English: A dark blue shaded diagram subdivided by horizontal lines, with the names of the five atmospheric regions arranged along the left. From bottom to top, the troposphere section shows Mount Everest and an airplane icon, the stratosphere displays a weather balloon, the mesosphere shows meteors, and the thermosphere includes an aurora and the Space Shuttle. At the top, the exosphere shows only stars., Updating File:Atmosphere layers-en.svgcaricature, replacing Space Shuttle with International Space Station. Atmospheric density through the lowest two layers is overlaid so as to show how much atmosphere is found at what altitudes.
alt=A dark blue shaded diagram subdivided by horizontal lines, with the names of the five atmospheric regions arranged along the left. From bottom to top, the troposphere section shows Mount Everest and an airplane icon, the stratosphere displays a weather balloon, the mesosphere shows meteors, and the thermosphere includes an aurora and the Space Shuttle. At the top, the exosphere shows only stars.
This image was personally created by myself. Kelvin Case publicly licenses all personally created portions of this image under the Creative Commons license.
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Overlaying a graph of atmospheric density, scaled from 0 to 1 atm up to the altitude of 50 km. This overlay should make this graphic far more useful so that it gives a clear understanding of how much atmosphere is found at what heights.
{{Information |Description = Updating [[:File:Atmosphere layers-en.svg]] [[caricature]], replacing [[Space Shuttle]] with [[International Space Station]]. |Source = Primarily a personal [[Visual arts|artistic]] creation, created by myself, [[
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