Steffen Bo Jensen
Steffen Bo Jensen | |
Født | 13. juli 1966 (58 år) ![]() |
Nationalitet | Dansk |
Uddannelse og virke | |
Uddannelsessted | Roskilde Universitet ![]() |
Beskæftigelse | Professor |
Fagområde | Politivold, menneskerettigheder ![]() |
Arbejdsgiver | Aalborg Universitet |
Information med symbolet ![]() |
Steffen Bo Jensen (13.07.1966) er professor ved Institut for Politik og Samfund ved Aalborg Universitet. Hans forskning fokuserer på bander, politivold og menneskerettigheder i fattige og marginaliserede byområder især i Sydafrika og Filippinerne med mindre projekter i Tunesien, Kenya, Frankrig og Nicaragua[1].
Uddannelse og karriere
[redigér | rediger kildetekst]Steffen Bo Jensen er uddannet i International Development Studies ved Roskilde Universitet (RUC), hvor han også modtog sin Ph.d. fra i 2002[2].
Siden 2005 har han været seniorforsker ved DIGNITY-Danish Institute Against Torture og siden 2015 har han været professor ved Aalborg Universitet, hvor han også er leder for forskningsenheden Global Refugee Studies[3]. Siden 2015 har han været serieredaktør for Museum Tusculanum serien Critical Anthropology.
Han har også været rådgiver for udlændinge- og integrationsministeriet og det danske politi samt deltaget i debatter i danske såvel som internationale medier[4].
Udvalgte forskningsaktiviteter
[redigér | rediger kildetekst]- 2019-2023: Co-PI, “Gangs, Gangsters and Ganglands” for ERC for research programme entitled, EUR2.450.000.
- 2014-2020: PI, “Violent Exchange as Urban Citizenship”, Danish Research Council for Social Science, DKK4.500.000
- 2014-2106: Co-PI, “A Comparative Analysis of the Documentation of Torture and Ill-Treatment in Low-Income Countries”, the Economic and Social Research Council GBP458.000
- 2008-2012: PI“The Violent Organization of Political Youth” from the Danish Research Council for Culture and Communication (FKK) , DKK3.770.000.
Udvalgte publikationer
[redigér | rediger kildetekst]- Communal Intimacy and the violence of politics – understanding the war on drugs in Bagong Silang, Philippines, forthcoming 2021, Connell University Press
- Gangs, politics and dignity in Cape Town, James Currey and Chicago University Press, 2008
Redigerede samlinger
[redigér | rediger kildetekst]- Stuckness and Confinement: Reflections on Life in Ghettos, Camps and Prisons. Routledge (with S. Turner). 2019.
- Corruption and Torture: Violent Exchange as urban citizenship in the global South, Aalborg: Aalborg University Press (Co-edited with Andersen, M.) 2017.
- Histories of Victimhood (edited with Henrik Rønsbo). Philadelphia: Penn University Press 2014.
- Human Rights and State Violence: State officials in the South (edited with Andrew Jefferson). London Routledge. 2009
Peer reviewed tidsskriftartikler og bogkapitler
[redigér | rediger kildetekst]- Ambiguous fear in the war on drugs: A reconfiguration of social and moral orders in the Philippines. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 51(1-2), 5-24, Warburg, A. B., & Jensen, S. (2020)
- Manila: Displacement, Resettlement, and the Productivity of Urban Divides. In Urban Forum (Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 389-407), Jensen, S., Hapal, K., & Quijano, S. (2020, September).
- Kinship, Morality and Survival in Cape Town’s Prison–township Circuit, Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology, 84, 1: 41—55, (2019)
- Jefferson, A., Turner, S., & Jensen, S. Introduction: On stuckness and sites of confinement, Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology, 84, 1: 1-13 (2019).
- Policing the war on drugs and the transformation of urban space in Manila. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 0263775818817299 (with A. Warburg) (2019)
- Police violence and corruption in the Philippines: Violent exchange and the war on drugs. Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, 37(2), 39-62 (with K. Hapal). (2018).
- Gendered Violence in Informal Settlements in Kenya (with Gudmundsen, L and Vestergaard, l) in Jensen, S. and Andersen, M. (eds) Corruption and Torture: Violent Exchange and the policing of the urban poor. Aalborg: Aalborg Universitetsforlag, s. 95-1192017.
- Torture and Ill-Treatment Under Perceived: Human Rights Documentation and the Poor, Human Rights Quarterly, 39, 2: 393-415 (with, Kelly, T., Andersen, M. K., Christensen, C. & Sharma, J). 2017.
- ‘The Problem with Templates: Learning from Organic Gang-Related Violence Reduction’. Stability: International Journal of Security and Development, 4(1), p.Art. 51. DOI: (2015)[5] [6]