Diskussion:Bent Fabricius-Bjerre
Links til ægtefæller?
[rediger kildetekst]Jeg kan se, at der under "Privatliv" er (røde) links til to af hans ægtefæller. Og denne side er den eneste som henviser til dem. Bliver man notabel af at have været gift med ham? Hvis ikke bør linkene fjernes. Hvis ikke der kommer nogen protester, fjerner jeg de to røde links om en uge fra nu. Christian Giersing [ disk // bidrag // e-mail ] 15. aug. 2022, 12:53 (CEST)
- De kan sagtens slettes. Man bliver ikke notabel af at være gift med eller være i familie med en kendt person. Toxophilus (diskussion) 15. aug. 2022, 13:25 (CEST)
@Toxophilus: Det mente jeg heller ikke. Og jeg forstod heller ikke hvorfor Bent Fabric i givet fald skulle være en undtagelse fra Wikipedia:Kriterier for biografier#Ikke nok. Christian Giersing [ disk // bidrag // e-mail ] 15. aug. 2022, 15:51 (CEST)
- Jeg google også begge navne, og ingen syntes at have andet claim-to-fame end at de havde været gift med Bent. Toxophilus (diskussion) 15. aug. 2022, 16:01 (CEST)
Konklusion: Ingen indlæg ud over Toxophilus og mig i den forgangne uge. Men heller ingen protester, så de to links er hermed fjernet. Christian Giersing [ disk // bidrag // e-mail ] 23. aug. 2022, 16:05 (CEST) |
Release Year of the "Chicken Feed" Single
[rediger kildetekst](Sorry for using English.)
I believe I have found a mistake in the release year of the "Chicken Feed" single in the Danish-language article. The article currently has the release year as 1963. However, the single appears in the December 8, 1962 edition of Billboard magazine. This can be found on page 23 in the "Spotlight Singles of the Week: The pick of the new releases" section. This is the Atco 6245 single, i.e., the main release of the single. (The December 8, 1962 edition is the first one where I saw a mention of this single, by the way.)
Interestingly, the English article already has the release year of this single as 1962 (so no changes are needed there.)
It's worth noting that the text in Billboard has "Chicken Feed" as the B-side of the single (with "That Certain Party" as the A-side). I have seen this with other releases. Sometimes it's correct. Sometimes it was correct at the time but the sides were switched by the label due to the success of the B-side. Sometimes it appears to have been an error. This doesn't seem to be relevant to the current article but it may be useful information for future editors of the article.
I will update the article with this change. Please accept my apologies if this change is not appropriate for some reason. Wantnot (diskussion) 28. jan. 2024, 16:24 (CET)