English: Belly dance the ancient art of dancing and spirituality.
A complete femenine interpretation of sounds and music is brought to you here to remind us our job in the world, in our society, to remind us that we are Goddesses, that we are women.
Bellyqueen Superstars Dance Studio has been known as a PR Firm and also as an academy that brings us all what the Arabian world means. Founded by Cheryl Andion who has been working as an artistic performer and director, choreographer, events organizer, without leaving behind being a natural ancestral dancer within her.
Now, sharing all this knowledge with all those who think that dancing is also a very profound way to heal she comes with all this new but at the same time ancient method to be shared to the to people that can understand what all this mean. Through its commitment to high quality and artistic integrity, Bellyqueen Superstars explores and expands that rich and fantastic world of Middle Eastern that can be universally appreciated by those who know that dancing enhances self esteem, using healing powers bringing a great body image and wonderful expressions.
One just great slogan " Let all the love of the world fill your life and your spirit, and leads you to share it with all your sorroundings but more over, with yourself that are unique and unreapeatable, a being full of love, a being that was born from love. I invite your to share with me the most beautiful experience in the universe.....
Finding yourself
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{{Information |Description={{en|1=Belly dance the ancient art of dancing and spirituality. A complete femenine interpretation of sounds and music is brought to you here to remind us our job in the world, in our society, to remind us that we are Goddesses
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