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Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi

Velkommen til brugersiden af CactusWriter!

US Denne bruger skriver Amerikansk.
enThis user is a native speaker of the English language
da-3Denne bruger kan bidrage på flydende dansk
Brugere efter sprog

Denne bruger er en professional skribent og journalist.

Denne bruger er en professionel redaktør.
BSc This user has a en:Bachelor of Science degree in Ecological Biology.

Om Mig

Jeg kommer fra Arizona og California, men nu bor jeg i det dejlige land af sild og schnapps. Jeg arbejdede som havbiolog, chemi og forfatter. Lige nu er jeg en korrekturlæser (på Engelsk naturligvis). Jeg har været en administrator på Engelsk Wikipedia siden 2009. Det er bedst at kontakte mig herovre.

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Getting along

Andre Ting

This user is a member of the Association of Wikipedians Who Dislike Making Broad Judgments About the Worthiness of a General Category of Article, and Who Are in Favor of the Deletion of Some Particularly Bad Articles, but That Doesn't Mean They Are Deletionists

The motto of the AWWDMBJAWGCAWAIFDSPBATDMTD is Est omnino difficile iudicare inclusionis meritum cuiusdam rei in encyclopædia cum ratio sciendi quid populi referat incerta sit, sed nihilominus aliquid encyclopædiam dedecet, which translates to, "it is generally difficult to judge the worthiness of a particular topic for inclusion in an encyclopedia considering that there is no certain way to know what interests people, but some topics nevertheless are not fit for an encyclopedia." This motto reflects the desire of these Wikipedians to be reluctant, but not entirely unwilling, to remove articles from Wikipedia.