Alle sider med præfiks
- Stand
- Stand-still-periode
- Stand (samfundsgruppe)
- Stand Inside Your Love
- Stand My Ground
- Stand Up
- Stand Up (Dave Matthews Band-album)
- Stand Up (Jethro Tull-album)
- Stand Up Speak Up
- Stand Watie
- Stand by Me Doraemon
- Standard
- Standard-definition (SD)
- Standard (flertydig)
- Standard Chartered
- Standard Electric Kirk 76E
- Standard Industries
- Standard Liège
- Standard Liège (kvinder)
- Standard ML
- Standard Missile 2
- Standard Missile 3
- Standard Oil
- Standard wire gauge
- Standard østnorsk
- Standardafvigelse
- Standardaminosyre
- Standardbetingelser
- Standardbrev
- Standardiseringsorgan
- Standardiseringsorgan for dataprotokoller
- Standardista
- Standardmodellen
- Standardtysk
- Standardværkerne
- Standart
- Standart (yacht)
- Standartenführer
- Standby
- Stander
- Standin' On the Never Never
- Standing NATO Maritime Group 1
- Standing NATO Maritime Group 2
- Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 1
- Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 2
- Standing Stones of Stenness
- Standing on Water
- Standing on the Shoulder of Giants
- Standpunkt
- Standret
- Stands coloradobillen!
- Standsherre
- Standup paddleboarding
- Standupcomedy