Skabelon:Location map+/overlay
The following examples document the use of the overlay_image parameter in the {{Location map+}} template. This parameter is also available via the {{Location map}} and {{Location map many}} templates.
Ibn Battuta Itinerary 1332–1346 (Black Sea Area, Central Asia, India, South East Asia and China)
{{Location_map+ | Asia2 | overlay_image = Battuta-path-1332-1346.png | width = 800 | float = center | caption = [[Ibn Battuta]] Itinerary 1332–1346 (Black Sea Area, Central Asia, India, South East Asia and China) | places = {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Anatolia]] | lat=39 | long=32 | label_size=75 | marksize=6}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Alanya]] | lat=36.55 | long=32 | label_size=75 | marksize=6}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Konya]] | lat=37.866667 | long=32.483333 | label_size=75 | marksize=6}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Sinop]] | lat=42.033333 | long=35.15 | label_size=75 | marksize=6 | position=top}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Feodosiya]] | lat=45.0488889 | long=35.379167 | label_size=75 | marksize=6}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Astrakhan]] | lat=46.35 | long=48.05 | label_size=75 | marksize=6}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Constantinople]] | lat=41.01224 | long=28.976018 | label_size=75 | marksize=6}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Hagia Sophia]] | lat=41.008611 | long=28.98 | label_size=75 | marksize=6 | position=left}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Caspian Sea]] | lat=40 | long=51 | label_size=75 | marksize=6 | position=bottom}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Aral Sea]] | lat=45 | long=60 | label_size=75 | marksize=6}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Bukhara]] | lat=39.7666667 | long=64.433333 | label_size=75 | marksize=6 | position=top}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Samarkand]] | lat=39.654167 | long=66.959722 | label_size=75 | marksize=6}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Afghanistan]] | lat=34.516667 | long=69.133333 | label_size=75 | marksize=6 | position=left}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Isfahan]] | lat=32.58 | long=51.39 |label_sixe=75 | marksize=6 | position=right}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Delhi]] | lat=28.61 | long=77.23 | label_size=75 | marksize=6 | position=top}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Khambhat]] | lat=22.3 | long=72.62 | label_size=75 | marksize=6 | position=left}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Kolkata]] | lat=22.569722 | long=88.369722 | label_size=75 | marksize=6 | position=left}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Kozhikode]] | lat=11.25 | long=75.77 | label_size=75 | marksize=6}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Sumatra]] | lat=0 | long=102 | label_size=75 | marksize=6}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Honavar]] | lat=14.28 | long=74.4439 | label_size=75 | marksize=6}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Uttara Kannada]] | lat=14.6 | long=74.7 | label_size=75 | marksize=6 | position=left}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Maldives]] | lat=3.2 | long=73.22 | label_size=75 | marksize=6 | position=left}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Sri Lanka]] | lat=6.9 | long=79.9 | label_size=75 | marksize=6 | position=left}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Adam's Peak]] | lat=6.811389 | long=80.499722 | label_size=75 | marksize=6}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Vietnam]] | lat=21.033333 | long=105.85 | label_size=75 | marksize=6}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Philippines]] | lat=14.583333 | long=121 | label_size=75 | marksize=6}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Bengal]] | lat=24 | long=88 | label_size=75 | marksize=6 | position=left}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Brahmaputra River]] | lat=26.20073 | long=91.74683 | label_size=75 | marksize=6}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Meghna River]] | lat=22.833333 | long=90.833333 | label_size=75 | marksize=6 | position=bottom}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Myanmar]] | lat=22 | long=96 | label_size=75 | marksize=6 | position=right}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Malaysia]] | lat=3.133333 | long=101.7 | label_size=75 | marksize=6}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Mauritania]] | lat=18.15 | long=-15.966666 | label_size=75 | marksize=6}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Quanzhou]] | lat=24.916667 | long=118.583333 | label_size=75 | marksize=6 | position=right}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Fujian]] | lat=26.55 | long=117.85 | label_size=75 | marksize=6}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Hangzhou]] | lat=30.25 | long=120.166667 | label_size=75 | marksize=6}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Beijing]] | lat=39.913889 | long=116.391667 | label_size=75 | marksize=6}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Balkh]] | lat=36.75 | long=66.9 | label_size=75 | marksize=6 | position=left}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Antalya]] | lat=36.9 | long=30.683333333333 | label_size=75 | marksize=6 | position=left}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Bulgaria]] | lat=42.683333 | long=23.316667 | label_size=75 | marksize=6}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Azov]] | lat=47.1 | long=39.416667 | label_size=75 | marksize=6}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Pakistan]] | lat=33.666667 | long=73.166667 | label_size=75 | marksize=6 | position=right}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Uzbekistan]] | lat=41.266667 | long=69.216667 | label_size=75 | marksize=6 | position=top}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Tajikistan]] | lat=38.55 | long=68.8 | label_size=75 | marksize=6 | position=left}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Samarqand]] | lat=39.654167 | long=66.959722 | label_size=75 | marksize=6}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Uttar Pradesh]] | lat=26.85 | long=80.91 | label_size=75 | marksize=6 | position=left}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Deccan]] | lat=17 | long=77 | label_size=75 | marksize=6}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Alexandria]] | lat=31.198 | long=29.9192 | label_size=75 | marksize=6 | position=left}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Cairo]] | lat=30.058056 | long=31.228889 | label_size=75 | marksize=6 | position=left}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Damascus]] | lat=33.513 | long=36.292 | label_size=75 | marksize=6}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Jerusalem]] | lat=31.783333 | long=35.216667 | label_size=75 | marksize=6}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Bethlehem]] | lat=31.703056 | long=35.195556 | label_size=75 | marksize=6 | position=bottom}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Medina]] | lat=24.466667 | long=39.6 | label_size=75 | marksize=6}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Baghdad]] | lat=33.325 | long=44.422 | label_size=75 | marksize=6}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Shiraz]]| lat=29.616667 | long=52.533333 | label_size=75 | marksize=6 | position=bottom}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Jeddah]] | lat=21.5 | long=39.183333 | label_size=75 | marksize=6 | position=bottom}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Mecca]] | lat=21.416667 | long=39.816667 | label_size=75 | marksize=6 | position=top}} {{Location map~|Asia2| label=[[Dhofar]] | lat=18 | long=54 | label_size=75 | marksize=6}} }}
overlay_image not defined
[rediger kildetekst]Ibn Battuta Itinerary 1332–1346 (Black Sea Area, Central Asia, India, South East Asia and China)
{{Location_map+ | Asia2 | overlay_image = | width = 800 | float = center | caption = [[Ibn Battuta]] Itinerary 1332–1346 (Black Sea Area, Central Asia, India, South East Asia and China) | places = ... }}