Diskussion:Irakiske borgerkrig
![]() | Denne artikel blev oprettet som en del af Wikipedia Asiatisk måned 2016. |
Borgerkrig (-2017)?
[rediger kildetekst]En.wiki [1] siger
- "Iraqi Civil War (2006–2008), civil war mainly among Islamic State of Iraq, other sectarian militant groups, and Iraqi forces and their respective allies
- Iraqi insurgency (2011–2013), the surge in violence involving the Islamic State of Iraq that occurred immediately following the end of the 2003 to 2011 Iraq War
- War in Iraq (2013–2017), conflict with Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant that began when the initial two-year-long insurgency escalated in December 2013
- ISIL insurgency in Iraq (2017–present), low-level ISIL insurgency following territorial defeat of ISIL in Iraq in 2017
- 2017 Iraqi–Kurdish conflict". 3. maj 2022, 19:56 (CEST)
[rediger kildetekst]"Senere hen har den irakiske hær formodet at generobre byerne Hawija og Al-Qaim, og derfor slettet ISIS tilstedeværelse i Irak".
-- 5. maj 2022, 06:30 (CEST)
- 'formodet' :
- Der menes formodentlig formået, dvs. været stand til?
- -- PHansen (diskussion) 5. maj 2022, 08:10 (CEST)
Done/gjort. 20. jun. 2022, 07:36 (CEST)