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Fil:Retrato de Alejandro Giammattei, Presidente de Guatemala (2020-2024) (cropped).png

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English: Portrait of Alejandro Giammattei, President of Guatemala (2020-2024)
Español: Retrato de Alejandro Giammattei, Presidente de Guatemala (2020-2024)
Dato November 22, 2021 at 4:21 PM
Kilde https://alejandrogiammattei.presidencia.gob.gt/curriculum-vitae/
Forfatter Gobierno de Guatemala
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: Retrato de Alejandro Giammattei, Presidente de Guatemala (2020-2024).png
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Public domain This work was first published in Guatemala and is now in the public domain because the following have no copyright protection by virtue of the Law 33-98 and its reforms and its regulation in Goverment Agreement No. 233-2003 (April 9, 2003) (details), which states that the following, among others, are not the object of copyright protection:[23-2003 Section 13]
  1. Ideas, formulas, solutions, concepts, methods, systems, principles, discoveries, processes and inventions of any type;
  2. The industrial or commercial use of the ideas contained in the works;
  3. Sketches, plans or rules to perform mental actions, games or businesses;
  4. Isolated letters, digits or colors;
  5. Isolated names and titles or phrases;
  6. Simple blank formats or forms to be filled out with any type of information, as well as their manuals;
  7. Unauthorized reproductions or imitations of coat-of-arms, flags or emblems of any country, State, municipality or an equivalent political administrative division, or the denominations, rules, symbols, acronyms or emblems of international governmental or nongovernmental organizations, or of any other organization officially recognized, as well as the verbal designation of the same;
  8. The informative content of the news; and
  9. Information of common use such as proverbs, sayings, legends, events, calendars, and metric scales.
Additionally, Article 49 of Law 33-98 affirms that any work by the state that has not been in use within five years of its original publication shall be in the public domain. The full quote in English reads as follows: "ARTICLE 49. The State or its public entities, municipalities, as well as universities and other educational establishments in the country, shall enjoy the protection established by law, but, where they are declared heirs of copyright and have not made use thereof within five years from the respective declaration, the work shall the public domain."[33-98 Title II Chapter V]

English | español | +/−

Furthermore, Article 69 of Decree 33-98 allows for the usage of an individual's portrait or photograph so long as it is used in an educational, informative, scientific, or cultural manner and is not utilized in a way that would cause damage to the reputation or prestige of said individual. The full quote in English reads as follows:

"ARTICLE 69. The publication of the portrait or photograph of a person only for purposes informative, scientific, cultural, educational or when it relates to facts or events public or social interest, if not undermined the prestige or reputation of the person and that such publication does not go against morality or decency."


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nuværende19. apr. 2023, 04:59Miniature af versionen fra 19. apr. 2023, 04:592.700 × 3.471 (16,03 MB)Encyclopedia2001File:Retrato de Alejandro Giammattei, Presidente de Guatemala (2020-2024).png cropped 22 % horizontally, 31 % vertically using CropTool with precise mode.

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