[rediger kildetekst]This sentence: Navnet Nordsøen er af nederlandsk oprindelse og Nordsøen danner sprogligt par med Zuidersøen, som i dag er stærkt reduceret og kaldes IJsselmeer. Is wrong. Dutch or The Netherlands had nothing to do with the name Northsea. In the time that the Northsea was called 'Northsea', The Netherlands didn't even exist. Therefore, the name Northsea is from a Frisian perspective, because south of the Frisian territory, the former sea was called Southern Sea (Zuiderzee, before the dike causing a name change to Ijsselmeer). The Frisian lived there for 2000 years, so that doesn't have to be a discussion. Please make those changes in the content of the Danish Wikipedia since I have to rely on Google Translate and I don't want to mess up things. Thank you --Blautosk 13. feb 2010, 21:44 (CET)
- Det er rettet nu. Kinamand 14. feb 2010, 00:39 (CET)