Fil:Image from page 078 of "Introduction to zoology; a guide to the study of animals, for the use of secondary schools;" (1900) (14598309999).jpg

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BeskrivelseImage from page 078 of "Introduction to zoology; a guide to the study of animals, for the use of secondary schools;" (1900) (14598309999).jpg |
Identifier: introductiontozo00dave Title: Introduction to zoology; a guide to the study of animals, for the use of secondary schools; Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: Davenport, Charles Benedict, 1866-1944 Davenport, Gertrude Anna Crotty, 1866- Subjects: Zoology Publisher: New York, Macmillan company London, Macmillian and co., ltd. Contributing Library: MBLWHOI Library Digitizing Sponsor: MBLWHOI Library
Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book.
Text Appearing After Image: FIG. 62o. — Under surface of Harpalus,a ground-beetle. After Le Conte.a, lignla ; b, paraglossse ; c, supportsof labial palp1; d, labial palp ; e, men-turn ; f, inner lobe of maxilla; y,outer lobe of maxilla; h, maxillarypalp ; i, mandible ; k, buccal open-ing; I, gula or throat; mm, buccalsutures; o, prosternum ; p, epister-num of prothorax; p, epimeron ofprotborax; q, qf, qff, coxre; r, r, >,trochauters; s, •••, s, femora orthighs; t, t, t, tibiae ; v, V2, Vs, etc.,ventral abdominal segments; w,episterna of mesothorax (the epim-eron just behind it) ; x, meso-sternum: ?/, episternum of meta-thorax ; yf, epimeron of metathorax;z, mctasternum. 1 1 ho leader should run to base of hibialpalp, d. FIG. 626.--Uppersurface of Necro-phorus, a carrionbeetle. After Le Conte. a,mandible: 6, maxillary palp;c, labrum1; d, epistome; e,antenna; y. vertex of head ;/;, back of head; •/, neck;/.prothorax; m, elytron; n,wing or hind wing; o, scntel-lum (of mesothorax) ; p, dor-sal surface o
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Kilde | Image from page 78 of "Introduction to zoology; a guide to the study of animals, for the use of secondary schools;" (1900) |
Forfatter | Internet Archive Book Images |
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