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Fil:Male symbol.svg

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Fuld opløsning (SVG fil, basisstørrelse 16 × 16 pixels, filstørrelse: 444 bytes)

Denne fil er fra Wikimedia Commons


Čeština: Astronomický a astrologický symbol planety Mars.
Deutsch: Astronomisches und astrologisches Symbol des Planeten Mars, in der Alchemie das Symbol für Eisen, Symbol der Männlichkeit, in der antiken Mythologie Zeichen für den griechischen Gott Ares und den römischen Gott Mars.
English: Astronomical and astrological symbol of the planet Mars, alchemical symbol of iron, gender symbol for male, and symbol of the Greek god Ares and the Roman god Mars. Also at Unicode U+2642 (♂).
Español: Símbolo astronómico y astrológico del planeta Marte, el símbolo alquímico del hierro, el símbolo de masculino y el símbolo del dios de la guerra griego Ares y del dios de la guerra romano Marte.
Français : Symbole astronomique et astrologique de la planète Mars, alchimique du fer, et sexuel du mâle.
Italiano: Simbolo astronomico ed astrologico di Marte.
Nederlands: Astronomisch en astrologisch symbool voor de planeet Mars, alchemistisch symbool voor ijzer, seksesymbool voor de man en in de antieke mythologie symbool voor de Griekse god Ares en de Romeinse god Mars.
Português: Símbolo astronômico e astrológico do planeta Marte, alquímico do ferro, sexual do homem, e do deus grego Ares e do deus romano Marte.
Русский: Астрономический и астрологический символ планеты Марс, алхимический символ железа, символ мужского пола, символ греческого бога Ареса и римского бога Марса.
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This vector image was created with Inkscape by Lexicon, and then manually replaced by Sarang
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See also
Male symbol.svg:  :: Female symbol.svg (for comparison of relative sizes at 24px)
SVG udvikling
The SVG code is valid.
This symbol was created with a text editor.
Please do not replace the simplified code of this file with a version created with Inkscape or any other vector graphics editor


Public domain This image of simple geometry is ineligible for copyright and therefore in the public domain, because it consists entirely of information that is common property and contains no original authorship.


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Mars symbol

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nuværende15. jun. 2024, 01:30Miniature af versionen fra 15. jun. 2024, 01:3016 × 16 (444 bytes)Kwamikagamid
25. maj 2024, 22:15Miniature af versionen fra 25. maj 2024, 22:1516 × 16 (759 bytes)Kwamikagamidegarbage
8. jan. 2024, 10:11Miniature af versionen fra 8. jan. 2024, 10:1115 × 15 (3 KB)Kwamikagamirv: size distorted
21. aug. 2023, 19:43Miniature af versionen fra 21. aug. 2023, 19:43512 × 512 (296 bytes)QuickQuokkaSimplify // Editing SVG source code using c:User:Rillke/SVGedit.js
18. jun. 2023, 23:49Miniature af versionen fra 18. jun. 2023, 23:4915 × 15 (3 KB)MikutoHarrow is distorted
22. maj 2023, 06:42Miniature af versionen fra 22. maj 2023, 06:4215 × 15 (173 bytes)Sarangreplace Kwamikagami Inkscape
22. nov. 2021, 11:46Miniature af versionen fra 22. nov. 2021, 11:4615 × 15 (3 KB)Kwamikagamimatch fmt
18. okt. 2012, 16:40Miniature af versionen fra 18. okt. 2012, 16:4050 × 50 (212 bytes)SarangMars symbol is often used together with Venus symbol. Unfortunately they have different dimensions, and some assimilation was necessary to make them look comparently.
16. okt. 2012, 18:32Miniature af versionen fra 16. okt. 2012, 18:3250 × 50 (202 bytes)Sarangworkaround librsvg bug
1. maj 2011, 21:52Miniature af versionen fra 1. maj 2011, 21:5250 × 50 (206 bytes)SarangSimplified version with shape like 2006-10-20
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