Diskussion:Komplet Sangteknik
Sletningsforslag: Komplet Sangteknik
Er Komplet Sangteknik Notabel?
Slet - Som med skolen syne jeg ikke at dette emne har notabilitet. Der findes ikke meget litteratur om emnet (ud over det der er fra skolen), og endnu engang er der ikke uafhængige kilder i artiklen. --Rasmusbyg 13. feb 2012, 13:56 (CET)
Slet - Jeg må sige nej, det er det ikke. Enig med Rasmus. --Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad 13. feb 2012, 15:59 (CET)
Kommentar - Tøv en kende. Emnet sangteknik er vel egentlig notabelt nok. Er der ikke nogen, der kan kontakte en (opera)sanger(inde) og indhente en faglig vurdering inden, at vi beslutter os? --Rmir2 13. feb 2012, 17:34 (CET)
Kommentar - Angående notabilitet kan man enten se i de papirer, der henvises til eller gå i Google Scholar og søge på: Complete Vocal Technique, Complete Voice Institure, Komplet Sangteknik eller Cathrine Sadolin. Besobnb 14. feb 2012, 11:53 (CET)
Kommentar - At nogle lærerstuderende har brugt en bog som kilde til en lille del af en større opgave, er ikke nok til at gøre artiklen notabel. At man kan slå det op andre steder, er heller ikke i sig selv nok. --Rasmusbyg 15. feb 2012, 01:05 (CET)
Slet - ikke meget man kan finde om dette begreb, udover det som denne skole selv har publiseret. --Pixi Uno 16. feb 2012, 17:42 (CET)
Behold - På mig virker de eksterne henvisninger yderst seriøse. Sangteknik er i højeste grad et notabelt. --Rmir2 16. feb 2012, 18:19 (CET)
Konklusion: Der er størst opbakning for at slette artiklen. Artiklen slettes --Rasmusbyg 20. feb 2012, 10:17 (CET) |
Kommentar - I'm new to Wikipedia and the articles on Complete Vocal Institute and Complete Vocal Technique are the first I have written/edited. Even though singing technique is an international subject I also did them in Danish because the Institute lies in Copenhagen. The articles was deleted with pure majority voting without looking at the references and the facts. Not what I would call professional.
Complete Vocal Technique are used by hundreds of singers in mainly Europe. More than hundred singing teachers all over Europe use the technique in their teaching today. Do the math on the number of singers that are familiarly with the technique. Complete Vocal Technique is an official teaching method for the danish Ministry of Education (search for Cathrine Sadolin - founder of the Institute) and teachers from the Institute are used as part of the colloquium in the danish College system. The article on Complete Vocal Technique was started by someone unknown to me last summer. I added details on the singing technique as the originally edited article recommended and suddenly the article doesn't meet the guidelines for notability. The original Complete Vocal Institute was first rejected fairly because of lack of references - I added them and the article was accepted.
The Economist magazine noted in its november 5th 2011 issue that the month-on-month article growth on Wikipedia have fallen to 1%. Having used a lot of time on collecting the facts and the references for the articles, and then just have them deleted by majority vote and not based on facts, I understand why the flow of articles have fallen. Besobnb 21. feb 2012, 15:42 (CET)