Fil:Nilen (Dronning Louises Bro).jpg

Størrelse af denne forhåndsvisning: 800 × 586 pixels. Andre opløsninger: 320 × 234 pixels | 640 × 468 pixels | 1.024 × 750 pixels | 1.280 × 937 pixels | 2.560 × 1.874 pixels | 4.075 × 2.983 pixels.
Fuld opløsning (4.075 × 2.983 billedpunkter, filstørrelse: 9,29 MB, MIME-type: image/jpeg)
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nuværende | 18. nov. 2019, 22:10 | ![]() | 4.075 × 2.983 (9,29 MB) | Ramblersen2 | =={{int:filedesc}}== {{Information |Description=The god is being crawled over by small naked bronze children. They symbolise the various stages in the Nile floods The horn of plenty symbolises the highest extent of flooding, which creates great wealth for Egypt Motifs on the sides of the bronze base describe life by the Nile, with plants, water and dykes, hippopotami, a crocodile, an ichneumon, horses and storks, fishing figures and grazing cattle. The bronze cast was made after a first ce... |
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