BeskrivelseCover of Marcus Clarks' spring & summer catalogue 1926-27.jpg
English: Cover of Marcus Clarks' spring & summer fashion catalogue, 1926-1927, Marcus Clark & Co., from original magazine, online at the State Library of New South Wales, Q381.14102/1
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Billedets titel
Cover of Marcus Clarks'spring & summer catalogue, 1926-19278, Marcus Clark & Co., from original magazine, online at the State Library of New South Wales, Q381.14102/1
Kort titel
Marcus Clarks' spring&summer catalogue. [Album view]
2.888 px
3.625 px
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1 dpi
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1 dpi
Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 (Windows)
Dato og tid for ændring af fil
12. jan. 2022, 11:06
Unik ID for det oprindelige dokument
xmp.did:7A1E22631EC3466B BFE0EC275EA253B2
Dato og tid for digitalisering
12. jan. 2022, 22:00
Dato for seneste redigering af metadata
12. jan. 2022, 22:06
Fil:Cover of Marcus Clarks' spring & summer catalogue 1926-27.jpg