Bruger:Dipsacus fullonum/sandkasse-geoline
<mapframe>: Couldn't parse JSON: Kontroltegnfejl, muligvis fejlagtigt kodet
Some of the links are red and some are blue, but all the linked pages exist.
(NB. The rivers in the map are "way" objects in OSM. The missing rivers are "relations" of type "waterway" which are not supported. This is tracked in phab:T156433.)
<mapframe latitude="56.15" longitude="11.6" zoom="7" width="650" height="550" text="Rivers in Denmark"> { "type": "ExternalData", "service": "geoline", "properties": { "stroke": "#0000FF", "stroke-width": 3 }, "query": " SELECT DISTINCT ?id (if(bound(?idLink), concat('[[', substr(str(?idLink), 31), '|', ?idLabel, ']]'), ?idLabel) as ?title) WHERE { {{ ?id wdt:P31 wd:Q3529419. } UNION { ?id wdt:P31 wd:Q4022. }} # åer og floder ?id wdt:P17 wd:Q35. # i Danmark OPTIONAL { ?idLink schema:about ?id ; schema:isPartOf <> . } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language 'da'. ?id rdfs:label ?idLabel. } } "} </mapframe>