Hello. i have been volunteering for the Nokota Horse Conservancy for more than 10 years, but marriage and children have led me to Sweden, along with some of our horses. But both my wife and i are convinced that this breed has much to offer and only want to introduce more people to it (not to get rich and our horses in Sweden aren't even for sale): Unfortunately the Nokota horse is still very rare, endangered, and little known. So we first put a lot of time into the Swedish article, and then thinking that the languages are so close decided to try a Danish version but obviously could use a lot of help with it. Emma is a native Swedish speaker, while i am learning, and we would very much appreciate both assistance and patience as we work to improve this article in an honest attempt to do a good thing. Thank you, and sorry for our mistakes,
seth, Emma, and the Nokota horses
--Seth zeigler 27. feb 2011, 09:59 (CET)Seth zeigler February 27, 2011
- Problemet er at oversættelsen via Google giver en masse tekst der faktisk er nærmest uforståelig, på dansk: "sort tale". Det bedste ville være at oprette en underside, en slags "sandkasse" (sandlåda) - fx Bruger:Seth zeigler/Nokotahest - og lade Emma oversætte dér efter bedste evne. Jeg har lavet intro'en plus lidt mere, så man dog får lidt at vide, men det er faktisk meget tidskrævende. Det kan vel være en trøst at de fleste nok alligevel vil gå til den engelske eller svenske hvis interessen er stor nok. -- Mvh PHansen 27. feb 2011, 10:48 (CET)
That is comforting, Mr. Hansen, and thank you so much for the changes you have made! But i am a little unclear about what to do with the "sandkasse" as Emma can understand the Danish she reads (and amazingly i can sometimes) but doesn't know enough to edit more. We did google translate this from the Swedish page as we felt it was the most recent and local, and we hoped that would be a starting point for revisions and improvements. There actually is an article in a Danish E-magazine (http://www.rezonanz.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=16:nokotahesten&catid=5:artikler&Itemid=) and we are asking for more help translating. We hope that we can continue to improve it before it gets removed. Tusen tack, and if you ever are in northern Sweden you would always be welcome, it would be fun to host you! --Seth zeigler 27. feb 2011, 11:29 (CET)
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