would also like to comment that RJB in the past has accused me many times of scaring people away from nl-Wikipedia- He has yet to name one who actually has left wikipedia. He calls me a liar, but he should look at him self. Nitabe Jensen is her maiden name, and as she is to be married, will become Kristensen. It's as simple as that. That My sister has become interested on working on Wikipedia is of my doing. I introduced her to it. Anyone in my house has access to my router, to connect to the internet. That nl.wiki count's it as sock puppets, is understandable, and I even do not care about it any more. It's just not true. I am not that stupid to go an have fun with sock puppets one month before the block ends. But as I said. I have no need to be on the Dutch wikipedia. I am way beyond that. RJB should look at him self. He is one that thinks that he has the world on his side by shouting accusations to another user. The case, which Sachaporche refers to is [ this one ]. And it is here where I promised to obey the following rules, that are suggested:
Citat Geen van beiden mag elkaars overlegpagina bewerken.

Geen van beiden mag op een OP van een wikipedia pagina reageren op commentaar van de ander. Geen van beiden mag ergens op wikipedia refereren (in directe of indirecte zin) naar het handelen/schrijven van de ander.

Citat Ingen af os må redigere hinandens diskussionsside

Ingen af os må reagere på hinanden på en diskussionsside hvor en af os har reageret. Ingen af os må referere (direkte eller indirekte) til den andens handlemåde/skriverier på noget som helst sted på Wikipedia

On 10 sep 2011 19:57 I confirmed to agree with these terms, but RJB has refused to accept these terms.
That he now takes this to the Danish Wikipedia is damaging the atmosphere on this Wiki. He vandalised a users talk page on the danish wikipedia (one that has nothing to do with him or me), sows the seeds of hatred and accuses me for stuff that not even applies to this Wikipedia.
Sachaporche has written to the both of us on several occasions to ignore one another. And I have tried to comply with it. RJB has allways kept the attacking position. I am not without faults, but I do not lower my self to personal attacs.--Med venlig hilsen, RodeJong 11. nov 2011, 23:57 (CET)