Diskussion:Georgiske alfabeter
De øvrige wikier har Mkhedruli under titlen (Det) georgiske alfabet - det burde vi af hensyn til IW-henvisningerne også gøre her ( http://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q161428 ) . - Nico (diskussion) 24. apr 2013, 09:24 (CEST)
Flytteforslag: Det georgiske alfabet
En bruger har foreslået siden flyttet, så vidt jeg kan forstå til Georgiske skrifter eller tilsvarende. Der er nok en pointe i, at skrifttegnene ikke er et alfabet - i hvert fald ikke et græsk eller latinsk af slagsen. Jeg hører gerne, om der er nogle, der kan vurdere, om en flytning er hensigtsmæssig. Se nærmere på Diskussion:Det georgiske alfabet. --Pugilist (diskussion) 26. mar 2015, 14:37 (CET)
Kommentar Please note I'd like it to be moved to Georgian scripts (plural form) which will be in Danish as I know Georgisk skrifter. Jaqeli (diskussion) 26. mar 2015, 15:33 (CET)
Kommentar Der er en pointe i at det bør være flertal, men det er så også det - der er tale om et alfabet (eller tre alfabeter) - en række tegn, der benyttes for forskellige vokal- og konsonantlyde. --Palnatoke (diskussion) 26. mar 2015, 16:07 (CET)
- Bruger:Palnatoke Can you please translate what you've said? Jaqeli (diskussion) 26. mar 2015, 16:11 (CET)
- "Script" is best translated as "alfabet", since it is an alphabet: a row of signs, representing vowel or consonant sounds. --Palnatoke (diskussion) 26. mar 2015, 17:32 (CET)
- Bruger:Palnatoke Thanks for translation. Alphabet and script differ. For example Italian, Spanish, Danish, Turkish etc. are written in Latin script and not alphabet. Latin alphabet was used only for Latin language so the script represents a writing system and not an alphabet of a language. Another example can be Arabic script which is used to write Arabic and also Persian language. Persian language has an alphabet which is using an Arabic script. I hope I explained everything more clearly. Thanks again. Jaqeli (diskussion) 26. mar 2015, 17:46 (CET)
- Anything new over the move issue? Jaqeli (diskussion) 28. mar 2015, 19:23 (CET)
- Bruger:Pugilist Any news? Jaqeli (diskussion) 1. apr 2015, 00:02 (CEST)
- Anything new over the move issue? Jaqeli (diskussion) 28. mar 2015, 19:23 (CET)
- Bruger:Palnatoke Thanks for translation. Alphabet and script differ. For example Italian, Spanish, Danish, Turkish etc. are written in Latin script and not alphabet. Latin alphabet was used only for Latin language so the script represents a writing system and not an alphabet of a language. Another example can be Arabic script which is used to write Arabic and also Persian language. Persian language has an alphabet which is using an Arabic script. I hope I explained everything more clearly. Thanks again. Jaqeli (diskussion) 26. mar 2015, 17:46 (CET)
- @Jaqeli It's a language issue. There is no 1:1 bijection between words in English and Danish. We have eg. on Danish Wikipedia an article Runealfabet about the fuþarken (our old alphabet), name based on the first 6 letters of the fuþark, just like alpha-beta. Scripts (da. skrifttegn) are still used in China, but in Georgia is used - as I understand it - a letterbased system (in Danish "alfabet"). Thus the article should still call it alfabet in Danish. --Madglad (diskussion) 1. apr 2015, 00:42 (CEST)
- Bruger:Madglad Yes but it is not just one script but there are 3. Maybe at least we can move it to the plural form? And why does the title include word "Det"? I took a look on other scripts and none of them have this "Det" in the title like Fønikiske alfabet, Latinske alfabet, Hebraisk alfabet, Græske alfabet. Jaqeli (diskussion) 1. apr 2015, 12:53 (CEST)
- Jaqeli, yes, pluralis is of course to be used: "De georgiske alfabeter", provided all three writing norms are based on letters.--Madglad (diskussion) 1. apr 2015, 13:30 (CEST)
- Bruger:Madglad And what is this "Det" or "De"? Why doesn't other articles have this but Georgian only? Jaqeli (diskussion) 1. apr 2015, 14:39 (CEST)
- Bruger:Jaqeli "De" is not needed in the article name.--Madglad (diskussion) 1. apr 2015, 18:28 (CEST)
