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Gustave Doret

Image taken from:

Title: "Die Schweiz im neunzehnten Jahrhundert. Herausgegeben von schweizerischen Schriftstellern unter Leitung von P. Seippel" Author: SEIPPEL, Paul. Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 9305.h.2." Volume: 02 Page: 611 Place of Publishing: Lausanne Date of Publishing: 1899 Issuance: monographic Identifier: 003330970

Explore: Find this item in the British Library catalogue, 'Explore'. Download the PDF for this book (volume: 02) Image found on book scan 611 (NB not necessarily a page number) Download the OCR-derived text for this volume: (plain text) or (json)

Click here to see all the illustrations in this book and click here to browse other illustrations published in books in the same year.
Dato 9-12-2013 (Original) 3-4-2015 (Commons upload)

Image taken from page 611 of 'Die Schweiz im neunzehnten Jahrhundert. Herausgegeben von schweizerischen Schriftstellern unter Leitung von P. Seippel'

This file is from the Mechanical Curator collection, a set of over 1 million images scanned from out-of-copyright books and released to Flickr Commons by the British Library.

 View image on Flickr   View all images from book 

 View catalogue entry for book

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Forfatter The British Library (Original) Wolfymoza (Commons upload)
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The British Library @ Flickr Commons


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nuværende3. apr. 2015, 11:51Miniature af versionen fra 3. apr. 2015, 11:51677 × 915 (91 KB)WolfymozaUser created page with UploadWizard

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