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Fil:Cover of Marcus Clarks' spring & summer catalogue 1926-27.jpg

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English: Cover of Marcus Clarks' spring & summer fashion catalogue, 1926-1927, Marcus Clark & Co., from original magazine, online at the State Library of New South Wales, Q381.14102/1
Kilde State Library of New South Wales, https://dictionaryofsydney.org/media/63652 from Q381.14102/1
Forfatter published by Marcus Clark & Co.
(Genbrug af denne fil)
Please acknowledge - Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales


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Cover of Marcus Clarks' spring & summer fashion catalogue, 1926-1927

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nuværende12. jan. 2022, 01:08Miniature af versionen fra 12. jan. 2022, 01:082.624 × 3.385 (7 MB)Eothanhigher resolution copy from Library catalogue
1. jun. 2020, 13:50Miniature af versionen fra 1. jun. 2020, 13:50837 × 1.050 (263 KB)Poli.PavUploaded a work by Marcus Clark & Co from https://dictionaryofsydney.org/media/63652 with UploadWizard

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