- Bruger:Madglad So why does the article has it then? Currently it has "Det". Jaqeli (diskussion) 1. apr 2015, 20:15 (CEST)
- Bruger:Jaqeli I have no idea, but everybody can edit here.--Madglad (diskussion) 1. apr 2015, 21:49 (CEST)
- Bruger:Madglad Do you support the idea to move this article to "Georgisk skrifter"? Jaqeli (diskussion) 1. apr 2015, 22:46 (CEST)
- Bruger:Jaqeli No, English "scripts" means something different than Danish "skrifter" (which is "written works"). Thus: Georgiske alfabeter. (And continuing i Danish) Måske bør hele artiklen gøres til et afsnit i Kyrilliske alfabet.--Madglad (diskussion) 1. apr 2015, 23:09 (CEST)
- Bruger:Jaqeli Sorry, I was too fast: The alfabet is only slightly related to the cyrillian alfabet. But it is still an alfabet in Danish.--Madglad (diskussion) 1. apr 2015, 23:43 (CEST)
- Bruger:Madglad So, "Georgiske alfabeter"? Is it translated as "Georgian alphabets"? Is it plural or singular? And I didn't understand what you meant about Cyrillic script. Jaqeli (diskussion) 2. apr 2015, 00:38 (CEST)
- Bruger:Jaqeli The Georgian alfabet is inspired of several alfabeter, among others the Cyrillian one, I see that. But alfabet (singularis), alfabeter (pluralis) in Danish. And I still use the Danish word alfabet here to avoid confusion between similarily looking words in Danish and English.--Madglad (diskussion) 2. apr 2015, 01:24 (CEST)
- Bruger:Madglad Cyrillic didn't even exist when Georgian scripts were in use. Where did you read such thing? As for the plural form, so if "Georgiske alfabeter" is a correct form can we now move it to that? Jaqeli (diskussion) 2. apr 2015, 01:45 (CEST)
- Bruger:Jaqeli I found the Georgian alfabet inspired of several alfabeter by looking among several North European Wikipedia sites, one of them was indicating similarities with Cyrillian. I can't find it again, but I think there are similarities with several European alfabeter. But I am for changing the name to "Georgiske alfabeter", even more for elaborating the article and other articles of Georgia.--Madglad (diskussion) 2. apr 2015, 02:03 (CEST)
- Bruger:Madglad Relation of Cyrillic to Georgian is zero as it was created way later than Georgian. As for the title name, so you can now move the article or should we wait for the admin to do it? By the way, what about if we move it to Georgiske skriftsystem? Jaqeli (diskussion) 2. apr 2015, 02:30 (CEST)
- Bruger:Jaqeli I was changing the name to "Georgiske alfabeter" while you were writing again. But that is the correct Danish terminology.--Madglad (diskussion) 2. apr 2015, 02:36 (CEST)
- Bruger:Madglad Relation of Cyrillic to Georgian is zero as it was created way later than Georgian. As for the title name, so you can now move the article or should we wait for the admin to do it? By the way, what about if we move it to Georgiske skriftsystem? Jaqeli (diskussion) 2. apr 2015, 02:30 (CEST)
- Bruger:Jaqeli I found the Georgian alfabet inspired of several alfabeter by looking among several North European Wikipedia sites, one of them was indicating similarities with Cyrillian. I can't find it again, but I think there are similarities with several European alfabeter. But I am for changing the name to "Georgiske alfabeter", even more for elaborating the article and other articles of Georgia.--Madglad (diskussion) 2. apr 2015, 02:03 (CEST)
- Bruger:Madglad Cyrillic didn't even exist when Georgian scripts were in use. Where did you read such thing? As for the plural form, so if "Georgiske alfabeter" is a correct form can we now move it to that? Jaqeli (diskussion) 2. apr 2015, 01:45 (CEST)
- Bruger:Jaqeli The Georgian alfabet is inspired of several alfabeter, among others the Cyrillian one, I see that. But alfabet (singularis), alfabeter (pluralis) in Danish. And I still use the Danish word alfabet here to avoid confusion between similarily looking words in Danish and English.--Madglad (diskussion) 2. apr 2015, 01:24 (CEST)
- Bruger:Madglad So, "Georgiske alfabeter"? Is it translated as "Georgian alphabets"? Is it plural or singular? And I didn't understand what you meant about Cyrillic script. Jaqeli (diskussion) 2. apr 2015, 00:38 (CEST)
