Hello, JuTa, and welcome to the Danish language edition of Wikipedia! Thank you for your contributions. Please create your user page in order to provide information about who you are, where you're from, and in which languages you communicate; you may use the template {{iwuser}} to this end. If you have any questions regarding this edition of Wikipedia, please visit our embassy.
Kind regards, a user who forgot to sign. |
Account renaming
[rediger kildetekst]Please notice that global renaming of SUL accounts cannot be done. Renaming must be done on the local wiki. See also meta:SUL. --|EPO| COM: 2. aug 2010, 00:29 (CEST)
- Thanks, I know. But I dont like to get renamed here on da:. I just like to continue working with my new username. Thx. --JuTa 2. aug 2010, 02:42 (CEST)