English: Paweł Edmund Strzelecki, known in the English-speaking world as Sir Paul Strzelecki. Silver gelatin negative copied from original daguerreotype. State Library of New South Wales Government Printing Office 1 - 15838
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Paweł Edmund Strzelecki, known in the English-speaking world as Sir Paul Strzelecki, about 1845
{{Information |description ={{en|1=Paweł Strzelecki (1797-1873) - Polish explorer and geologist. He is noted for his contributions to the exploration of Australia, particularly the Snowy Mountains and Tasmania as well as climbing and naming the highest mountain on the continent – Mount Kosciuszko}} |date =before 1873 |source =https://www.australiangeographic.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Strzelecki_Kosciuszko.jpg |author =unknown-anonymou...
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