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Fuld opløsning (SVG fil, basisstørrelse 48 × 48 pixels, filstørrelse: 4 KB)

Denne fil er fra Wikimedia Commons

English: A blue "information" or "notice" icon, based on Image:Emblem-important.svg from the Tango Desktop Project and intended to match the myriad similar icons such as Image:Information icon.svg.
Kilde Eget arbejde
Forfatter Derivative work by Werson, based on Image:Emblem-important.svg by The people from the Tango! project.
(Genbrug af denne fil)
Dette billede kan ikke ophavsretsbeskyttes og er offentlig ejendom (public domain), fordi det udelukkende består af information som er almindelig ejendom og ikke indeholder noget originalt forfatterskab.
In case this image would pass the threshold of originality, the copyright holder, allows the use of this image with the following conditions: {{Tango project}}
(Former cc-by-sa-2.5)
Andre versioner See Information


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nuværende1. okt. 2012, 20:57Miniature af versionen fra 1. okt. 2012, 20:5748 × 48 (4 KB)PalosirkkaScrubbed with http://codedread.com/scour/
31. dec. 2010, 01:23Miniature af versionen fra 31. dec. 2010, 01:2348 × 48 (37 KB)Inductiveloadchange to "tango blue" to match other icons in the tango theme, redraw "i" to line up to pixel grid to reduce blurriness
27. jun. 2008, 02:30Miniature af versionen fra 27. jun. 2008, 02:3048 × 48 (5 KB)Werson~commonswiki{{Information |Description={{en|1=A blue "information" or "notice" icon, based on Image:Emblem-important.svg from the Tango Desktop Project and intended to match the myriad similar icons such as [[:Image:Information icon.s
26. jun. 2008, 18:59Miniature af versionen fra 26. jun. 2008, 18:5948 × 48 (5 KB)Werson~commonswiki{{Information |Description={{en|1=A blue "information" or "notice" icon, based on Image:Emblem-important.svg from the Tango Desktop Project and intended to match the myriad similar icons such as [[:Image:Information icon.s

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