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2010-04-26T14:11:16Z Cogiati 0x0 (886186 Bytes) added 18 april
2010-04-26T07:34:20Z Cogiati 0x0 (875570 Bytes) added 25 April
2010-04-25T16:01:53Z Cogiati 0x0 (871300 Bytes) added 16 april
2010-04-25T02:01:55Z Cogiati 0x0 (863031 Bytes) added 20 april
2010-04-25T01:29:03Z Cogiati 0x0 (853897 Bytes) added 22 april
2010-04-25T01:17:42Z Cogiati 0x0 (845598 Bytes) added 21 april
2010-04-25T00:01:51Z Cogiati 0x0 (832938 Bytes) added 19 april
2010-04-24T23:20:51Z Cogiati 0x0 (818621 Bytes) added 24 april
2010-04-23T21:13:03Z Cogiati 0x0 (814673 Bytes) added 15 april
2010-04-23T20:54:25Z Cogiati 0x0 (808456 Bytes) {{Information |Description=This map shows the Icelandic volcanic ash cloud that closed European air space. Every day is shown in a different layer. It's an XCf file editable with GIMP. Based on maps found at http://www.metoff
{{Information |Description=This map shows the Icelandic volcanic ash cloud that closed European air space as of 17 April 2010 at 18:00 UTC. XCF: File:Eyjafjallajökull volcanic ash multilayer.xcf |Source=*[[:File:Eyjafjallajökull_volcanic_ash_multi