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Diskussion:Charles Taze Russell

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An Ihr Link an www.biblestandard.com geht an einer deutschsprachige Seite , die C.T. Russel nicht nennt. Es wird daher gelöscht. --Sir48 (Thyge) 10. aug 2005 kl. 15:31 (CEST)

Charles taze russell er grundlæggeren af jehovas vidner -sbh-

Miracle wheat[rediger kildetekst]

Citat On November 23, 1907, H. A. Miller, Assistant Agriculturalist of the United States Government, filed in the Department of Agriculture a report commending this wheat grown by Mr. Stoner. Throughout the country the public press took note of the report. C. T. Russell’s attention was drawn to it, and so in Zion’s Watch Tower of March 15, 1908, on page 86, he published some press comments and extracts from the government report. Then, in conclusion, he commented: “If this account be but one-half true it testifies afresh to God’s ability to provide things needful for the ‘times of restitution of all things which God hath spoken by the mouth of all the holy prophets since the world began.’—Acts 3:19-21.”

Mr. Stoner was not a Bible Student or an associate of C. T. Russell, and neither were various other persons who experimented with Miracle Wheat. In 1911, however, Watch Tower readers J. A. Bohnet of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Samuel J. Fleming of Wabash, Indiana, presented to the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society the aggregate of about thirty bushels of this wheat, proposing that it be sold for one dollar per pound and that all the proceeds be received by the Society as a donation from them, to be used in its religious work. The wheat was received and sent out by the Society and the gross receipts from it amounted to about $1,800. Russell himself did not get a penny of this money. He merely published a statement in The Watch Tower to the effect that the wheat had been contributed and could be obtained for a dollar a pound. The Society itself made no claim for the wheat on its own knowledge and the money received went as a donation into Christian missionary work. When others criticized this sale, all who had contributed were informed that if they were dissatisfied their money would be returned. In fact, the identical money received for the wheat was held for a year for that purpose. But not one person asked for a refund. The conduct of Brother Russell and the Society in connection with Miracle Wheat was completely open and aboveboard. - "United States of America", 1975 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, page 71

Som det står nu i artiklen, lyder det som om Charles taze Russel stod for dette skandale. --
 •    Rodejong    ✉️ 👀 → 21. jun 2011, 23:14 (CEST)
Som det også fremgår af den engelske udgave af artiklen, var Russel en del af skandalen, men han var ikke alene om skandalen. Bemærk at den kilde Rodejong anvender er Vagttårnsselskabets egen udlægning, og dermed er der ikke tale om en objektiv kilde. MrDee 4. jul 2011, 14:49 (CEST)