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Diskussion:EU's sundhedsportal

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I would like to inform you that I have the permission from Wikipedia to publish this text and we are the owner of the text. The permission for the text is on file in OTRS ticket # 2011062210004646. Also I would like to mention that I am working for the European Commission. Thank you (Skrev Ionelmanu (diskussion • bidrag) . Husk at signere dine indlæg.)

Fine with the OTRS, but the case remains that this text is unsuitable for use on Wikipedia, as it's a press release and no encyclopedic value as it stands. Reagrds Knud Winckelmann 21. jul 2011, 15:36 (CEST)
Furthermore it is problematic that people write about themselves and their projects. Due to these reaseons I have deleted the text. --|EPO| COM: 21. jul 2011, 17:17 (CEST)

I would like to inform you that the text contains an EU health information portal and it is not advertising because we do not have nothing to sell. It is an initiative from the European Commission, a public authority. The content of this contribution only aims to describe this health information portal which contain only information from reliable source dealing with health and public health. I hope you will understand and you won't delete it! Thanks a lot! Best, Ionel (Skrev Ionelmanu (diskussion • bidrag) . Husk at signere dine indlæg.)

You're trying to promote your portal and that's advertising. It has nothing to do with any commercial aspects.
The main issue is that the text is not usable in the current form. Regards Knud Winckelmann 22. jul 2011, 14:52 (CEST)

Ok. I will change the text to be usable. thanks. Ionel (Skrev Ionelmanu (diskussion • bidrag) . Husk at signere dine indlæg.)

Fine, but please be aware that it's still an issue that you're writing about yourself. Regards Knud Winckelmann 22. jul 2011, 15:08 (CEST)
You know, you're not helping yourself by creating a version with what seems to be some machine translated text. Knud Winckelmann 22. jul 2011, 15:22 (CEST)

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