Fil:DSS at 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang - Matt and Becca Hamilton.jpg

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nuværende | 3. mar. 2018, 19:52 | ![]() | 5.184 × 3.456 (6,15 MB) | Rashinseita | =={{int:filedesc}}== {{Information |Description=A DSS special agent meets with brother and sister curling pair Becca Hamilton and Matt Hamilton, Feb. 7, 2018, Gangneung, South Korea. During the Olympics, with host-nation approval, the Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) deployed Field Liaison Officers, like the officer here, to designated venues in Gangneung to liaise with the venue security and Team USA. The DSS Office of Protection, Major Events Coordination Unit is responsible for long-range security planning for U.S. participation in international events and for domestic events with significant international participation, like the Olympic Games. In the years leading up the event, DSS personnel liaise with host-nation security and law-enforcement officials to coordinate the safety and security of U.S. citizens, athletes from Team USA, American corporate sponsors, and members of the U.S. media during the Olympic Games. For more information about how DSS supports the Olympics an... |
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