- Bruger:Madglad Do you support the idea to move this article to "Georgisk skrifter"? Jaqeli (diskussion) 1. apr 2015, 22:46 (CEST)
- Bruger:Jaqeli I have no idea, but everybody can edit here.--Madglad (diskussion) 1. apr 2015, 21:49 (CEST)
- Bruger:Madglad So why does the article has it then? Currently it has "Det". Jaqeli (diskussion) 1. apr 2015, 20:15 (CEST)
- Bruger:Jaqeli "De" is not needed in the article name.--Madglad (diskussion) 1. apr 2015, 18:28 (CEST)
- Bruger:Madglad And what is this "Det" or "De"? Why doesn't other articles have this but Georgian only? Jaqeli (diskussion) 1. apr 2015, 14:39 (CEST)
- Jaqeli, yes, pluralis is of course to be used: "De georgiske alfabeter", provided all three writing norms are based on letters.--Madglad (diskussion) 1. apr 2015, 13:30 (CEST)
- Bruger:Madglad Yes but it is not just one script but there are 3. Maybe at least we can move it to the plural form? And why does the title include word "Det"? I took a look on other scripts and none of them have this "Det" in the title like Fønikiske alfabet, Latinske alfabet, Hebraisk alfabet, Græske alfabet. Jaqeli (diskussion) 1. apr 2015, 12:53 (CEST)
Konklusion: Flyttet til Georgiske alfabeter. Lukker diskussionen. --Pugilist (diskussion) 15. jul 2016, 14:49 (CEST) |
[rediger kildetekst]Bruger:Nico Bruger:Zoizit Can you please move this article to "Georgian scripts" per English Wikipedia? There are 3 Georgian scripts and not alphabets and they are used not only for Georgian language. Jaqeli (diskussion) 26. mar 2015, 11:22 (CET)
- Nico kigger du på det her?? --Zoizit (diskussion) 26. mar 2015, 13:16 (CET)
- Bruger:Zoizit Can you please speak English? Jaqeli (diskussion) 26. mar 2015, 13:23 (CET)
- Jaqeli I just did ask Nico to take a look that this or maybe Pugilist would take a look -- Zoizit (diskussion) 26. mar 2015, 13:26 (CET)
- Bruger:Zoizit Oh, thank you. Jaqeli (diskussion) 26. mar 2015, 13:29 (CET)
- I am not quite certain that a move is imperative. I would prefer if someone with insight in this subject give an opinion before the page is moved. English and Danish is not always similar. --Pugilist (diskussion) 26. mar 2015, 14:34 (CET)
- Bruger:Pugilist Thanks for the comment. An alphabet is wrong it should be the "Georgian scripts" because there are 3 and they are an alphabetic writing systems/scripts but not alphabets. Plus to that Georgian scripts system is used for other related languages and in the past some more were written as well. Jaqeli (diskussion) 26. mar 2015, 15:11 (CET)
- I'm sorry to say i know nothing about it. - Nico (diskussion) 26. mar 2015, 15:39 (CET)
- Bruger:Nico Thanks anyways for your comment. Jaqeli (diskussion) 26. mar 2015, 16:28 (CET)
- Bruger:Madglad What do you think about Georgiske skriftsystem? Jaqeli (diskussion) 2. apr 2015, 02:38 (CEST)
- Bruger:Nico Thanks anyways for your comment. Jaqeli (diskussion) 26. mar 2015, 16:28 (CET)
- I'm sorry to say i know nothing about it. - Nico (diskussion) 26. mar 2015, 15:39 (CET)
- Bruger:Pugilist Thanks for the comment. An alphabet is wrong it should be the "Georgian scripts" because there are 3 and they are an alphabetic writing systems/scripts but not alphabets. Plus to that Georgian scripts system is used for other related languages and in the past some more were written as well. Jaqeli (diskussion) 26. mar 2015, 15:11 (CET)
- I am not quite certain that a move is imperative. I would prefer if someone with insight in this subject give an opinion before the page is moved. English and Danish is not always similar. --Pugilist (diskussion) 26. mar 2015, 14:34 (CET)
- Bruger:Zoizit Oh, thank you. Jaqeli (diskussion) 26. mar 2015, 13:29 (CET)
- Jaqeli I just did ask Nico to take a look that this or maybe Pugilist would take a look -- Zoizit (diskussion) 26. mar 2015, 13:26 (CET)
- Bruger:Zoizit Can you please speak English? Jaqeli (diskussion) 26. mar 2015, 13:23 (CET)
No Jaqeli, we are writing in Danish terms in Danish wikipedia.--Madglad (diskussion) 2. apr 2015, 03:14 (CEST)