It has been requested to crop a part of this image, so that the cropped part can serve as its own image for Uwe Benter.
Crop instructions: Crop to show the man, first from right
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It has been requested to crop a part of this image, so that the cropped part can serve as its own image for Peter Berger.
Crop instructions: Crop to show the man, second from right
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It has been requested to crop a part of this image, so that the cropped part can serve as its own image for Hans-Johann Färber.
Crop instructions: Crop to show the man in the middle
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English: 1971 European Rowing Championships; final in the M4+. West German boat: Alois Bierl (bow), Gerhard Auer (seat 2), Hans-Johann Färber (seat 3), Peter Berger (stroke), Dieter Schwarz (cox)
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