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Nogle af I u » e I i ii S' Venner fæstede Opntæiksomheden paa en i Belgien boende svenil Ingeniør M i I l e n, som da var paa Besøg > København, og som man troede r Stand til at sore Sagen videre. Man talte med Hr. Milten, der nnderkastede Sagen en nøje Prøvelse og sendte en kvndslabsrig Mand, en Løjtnant Hvpp e » r a t h til Wiborg i Finland sot at konferere med Dr. I » v e I i n S. Hopprtirakh blev overbevist om Saren« Rigtighed og rejste med Milten til England, og kmt ester modtog Juvelius Bud om at komme til London. Et Statlegravningsselslab var under Dannelse, men det lunde ikke komme i Orden straks: forst stuldc Jerusalem besoge« og Juvelius paa Stedet udpege den Plads, Hvor Udgravningerne stnldc paabegyndes. I Ekspeditionen deltog Juvel i uS, Mill?« og Kaptajn Parker þeÿn B rod�er til den kendte John Morley þsoÿm v ar�Nderst interesseret i Sagen. Efter Hjemkomsten fra Jerusalem til London þdÿet v ar�i Sommeren 1008_þdaÿnned e«�et Selslab lil Opjogelsc af de i Finns Bjerg sljulte Skatte Dc nævnte Herrer: Parker, InvekiuS, Millisti, B a u g h a n og F o r s ch dannede Selskabet og antog den tidligere omialie Hoppenrath nt. si. i dere« Tjeneste.

Note : it seems there is another version of the same text here

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Some of Juvelius friends directed their attention to a swedish engineer, living in Belgium, who, at the time, was visiting Copenhagen, and who was believed to be capable of furthering the case. They spoke with Mr. Millén, who looked into the matter thouroughly, and sent a knowledgable man, a lieutenant or captain[a] Hoppenrath to Wiborg[b] in Finland to confer with Dr. Juvelius. Hoppenrath became convinced of the authenticity of the case and travelled with Millén to England, and shortly after Juvelius recieved a message summoning him to England. A treasure digging society[c] was being formed, but it could not come to fruition at once. First Jerusalem had to be visited and Juvelius had to determine the place for the dig site.
Juvelius, Millén and captain Parker - a brother to famous John Morley - who was very interested in this case, took part in the expedition. After returning to London from Jerusalem - in the summer of 1908 - a society was formed, for finding the in Zions Mountain Hidden Treasures.[d] The mentioned gentlemen, Parker, Juvelius, Millén, Vaughan and Forsch formed the society, and employed the aforementioned Hoppenrath and others in their service.

  1. ^ army rank, not naval.
  2. ^ City is now in Russia, under russian name.
  3. ^ Selskab can mean, not only society, but also company or party (social gathering, or party (epedition)
  4. ^ This appears to be a proper name, I have preserved name by making it a direct translation (Zions Bjerg Skjulte Skatte)
Thanks Vrenak, I have added the source content to the article and thanked you on the FA discussion page. Cheers, — Racconish ✉ 6. jan 2018, 18:43 (CET)